ckeditor replace textarea using class name with different toolbar confogurations - ckeditor

I am using the following code to add ckeditor to my pages.
<textarea class="ckeditor" name="editor1"></textarea>
I would like to define a few toolbar configurations as not all of the textareas in my application need a full toolbar.
I have customized the default toolbar configuration for my needs, but would like to break this down even further to a more basic toolbar for some of my textareas.
Is there a way to do this if I am using the class attribute to set ckeditor?

It's not possible to have different configurations for editors created by class name. In such case, only the global CKEDITOR.config is considered.
Still there's easy workaround for this problem. First, put this script in the top of the document:
CKEDITOR.replaceClass = null; // Disable replacing by class
Now define the data-custom-config property (as config.customConfig) for each <textarea> you want to replace like this:
<textarea class="ckeditor" data-custom-config="myCustomConfig.js">
Finally use the following code to manually replace editors by class name (assuming your class is ckeditor). This code will replace all textareas of the class ckeditor with CKEditor instance driven by the config defined in data-custom-config attribute:
var textareas = document.getElementsByClassName( 'ckeditor' ) ),
textarea, cfg, customCfg;
while ( ( textarea = textareas.pop() ) ) {
textarea = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( textarea );
cfg = {};
if ( ( customCfg = textarea.getAttribute( 'data-custom-config' ) ) )
cfg[ 'customConfig' ] = customCfg;
CKEDITOR.replace( textarea.getId(), cfg )
And now comes the cherry on the top. Put your custom toolbar config in myCustomConfig.js:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'basicstyles', items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ] }
Of course you can modify this code to involve jQuery for easier element selection, use some object literal instead of config.customConfig and so on. This is just a showcase of how the problem can be solved.


CKEditor 4 keeps class on toggle

I'm using a custom plugin for CKEDITOR4 that does the following:
var pluginName = 'flowctrl';
var style = new{ element: 'pre', attributes: {'class: flow'}});
editor.addCommand(pluginName , new CKEDITOR.styleCommand(style));
editor.attachStyleStateChange(style, function (state){
!editor.readOnly && editor.getCommand(pluginName).setState(state);
editor.ui.addButton('Flow_Control' {
label: 'Flow Control',
command: pluginName,
toolbar: 'insert'
In short, it changes <p> block that the cursor is on to <pre> and adds the class "flow"
Much like selecting "bold" for text, the button is pressed in while you're inside this <pre> block.
When you toggle the button off, it changes the <pre> back into <p>, however it retains the class "flow".
I'm fairly new to CKEDITOR, so I'm not sure what I'm missing in this context.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

How to add a css class to a selected Paragraph/Div?

Is there any option in ckeditor by adding a css class by selecting a paragraph?
My requirements are that I have lengthy text in the field with some paragraphs. One of paragraph I want to change the style through css. So for that I want an option in the ckeditor toolbar from where I can add a css class to a paragraph, not from source and editing the html.
Like currently there is an option for the "Normal (DIV)" in the Format dropdown. Can I add another option in this dropdown with "DIV with class test" and it will add a div with a test css class?
Adding Styleset to ckeditor config. but it only add style attribute to div not class.
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add('CustomStyle', [
{ name : 'TxtDanger', element : ['p','div','h1'], styles : {'color' : 'red' } }
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.stylesSet = 'CustomStyle';
Now you Can Get 'TxtDanger' style in your ckeditor style dropdown. But, 'CustomStyle' is replace your default ckeditor styles(Paragraph, Heading1,2..). so first add all default style into your 'CustomStyle'. here list of default styles.

How to config CKEditor-4 inline editors?

I have a standard installation (like samples):
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
With HTML content with many <div contenteditable="true"> blocks. I need to configure each editor by local or an external configTypeX.js file,
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceCreated', function( event ) {
var editor = event.editor, element = editor.element;
if ( 'h1', 'h2', 'h3' ) ) {
editor.on( 'configLoaded', function() {
editor.config.toolbar = [
[ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic' ]
]; // BUG: about "Source"?? NOT AT INTERFACE!
} else {
customConfig: 'configType2.js';
So, my problem is
How to do a customConfig in this context?
Where the "best complete documentation", about config menus (editor.config.toolbar) without online configuration-tool, where I can understand how to put and remove menu itens with correct names? Here nothing about how to fix the bug of 'Source' in a full installation.
I do,
git clone git://
cd ckeditor-releases
cp samples/inlineall.html samples/myinline.html
and edit samples/myinline.html with the code above.
For inline editors the standard Source button is hidden, because it is not possible to have different modes other than wysiwyg. Therefore for those editors new plugin was created - sourcedialog, but it is not included in any of builds by default. You can build editor with this plugin using online CKBuilder or by using one of presets with all parameter. For example: ./ full all. Remember also to load sourcedialog plugin (using config.extraPlugins = 'sourcedialog').
If you want to freely configure inline editors, then you should take a look at inlinebycode sample. First you need to disable automatic editors initialization on editable elements and then call CKEDITOR.inline() on elements you want to become editors:
// We need to turn off the automatic editor creation first.
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
customConfig: 'editableConfig.js'
} );
CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable1', {
toolbar: [ ... ]
} );

