Propel ORM - Many-to-many relationship with relationship type - propel

Is it possible to create an external field in relationship in Propel. The main purpose is to have a type of the relationship.
For example, we have Contacts and Opportunities. I need the relationship between Contacts and Opportunities with a type of this relationship.
Example of data:
contact_id | opportunity_id | association_type
<contact_id> | <opportunity_id> | <Executive Sponsor>
<contact_id> | <opportunity_id> | <Business Evaluator>
Is possible to implement it in Propel?

Absolutely possible, just add the column to your cross_ref table:
<table name="contact_opportunity" isCrossRef="true">
<column name="contact_id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true"/>
<column name="opportunity_id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true"/>
<!-- your new field -->
<column name="association_type" type="VARCHAR" required="true" />
<foreign-key foreignTable="contact">
<reference local="contact_id" foreign="id"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="opportunity">
<reference local="opportunity_id" foreign="id"/>
Then you can query it like anything else:
$association = ContactOpportunityQuery::create()


Propel2 Reverse second run has deleted columns

I am new to propel. There doesn't appear to be a version command built in, but composer shows propel2 in my description.
I reverse engineered my scheme and models from the database then took six months off the project, came back, remastered the database directly, deleted the generated-classes, and the generated-reversed-database.
I then ran
propel reverse "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=MyVanLog;user=**;password=**"
When that completed I opened my schema.xml file and visually verified that the fuel price column no longer exists.
<table name="LogEntries" idMethod="native" phpName="Logentries">
<column name="LogEntryId" phpName="Logentryid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" required="true"/>
<column name="UserId" phpName="Userid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true"/>
<column name="RvId" phpName="Rvid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true"/>
<column name="Title" phpName="Title" type="VARCHAR" size="45" required="true"/>
<column name="Description" phpName="Description" type="CLOB"/>
<column name="Longitude" phpName="Longitude" type="DECIMAL" size="10" scale="8"/>
<column name="Latitude" phpName="Latitude" type="DECIMAL" size="10" scale="8"/>
<column name="Temperature" phpName="Temperature" type="DECIMAL" size="3" scale="1"/>
<column name="Private" phpName="Private" type="VARCHAR" size="1" sqlType="bit(1)" required="true"/>
<column name="CreatedOnUTC" phpName="Createdonutc" type="TIMESTAMP" required="true"/>
<column name="ModifiedOnUTC" phpName="Modifiedonutc" type="TIMESTAMP" required="true"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="Users" name="FK_36">
<reference local="UserId" foreign="UserId"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="Rvs" name="FK_40">
<reference local="RvId" foreign="RvId"/>
<reference local="UserId" foreign="UserId"/>
<index name="fkIdx_36">
<index-column name="UserId"/>
<index name="fkIdx_40">
<index-column name="RvId"/>
<index-column name="UserId"/>
<vendor type="mysql">
<parameter name="Engine" value="InnoDB"/>
Then I run propel build to generate my models. I open my base/LogEntries file and it has all the methods to manipulate the field that is no longer there. I won't paste the entire file, but here is the get method.
* Get the [fuelpriceinvalid] column value.
* #return string
public function getFuelpriceinvalid()
return $this->fuelpriceinvalid;
Does anyone know what I missed?
I had an extra schema.xml file hanging out in the project directories that was being read instead of the one I generated causing the old fields to generate. This was likely just a mistake on my part, not a propel bug.

spring-boot with liquibase #OneToMany mapping

I have two entity Person and Address. And Person can have multiple Address.
<createTable tableName="ADDRESS">
<column name="id" type="bigint(20)" autoIncrement="true">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false" />
... //columns
<createTable tableName="PERSON">
<column name="id" type="bigint(20)" autoIncrement="true">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false" />
... //columns
referencedTableName="CONTACT_NUMBER" baseColumnNames="ContactNumbers"
baseTableName="WORKER" referencedColumnNames="id" />
I want 3rd table (like hibernate generate in #OneToMany mapping).
How to do this with liquibase-springboot?
If the relation is truly a OnToMany, you don't need a 3rd table. Simply, add PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.
If the address can be reused for many persons, it's a ManyToMany relation.
You can use #ManytoMany and add information about you joined table un #jointable
Well, in case of liquibase we have to create the 3rd table manually and have to apply the necessary constraints.
Create the table which manages the mapping :
<createTable tableName="PERSON_ADDRESS">
<column name="PERSON_ID" type="BIGINT">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false" />
<column name="ADDRESS_ID" type="BIGINT">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false" />
Apply the constraints:
1) Ensure that Persons id is unique in the mapping table
2) A foreign key relationship between ADDRESS's id and PERSON_ADDRESS's PERSON_ID
3) A foreign key relationship between PERSON's id and PERSON_ADDRESS's ADDRESS_ID
columnNames="PERSON_ID" tableName="PERSON_ADDRESS"
constraintName="UK_PHONE_NUMBERS_ID" />
baseTableName="PERSON_ADDRESS" referencedColumnNames="id" />
baseTableName="PERSON_ADDRESS" referencedColumnNames="id" />

How to use single inheritance in propel schema

I need to make a 'Event' class and propel schema with Columns:
How to implement the simple inheritance based on the type column.
All classes should extend the abstract Event class.
Initial sub-class:
can anyone write a schema for it?
I have written schema but not sure whether it is correct or not.
<table name="event" phpName="Event">
<column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<column name="employee_id" type="integer" required="true" />
<column name="date_start" type="date" required="true" />
<column name="date_end" type="date" required="false" />
<column name="type" type="integer" inheritance="single">
<inheritance key="1" class="JoinEvent" extends="Event"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="employee" name="FI_event_employee">
<reference local="employee_id" foreign="id" />
Please help me.

