Applescript: Get absolute path of item in a File > Open window - applescript

I'm trying to automate JPEGmini which is not entirely scriptable - the only way to control it is via the "Open" dialog.
Repeatedly calling it once per image is extremely slow.
Instead I'm trying to to perform a search for .jpg or .jpeg files in the "Open" dialog, so that within that result set I can select the batch of files I want to process and open them in a single pass.
(More detail after the code example)
-- later within the search results list I get, I want to select these
set filesToSelect to {"/Users/me/Desktop/photo.jpg", "/Users/me/Documents/image.jpeg"}
-- the actual app is JPEGmini but the same principle applies to Preview
tell application "Preview"
-- start the app
-- let it boot up
delay 3
-- ensure it still has focus
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Preview"
-- spawn "Open" window
keystroke "o" using {command down}
delay 1
-- spawn "Go to" window
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
delay 1
-- Go to root of hard drive
keystroke "/"
keystroke return
delay 1
-- Perform search
keystroke "f" using {command down}
delay 1
keystroke ".jpg OR .jpeg"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
Having done the above, how do I access the list of search results, repeat over each item and get it's absolute file path?
I've tried a few variations but am getting nowhere.
Thanks for your time.

You could simplify this by using cross between the shell command line and applescript.
set jpegSearch to paragraphs of (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin / 'kMDItemContentType == \"public.jpeg\" '")
The mdfind command
consults the central metadata store and returns a list
of files that match the given metadata query. The query can be a string
or a query expression.
AFAIK this is what spotlight uses.
mdfind documents will give you an idea of how this command works. But ths script searches only in "/" and looks for content type attribute that is public.jpeg
The return is text. A list of POSIX Paths of the matching files. This text is like a text document each path on a new line but in effect one item as far as Applescript is concerned.
They need to be broken up in a applescript list. So I do this by asking for the paragraphs of the result.
Also if you want to open a new finder window:
try something like:
tell application "Finder"
set myWindow to make new Finder window to startup disk
end tell
To answer why you are getting your error in trying to get the POSIX paths of the target of the files.
If you look at the properties of one of the files returned in your Search Window.
tell application "Finder" to set fileList to properties of first file of front window
You will see the file properties have a property named original item
If you really want to do it the way you are doing it then one way is to get the original item. Coerce the result into alias form then get the posix path.
tell application "Finder" to set aFile to POSIX path of (original item of first file of front window as alias)
In a normal finder window you can use.
tell application "Finder" to set fileList to POSIX path of (first file of front window as alias)
These are just examples to show you whats going on.
The difference in the type of finder window results is because in a Search window what is being displayed is alias files (class:alias file) to the original files, hence the original item property.
Update 2.
To go through your items in your list and check them against another list is simple.
Apple have some tools that will help you with the code.
When in your script.
crtl + Mouse Click the Variable that will hold the jpg result as a list.
This will give you a contextual menu that contains helper code.
Go to the Repeat routines folder in the menu.
Then to its 'Process Every Item'
This will add a repeat routine to your code.
And from there you can use it to check each item against your other list.
set yourOtherList to {"/Library/Desktop Pictures/Abstract/Abstract 2.jpg", "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Abstract/Abstract 1.jpg"}
set jpegSearch to paragraphs of (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin / 'kMDItemContentType == \"public.jpeg\" '")
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in jpegSearch
set this_item to item i of jpegSearch
if this_item is in yourOtherList then
-- do something
log this_item
end if
end repeat
The repeat routine works like this.
It loops over each item in the given list
It will iterate from item 1 to the count of the items in the list.
The i variable holds the loop iteration number. I.e it will be 1 on the first loop and 300 on the 300th loop.
so on the first loop set this_item to item i of jpegSearch is equivalent to writing set this_item to item 1 of jpegSearch
But apple saves you having to write each number of each item with the Repeat with i..
The variable i can be any word or letter you choose that conforms to the normal allowed Variable naming syntax.
Something you can do is build a new list from the matched items. by copying them into a previously declared list. You can then work on that list after the repeat loop has completed.
Here bigList is declared as a empty list {}
The matched items are copied to the bigList. Each new item it receives is added to the end of the list.
set bigList to {}
set yourOtherList to {"/Library/Desktop Pictures/Abstract/Abstract 2.jpg", "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Abstract/Abstract 1.jpg"}
set jpegSearch to paragraphs of (do shell script "mdfind -onlyin / 'kMDItemContentType == \"public.jpeg\" '")
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in jpegSearch
set this_item to item i of jpegSearch
if this_item is in yourOtherList then
copy this_item to end of bigList
end if
end repeat


AppleScript: How to extract numbers from a string?

