SELECT2 empty results - ajax

I'm creating a simple select2 search box with a remote request to a php page.
I choosed to use "json" instead of "jsonp" and it seems correctly working.
The problem is that the results are white: no writes as element list.
In the image that I cannot post because "I need at least 10 reputation to post"... -.-
You could see the input box with the letter "d" and:
no loading icon (because the search has correctly ended)
no "Search" write (because the search has correctly ended)
the search box height is exactly for 2 results and you can select the results but the text is invisible.. you see just the blue selection..
The code follows:
function MultiAjaxAutoComplete(element, url) {
minimumInputLength: 1,
ajax: {
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: function(term, page) {
return {
q: term,
page_limit: 10
results: function(data, page) {
return {
results: data
formatResult: formatResult,
formatSelection: formatSelection,
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
var data = [];
$(element.val().split(",")).each(function(i) {
var item = this.split(':');
id: item[0],
title: item[1]
function formatResult(movie) {
return '<div>' + movie.title + '</div>';
function formatSelection(data) {
return data.title;
MultiAjaxAutoComplete('#advertiser', '/AJAXController');
and the returned json data is the following
[{"id":"12889","title":"Donnie Darko" },
{"id":"8", "title":"Another title"}
PS: I got two results because, at the moment, I'm returning the json data as direct output text with "echo <<< EOF ..."
Thank you,

var data = [
{ "id":"12889", "title":"Donnie Darko" },
{ "id":"8", "title":"Another title"}
$(element).select2('data', data);


XMLHTTPRequest dealing with event

I am performing an Ajax (JQuery) request on a php script which iterates. At each iteration I do an "echo" of the value of the loop counter, encoded in JSon. The goal is to manage the display of a progress bar.
By doing this I hoped to intercept and retrieve each of the counter values in a separate response thanks to the "progress" event.
Actually I only have one answer which contains all the counter values.
My research always leads me to information about downloading files, which is not my situation.
Maybe I should use the "onreadystatechange" event, but I don't see how to fit it into my code: $ Ajax parameter or separate function?
If anyone has an idea to solve my problem.
Here is my JS code
function DiffuseOffre(envoi, tab, paquet, dest) {
$("#xhr-rep").css("display", "block");
var server = '/Admin/Offres/DiffuseOffre.php';
url: server,
type: 'Post',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
envoi: envoi,
tab: tab,
paquet: paquet,
dest: dest
xhr: function() {
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
if (evt.lengthComputable) {
var compteur = evt.text;
}, false);
return xhr;
success: function(msg) {
//$('#cover-spin').css("display", "none");
$('#xhr-rep').css("display", "none");
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('erreur')) {
width: '600px',
title: msg.title
} else {
width: '600px',
title: msg.title
if (paquet == 1) {
$("#envoi_" + dest).remove();
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('encours')) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty('fieldset')) {
$("#" + msg.fieldset).remove();

