I wanted to program some of the Fnn and shift-Fnn keys, and clear the rest of them from what windows had assigned them. Just long enough to run a telnet or putty session, then I want to let them revert back to win std. I used a script in AutoHotkey, and it works mostly, but I assigned the many unused keys to be SHIFT keys, and now the shift-F4 often burps out the unshifted F4 string {over half the time I hit it.} Is there some better way to nuke the windows presets than just slapping SHIFT on all those keys, or is there some obscure tweak I can make to the script to lighten the load on the SHIFT kbd hook?
Script follows; note there's lotsa trailing spaces on most lines, if it matters...
Tested on a win8 laptop and an XP tabletop, same results.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetWorkingDir C:\bin ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
F1::send, EX`r
F4::send, FI`r
F9::send, OFF`r
F10::send, PROD
F11::send, `r
F12::send, END`r
+F1::send, FD
+F4::send, EM5
+F9::send, `r
+F10::send, PYR`r
+F11::send, SYSP
^F12::ExitApp ; control-F12 will remove all these
$~CapsLock Up::SetCapsLockState Off ; regress capslock to a SHIFT
Having tried a similar thing to "disable" Windows hold on the WIN key, I found that there wasn't a way to disable all of them - only a few.
However, Autohotkey can override windows hotkeys, as you've found.
If you just want to disable Windows' use of those keys (if I'm understanding you correctly), you could try something like this:
That would effectively disable the use of F11 and F12 anywhere as long as the script was running.
(no, trailing spaces don't make any difference)
Ive been using autohotkey to automate work things and I can't figure out something that seems like it should be simple.
Basically, I need to copy and paste things between my physical machine and my vmware machine at work.
There is no shared clipboard options apparently so I tried making a code to do it for me in autohotkey since there are shared drives between machines.
I found a code that does that (can't for the life of me find out where from) and modified it a little and it works, except that if I right click copy or some 3rd party program copies to my clipboard I can now no longer use those with ctrl v.
I could just make a new hotkey specifically for copying between machines, but I prefer something that I can just make, create a shortcut in startup, and forget about because I want to share it with coworkers.
Is there logic I can set up so that it this will function exactly the same as normal copy/paste and share between machines?
Thanks for any help.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Send, ^c
sleep, 5
FileAppend, %ClipboardAll%, ClipBoard.clip
FileRead, Clipboard, *c Clipboard.clip ; Note the use of *c, which must precede the filename.
Send, ^v
I also tried the below code, but apparently an image in the clipboard makes|| if (ClipBoard="") || a true statement?. Also apparently Clipboardall is always true in the same situation (maybe because of font somehow)
Send, ^c
sleep, 5
FileAppend, %ClipboardAll%, ClipBoard.clip
if (ClipBoard="")
FileRead, Clipboard, *c Clipboard.clip ; Note the use of *c, which must precede the filename.
Send, ^v
I use AHK to autoconvert a string like ]dd to the current date (see code below). When using this in most Windows text editors/areas, it works fine. But when I'm using gvim for Windows or vim in Ubuntu on WSL, I often have to type a "priming" character or try the hotstring a couple times for it to work. Searching the forum didn't return any hits on this particular issue.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future
AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; This allows me to quickly enter date and time stamps.
FormatTime, TimeString, , yyMMdd ; LongDate
Send, %TimeString%
FormatTime, TimeString, , HHmm
Send, %TimeString%
FormatTime, TimeString, , yyMMdd HHmm
Send, %TimeString%
These work practically flawlessly in Notepad or other modeless text editors/areas I've used, but I really enjoy vim.
I'm guessing AHK is keying off of the space character and not CR/LF, so entering insert mode in a vim-mode editor (including the likes of PyCharm using the IdeaVim plugin) and hitting Enter doesn't let AHK know to start looking for muh hawtstrangs. I have to hit Space, and sometimes hit it a few times, to get the hotstring to be recognized.
I suppose I could just create hotkeys instead but I use this approach in Keyboard Maestro on macOS and keyboard settings in *NIXes and I value the muscle memory.
Is there a configuration somewhere that I'm overlooking, or is this just an edge case?
To make it work reliably and consistently in Vim, in the hotstring option, include both question mark and asterisk (:*?:...) instead of just asterisk or empty option. This workaround is only thing that worked for me on Vim on Windows. Otherwise, Autohotkey would not expand when it enters the insert-mode for the first time.
