how to allow communication with an application from outside the network? - spring

I have an application running in my personal network. This application can send emails to users and they can acknowledge the receipt via the email they receive as long as they are on my personal network. This is because they have to access the application to perform the acknowledge action.
I want to extend this and see if I can allow acknowledgements via emails from outside the network as well. I know I have to change my application to do this but not sure which way to go. Can some one throw some light?
My application is a spring based web application.

You need to configure your firewall to allow outside access to whatever port the app runs on.
You need to configure port fowarding on your gateway to direct outside traffic to the system running your app (unless your gateway is the server running the app).
After that you should just be able to go to youroutfacingip:portforapp
for example http://123.456.78.90:12345
in a web browser anywhere
you can setup DNS if you want to use a URL instead of an ip.
Keep in mind, anyone can go to this url, so make sure it has access control.


Block web traffic from internet (public access)

I just configured an NGINX instance on the Jelastic platform.
In my environment's firewall inbound rules there are now a few default rules added.
With source All. (HTTP, HTTPS, ...)
I changed the source of these firewall rules to Local LAN.
So I expect that when I go to my Jelastic public URL in my browser on my own computer, I do not get a website but I'm blocked by the firewall.
This is not happening. I do not want the website to be used from the outside. This environment will host some REST API's and workers running on the inside and only triggered by other environments I have.
Kind regards.
We recommend following this guide to disable access to your container (CT) from the outside:
However, please keep in mind that you'll not be able to access this CT from another CT too.
little clarification
If "Access via SLB" disabled, the nodes within the layer are inaccessible via SLB (including the Open in Browser button in the dashboard) and return the 403 "Forbidden error" instead of the intended service. Herewith, access via the private network from the other nodes of the environment, access via SSH and access via endpoints from the public network is not affected.
We also want to draw your attention to that described feature is available from the Jelastic PaaS 5.9 release

Trying to Deploy a PCF Spring Boot App which requires a static IP

I have an application that uses spring boot for a backend and Vue.js as a front end. I have packaged the app into a jar file and deployed to PCF with ease. The problem is the application uses API Keys from ...these keys require you to input the IP Address that will be used...
Obviously my key will not work unless I give the correct IP address, so how do I retrieve the IP Address for my PCF application so I can generate the proper API Key?
Also, the documentation says that the IP will change with every deployment of my application... Which prompts the question :
Is it impossible to use API Keys that require static IP Addresses with PCF applications?
I have deployed this same application to amazon AWS and it worked because I have a static IP Address that I can use to register a key. I prefer to use PCF, but am having trouble setting it up.
I don't think you will be able to use that API on the PCF platform. Every time you either cf restage or anything to cause the container to be rebuilt/redeployed, the IP will change.
So in short yes, it's impossible:
Your app will be run on any number of Diego Cells, which all have different IP addresses. There are a couple ways that traffic can leave your app and the Cell.
In some cases, outbound traffic may go through a NAT, in which case the number of possible IPs may be small and the IPs may not change often (or at all). In other cases, traffic may leave directly from the Diego Cell on which your application is running. In this case, there's a lot more IPs & the IPs will change any time your app is restarted.
If you're talking about some general installation of Cloud Foundry, it will depend on how the operators for that environment have set up the traffic to flow so you'd need to confirm with your operator to be certain.
If you're talking about Pivotal Web Services, outbound traffic will originate from the IP of the Cell on which your app is running. See the link in Francisco's post.
Having said all that, there's a hack that you can use to work around the behavior above. Route your traffic through a proxy. Traffic coming out of the proxy can be made to have a fixed IP address.
On PWS, there is a service in the marketplace available to do exactly this. It's called QuotaGuard.
You don't have to use that service though, you could use any other service provider or you could even set up your own proxy. I would recommend using a service unless you know exactly what you are doing though. Setting up & securing a proxy is not trivial and an improperly secured proxy is bad not just for you as the owner but the whole Internet.