Youtube search autocomplete not working with Framework 7

I am trying to use Framework 7 autocomplete feature with youtube search API v3. I had used search api for autocomplete using Jquery UI. Framework 7 has also Ajax autocomplete feature. But my code is not working with Framework 7.
Here is my youtube search autocomplete js code for jquery UI, that works 100% and shows up video search suggestion on text input
//code for auto complete using jquery UI works perfect
jQuery( "#vid-search" ).autocomplete({
source: function( request, response ) {
var sqValue = [];
type: "POST",
url: "",
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: jQuery.extend({
q: request.term
}, { }),
success: function(data){
obj = data[1];
jQuery.each( obj, function( key, value ) {
response( sqValue);
select: function( event, ui ) {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 300);
And here is my youtube search autocomplete code with framework 7, Doest show up video search suggestions on text inpute..
var autocompleteDropdownAjax = myApp.autocomplete({
input: '#autocomplete-dropdown-ajax',
openIn: 'dropdown',
preloader: true, //enable preloader
valueProperty: 'id', //object's "value" property name
textProperty: 'name', //object's "text" property name
limit: 20, //limit to 20 results
dropdownPlaceholderText: 'Try "JavaScript"',
expandInput: true, // expand input
source: function (autocomplete, query, request, response, render) {
var results = [];
if (query.length === 0) {
// Show Preloader
// Do Ajax request to Autocomplete data
type: "POST",
url: "",
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: jQuery.extend({
q: request.term
}, { }),
success: function (data) {
// Find matched items
obj = data[1];
jQuery.each( obj, function( key, value ) {
response( sqValue);
// Hide Preoloader
// Render items by passing array with result items
select: function( event, ui ) {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 300);
That is because the jSon result should be in a special format, the result rendered by the API looks like:
["funn",["funny vines","funny videos 2016","funny videos","funny","funnel vision","funny cat videos","funny fails","funny pranks","funny cats","funny songs"]]
First parent array has the query you typed, second child array has the result array, you must push the child array to the result.
for (var i = 0; i < data[1].length; i++) {
And here is the result:
Full code:
var autocompleteDropdownAjax = myApp.autocomplete({
input: '#autocomplete-dropdown-ajax',
openIn: 'dropdown',
preloader: true, //enable preloader
valueProperty: 'value', //object's "value" property name
textProperty: 'text', //object's "text" property name
limit: 20, //limit to 20 results
dropdownPlaceholderText: 'Search Youtube',
expandInput: true, // expand input
source: function(autocomplete, query, render) {
var results = [];
var returned = [];
if (query.length === 0) {
// Show Preloader
// Do Ajax request to Autocomplete data
url: '',
method: 'GET',
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
//send "query" to server. Useful in case you generate response dynamically
data: {
q: query
success: function(data) {
// Find matched items
for (var i = 0; i < data[1].length; i++) {
// Hide Preoloader
// Render items by passing array with result items
I hope this helps :)

Use select2 ajax data to update hidden inputs

I am having trouble updating hidden inputs using data retrieved from Select2 Ajax.
Please see my code:
var select2_town = $('.select-test select').select2({
ajax: {
url : ajax_var.url,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'post',
delay: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
q: params.term, // search term
processResults: function (data, page) {
return {
results: $.map(data, function (item) {
return {
id:, //eg 1149
town: item.place_name, //eg Reading
county: item.county, //eg Berkshire
data: item
cache: true;
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },
minimumInputLength: 1,
templateResult: function (item) { return ('<p>' + + ' - ' + item.county + '</p>'); },
templateSelection: function (item) { return (; },
This code works fine for me. My issue is what happens after a value is selected.
I would like to update my hidden input ids "#town","#county" and "#country" with town,county and country respectively through an 'change' event.
I have seen many SO examples but they all stop at $(this).select2('data')[0];but do not expand on it.
Weird thing is that the following script displays the correct value in console log. but ALWAYS only apply the object id to #country.
select2_town.on('change', function() {
var obz = $(this).select2('data')[0].country;
console.log(obz);//displays Reading in console
$("#country").attr("value",obz); //displays 1149
This actually works.
I had another function that was adding the ID hidden in another file. I deleted that and then the script worked as I wanted it to.

