I often have to switch two values in TextMate.
Original text:
#person = company.person
Needed text:
#company = person.company
What's the easiest way to do this using Search&Replace?
Thank you.
You could do a simple string search and replace; that is
Search for: #person = company.person
Replace with: #company = person.company
If you want to do something slightly more general (#A = B.A to #B = A.B for any A and B), then I would turn to regular expressions:
Search for: [#](.*) ?= ?(.*)\.\1
Replace with: #$2 = $1.$2
That will swap all pairs of the form #A = B.A to #B = A.B (regardless of spacing around the =). Make sure that the regular expressions box is ticked in the Find & Replace window.
If you only want to switch any pairs that begin with #person or #company, but not anything else, then the following will do it:
Search for: [#](person||company) ?= ?(.*)\.\1
Replace with: #$2 = $1.$2
Add more terms using the regex “or” operator, ||. You can do the same for the second value. For example, if you wanted to match only items like manager. or resources., then you’d use:
Search for: [#](.*) ?= ?(manager||resources)\.\1
Replace with: #$2 = $1.$2
I have a list of patterns and I want to match a string against those patterns but I need to match only entire words, so I was looking for a way to dynamically insert word boundaries into the Regexp.union method but I am missing something.
Here is what I have tried
test_string = "lonewolf is lonely"
pattern_list = ["lonely", "wolf", "jungle"]
pattern_list.collect! { |pattern| pattern = "\b" + pattern + "\b"}
patterncollection = Regexp.union(pattern_list)
puts patterncollection
puts test_string.scan(patterncollection)
Results are empty and if I print the pattern collection I see that "\b" doesn't get escaped correctly.
I cannot insert the "\b" directly in the array as that list gets dynamically retrieved.
I have tried more than one option but still no luck.
Different approaches to the problem are welcome.
The easiest solution would be to move word boundary matchers outside of the union:
▶ "lonewolf is lonely".scan /\b(#{Regexp.union(%w|lonely wolf jungle|).source})\b/
#⇒ [
# [0] [
# [0] "lonely"
# ]
# ]
Please also refer to the significant comment below. Basically, it suggests to “Use source unless you are absolutely positive you know what will happen. – the Tin Man”.
I updated the answer accordingly.
How do I print/display just the part of a regular expression that is between the slashes?
irb> re = /\Ahello\z/
irb> puts "re is /#{re}/"
The result is:
re is /(?-mix:\Ahello\z)/
Whereas I want:
re is /\Ahello\z/
...but not by doing this craziness:
puts "re is /#{re.to_s.gsub( /.*:(.*)\)/, '\1' )}/"
If you want to see the original pattern between the delimiters, use source:
IP_PATTERN = /(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/
IP_PATTERN # => /(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/
IP_PATTERN.inspect # => "/(?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}/"
IP_PATTERN.to_s # => "(?-mix:(?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3})"
Here's what source shows:
IP_PATTERN.source # => "(?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}"
From the documentation:
Returns the original string of the pattern.
/ab+c/ix.source #=> "ab+c"
Note that escape sequences are retained as is.
/\x20\+/.source #=> "\\x20\\+"
It's common to build a complex pattern from small patterns, and it's tempting to use interpolation to insert the simple ones, but that doesn't work as most people think it will. Consider this:
foo = /foo/
bar = /bar/imx
foo_bar = /#{ foo }_#{ bar }/
foo_bar # => /(?-mix:foo)_(?mix:bar)/
Notice that foo_bar has the pattern flags for each of the sub-patterns. Those can REALLY mess you up when trying to match things if you're not aware of their existence. Inside the (?-...) block the pattern can have totally different settings for i, m or x in relation to the outer pattern. Debugging that can make you nuts, worse than trying to debug a complex pattern normally would. How do I know this? I'm a veteran of that particular war.
This is why source is important. It injects the exact pattern, without the flags:
foo_bar = /#{ foo.source}_#{ bar.source}/
foo_bar # => /foo_bar/
Use .inspect instead of .to_s:
> puts "re is #{re.inspect}"
re is /\Ahello\z/
I have a bunch of markdown image paths in several files and I want to change the root directory. The regex for the image tag is this:
I need to be able to grab the group, parse out the filename and give it a new path before returning it to gsub to be substituted out.
For instance, I want to find all strings like this:
And convert them to:
I know I can do this in a gsub block, I'm just not very clear how it works.
