Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "excon" for gem mandrill-api - bundler

I'm getting this error when trying to install bundle. I have both versions '0.15.4' and '0.25.1' of gem excon in my gemset. How can I fix this?
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "excon":
In Gemfile:
mandrill-api (>= 0) ruby depends on
excon (~> 0.15.4) ruby
fog (~> 1.10.1) ruby depends on
excon (0.25.1)

I deleted my Gemfile.lock, if that doesn't work try running gem update excon and check that you have the version installed with gem list | grep excon for the correct version.

Given the age of this, I suspect you have likely found an answer. That said, I think if you update fog you should have better luck. Sorry for the difficulty.


Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem even if I change versions

I am trying to update to the latest google vision, and so I add in Gemfile:
gem 'google-cloud-vision', '~> 0.28.0'
But when I run bundle install, I get the following error:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "faraday": In
google-cloud-vision (~> 0.28.0) ruby depends on
google-cloud-core (~> 1.2) ruby depends on
google-cloud-env (~> 1.0) ruby depends on
faraday (~> 0.11) ruby
forecast_io (>= 0) ruby depends on
faraday (0.9.2)
I tried using the latest version of forecast too:
gem 'forecast_io', '~> 2.0', '>= 2.0.2'
I understand that two different gems require two different versions of faraday. But isn't bundler supposed to resolve this?
According to bundler documentation
Update the gems specified (all gems, if none are specified), ignoring the previously installed gems specified in the Gemfile.lock. In general, you should use bundle install(1) to install the same exact gems and versions across machines.
You would use bundle update to explicitly update the version of a gem.
So use bundle update google-cloud-vision for update gem to new version.

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rubyzip"

I tried to add docx-html gem to my project and here's what I get while bundle install:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rubyzip": In
zip-zip (>= 0) ruby depends on
rubyzip (>= 1.0.0) ruby
docx-html (>= 0) ruby depends on
docx (~> 0.1.0) ruby depends on
rubyzip (0.9.1)
Part of my Gemfile:
gem 'rubyzip'
gem 'zip-zip'
gem 'docx_replace'
I added the line gem 'zip-zip' by an advice from another StackOverflow question. If I exclude it, instead of bundle install error I get the following error while trying to start the server:
`require': cannot load such file -- zip
How do I get rid of these errors while keeping gem docx_replace?
I haven't yet figured out why, but for some reason changing Gemfile code to this worked:
gem 'zip'
gem 'docx_replace'

Spree - i18n gem issue

I got a problem with a new version of spree gem (branch: '2-3-stable'). When i try to install it, I receive this error.
my_store$ rails server
The git source https://github.com/spree/spree_gateway.git is not yet checked out. Please run `bundle install` before trying to start your application
my_store$ bundle install
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "i18n":
In Gemfile:
spree (= 2.3.1) ruby depends on
spree_core (= 2.3.1) ruby depends on
i18n (= 0.6.9) ruby
rails (= 4.1.2) ruby depends on
activesupport (= 4.1.2) ruby depends on
i18n (0.6.11)
But according to gem list i got both of this gems installed i18n (0.6.11, 0.6.9). Can someone help me to fix this problem
Copy from comment section:
Sorry. i figured it out myself simple execution of bundle update and then bundle install command fixed my issue

Incompatible version for gem "activesupport" while installing "threetaps-client" gem

I'm fairly new to rails and I encountered this gem conflict, while running bundle install, between ActiveSupport and threetaps-client (which I need to use for my project).
I tried removing the Gemfile.lock file and running bundle install again but it gave me the same error message again. I also tried running bundle update which also gave the same result :(
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "activesupport":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
activesupport (3.2.13)
In Gemfile:
threetaps-client (>= 0) ruby depends on
activesupport (~> 3.0.0) ruby
Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only
the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.
The issue here is that you are using Rails 3.2 (and thus, activesupport 3.2). However, threetaps-client is version locked to rails/activesupport 3.0.x. The easiest solution to this would be to downgrade Rails to 3.0 in your Gemfile with:
gem "rails", "~> 3.0"
And then remove the Gemfile.lock and bundle install again. You should be good to go after that.
I was able to get the gem to support activesupport 3.2 (I think). The tests do not pass on this branch, but they did not pass on master either. I assume this probably has to do with credentials or something. Update your Gemfile to use this repo for threetaps-client
gem "threetaps-client", git: "git#github.com:ehowe/3taps-Ruby-Client"
Insert required "your mileage may vary" warning here.

could not find gem 'tenderlove-frex' when installing the gem melomel. where can i find this gem?

I am trying to install the gem melomel for testing in actionscript. When i require it in my gemfile and bundle update, i get an error saying that it cant find the gem tenderlove-frex and outputs this message:
Could not find gem 'tenderlove-frex (>= 0) ruby', which is required by gem 'spree (>= 0) ruby', in any of the sources.Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "nokogiri":
In Gemfile:
spree (>= 0) ruby depends on
nokogiri (~> 1.5.0) ruby
spree (>= 0) ruby depends on
nokogiri (1.0.0)
When i remove melomel form my gemfile, bundle updates fine. I have looked all over online and it seems like every location where its been hosted has removed the gem.
Where can I get this gem? i am using ruby 1.9.3.
The frex gem is not hosted on the typical Gemcutter.
To get it, add GitHub to your gem sources:
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
Then try installing the gem as usual:
gem install tenderlove-frex
In case it's helpful: tenderlove is the handle of Aaron Patterson, one of the top Ruby developers, and as far as I know he's replaced frex and likely has a better solution you can use. For example, can you update your Nokogiri gem to the current version, and also your Spree gem to the current version? This should remove the need for frex.
To see your versions:
$ gem list melomel
melomel (0.6.6)
$ gem list spree
spree (1.2.2)
spree_api (1.2.2)
spree_cmd (1.2.2)
spree_core (1.2.2)
spree_dash (1.2.2)
spree_promo (1.2.2)
spree_sample (1.2.2)
To update:
$ bundle update
To see dependency list for Nokogiri:
$ gem dependency nokogiri