JSON, jQueryUI Autocomplete, AJAX - Cannot get data when array is not local

I have searched stackoverflow, as well as the web for some insight into how to get the jQueryUI Autocomplete plugin working with my JSON data, and I'm at a loss. I had it working like a charm with a local data array. I was able to pull values and build html.
I ran into a problem when I had to pull JSON form this source:
?txtSearch=ca pulls up the test data that I am trying to loop through, when I type in 'ca' to populate the autocomplete list. One of the problems is that ?term=ca is appended to the url instead of ?txtSearch=ca and I'm not sure how to change it.
This is an example of the data:
"MatchedProperties": [
"Id": 201,
"Name": "Carlyle Center",
"Description": "Comfort, convenience and style are just a few of the features you'll ...",
"ImageUrl": "/Photos/n/225/4989/PU__ThumbnailRS.jpg"
...and here is the ajax call I'm trying to implement:
$(document).ready(function () {
val = $("#txtSearch").val();
type: "POST",
url: "/Search/AjaxFindPeopleProperties2",
dataType: "json",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
minLength: 0,
source: data.d, //not sure what this is or if it's correct
focus: function (event, ui) {
$.widget("custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
//customize menu item html here
_renderItem: function (ul, item) {
return $("<li class='suggested-search-item" + " " + currentCategory + "'></li>")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
.append($("<a><img src='" + item.MatchedProperties.ImageUrl + "' /><span class='name'>" + item.MatchedProperties.Name + "</span><span class='location'>" + "item.location" + "</span><span class='description'>" + item.MatchedProperties.Description + "</span></a>"))
_renderMenu: function (ul, items) {
var self = this,
currentCategory = "Properties Static Test Category";
$.each(items, function (index, item) {
if (item.category != currentCategory) {
ul.append("<li class='suggested-search-category ui-autocomplete-category'>" + currentCategory + "</li>");
//currentCategory = item.category;
self._renderItem(ul, item);
}//END: widget
//return false;
select: function (event, ui) {
//$('#selectedValue').text("Selected value:" + ui.item.Abbreviation);
return false;
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
}); //END ajax
}); //END: doc ready
and I'm initializing here:
<script type="text/javascript">
//initialize autocomplete
$("#txtSearch").autocomplete({ //autocomplete with category support
/*basic settings*/
delay: 0,
source: "/Search/AjaxFindPeopleProperties2",
autoFocus: true,
minLength: 2 //can adjust this to determine how many characters need to be entered before autocomplete will kick in
//set auto fucus
$("#txtSearch").autocomplete("option", "autoFocus", true);
any help would be great...

JqGrid not able to fill itself from Json response

So I have a javascript function that runs on page load, listed below:
function createGrid()
var myGrid =
reportBtn = "<input style='height:22px;width:100px;' type='button' value='Report' />",
getColumnIndexByName = function(grid,columnName) {
var cm = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam','colModel');
for (var i=0,l=cm.length; i<l; i++) {
if (cm[i].name===columnName) {
return i; // return the index
return -1;
url: "<%= Url.Action("GetMessages", "Home") %>",
datatype: 'json',
myType: 'GET',
height: 'auto',
colModel: [
{ name:'distance', index:'distance', label:'Distance', width:100 },
{ name:'age', index:'age', label:'Age', width:75 },
{ name:'message', index:'message', label:'Message', width:500 },
{ name:'messageId', index:'messageId', key:true, hidden:true },
{ name:'report', index:'report', label: 'Report', width:100,
formatter:function() { return reportBtn; } }
loadComplete: function() {
var i=getColumnIndexByName(myGrid,'report');
// nth-child need 1-based index so we use (i+1) below
$("tbody > tr.jqgrow > td:nth-child("+(i+1)+") > input",myGrid[0]).click(function(e) {
var tr=$(,myGrid[0].rows).closest("tr.jqgrow");
var x=window.confirm("Are you sure you want to report this message?")
if (x)
pager: '#pager',
caption: "What's going on in your area!"
Now it loads the grid fine, actually makes a call to the public ActionResult GetMessages() on the server correctly, and doesn't receive any data from the response, so it doesn't fill the grid and says there are no records. Yay!
Problem is, I click a button on the page, which triggers this javascript method:
function reloadGrid()
So the grid goes and re-gets the server method, yay! But this time, the server sends a response back that looks like this from firebug:
{"ContentEncoding":null,"ContentType":null,"Data":{"page":1,"records":2,"rows":[{"id":3,"cell":["\u003c 1 mile","25 hour(s)","sdfgsdfgsdfg","3"]},{"id":2,"cell":["\u003c 1 mile","25 hour(s)","adfg","2"]}],"total":1},"JsonRequestBehavior":1}
However, the grid doesn't fill and still says there are no records, when there should be 3.
You use not standard format of JSON data, so you should include the corresponding jsonReader parameter in the jqGrid which describe how jqGrid should get the data from the JSON input:
jsonReader: {
page: "",
total: "",
records: "Data.records",
root: "Data.rows"
How you can read from the demo the data will be read after the change.