So, it might look like:
FormatTime, TimeString, , yyMMdd ; LongDate
Send, %TimeString%
FormatTime, TimeString, , HHmm
Send, %TimeString%
FormatTime, TimeString, , yyMMdd HHmm
Send, %TimeString%
However, this will change the behavior slightly since it will trigger the hotstring inside a word, so Hello]dd will trigger ]dd. But I could live with this and avoid the frustration of always checking if it triggered the hotstring or not.
Alternatively, in order to perfectly match the initial behavior, I'd recreate the text expansion in vim using UltiSnips plugin, but that'd be a little more work than necessary.
I've recently decided to try ti-basic programming, and while I was playing with getKey; I noticed that it had a 1s~ input lag after the first input. Is this built into the calculator, or can this be changed?
I recognize that "Quick Key" code above ;) (I'm the original author and very glad to see it spread around!).
Anyway, here is my low-level knowledge of the subject:
The operating system uses what is known as an interrupt in order to handle reading the keyboard, link port, USB port, and the run indicator among other things. The interrupt is just software code, nothing hardware implemented. So it is hardwired into the OS not the calculator.
The gist of the code TI uses is that once it reads that a key press occurred, it resets a counter to 50 and decrements it so long as the user holds down the key. Once the counter reaches zero, it tells getKey to recognize it as a new keypress and then it resets the counter to 10. This cause the initial delay to be longer than subsequent delays.
The TI-OS allows third party "hooks" to jump in and modify the getkey process and I used such a hook in another more complicated program (Speedy Keys). However, this hook is never called during BASIC program execution except at a Pause or Menu( command, where it isn't too helpful.
Instead what we can do is setup a parser hook that modifies the getkey counters. Alternatively, you can use the QuickKey code above, or you can use Hybrid BASIC which requires you to download a third-party App. A few of these apps (BatLib [by me], Celtic 3, DoorsCS7, and xLIB) offer a very fast getKey alternative as well as many other powerful functions.
The following is the code for setting up the parser hook. It works very well in my tests! See notes below:
#include "ti83plus.inc" ; ~~This column is the stuff for manually
_EnableParserHook = 5026h ; creating the code on calc. ~~
.db $BB,$6D ;AsmPrgm
.org $9D95 ;
ld hl,hookcode ;21A89D
ld de,appbackupscreen ;117298
ld bc,hookend-hookcode ;010A00
ldir ;EDB0
ld hl,appbackupscreen ;217298
ld a,l ;7D
ret ;C9
hookcode: ;
.db 83h ;83
push af ;F5
ld a,1 ;3E01
ld (8442h),a ;324284
pop af ;F1
cp a ;BF
ret ;C9
hookend: ;
Notes: other apps or programs may use parser hooks. Using this program will disable those hooks and you will need to reinstall them. This is pretty easy.
Finally, if you manually putting this on your calculator, use the right column code. Here is an animated .gif showing how to make such a program:
You will need to run the program once either on the homescreen or at the start of your main program. After this, all getKeys will have no delay.
I figured out this myself too when I was experimenting with my Ti-84 during the summer. This lag cannot be changed. This is built into the calculator. I think this is because of how the microchip used in ti-84 is a Intel Zilog Z80 microprocessor which was made in 1984.
This is unfortunately simply the inefficiency of the calculator. TI-basic is a fairly high-level language and meant to be easy to use and is thus not very efficient or fast. Especially with respect to input and output, i.e. printing messages and getting input.
Quick Key
This is a getKey routine that makes all keys repeat, not just arrows and there is no delay between repeats. The key codes are different, so you might need to experiment.
When I type any key, normally, it is immediately echoed back to the std output i.e.my screen.
If I have to enter a password, that says that it will not echo back, I cannot see the keys that I type.
How does this work.
Does each key press go to the kernel immediately(without me pressing ENTER), and then the kernel decides to echo them or not?
Like , I press 'A', it goes to the kernel; kernel echoes it; I get it on my screen. Now I hit 'B'...same sequence again...; Now I have 'AB' on my screen (my command) and hit ENTER; My command goes to the kernel and is finally executed.
Is there any other explanation? What happens in the background during the key presses?
The terminal driver in the kernel can be put in several modes (there are actually many more flags than this, and these days "cbreak" is actually the opposite of a different flag, so this is simplified).