Restrict public web application access to specific dynamic source IP addresses

I'm developing a web application using Laravel hosting on a public cloud. Now, the application can be accessed publicly on the internet via domain address. However, I want to restrict to only users who are connecting to the organization networks to be able to use the application since we do not want the application to be used at home or elsewhere.
At the moment, the organization has 2 places (2 public internet networks) where they must be able to access to the application. Both of them are using home-standard internet where IP address changes every time the internet reconnects. As we do not have static IP addresses, I cannot filter user by using IP address filter. The IP filter rule must be changed every time when the organization network reconnected.
My application already have solid authentication and authorization mechanism and, of course, the users must know this information since they must access the app for work. However, this doesn't meet the requirement.
I have thought about the VPN but it (probably) doesn't not work because if we allow user the access to the VPN, they still be able to access the VPN anywhere and use the application outside the work places. If we restrict the VPN client to access from specific IP address, then when the IP changes, the same problem occurs.
To sum up, I would like to ask for the advice on how to restrict the access of web application, hosted on public internet, to the users that are connecting from the public IP address that can change every time when the internet reconnected. The requirement may sound strange but it is as it is. Please feel free to ask for more details if you want to and have a discussions on the suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
You could setup a client for a dynamic dns service (e.g. dyndns) on the client-side.
Then you could use that on the server-side to always check against current IP using that dns.
As alternative you could bind the website to localhost only and only let it be accessed via an pubkey-enforced SSH tunnel (and make that get auto-established by a script/scheduler on the client side, on a permission level outside of the users' reach, so that they can't take the private key needed for the connection anywhere)
You can use different PHP methods and variables to detect from where the request has been originated. Just whitelist your domains and organizations, and allow only them by adding a middleware.
Additionally, you can generate a token using Laravel Passport or you can create your own mechanism, and then use that token to authenticate if the request is valid or not.
Since the IP changes, you can setup a dynamic dns or as suggested on the comment above.

WSO2 ESB proxy service on Windows

i'm using the WSO2 ESB to integrate several services on the Windows virtual machine.
I used the simple proxy to map the services deployed on it. But the problem is what i can't access them from outside it nevetheless the port 8280 where services are deployed is open for internet, but i can see only blank page instead. What could be wrong?
Another question is i was trying to map the WSO2 ESB management console itself to be availbe from outside the machine using simple proxy, and i'm failed, it loads me the this is what i see on trying the service.
Could you please give me a hint on how to resolve this issue? is it possible to share the esb mgmt console using the ESB itself?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Do u have proxy in the middle? It looks like on screenshot webpage missing all pictures, meanwhile css was loaded successfully.
Another question which kind of virtual machine u use? For example in virtualbox by default virtual machine behind NAT.
I wasn't able to connect to server on virtual machine from host only opposite way server on host available in virtual machine.
To make server in virtual machine available on host need to configure network as bridge.
Not sure if it helps, but I think I had a similar problem in our corporate network after I applied all the security patches (poodle,Diffie-Hellman etc.). I had to configure the addresses in catalina.xml (if i remember right) that are/under which allowed to access the admin console. Cannot tell you more details because I'm on holiday :-)
Maybe it's worth to give it a try.
Another example from real life. HTTP Response from external resource was application/json, status of response 200 OK. ESB configured to use
<messageFormatter contentType="application/json"
but content was simple text/plain.
During parsing body of http response exception was thrown and just silently was written to log, without any fault message processing. Just empty response to client.
To clarify that services reachable, there is echo service by default on server, which respond content equal to request. Try to use it.
was trying to map the WSO2 ESB management console itself to be availbe
from outside the machine using simple proxy
By default the management console tries to enforce the port 9443 for dynamic links (JSP) pages. That's why you see only part of the pages and you shouldn't be able to log on.
what you can do is edit the repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml and to the Connector running the port 9443 you can add an attribute proxyPort="443", the carbon console will be happy to run on 443.
For the services, my educated guess would be on the firewall / network rules, however without other information I cannot answer (or - they are working, just you may not try to access them by simple browser request)

Sharing sessions between different servers behind an nginx reverse proxy

Wondering if we can share session data between two servers (running different code) behind an Nginx reverse proxy.
To be precise, we have a legacy app in PHP running on an apache server. We are updating some functionality and hosting only that functionality on a separate server (nginx). Both apps update the same DB.
nginX uses load balancing/ reverse proxy URL rewritting techniques to decide which server to send the client to based on the URL path they use.
So, a person can add items to his virtual basket (held in session) on
the new server application.
He then decides to edit his personal information which is on the other server (Legacy).
Nginx uses it's reverse proxy/load balancing magic to decide which server to send the person to based on where an app is available.
The question is, how can a session created on one app server be available to another app server aswell? is it possible to setup the reverse proxy to store all session data and how. Please point me to the right direction of you can help with google links aswell.
your question has several possible answers. It all depends on the way the application is designed.
A possible scenario would be to keep session information on a database shared among different web heads. In this way the client, once authenticated will retrieve its "session status" regardless which server he is accessing in the final servers cluster backend.
Again, this depends very much on the way the application is/has been designed.
I think there is very little magic you can do on an old legacy application just by configuring the reverse proxy engine.
In the end, sessions are handled by the application server and not the proxy frontend.
