ZeroMQ, ROUTER - DEALER, send a message to all - zeromq

One server - ZMQ_ROUTER, many clients - ZMQ_DEALER
How on a server(ZMQ_ROUTER) send a message to all clients(ZMQ_DEALER)?
I know there are PUB-SUB pattern and that is really what I need. But I want to use only the current ROUTER-DEALER socket. Is it possible?

Yes, but It won't be the answer you would like to hear. I think there isn't a flag, or socket option for this. What you can do:
Track the connected dealers manually, than create a loop and send the same stuff to every connected dealer. If you send large messages you can zero copy the load, so you don't have to allocate the memory time to time.


Purpose of zeromq send high watermark

The first time I skimmed the zeromq docs, I assumed that the sender high watermark was there to ensure that the sender did not get too far ahead of the receiver. Now that I'm looking at it more carefully, it seems that this can't possibly be true, since the wire protocol doesn't have any concept of ACKs so the sender can't know whether the receiver is keeping up or is way behind. After staring at jeromq code in the debugger for way too long, it seems that the watermark is actually a purely "within-same-process" mechanism to ensure that the application thread that's writing to the ZMQ socket does not get too far ahead of the background thread that's responsible for taking messages off the ZMQ socket and writing bytes into the OS's TCP socket.
It seems like a rather fringe thing to worry about, relative to how much attention it's given in the docs. It doesn't even seem like a great way to control memory usage, because if you have a high water mark of 10, then 15 messages of 2kb each is not allowed, but 5 messages of 100 megs each is allowed, so things are still pretty un-predictable.
Am I understanding all this correctly or am I hopelessly confused.
I think that another thing that says it's not to prevent a sender getting too far ahead of the receiver is that if one set the HWM to 0, that's taken as infinity not actually zero. For 0 to mean zero, it'd have to have some too-ing and fro-ing with the receiver to know whether the socket was actually empty throughout the whole connection.
I wish that 0 did mean zero, because then ZeroMQ could implement both Actor Model and Communicating Sequential Processes architectures. But it doesn't, so it can't.
Possible Uses
None the less, a potential useful aspect is related to the fact that ZeroMQ is Actor Model. Suppose one were sending messages, and it kind of mattered whether or not those messages got through. In the situation where the link has collapsed (something that ZeroMQ's heartbeat can tell you, pretty quickly), messages already sent are potentially lost forever. However, if the HWM is being used to throttle the rate of messages being sent by the application, then the number of lost messages when the link breaks is minimised.
Obviously with CSP - the perfect architecture so far as I'm concerned! - you lose no messages (because the acts of sending and receiving are an execution rendezvous; the send won't complete until the receive has also completed).
What I have done in the past is to queue up messages for transmission in the sending application, sending them as and when the socket / connection can ingest them. Having the outbound message queue in the sending application's control (instead of in ZeroMQ's control) means that sender state can potentially get ahead of the transfer of messages, but still recover easily from a network connection fault.
I have written systems where a sender has a choice of two pathways to send messages through - prime and spare - and if the link to prime has collapsed the sender continues to send to spare instead. Having queued the messages inside the application and not in the socket allows the sender's state can get ahead of the actual transfer of messages, knowing that if a link goes down it's still got all the unsent outboud messages that have been generated in the meantime. These can then be directed at spare instead, without having to rewind the sender's internal state (which could be really tricky) to the last known successful transfer.
Something like that, anyway.
"Why not send to both prime and spare anyway?" is a valid question. Well, sometimes things can be complicated...

Something like the Zero MQ REP/REQ model but without having to reply?