The "cbreak" mode means that the process that is attempting to read from the terminal will receive keyboard input as soon as it is available. When cbreak mode is off, the data is stored by the kernel in a buffer until enter is pressed, and certain keys like backspace are handled by the kernel (when you press backspace, it removes the character from the buffer and - if echo mode is on - writes "backspace-space-backspace" to the terminal to overwrite the character with a blank space).
Echo mode means that whenever the user presses a key, the kernel will immediately echo it back to the screen. When it is off, nothing will be echoed to the screen, and the program will need to write it to the terminal if it wants you to see it.
There are several typical situations:
In programs that do advanced input handling (like most shells, or something like a full screen program), cbreak is on and echo is off; the program will write the character to the terminal itself if it is not part of a special key escape sequence.
In most situations [the default with a simple program that reads stdin and writes stdout], echo is on and cbreak is off. When you type, it behaves as I described above, all of this is handled by the kernel until you hit enter and it sends it to the application. Input editing is limited to backspace [and ctrl-u, ctrl-w], trying to use the arrow keys will just put escape sequences like ^[[D in the input line.
When reading a password, echo is off and cbreak is off. Input works just like the default case, except the kernel does not copy input to the screen.
The program that is running tells the kernel what mode to have it in with the termios functions. You can use the stty command to do the same in a shell environment, but be aware that this may interfere with the shell's own input handling or with what programs you run expect the default state to be.
Your keyboard generates electrical signals that are eventually interpreted as keycodes that correspond to letters - 'A', 'B', function keys F1, F2 etc. This all happen in the keyboard driver that is handled by the kernel. That keyboard driver has a buffer to receive all the keypresses from the keyboard and sends that to the kernel that in turn direct them to processes that is currently having the focus. What to do with the sequence of keys are totally decided by the individual application, such as whether to display the keys or not.
echo program is part of coreutils. You can download its sources here. Look at src/echo.c it's quite small. You can see that echo uses fputc or putchar calls. Those calls deal with standard stream called stdout. The architecture of standard streams is quite complicated and it's beyond of this post. You can found it using for example google.
I have a bad habit of using the cursor keys of my keyboard to navigate source code. It's something I've done for 15 years and this of course means that my navigating speed is limited by the speed of the keyboard. On both Vista and OS X (I dual boot a MacBook), I have my key repeat rate turned all the way up. But in Visual Studio, and other apps, the rate is still much slower than I would prefer.
How can I make the key repeat rate faster in Visual Studio and other text editors?
In Windows you can set this with a system call (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFILTERKEYS,...)).
I wrote a utility for myself: keyrate <delay> <repeat>.
Github repository.
Full source in case that link goes away:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
BOOL parseDword(const char* in, DWORD* out)
char* end;
long result = strtol(in, &end, 10);
BOOL success = (errno == 0 && end != in);
if (success)
*out = result;
return success;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILTERKEYS keys = { sizeof(FILTERKEYS) };
if (argc == 1)
puts ("No parameters given: disabling.");
else if (argc != 3)
puts ("Usage: keyrate <delay ms> <repeat ms>\nCall with no parameters to disable.");
return 0;
else if (parseDword(argv[1], &keys.iDelayMSec)
&& parseDword(argv[2], &keys.iRepeatMSec))
printf("Setting keyrate: delay: %d, rate: %d\n", (int) keys.iDelayMSec, (int) keys.iRepeatMSec);
if (!SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETFILTERKEYS, 0, (LPVOID) &keys, 0))
fprintf (stderr, "System call failed.\nUnable to set keyrate.");
return 0;
On Mac OS X, open the Global Preferences plist
open ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
Then change the KeyRepeat field. Smaller numbers will speed up your cursor rate. The settings dialog will only set it to a minimum of 2, so if you go to 0 or 1, you'll get a faster cursor.
I had to reboot for this to take effect.
Many times I want to center a function in my window. Scrolling is the only way.
Also, Ctrl-left/right can still be slow in code where there are a lot of non-word characters.
I use keyboardking also. It has a couple of isssues for me though. One, it sometimes uses the default speed instead of the actual value I set. The other is sometimes it ignores the initial delay. I still find it very useful though. They said 4 years ago they would release the source in 6 months... :(
Ok, on the suggestion of someone that modified HCU\...\Keyboard Response, this works well for me.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response]
Windows standard AutoRepeat delay.