Here's one way, verbosely for clarity's sake:
markdown = "![image](/old/path/to/image1.png)"
regex = /(\w+.png)/
match_data = regex.match markdown
p base_name = match_data[1]
#=> "image1.png"
p new_markdown = "![image](/new/path/to/#{base_name})"
#=> "![image](/new/path/to/image1.png)"
More succinctly:
p markdown.gsub( /\/.+(\w+.png)/, "/new/path/to/#{$1}" )
#=> "![image](/new/path/to/image1.png)"
You can use a regular expression with positive lookbehind and positive lookahead to replace only the filename part in the original String. I have a new_path variable holding the new path, and simply substitute that using .sub.
img = "![image](/old/path/to/image1.png)"
new_path = '/new/path/to/image1.png'
p img.sub(/(?<=!\[image\]\()[^)]+(?=\))/, new_path)
# => "![image](/new/path/to/image1.png)"
Given a regular expression:
/say (hullo|goodbye) to my lovely (.*)/
and a string:
"my $2 is happy that you said $1"
What is the best way to obtain a regular expression from the string that contains the capture groups in the regular expression? That is:
/my (.*) is happy that you said (hullo|goodbye)/
Clearly I could use regular expressions on a string representation of the original regular expression, but this would probably present difficulties with nested capture groups.
I'm using Ruby. My simple implementation so far goes along the lines of:
class Regexp
def capture_groups
regexp.capture_groups.each_with_index do |capture, idx|
string.gsub!("$#{idx+1}", capture)
i guess you need to create your own function that would do this:
create empty dictionaries groups and active_groups and initialize counter = 1
iterate over the characters in the string representation:
if current character = '(' and previous charaster != \:
add counter key to active_groups and increase counter
add current character to all active_groups
if current character = ')' and previous charaster != \:
remove the last item (key, value) from active_groups and add it to groups
convert groups to an array if needed
You might also want to implement:
ignore = True between unescaped '[' and ']'
reset counter if current character = '|' and active_groups is empty (or decrease counter if active_group is not empty)
UPDATES from comments:
ingore non-capturing groups starting with '(?:'
So once I realised that what I actually need is a regular expression parser, things started falling into place. I discovered this project:
which can generate strings that match a regular expression. It defines a regular expression grammar using http://treetop.rubyforge.org/. Unfortunately the grammar it defines is incomplete, though useful for many cases.
I also stumbled past https://github.com/mjijackson/citrus, which does a similar job to Treetop.
I then found this mind blowing gem:
which defines a full regexp grammar and parses a regular expression into a walkable tree. I was then able to walk the tree and pick out the parts of the tree I wanted (the capture groups).
Unfortunately there was a minor bug, fixed in my fork: https://github.com/LaunchThing/regexp_parser.
Here's my patch to Regexp, that uses the fixed gem:
class Regexp
def parse
Regexp::Parser.parse(self.to_s, 'ruby/1.9')
def walk(e = self.parse, depth = 0, &block)
block.call(e, depth)
unless e.expressions.empty?
e.each do |s|
walk(s, depth+1, &block)
def capture_groups
capture_groups = []
walk do |e, depth|
capture_groups << e.to_s if Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture === e
I can then use this in my application to make replacements in my string - the final goal - along these lines:
from = /^\/search\/(.*)$/
to = '/buy/$1'
to_as_regexp = to.dup
# I should probably make this gsub tighter
from.capture_groups.each_with_index do |capture, idx|
to_as_regexp.gsub!("$#{idx+1}", capture)
to_as_regexp = /^#{to_as_regexp}$/
# to_as_regexp = /^\/buy\/(.*)$/
I hope this helps someone else out.
Suppose I have:
And I want to replace everything that follows 'foo/' up until I either reach '/' or, if '/' is never reached, then up to the end of the line. For the first part I can use a non-capturing group like this:
And that's where I get stuck. I could match to the second '/' like this:
That doesn't help for the first case though. Desired output is:
I'm using Ruby.
Try this regex:
Implementing #Endophage's answer:
def fix_post_foo_portion(string)
portions = string.split("/")
index_to_replace = portions.index("foo") + 1
portions[index_to_replace ] = "blah"
strings = %w{foo/fhqwhgads foo/fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf/bar}
strings.each {|string| puts fix_post_foo_portion(string)}
I'm not a ruby dev but is there some equivalent of php's explode() so you could explode the string, insert a new item at the second array index then implode the parts with / again... Of course you can match on the first array element if you only want to do the switch in certain cases.
['foo/fhqwhgads', 'foo/fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf/bar'].each do |s|
puts s.sub(%r|^(foo/)[^/]+(/.*)?|, '\1blah\2')
I'm too tired to think of a nicer way to do it but I'm sure there is one.
Checking for the end-of-string anchor -- $ -- as well as the / character should do the trick. You'll also need to make the .+ non-greedy by changing it to .+? since the greedy version will always match right up to the end of the string, given the chance.