How-to include an optional Bag in my hbm.xml file?

How do I make the Bag optional for class Test in the following pseudo hbm.xml?
<class name="Test" table="test">
<bag name="bag" table="example" cascade="all" fetch="join">
<key property-ref="key">
<column name="a_id" />
<column name="b_id" />
<element column="example_id"
my.mclass is a custom type (my.myclass implements org.hibernate.usertype.UserType)
In the moment if there is no fitting "test example" row in the example table I get an exception?
(I was hoping to find a kind of not-found attribute? But there is no)
What's the relationship between Test and myclass? 1 to many or many to many?
If it's 1 to many in your case, I will suggest you create separate mapping for myclass and use following mapping for Test class
<bag name="bag" table="example" inverse="true" cascade="all" fetch="join">
<key property-ref="key">
<column name="a_id" />
<column name="b_id" />
<one-to-many class="my.myclass"/>

Mapping a composite primary key with a foreign key relation in Nhibernate

a company I am working for is using an ERP and it's legacy database is Oracle.
Until now I've used packages (oracle stored procedures) to access data but during the years the number has grown consistently and now I can't manage them anymore.
I was trying to do some experiments with Nhibernate and started mapping few tables.
All the tables have composite primary keys.
A brief description:
Table Order (table name: OCSAORH)
OCHORDN (PK) => OrderNumber
OCHCOSC (PK) => Company
Table OrderLine (table name: OCSALIN)
OCLORDN (PK) => OrderNumber
OCLCOSC (PK) => Company
OCLLINN (PK) => Line Number
This is my mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
<class name="Order" table="OCSAORH">
<key-property name="Number" column="OCHORDN"></key-property>
<key-property name="Ver" column="OCHAMND"></key-property>
<key-property name="Company" column="OCHCOSC"></key-property>
<property name="CustomerCode" column="OCHCLII" type="String" length="10"></property>
<property name="Reference" column="OCHOCNO" type="String" length="25"></property>
<property name="Date" column="OCHOCDT" type="Double"></property>
<bag name="OrderLines" cascade="all-delete-orphan" generic="true" inverse="true" lazy="false">
<column name="OCLORDN" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCLAMND" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCLCOSC" not-null="true"/>
<one-to-many class="OrderLine" not-found="ignore"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
<class name="OrderLine" table="OCSALIN">
<key-property name="Number" column="OCLORDN"></key-property>
<key-property name="Ver" column="OCLAMND" ></key-property>
<key-property name="Company" column="OCLCOSC"></key-property>
<key-property name="Line" column="OCLLINN"></key-property>
<key-property name="Seq" column="OCLSSEQ"></key-property>
<property name="Item" column="OCLITMN" type="String" length="19"></property>
<property name="Quantity" column="OCLQTYP" type="Double"></property>
With these mappings everything works fine; I can load an order and the lazy loading loads my lines.
While reading some documentation I've noticed that I haven't defined the many-to-one relation so I've added this:
<many-to-one name="Order" class="Order" lazy="proxy">
<column name="OCHORDN" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCHAMND" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCHCOSC" not-null="true"/>
to the OrderLine mapping file.
Now if I run my test app the order is loaded properly but the order lines are not loaded.
I get a {NHibernate.ADOException} = {"could not initialize a collection: ... }
I've tried to investigate and noticed that the generated query to retrieve the rows is wrong. This is the SQL:
orderlines0_.OCLORDN as OCLORDN1_,
orderlines0_.OCLAMND as OCLAMND1_,
orderlines0_.OCLCOSC as OCLCOSC1_,
orderlines0_.OCLLINN as OCLLINN1_,
orderlines0_.OCLSSEQ as OCLSSEQ1_,
orderlines0_.OCLORDN as OCLORDN13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLAMND as OCLAMND13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLCOSC as OCLCOSC13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLLINN as OCLLINN13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLSSEQ as OCLSSEQ13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLITMN as OCLITMN13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCLQTYP as OCLQTYP13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCHORDN as OCHORDN13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCHAMND as OCHAMND13_0_,
orderlines0_.OCHCOSC as OCHCOSC13_0_
FROM OCSALIN orderlines0_
and orderlines0_.OCLAMND=?
and orderlines0_.OCLCOSC=?
As you can notice the last 3 fields of the select (those with the prefix OCH instead of OCL) aren't members of the OCSALIN table; they are the key of the OCSAORH.
After 1 days spent reading documentation and examples I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Is there anybody there who can try to help?
This is the expected behavior. You're defining the foreign keys in your many-to-one mapping. So the columns need to exist in the object you're defining.
I think you want this
<many-to-one name="Order" class="Order" lazy="proxy">
<column name="OCLORDN" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCLAMND" not-null="true"/>
<column name="OCLCOSC" not-null="true"/>