Working with CKEditor 3's templates: Issues with preserving HTML markup

I'm using CKEditor as part of the WYGWAM plugin for ExpressionEngine, but at the core my issue is a CKEditor issue.
I have some custom HTML markup for certain UI elements and thus far have had no problems using the templates_files and CKEditor 3 Templates to use them.
However, for some reason, not all the markup of each HTML template is being preserved. In the following case with applying expand/collapse accordion list, the first "toggler" isn't preserved when going to the next < li > item.
The code:
CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default',
imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( '../../../../wygwam_assets' ) + 'template-thumbs/' ),
// Template definitions.
templates :
/* toggler */
title: 'Expand & Collapse List',
image: 'testing.png',
description: 'Create a collapsed list of expandable items. When each title is clicked, the content below will animate open and reveal the full content.',
'<div class="toggle_wrap"><ul>' +
'<li><div class="toggler">ITEM_TITLE</div><div class="togglee">ITEM_CONTENT</div></li>' +
Oddly enough, when pressing enter at the end of the last line for the < li >, the next item on the list is added with the following output:
<div class="togglee">
The togglee div is there! But why oh why not the toggler?!
See if setting allowedContent to true in your config for CKEditor makes a difference. This is used to strip style and class attributes etc. so basically strip out content that is not allowed by default.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.allowedContent = true;

CKEDITOR - how to add permanent onclick event?

I am looking for a way to make the CKEDITOR wysiwyg content interactive. This means for example adding some onclick events to the specific elements. I can do something like this:
After processing this action it works nice. But consequently if I change the mode to source-mode and then return to wysiwyg-mode, the javascript won't run. The onclick action is still visible in the source-mode, but is not rendered inside the textarea element.
However, it is interesting, that this works fine everytime:
CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'].document.getById('id1').setAttribute('style','cursor: pointer;');
And it is also not rendered inside the textarea element! How is it possible? What is the best way to work with onclick and onmouse events of CKEDITOR content elements?
I tried manually write this by the source-mode:
This is some <strong id="id1" onclick="alert('blabla');" style="cursor: pointer;">sample text</strong>. You are using CKEditor.</p>
And the Javascript (onclick action) does not work. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!
My final solution:
editor.on('contentDom', function() {
var elements = editor.document.getElementsByTag('span');
for (var i = 0, c = elements.count(); i < c; i++) {
var e = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(elements.$.item(i));
if (hasSemanticAttribute(e)) {
// leve tlacitko mysi - obsluha
e.on('click', function() {
if (this.getAttribute('class') === marked) {
if (editor.document.$.getElementsByClassName(marked_unique).length > 0) {
} else {
this.setAttribute('class', marked_unique);
} else if (this.getAttribute('class') === marked_unique) {
} else {
this.setAttribute('class', marked);
Filtering (only CKEditor >=4.1)
This attribute is removed because CKEditor does not allow it. This filtering system is called Advanced Content Filter and you can read about it here:
Advanced Content Filter guide
In short - you need to configure editor to allow onclick attributes on some elements. For example:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
extraAllowedContent: 'strong[onclick]'
} );
Read more here: config.extraAllowedContent.
on* attributes inside CKEditor
CKEditor encodes on* attributes when loading content so they are not breaking editing features. For example, onmouseout becomes data-cke-pa-onmouseout inside editor and then, when getting data from editor, this attributes is decoded.
There's no configuration option for this, because it wouldn't make sense.
Note: As you're setting attribute for element inside editor's editable element, you should set it to the protected format:
element.setAttribute( 'data-cke-pa-onclick', 'alert("blabla")' );
Clickable elements in CKEditor
If you want to observe click events in editor, then this is the correct solution:
editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
var element = editor.document.getById( 'foo' );
editor.editable().attachListener( element, 'click', function( evt ) {
// ...
// Get the event target (needed for events delegation).;
} );
} );
Check the documentation for editor#contentDom event which is very important in such cases.