13 ms (77 char/sec) repeat rate.
flags turns on FilterKeys?
These values are read at login. Remember to log out and back in for this to take effect.
For Windows, open regedit.exe and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard. Change KeyboardSpeed to your liking.
I'm using KeyboardKing on my PC. It's freeware and it can increase the repeat rate up to 200 which is quite enough. I recommend to set the process priority to High for even smoother moves and less "repeat locks" which happen sometime and are very annoying. With high priority, it works perfectly.
No one understands why we navigate by arrows. It's funny.
Visual Assist has an option to double your effective key movements in Visual Studio which I use all the time.
As mentioned by the hyperlogic, on Mac OS X, internally, there are two parameters dealing with the keyboard speed: KeyRepeat and InitialKeyRepeat. In the System Preferences they are mapped to the Key Repeat Rate and the Delay Until Repeat sliders. The slider ranges and the associated internal parameter values (in parenthesis) are show below. They seem to be multipliers of the 15 ms keyboard sampling interval.
Key Repeat Rate (KeyRepeat) Delay Until Repeat (InitialKeyRepeat)
|--------------------------------| |----------------------|-----------------|
slow (120) fast (2) off (30000) long (120) short (25)
0.5 char/s 33 char/s
Fortunately, these parameters can be set beyond the predefined limits directly in the ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist file. I found the following values most convenient for myself:
KeyRepeat = 1 --> 1/(1*15 ms) = 66.7 char/s
InitialKeyRepeat = 15 --> 15*15 ms = 225 ms
Note that in the latest Mac OS X revisions the sliders are named slightly differently.
I do like to work on the keyboard alone. Why? Because when you use the mouse you have to grab it. A time loss.
On the other hand sometimes it seems that every application has its own keyboard type-rates built in. Not to speak from BIOS-properties or OS-settings. So I gathered shortkeys which can be pretty fast (i.e. you are faster typing Ctrl + right(arrow)-right-right than keeping your finger on the right(arrow) key :).
Here are some keyboard shortcuts I find most valuable (it works on Windows; I am not sure about OS X):
ctrl-right: Go to the end of the previous/the next word (stated before)
ctrl-left: Go to the beginning of the previous/the word before (stated before)
ctrl-up: Go to the beginning of this paragraph
(or to the next paragraph over this)
ctrl-down: Go to the end of this paragraph
(or to the next paragraph after this)
ctrl-pos1: Go to the beginning of the file
ctrl-end: Go to the end of the file
All these may be combined with the shift-key, so that the text is selected while doing so. Now let's go for more weird stuff:
alt-esc: Get the actual application into the background
ctrl-esc: This is like pressing the "start-button" in Windows: You can
navigate with arrow keys or shortcuts to start programs from here
ctrl-l: While using Firefox this accesses the URL-entry-field to simply
type URLs (does not work on Stack Overflow :)
ctrl-pagedwn Navigate through tabs (even in your development environment)
So these are the most used shortcuts I need while programming.
For OS X, the kernel extension KeyRemap4MacBook will allow you to fine tune all sorts of keyboard parameters, among which the key repeat rate (I set mine to 15 ms, and it works nice).
I don't know how to accelerate beyond the limit, but I know how to skip further in a single press. My knowledge is only in Windows, as I have no Mac to do this in. Ctrl + Arrow skips a word, and depending on the editor it may just skip to the next section of whitespace. You can also use Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select a word in any direction.
Seems that you can't do this easily on Windows 7.
When you press and hold the button, the speed is controlled by Windows registry key : HCU->Control Panel->Keyboard->Keyboard Delay.
By setting this param to 0 you get maximum repeat rate. The drama is that you can't go below 0 if the repeat speed is still slow for you. 0-delay means that repeat delay is 250ms. But, 250ms delay is still SLOW as hell. See this : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc978658.aspx
You still can go to Accesibility, but you should know that those options are to help disabled people to use their keyboard, not give help for fast-typing geeks. They WON'T help. Use Linux, they tell you.
I bieleve the solution for Windows lies in hardware control. Look for special drivers for your keyboards or try to tweak existing ones.
Although the question is several years old, I still come across the same issue from time to time in several different developer sites. So I thought I may contribute an alternative solution, which I use for my everyday-developer-work (since the Windows registry settings never worked for me).