I am writing a script to go to the NYT website on Corona, get the US data, extract numbers (total, death), and to send me a notification. I am close, but when I extract numbers and display them, they are put together (ie 700021 instead of 7000,21). My question is:
How do I extract the numbers so that they are delineated?
Here is the code:
set theURL to ""
tell application "Safari" to make new document with properties {URL:theURL}
tell application "System Events"
repeat until exists (UI elements of groups of toolbar 1 of window 1 of application process "Safari" whose name = "Reload this page")
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
to getInputByClass(theClass, num)
tell application "Safari"
set input to do JavaScript "
document.getElementsByClassName('" & theClass & "')[" & num & "].innerText;" in document 1
end tell
return input
end getInputByClass
set myVar to getInputByClass("g-body ", 5)
on returnNumbersInString(inputString)
set s to quoted form of inputString
do shell script "sed s/[a-zA-Z\\']//g <<< " & s
set dx to the result
set numlist to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of words in dx
set this_item to word i of dx
set this_item to this_item as number
set the end of numlist to this_item
end try
end repeat
return numlist
end returnNumbersInString
set theNums to returnNumbersInString(myVar) as text
display notification "COVID-19 UPDATE" subtitle theNums sound name "glass"
tell application "Safari"
close its front window
end tell
You are getting a list of numbers from the returnNumbersInString handler, but just coercing the list to text doesn't normally provide any kind of formatting. One solution would be to use text item delimiters to specify the text to use when joining the list items. For example, when converting to text for the notification you could do something like:
set tempTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set theNums to returnNumbersInString(myVar) as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID
Similar to your other question I helped you with, the target data is already in a table and as such I'd use the table data to get the information as its structure layout is not likely to change where target 'g-body ' of 5 may not always be the United States.
I get my data a little different way:
set theURL to ""
tell application "Safari" to make new document with properties {URL:theURL}
tell application "System Events"
repeat until exists ¬
(UI elements of groups of toolbar 1 of window 1 of ¬
application process "Safari" whose name = "Reload this page")
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Safari" to tell document 1 to set CountriesTable to ¬
do JavaScript "document.getElementsByClassName('svelte-f9sygj')[0].innerText;"
tell application "Safari" to close its front window
set awkCommand to ¬
"awk '/United States/{print $3,\"Cases &\",$4,\"Deaths\"}'"
set notificationMessage to ¬
do shell script awkCommand & "<<<" & CountriesTable's quoted form
display notification notificationMessage subtitle "US COVID-19 UPDATE" sound name "glass"
NOTE: The code used to determine when the page in Safari has finished loading works in macOS Mojave and later, however, for macOS High Sierra and some earlier versions, add the words buttons of in front of UI elements ... in the repeat until exists ¬ ... code.
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not contain any error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted. Have a look at the try statement and error statement in the AppleScript Language Guide. See also, Working with Errors. Additionally, the use of the delay command may be necessary between events where appropriate, e.g. delay 0.5, with the value of the delay set appropriately.

Move all files / folder within SmartFinderFolder to destination w/ serial / single consecutive operation with AppleScript MacOS Serria