Currently I have a REP/REQ model up and running in my code.
However, I do not need for either to send replies. So replies are just wasting time.. I don't know if that matters in the real world or not.
Basically it looks like this.
Client PCs - Connect - REQ
these guys all connect to the Server and update the Server with Info they have on a regular basis. They don't care if the Server didn't receive a particular message, nor do they need any info back from the Server.
there are many of these guys but not excessive.. Let's say between 10 and 100.. all hitting the same server.. well probably not, probably it will be in groups.. a group of them hit one server, another group another.. clients would send messages several times a second. But not much more than several. I have not really done any timing, I don't know how really to time on my computer at less than 1-2 ms resolution so I really don't know what to expect or what is feasible in terms of performance and how many REQ clients can be served by 1 server REP.
Server PC - Bind - REP
this guy sits there running in a loop on his own separate thread waiting for REQs to come in. He sends replies to the REQs because he has to, not because he really wants to or needs to.
Alternate Models
from some googling it seems that PUSH PULL was recommended if you just want to sent messages and don't care about replies.
However, I couldn't figure out how to fit that into my architecture because the binds and connects seem to be reversed from what I need to have.. I would like my Bind to be on the Server because the Client "Connect" guys are not always available to be reached..
1) good alternate model
A good alternate model that works and is relatively simple would be great. I'm not sure there really is one but apart from REP/REQ and PUB/SUB I don't really know too much about other models.
2) I'm worrying about nothing?
if message replies to REQ by REP are always going to be really fast and the reception of those replies by by REQ from REP also are really fast, then I guess I'm worrying about nothing. That would be good to know, so feel free to let me know if this is the case.
The Connection question
I don't really understand what connecting sockets does.
On a client REQ should I make a connect at the start of each loop before sending that one single message? Or should I connect before the loop to my socket that I also created before the loop?
I also don't understand what this means in terms of reliability or if I have to make special checks about connected status and reconnect, or if that is done automatically.
To sum up
I have a "global" context.. created at the start, disposed of at the end
This daddy context has 1 or 2 sockets (connected to the same address, including port) - I'm still debugging this dual socket on the same address thing so I'm not sure if that is ok or it just doesn't work that way - clarification would be nice
These context(s) are lazy initialized and outside the loop scope, so we are not recreating sockets on a regular basis
connect calls for the sockets occur currently outside of the loop scope, but I'm not sure if it is not better to have them inside the loop scope.
I think I'm getting mixed up here.. I think the dual sockets are on my PUB/SUB model .. 1 PUB with 2 SUB sockets on each client, but anyhow please let me know if that would be a problem as well.
If you do not need Request-Reply, do not use it.
Request-Reply is generally slow because you need a round trip to the server for every message. This means you get twice the network latency, which is the time a network package needs to travel over the network. That does not matter if network traffic is low but will become a bottleneck when the traffic is high, for example multiple messages per second.
As you already mentioned Push-Pull is a valid alternative for one-way traffic. With Push-Pull you create a Pull socket on the server and bind it to an endpoint (this is similar to the Reply socket). You create a Push socket on the clients and connect it to the server endpoint (this is similar to the Request socket).
If you send multiple messages from the client to the same server, you should connect only once. Setting up a network connection is a costly operation because it requires multiple network round trips, at least for TCP.

How to get data a ZMQ_PUB service?

Can I publisher service receive data from an external source and send them to the subscribers?
In the wuserver.cpp example, the data are generated from the same script.
Can I write a ZMQ_PUBLISHER entity, which receives data from external data source / application ... ?
In this affirmation:
There is one more important thing to know about PUB-SUB sockets: you do not know precisely when a subscriber starts to get messages. Even if you start a subscriber, wait a while, and then start the publisher, the subscriber will always miss the first messages that the publisher sends. This is because as the subscriber connects to the publisher (something that takes a small but non-zero time), the publisher may already be sending messages out.
Does this mean, that a PUB-SUB ZeroMQ pattern is performed to a best effort - UDP style?
Q1: Can I write a ZMQ_PUBLISHER entity, which receives data from external data source/application?
A1: Oh sure, this is why ZeroMQ is so helping us in designing smart distributed-systems. Just imagine the PUB-side process to also have other { .bind() | .connect() }-calls, so as to establish such other links to data-feeder(s), and you are done to operate the wished to have scheme. In distributed-systems this gives you a new freedom to smart integrate heterogeneous systems to talk to each other in a very efficient way.
Q2:Does this mean, that a PUB-SUB ZeroMQ pattern is performed to a best effort - UDP style?
A2: No, it has another meaning. The newly declared subscriber entities at some uncertain moment start to negotiate their respective subscription-topic filtering and such a ( distributed ) process takes some a-priori unknown time. Unless until the new / changed topic-filter policy was established, there is nothing to go into the SUB-side exgress interface to meet a .recv()-call, so no one can indeed tell, when that will get happened, can he?
On a higher level, there is another well known dichotomy of ZeroMQ -- Zero-Warranty Principle -- expect to either get delivered a complete message or none at all, which prevents the framework users from a need to handle any kind of damaged / inconsistent message-payloads. Either OK, or None. That's a great warranty. The more for distributed-systems.