The following is my small Autorepeat-Script (~ 125 lines), which can be run via AutoHotkey_L (the downside is, it only runs under Windows, at least Vista, 7, 8.1):
; ====================================================================
; DeveloperTools - Autorepeat Key Script
; This script provides a mechanism to do key-autorepeat way faster
; than the Windows OS would allow. There are some registry settings
; in Windows to tweak the key-repeat-rate, but according to widely
; spread user feedback, the registry-solution does not work on all
; systems.
; See the "Hotkeys" section below. Currently (Version 1.0), there
; are only the arrow keys mapped for faster autorepeat (including
; the control and shift modifiers). Feel free to add your own
; hotkeys.
; You need AutoHotkey (http://www.autohotkey.com) to run this script.
; Tested compatibility: AutoHotkey_L, Version v1.1.08.01
; (AutoHotkey Copyright © 2004 - 2013 Chris Mallet and
; others - not me!)
; #author Timo Rumland <timo.rumland ${at} gmail.com>, 2014-01-05
; #version 1.0
; #updated 2014-01-05
; #license The MIT License (MIT)
; (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
; ====================================================================
; ================
; Script Settings
; ================
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; Instantiate the DeveloperTools defined below the hotkey definitions
developerTools := new DeveloperTools()
; ========
; Hotkeys
; ========
; -------------------
; AutoRepeat Hotkeys
; -------------------
DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "" )
DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "+" )
DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "^" )
; -------------------------------------------------------
; Jump label used by the hotkeys above. This is how
; AutoHotkey provides "threads" or thread-like behavior.
; -------------------------------------------------------
SetTimer , , Off
; ========
; Classes
; ========
class DeveloperTools
; Configurable by user
autoRepeatDelayMs := 180
autoRepeatRateMs := 40
; Used internally by the script
repeatKey := ""
repeatSendString := ""
keyModifierBaseLength := 2
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Starts the autorepeat of the current captured hotkey (A_ThisHotKey). The given
; 'keyModifierString' is used for parsing the real key (without hotkey modifiers
; like "~" or "$").
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
startAutorepeatKeyTimer( keyModifierString )
keyModifierLength := this.keyModifierBaseLength + StrLen( keyModifierString )
this.repeatKey := SubStr( A_ThisHotkey, keyModifierLength + 1 )
this.repeatSendString := keyModifierString . "{" . this.repeatKey . "}"
SetTimer DeveloperTools_AutoRepeatKey, % this.autoRepeatDelayMs
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Starts the loop which repeats the key, resulting in a much faster
; autorepeat rate than Windows provides. Internally used by the script
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ( GetKeyState( this.repeatKey, "P" ) )
Send % this.repeatSendString
Sleep this.autoRepeatRateMs
Save the code above in a text file (UTF-8), for example named "AutorepeatScript.ahk"
Install AutoHotkey_L
Double click on "AutorepeatScript.ahk" to enjoy much fast arrow-keys (or put the file into your autostart-folder)
(You can adjust the repeat delay and rate in the script, see '; Configurable by user').
Hope this helps!
On Mac, it's option-arrow to skip a word and ⌥+Shift+Arrow to select. ⌘+Arrow skips to the end or beginning of a line or the end or beginning of a document. There are also the page up, page down, home and end keys ;) Holding shift selects with those too.
Well, it might be obvious, but:
For horizontal navigation, Home (line start), End (line end), Ctrl-Left (word left), Ctrl-Right (word right) work in all editors I know
For vertical navigation, Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Home (text start), Ctrl-End (text end) do too
Also (on a side note), I would like to force my Backspace and Delete keys to non-repeat, so that the only way to delete (or replace) text would be to first mark it, then delete it (or type the replacement text).
Don't navigate character-by-character.
In Vim (see ViEmu for Visual Studio):
bw -- prev/next word
() -- prev/next sentence (full stop-delimited text)
{} -- prev/next paragraph (blank-line delimited sections of text)
/? -- move the cursor to the prev/next occurence the text found (w/ set incsearch)
Moreover, each of the movements takes a number as prefix that lets you specify how many times to repeat the command, e.g.:
20j -- jump 20 lines down
3} -- three paragraphs down
4w -- move 4 words forward
40G -- move to (absolute) line number 40
There are most likely equivalent ways to navigate through text in your editor. If not, you should consider switching to a better one.