Objective: Move all files and files in folders to destination folder and maintain the file structure [files and named folders]. Important for music files in albums.
Functional: Move all listed files in SmartFolder [named] to destinationFolder with serial / consecutive move operation and maintain the same file structure and copy of dataFiles listed in SmartFolder.
Key: All files were obtained for transfer. Normal CMD + A, CMD + C, CMD + V hangs up the computer and the transfer does not initiate. The AppleScript to move each dataObject to destinationPath is all.
Facts: How to reference objects [files, folders] and their proper reference format and accepted path syntax; path or POSIX, and use of alias. Basic operations. I ran an AppleScript to move filePath to pathDestination, and was otherwise successful, and would be nice to known the formalization syntax for path reference.
tell application "Finder"
move allFiles to destinationFolder
// recursive/repeat code to loop through all listed files and folder
end tell
Reference: Applescript, show all files with tag
[Moving / selecting listed files from 'smartfolder' containers as active windows and displayLists. It was an alt. solution since AppleScript will not reference the SmartFolder as an object, nor will it dynamically call the listProperty of the SmartFolder object unless called by an unknown or un-reference method or command.
Since your main issue, as far as I can tell, seems to be dealing with SmartFolders in AppleScript, which—as you said—cannot be referenced as folder objects, this little snippet might be of help:
set SmartFolder to "/Users/CK/My Smart Folder.savedSearch"
tell application "System Events" to get value of property list file SmartFolder
set {[Scope], Query} to {SearchScopes, RawQuery} of RawQueryDict of result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
set Command to {"mdfind -onlyin", ¬
quoted form of Scope as text, ¬
quoted form of Query as text} as text
set SearchResults to paragraphs of (do shell script Command)
--> returns a list of posix files
--> e.g. {"/Users/CK/Downloads/This is file one.txt", ...}
This will return a list of POSIX paths to files that match the search criteria.
I would recommend using System Events rather than Finder to deal with large numbers of files. It can also handle posix paths without the need to manually coerce them into aliases or whatever. So, given a posix path, such as the ones returned in the list using the above code snippet, you simply do this:
set myfile to item 1 of SearchResults
tell application "System Events" to move myfile to "/Users/CK/Desktop"
Without knowing more details of what your smart folder contains (since some searches could easily return a folder plus the contents of that folder, which you'd have to bear in mind when getting your AppleScript to recurse through the search results), I can't give you more than that. But, you said your main problems were being unable to handle SmartFolders and not knowing how to reference files/folders.
This works for me using the latest version of Sierra.
Set the value of property moveToNewFolderto the destination folder of your choice
This script creates a "Choose From List" Dialog, allowing you to choose any smart folder which resides on your system. It will then move all of these files and folders in the chosen smart folder, to your set destination folder.
property savedSearches : (path to home folder as string) & "Library" & ":Saved Searches"
property savedSearchesSubFolders : {}
property namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders : {}
property selectedSearchFolder : ""
property selectedSearchFolderPath : missing value
property moveTheseItems : missing value
property moveToNewFolder : (path to desktop as text) & "untitled folder" -- change this value to your preferred destination folder
tell application "Finder"
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
open savedSearches
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
reveal savedSearches
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
select savedSearches
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
set current view of Finder window 1 to column view
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
tell its Finder window (POSIX path of savedSearches)
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
set savedSearchesSubFolders to items
set namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders to name of items
-- Allows to choose any smart folder from a list of all smart folders
set selectedSearchFolder to choose from list namesOfSavedSearchesSubFolders ¬
with title ¬
"Smart Search Folders" with prompt ¬
"Choose Your Folder" OK button name ¬
"OK" cancel button name "CANCEL"
set selectedSearchFolder to selectedSearchFolder as text
set selectedSearchFolderPath to savedSearches & ":" & selectedSearchFolder
set selectedSearchFolderPath to selectedSearchFolderPath as string
end tell
delay 0.2 -- may need to adjust delay time value
select selectedSearchFolderPath
tell Finder window 1
set defaultView to current view
set current view to list view
delay 0.1 -- may need to adjust delay time value
set current view to defaultView
delay 0.5 -- may need to adjust delay time value
tell application "System Events"
key code 0 using command down
end tell
end tell
set moveTheseItems to selection
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set resultObject to move moveTheseItems ¬
to moveToNewFolder ¬
with replacing
end tell

Interact WITH a running Applescript script/program without leaving the current program (Hotkey, sent keystroke etc)

The general question from my specific problem is how to interact WITH a running Applescript without leaving the program you a currently in. Its kind of the opposite question of how to USE Applescript to interact with other programs.
I need to go through a lot of web pages and input information from them into a spreadsheet. I have somewhat automated the process with an Applescript that takes an webpage as input and then opens its relevant links one by one, waiting for a click in a dialog box before proceeding to the next.
If you want to run the script, use as input to the dialog box
--Let the user input the the main webpage
display dialog "Linkzor" default answer ""
set tunering to text returned of result
--get the javascript of the web page
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
open location tunering
end tell
delay 5
set listen to "" as string
tell front document to set ¬
startText to {name, do JavaScript "window.document.documentElement.outerHTML"}
end tell
set listen to {}
set teksten to startText as string
--Gets all the relevant link variables of the web page
repeat with i from 1 to 500
set forekomst to text (nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) + 4) thru (nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) + 11) of teksten
if nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) = 0 then exit repeat
set punkt to "" & forekomst & "/#kampreferat"
set listen to listen & punkt
end repeat
set lengde to count of listen
--opens the links one by one.
repeat with x from 1 to lengde
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set URL of document 1 to item x of listen
end tell
end tell
set question to display dialog "forsæt?" buttons {"Ja", "nej"} default button 1
set answer to button returned of question
if answer is "nej" then exit repeat
end repeat
on nthOffset(myText, subString, n)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to subString
-- There will be one more text item than there are instances of the substring in the string, so:
if (count myText's text items) > n then
-- There are at least n instances of the substring in the text.
-- The first character of the nth instance comes immediately after the last
-- character of the nth text item.
set o to (count text from text item 1 to text item n of myText) + 1
-- There isn't an nth instance of the substring in this text.
set o to 0
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return o
end nthOffset
Now I would like to automate it a bit further so I didn´t have to leave the spreadsheet to click the dialog box when going to the next webpage. Is there a way to force the Applescript proceed without me actually clicking the dialog box? I have tried to save the script as an application ("hent2") and made another script to sent an "enter" keystroke to it while it is running (and then activate the new script through some kind of hotkey):
tell application "System Events"
tell application "hent2" to activate
key code 36
end tell
It does´t do anything.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? Either with the "sent keystroke to Applescript" or a more elegant solution?
I go it to work with the "Hitting a button" solution from Jerry below.
But I can´t get the handler solution to work. It clearly communicating with the main script because it tells me it can´t find the list "listen" of urls:
"error "hent3 got an error: The variable listen is not defined." number -2753 from "listen""
I define and assign values to "listen" in the part that is autorun when I save and run the script as a program. But when I call the subroutine from another Applescript it knows nothing about "listen"
Here is my attempt:
--Let the user input the the main webpage
display dialog "Linkzor" default answer ""
set tunering to text returned of result
--get the javascript of the web page
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
open location tunering
end tell
delay 5
tell front document to set ¬
startText to {name, do JavaScript "window.document.documentElement.outerHTML"}
end tell
set listen to {} --HERE I DEFINE THE VARIABLE
set teksten to startText as string
--Gets all the relevant link variables of the web page
repeat with i from 1 to 500
set forekomst to text (nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) + 4) thru (nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) + 11) of teksten
if nthOffset(teksten, "g_2_", i) = 0 then exit repeat
set punkt to "" & forekomst & "/#kampreferat"
set listen to listen & punkt -HERE I ASSIGN VALUES TO IT
end repeat
set lengde to count of listen
set i to 1
on ContinueOnward()
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set URL of document 1 to item i of listen --HERE IT ISN`T RECOGNISED
end tell
end tell
set i to i + 1
if i > lengde then
display notification "slut"
end if
end ContinueOnward
on nthOffset(myText, subString, n)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to subString
-- There will be one more text item than there are instances of the substring in the string, so:
if (count myText's text items) > n then
-- There are at least n instances of the substring in the text.
-- The first character of the nth instance comes immediately after the last
-- character of the nth text item.
set o to (count text from text item 1 to text item n of myText) + 1
-- There isn't an nth instance of the substring in this text.
set o to 0
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return o
end nthOffset
Hitting a button
First, when scripting dialogs, if you want to press a button, use System Event’s click button:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "hent2"
tell window 1
click button "Ja"
end tell
end tell
end tell
This works even if the process being hit is not front-most, so it might be all you need.
Activating via handler
You can also activate handlers in one AppleScript via a tell in another AppleScript. For example, save this as Test Handler, as Application and Stay Open After Run:
on ContinueOnward()
display notification "Continuing Onward"
end ContinueOnward
Then, in Script Editor, write the following script:
tell application "Test Handler"
end tell
You should see a notification pop up saying “Continuing Onward” when you run that script. In your own script, of course, you could use that handler to move on to the next URL.
In order to maintain variables across different handlers, you will need to use either properties or globals or some combination. Properties maintain their values across runs of the application; globals only maintain their values across one run of the application. As I read your needs, you will need globals. In every handler that needs access to the global, use:
global variablename
And you’ll also need to initialize the variable outside of the handler.
For example, this application (Save As Application, Stay Open) will change its notification message, and then quit, after the fourth time:
set currentCount to 0
on ContinueOnward()
global currentCount
set currentCount to currentCount + 1
if currentCount < 5 then
display notification "Continuing with item " & currentCount
display notification "Quitting"
end if
end ContinueOnward
In your case, you will want to make i, listen, and lengde be global variables. Put:
global i, listen, lengde
at the top of your handler, as I did with currentCount at the top of the example ContinueOnward handler.