Best Performance - emit to sockets via a loop or rooms

We currently have a chat app whereby when emitting messages out to the appropriate users (could be 1 or several depending how many are in the conversation) we loop through all socket ( 2.0.2) connections to the server (NodeJS) to get a list of sockets that a user has based on a member ID value as each user could be connected from multiple devices. The code looks like this in order to determine which sockets a user has that we should be sending the message,
var sockets = Object.keys(socketList);
var results = [];
for (var key in sockets) {
if (hasOwnProperty(socketList[sockets[key]].handshake.query, 'token')) {
if (JSON.parse(socketList[sockets[key]].handshake.query.member).id === memberId) {
Having to loop through the socket connections seems inefficient and I wonder is there a better way. My thought is to create a room for each user, most users will have only the one connection but some will be connected via multiple devices so they could have multiple sockets in their room. Then I would just broadcast to the appropriate rooms rather than always looping through all sockets. Given that 95% of users will only have the one socket connection I'm not sure if this approach is any more efficient or not and would appreciate some input on this.
First off, already creates a room for every single user. That room has the name of the Rooms are very lightweight objects. They basically just consist of an object with all the ids of the sockets that are in the room. So, there should be no hesitancy to use rooms at all. If they fit the model of what you're doing, then use them.
As for looping yourself vs. emitting to a room, there's really no difference - use whichever makes your code simpler. When you emit to a room, all it does is loop through the sockets in the room and send to each one individually.
Having to loop through the socket connections seems inefficient and I wonder is there a better way.
The main advantage of rooms is that they are pre-built associations of sockets so you don't have to dynamically figure out which sockets you want to send to - there's already a list of sockets in the right room that you can send to. So, it would likely be a small bit more efficient to just send to all sockets in a room than to do what your code is doing because you code is dynamically trying to figure out which sockets to send to, rather than sending to an already made list. Would this make a difference? That depends upon how long the whole list of sockets is and how expensive the computation is to figure out which ones you want to send to. My guess is that it probably wouldn't make much difference either way.
Sending a message to a room is not much more efficient on the actual sending part. Each socket has to be sent the message individually so somebody (your code or the rooms code) is going to be looping through a list of sockets either way. The underlying OS does not contain a function to send a single message to multiple sockets. Each socket has to be sent to individually.
Then I would just broadcast to the appropriate rooms rather than always looping through all sockets.
Sending to a room is a programming convenience for you, but will just be looping under the covers anyway.
I would use rooms to accomplish what you want to do.
Server side, adding a client to a chat room:
socket.join('some room');
Then I would use'some room').emit for a sender message to be sent to all participants in the room.

How can I monitor/manage queue in ZeroMQ?

First of all, I'm new to ZeroMQ and message queue systems, so what I'm trying to do may be solved through a different approach. I'm designing a messaging system that does the following:
Multiple clients connect to a broker and send the id of an item that needs to be processed. The client disconnects immediately and does not wait for a response.
The broker sends items to workers, one item per worker, to perform some processing. Each return returns a signal that the processing was completed.
I have a rudimentary system setup which is processing requests/replies correctly, but I'd also like to be able to do the following:
Query the broker to see how many processes are actually running on the workers and how many are simply waiting to be run.
Have the broker ensure that only one process per id is running - if a duplicate id arrives and that item is not currently being processed by a worker, do not add it to the queue.
I'm using a poll setup with broker/dealer sockets. The code I'm using is very similar to this example from Ian Barber.
My first inclination (although I'm not sure how to implement it in zmq) is to have the broker keep track of the ids that have been received, and those that are actively being processed by workers. It seems that the broker forwards requests to workers immediately, regardless of whether or not they are available to actually run the processing. The workers then queue up the ids and process them in order. This isn't ideal since I'm looking to be able to monitor and control what is going on in the system centrally to achieve reliability.
Anyways, any hints, tips or examples of this type of setup would be greatly appreciated.
ZeroMQ is, in my opinion, best used in broker-less designs, for which the library is designed. If you want to monitor the number of items in a queue, or throughput, or whatever, you're going to have to build that into the application/device/producer yourself. Since you're new to messaging, that could get out of hand real quick. Given this, I'd suggest looking into RabbitMQ (or a similar broker), which would provide these services for you out of the box. If you do adopt RabbitMQ (or rather, AMQP), I'd suggest using a fanout exchange for the scenario you describe above.
The Python library for ZeroMQ seems to come with a pattern for dealing with this:
