How to call multiple methods by URI segments in CodeIgniter - codeigniter

I have an issue with CodeIgniter; I have a controller named site, and in this controller there are two methods: production and story.
production calls a specific production via a model which creates production/slug.
What I want to achieve is to create the following URL:
How do I achieve that? As the slug changes, in the story function I want to call a story from the database using $this->uri->segment(3).

You can post multi parameters:
URI: site/production/slug/story/5
public function production($one, $two, $there)
echo $one."<br />";
echo $two."<br />";
echo $there."<br />";

Pass the method name as second parameter to the first method.
For example, if the URI is site/production/slug/story, pass story to the production method and do necessary checks as below:
class Site extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function story($text) {
echo $text;
public function production($slug = '', $callback = NULL)
// Do something with $slug
if (isset($callback) && method_exists(__CLASS__, $callback)) {
PHPFiddle Demo


recover the slug of a category linked to another category Laravel

I would like to recover the slug of 2 categories from my routes but can’t write the Controller.
My Route
Route::get('technicians/o/{occupation}/c/{city}', 'User\TechnicianController#viewoccupationcity');
My Controller
public function viewoccupationcity($slug)
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
Route::get('technicians/o/{occupation}/c/{city}', 'User\TechnicianController#viewoccupationcity');
Your controller will accept the parameters from your route as variables by order
public function viewoccupationcity($ocupation, $city)
URL: technicians/o/foo/c/bar
public function viewoccupationcity($ocupation, $city)
// $ocupation will be 'foo'
// $city will be 'bar
Ok, you would need to retrieve 2 variables as that is what you are passing
public function viewoccupationcity($occupation, $city)
If you want the whole slug to do another search then you would use the $request object. So like so
public function viewoccupationcity(Request $request, $occupation, $city){ // You also need to include the Request decleration
$slug = $request->path();
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
EDIT: We are having to do a lot of guesswork as your question isn't very clear. I think what you are trying to achieve is probably this
public function viewoccupationcity($occupation, $city){
$technicians = TechnicianResource::collection(occupation::where('city',$city)->where('occupation',$occupation)->firstOrFail()->technicians()
return $technicians;
If you need something more then you need to give more details

How to fetch session data in codeigniter?

I am trying to create a login process using codeigniter framework. Form validation is working but there is a problem in session. I can't fetch username after "Welcome-".
controller : Main.php
class Main extends CI_Controller
public function login()
public function login_validation()
if ($this->form_validation->run())
$username = $this->input->post('username');
$password= $this->input->post('password');
if ($this->myModel->can_login($username,$password))
$session_data = array('username' => $username);
$this->session->set_flashdata('error','Invalid Username Or Password');
function enter()
if ($this->session->userdata('username')!=' ')
echo '<h2> Welcome- '.$this->session->userdata('username').'</h2>';
echo 'Logout';
function logout()
Add session library in the constructor
class Main extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
// Load form helper library
// Load form validation library
// Load session library
$username = $this->session->userdata('username');
if (empty($username)) {
Another method you can load the session library in autoload.php file
File location: application/config/autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'email', 'session');
I suggest a slight code rearrangement for enter() that provides a better test for the user name using a tiny bit less code.
function enter()
//base_url() accepts URI segments as a string.
// The following code will never execute if `redirect()` is called
// because `redirect()` does not return, it calls `exit` instead.
// So, you do not need an `else` block
echo '<h2> Welcome- '.$this->session->userdata('username').'</h2>';
echo 'Logout';
empty() will be true for an empty string, NULL, False and a couple of other things. In this case, you are most interested in an empty string or NULL. (empty() documentation HERE.)
You might want to consider adding 'trim' to your validation rules because it strips empty whitespace from the input string. That will remove the possibility of someone trying to input a username using only space characters.
Otherwise, your code should work. If it does not then it's very likely you do not have CodeIgniter sessions configured properly. There are many session setup questions answered here on Stack Overflow that will help you get it running.

Symfony 1.4 doctrine model object data retrieve issue

In my symfony 1.4 application i'm using doctrine data models.I'm new to symfony and doctrine.I generated doctrine models from command-line after defining database table information in the schema.yml file.Those generated successfully.Then i created a custom function inside Table.class.php file.Following is that.
class Table extends BaseTable
public function getuname()
$user=new Table();
return $uname;
I want to know how to call this inside the controller ? I called it normal MVC application's way.But i don't know whether it's correct in symfony.In symfony 1.4 manual also i couldn't find a proper way to do this.
This is my controller.
class loginActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->userdata = User::getuname();
Then i tried to print this inside view.
echo $userdata;
But view is showing an empty page.
Update with exception details--------------------------------
stack trace
at ()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\vendor\doctrine\Doctrine\Connection.php line 1082 ...
$message .= sprintf('. Failing Query: "%s"', $query);
$exc = new $name($message, (int) $e->getCode());
if ( ! isset($e->errorInfo) || ! is_array($e->errorInfo)) {
$e->errorInfo = array(null, null, null, null);
When using Doctrine you retrieve objects from the database using the ...Table classes (in your case it will be a TableTable class. You can use its' methods to fetch objects from DB (e.g. find($id)) and then access them. So in your case your classes should something like this:
class Table extends BaseTable
public function getuname()
return $this->getUsername();
Now it effectively becomes just an alias of getUsername().
Then in your action:
class loginActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$user = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Table')->find(123);
$this->userdata = $user->getuname();
This will print the username in your template (assuming of course that you have a user with id 123).

Simple AJAX / JSON response with CakePHP

I'm new to cakePHP. Needless to say I don't know where to start reading. Read several pages about AJAX and JSON responses and all I could understand is that somehow I need to use Router::parseExtensions() and RequestHandlerComponent, but none had a sample code I could read.
What I need is to call function MyController::listAll() and return a Model::find('all') in JSON format so I can use it with JS.
Do I need a View for this?
In what folder should that view go?
What extension should it have?
Where do I put the Router::parseExtension() and RequestHandlerComponent?
// Controller
public function listAll() {
$myModel = $this->MyModel->find('all');
if($this->request->is('ajax') {
// What else?
I don't know what you read but I guess it was not the official documentation. The official documentation contains examples how to do it.
class PostsController extends AppController {
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public function index() {
// some code that created $posts and $comments
$this->set(compact('posts', 'comments'));
$this->set('_serialize', array('posts', 'comments'));
If the action is called with the .json extension you get json back, if its called with .xml you'll get xml back.
If you want or need to you can still create view files. Its as well explained on that page.
// Controller code
class PostsController extends AppController {
public function index() {
$this->set(compact('posts', 'comments'));
// View code - app/View/Posts/json/index.ctp
foreach ($posts as &$post) {
echo json_encode(compact('posts', 'comments'));
// Controller
public function listAll() {
$myModel = $this->MyModel->find('all');
if($this->request->is('ajax') {
// What else?
echo json_encode($myModel);
// What else?
You must use exit after the echo and you are already using layout null so that is OK.
You do not have to use View for this, and it is your wish to work with components. Well all you can do from controller itself and there is nothing wrong with it!
In Cakephp 3.5 you can send json response as below:
//in the controller
public function XYZ() {
$this->autoRender = false;
$taskData = $this->_getTaskData();
$data = $this->XYZ->getAllEventsById( $taskData['tenderId']);
return $this->response;
Try this:
public function listAll(){
$output = $this->MyModel->find('all')->toArray();
$this->response = $this->response->withType('json');
$json = json_encode($output);
$this->response = $this->response->withStringBody($json);

CodeIgniter: loading multiple models in the same controller

I searched the whole Internet and either there is no one mentioning my problem, or I'm stupid, or maybe it's just a bad day for coding.
What's the situation:
controller "source"
model "source"
model "login"
The "login" model is loaded from autoload.php, then in each controller's constructor I have $this->login->check(), which is checking if the user is logged in (obviously). Then in some of the methods I'm using the "source" model to connect to the database.
I tried loading both of the models from the autoload array, I also tried to load them in the way described here, but it's obviously for an old CI version (the thread is from 2008) and I tried all the possible ways I had in my mind.
Anyway, the result is this:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Source::$login
Filename: controllers/source.php
Line Number: 10
Fatal error: Call to a member function check() on a non-object in ...\application\controllers\source.php on line 10
Any ideas what I'm missing or how to fix it...? I'm stuck for hours and I don't have any ideas what I could do...
Edit 1: here is the code from the "source" controller:
class Source extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
function index() {
// Pagination config, getting records from DB
$this->load->view('templates/layout', $data);
function add() {
$this->load->model('source', '', true);
$btn = $this->input->post('btn');
if(isset($btn)) {
// More form validation
if($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
if($btn == "Add") {
// here I am supposed to use the source model...
$data['page'] = 'source_add';
$this->load->view('templates/layout', $data);
Edit 2: login.php:
class Login extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
function authenticate($username, $password) {
// the login script comes here
function logged() {
if($this->session->userdata('logged') == true) {
return true;
} else return false;
function check() {
if(!$this->logged()) {
Conventionally, the classname of Models should end with _model, so it not collides with controllers with the same name, so try changing
class Login extends CI_Model {
class Login_model extends CI_Model {
I resolved this issue by utilizing the hooks and turned the login process into a controller, thereby being able to access user information and setting access levels.
First I added the following to the hooks.php file in the config folder
$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array('function' => 'check_login','filename' => 'authority.php','filepath' => 'hooks');
Then I have the following functions in a hook file called authority.php
[EDIT]Having reviewed this I am going to change it to a pre_controller_constructor and see if I can remove what seems to be a double page flash on initial construct.[/EDIT]
function check_login(){
$CI =& get_instance();
$is_logged_in = $CI->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
$unauth_pages = array(your unauthorized pages go here);
function check_authority(){
$CI =& get_instance();
if($CI->session->userdata('usergroupID') == 'SUPADMIN'){return;}
$page = $CI->router->class ;
$method = $CI->router->method;
$method = ($method=='index')?'':$method;
$unauth_pages = array(your unauthorized pages go here);
$user_group = $CI->session->userdata('usergroupID');
if($user_group == 'ADMIN' || $user_group == 'USER'){
if($CI->session->userdata('timezone') == ''){
} else {
if( !$CI->user_model->authorized_content($CI->session->userdata('usergroupID'),$page, $method)){
With the above I dont have to worry about checking on each page but instead utilize the ci framework to do the checking for me.. if its not in the unauth page array then it is a page that requires authorization checking.
Hope this works for you.