Applescript quicklook: arrow key down 1000 times

I'm a total beginner in apple script.
I would like to open a folder directory that contains hundreds of photos and to view each photo 1 second with quick look and then go to the next (suppose to use down arrow / key code '124').
I don't have any idea of how to build the script. I tried to compile some formulas from other questions or use the manual rec but it doesn't work.
Try following script. I made the delay longer so you have time to stop the script (to test it):
set timePerPreview to 5
set thisFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Pick the folder containing the files to process:") as string
tell application "Finder"
open folder thisFolder
select every item in folder thisFolder
delay 2
set fileCount to (count items in (get selection)) # (count files in folder thisFolder) is faster but counts also .DS_Store and other invisible files
if fileCount = 0 then
end if
end tell
delay timePerPreview / 2 # first it has to open the window which seems to need a little time
repeat fileCount - 1 times # -1 because the first item is already displayed
delay timePerPreview
# do shell script "sleep" & space & timePerPreview as text
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Finder"
set frontmost to true
# cursor right = 124, left = 123
key code 124
end tell
end tell
end repeat
delay timePerPreview
on pressSpaceInFinder()
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Finder"
set frontmost to true
keystroke space
end tell
end tell
end pressSpaceInFinder
Be aware that it is hard to stop the script since the Finder gets activated every second. Will see if I can add a check to see if the Preview window is open and if not, stop the script.
Also: (without that check) the script will, when the Preview window is open before running, close it but you can just press the space key to open it again.
Also, the first part (getting the file count) isn't so great and may fail when the delay is to short. We could scan the whole folder for images and only count / select those (it has a file template for the scanner, see menu File) but of course you can remove the whole counting thing and just do repeat 1000 times.

How to read a file and open Safari with the read result with Mac (AppleScript)?

I need to open multiple Safari (or open the tab is OK) based on the read result.
For example, if a file has
I want to open and using Safari.
How can I do that with Mac/AppleScript?
Maybe I can run python calling "open -a Safari "", but I guess AppleScript is the tool for this kind of job.
not sure about python but this will read a text file and open windows let me see if I can get tabs for you though
set locations to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Pick text file containing urls"))
repeat with aline in locations
if length of aline is greater than 0 then
tell application "Safari"
make new document at end of documents
set URL of document 1 to aline
end tell
end if
end repeat
Ok this is better and it opens them in tabs of a single window
set locations to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Pick text file containing urls"))
tell application "Safari"
set adoc to make new document
end tell
repeat with aline in locations
if length of aline is greater than 0 then
tell application "Safari" to make new tab at end of window 1 with properties {URL:aline}
end if
end repeat
New Addtion
this is yet another way based on regulus6633's post in conjunction with mine
set locations to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Pick text file containing urls"))
repeat with aLocation in locations
tell application "Safari" to open location aLocation
end repeat
If you want it to specifically open the links in Safari then mcgrailm's solution is good. However, you don't need the Finder for the first part so take that code out of the Finder tell block. There's no need to tell the Finder to do something that applescript can do itself.
However, you probably want to open the links in whatever browser is the user's default browser. It may be Safari or Firefox etc. You can do that with the "open location" command. So something like this is probably what you want...
set theFile to choose file with prompt "Pick text file containing urls"
set locations to paragraphs of (read theFile)
repeat with aLocation in locations
open location aLocation
end try
end repeat
