Apply Laravel 4 query cache to all database reads - laravel

Laravel 4 has a query cache built into its query builder: just add ->remember(), according to the docs.
Can anybody tell me how I can apply this method to all queries in my application, without appending ->remember() to each and every database call in it? Some kind of after filter, I suppose.

You might be able to extend the query builder and simply overload the get() method to first call remember(), and then do the get() statement.
Practically, though, if you want to cache every single query, you might as well just do this at the database level. MySQL, for example, has a configuration option to automatically cache all queries for a certain amount of time. However, in an application that does a lot of inserts/updates/deletes, this will have poor performance since the cache is cleared for that table on every such call.
Using Laravel for every query would also mean getting outdated data if you do inserts/updates/deletes meanwhile, so you'd have to clear the cache every time you update.
Best practice would be to diligently decide if a query should be cached or not.


Is Entity .Find() aware of state changes to the DataBase?

If I'm using .Find() instead of .Where() to query an object, and someone updates the database making the in memory model out of sync, does Entity know/is Entity alerted to the change so that it updates the model in memory?
Does .Find() expose me to the risk of missing data?
is Entity alerted to the change so that it updates the model in memory?
No. I've never seen an ORM that does that. It is possible, but not trivial. You can read more about it in Query Notifications in SQL Server. And that's not even the whole story because once you can listen to database events you'd heave to decide what to do with them client-side. Like, what to do with changed values that were also changed in the client?
But the Find method is designed to do almost the opposite. It always tries to return an object from the local cache. It only queries the database if the object isn't there yet. So it's designed to return stale data, if you like. It is perfect for relatively complex operations in which you're going to need an object multiple times, but don't want to get it from the database all the time.
LINQ query statements (Find isn't LINQ) are somewhere in the middle. They do query the database, but they don't update objects that are in the cache already. If you changed an object locally, the changes won't be erased by a Select statement.
You can refresh the local cache, but the DbContext API, which was an improvement of the former ObjectContext API, even makes that a bit less easy than before. The message is: don't do it. If you want fresh data: create a new context.
Does .Find() expose me to the risk of missing data?
Sure, but so does First() and Where(). Any time you load data into memory you risk the data behind it changing without your knowledge. You can minimize that risk in EF by not hanging on to entities for long periods of time, and using a new context for every DB operation (or operations).

What is the most efficient way to filter a search?

I am working with node.js and mongodb.
I am going to have a database setup and use to have real-time updates that will have the db queried again as well or push the new update to the client.
I am trying to figure out what is the best way to filter the database?
Some more information in regards to what is being queried and what the real time updates are:
A document in the database will include information such as an address, city, time, number of packages, name, price.
Filters include city/price/name/time (meaning only to see addresses within the same city, or within the same time period)
Real-time info: includes adding a new document to the database which will essentially update the admin on the website with a notification of a new address added.
Method 1: Query the db with the filters being searched?
Method 2: Query the db for all searches and then filter it on the client side (Javascript)?
Method 3: Query the db for all searches then store it in localStorage then query localStorage for what the filters are?
Trying to figure out what is the fastest way for the user to filter it?
Also, if it is different than what is the most cost effective way, then the most cost effective as well (which I am assuming is less db queries)...
It's hard to say because we don't see exact conditions of the filter, but in general:
Mongo can use only 1 index in a query condition. Thus whatever fields are covered by this index can be used in an efficient filtering. Otherwise it might do full table scan which is slow. If you are using an index then you are probably doing the most efficient query. (Mongo can still use another index for sorting though).
Sometimes you will be forced to do processing on client side because Mongo can't do what you want or it takes too many queries.
The least efficient option is to store results somewhere just because IO is slow. This would only benefit you if you use them as cache and do not recalculate.
Also consider overhead and latency of networking. If you have to send lots of data back to the client it will be slower. In general Mongo will do better job filtering stuff than you would do on the client.
According to you if you can filter by addresses within time period then you could have an index that cuts down lots of documents. You most likely need a compound index - multiple fields.

Joomla getItems default Pagination

Can anyone tell me if the getItems() function in the model automatically adds the globally set LIMIT before it actions the query (from getListQuery()). Joomla is really struggling, seemingly trying to cache the entire results (over 1 million records here!).
After looking in /libraries/legacy/model/list.php AND /libraries/legacy/model/legacy.php it appears that getItems() does add LIMIT to setQuery using $this->getState('list.limit') before it sends the results to the cache but if this is the case - why is Joomla struggling so much.
So what's going on? How come phpMyAdmin can return the limited results within a second and Joomla just times out?
Many thanks!
If you have one million records, you'll most definitely want to do as Riccardo is suggesting, override and optimize the model.
JModelList runs the query twice, once for the pagination numbers and then for the display query itself. You'll want to carefully inherit from JModellist to avoid the pagination query.
Also, the articles query is notorious for it's joins. You can definitely lose some of that slowdown (doubt you are using the contacts link, for example).
If all articles are visible to public, you can remove the ACL check - that's pretty costly.
There is no DBA from the West or the East who is able to explain why all of those GROUP BY's are needed, either.
Losing those things will help considerably. In fact, building your query from scratch might be best.
It does add the pagination automatically.
Its struggling is most likely due to a large dataset (i.e. 1000+ items returned in the collection) and many lookup fields: the content modules for example join as many as 10 tables, to get author names etc.
This can be a real killer, I had queries running for over one second with a dedicated server and only 3000 content items. One tag cloud component we found could take as long as 45 seconds to return a keywords list. If this is the situation (a lot of records and many joins), your only way out is to further limit the filters in the options to see if you can get some faster results (for example, limiting to articles in the last 3 months can reduce the time needed dramatically).
But if this is not sufficient or not viable, you're left with writing a new optimized query in a new model, which ultimately will bring the best performance optimization of any other optimization. In writing the query, consider leveraging the database specific optimizations, i.e. adding indexes, full-text indexes and only use joins if you really need them.
Also consider that joins must never grow with the number of fields, translations or else.
A constant query is easy for the db engine to optimize and cache, whilst a dynamic query will never be as efficient.

optimizing large selects in hibernate/jpa with 2nd level cache

I have a user object represented in JPA which has specific sub-types. Eg, think of User and then a subclass Admin, and another subclass Power User.
Let's say I have 100k users. I have successfully implemented the second level cache using Ehcache in order to increase performance and have validated that it's working.
I know it does work (ie, you load the object from the cache rather than invoke an sql query) when you call the load method. I've verified this via logging at the hibernate level and also verifying that it's quicker.
However, I actually want to select a subset of all the users...for example, let's say I want to do a count of how many Power Users there are.
Furthermore, my users have an associated ZipCode object...the ZipCode objects are also second level cached...what I'd like to do is actually be able to ask queries many Power Users do i have in New York state...
However, my question do i write a query to do this that will hit the second level cache and not the database. Note that my second level cache is configured to be read/ as new users are added to the system they should automatically be added to the cache...also...note that I have investigated the Query cache briefly but I'm not sure it's applicable as this is for queries that are run multiple problem is more a case of...the data should be in the second level cache anyway so what do I have to do so that the database doesn't get hit when I write my query.
(...) the data should be in the second level cache anyway so what do I have to do so that the database doesn't get hit when I write my query.
If the entities returned by your query are cached, have a look at Query#iterate(). This will trigger a first query to retrieve a list of IDs and then subsequent queries for each ID... that would hit the L2 cache.

How to cache queries in EJB and return result efficient (performance POV)

I use JBoss EJB 3.0 implementation (JBoss 4.2.3 server)
At the beginning I created native query all the time using construction like
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select * from _table_");
Of couse it is not that efficient, I performed some tests and found out that it really takes a lot of time... Then I found a better way to deal with it, to use annotation to define native queries:
#NamedNativeQuery( name = "fetchData", value = "select * from _table_", resultClass=Entity.class )
and then just use it
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("fetchData");
the performance of code line above is two times better than where I started from, but still not that good as I expected... then I found that I can switch to Hibernate annotation for NamedNativeQuery (anyway, JBoss's implementation of EJB is based on Hibernate), and add one more thing:
#NamedNativeQuery( name = "fetchData2", value = "select * from _table_", resultClass=Entity.class, readOnly=true)
readOnly - marks whether the results are fetched in read-only mode or not. It sounds good, because at least in this case of mine I don't need to update data, I wanna just fetch it for report. When I started server to measure performance I noticed that query without readOnly=true (by default it is false) returns result with each iteration better and better, and at the same time another one (fetchData2) works like "stable" and with time difference between them is shorter and shorter, and after 5 iterations speed of both was almost the same...
The questions are:
1) is there any other way to speed query using up? Seems that named queries should be prepared once, but I can't say it... In fact if to create query once and then just use it it would be better from performance point of view, but it is problematic to cache this object, because after creating query I can set parameters (when I use ":variable" in query), and it changes query object (isn't it?). well, is here any way to cache them? Or named query is the best option I can use?
2) any other approaches how to make results retrieveng faster. I mean, for instance I don't need those Entities to be attached, I won't update them, all I need is just fetch collection of data. Maybe readOnly is the only available way, so I can't speed it up, but who knows :)
P.S. I don't ask about DB performance, all I need now is how not to create query object all the time, so use it efficient, and to "allow" EJB to do less job with the same result concerning data returning.
Added 15.03.2010:
By query I mean query object (so how to cache this object to reuse); and to cache query results is not a solution for me because of where cause in query can be almost unique for each querying because of float-pointing parameters there. Cache just will not understand that "a > 50.0001" and "a > 50.00101" can give the same result, but also can not.
You could use second level cache and query cache to avoid hitting the database (works especially well with read-only objects). Second level cache is supported by Hibernate (with a third party cache provider) but is an extension to JPA 1.0 though.
