Including additional custom attributes in an laravel eloquent response - laravel

class Profile extends Eloquent {
public function user(){ return $this->belongsTo('User'); }
public function url(){
return URL::Route('profile', array('city_slug' => $this->city_slug, 'slug'=> $this->slug));
class ProfileController extends BaseController {
public function show($user_id)
$profile = Profile::with('user')->where('user_id', $user_id);
return Response::json($profile, 200);
I would like the response to include the generated URL from the Profile method url(){}
"id" : 1,
"url" : /profile/{city_slug}/{slug},
Thanks in advance.

I would go at this the other way.
In your Users model...
public function profile()
return $this->belongsTo('Profiles','profile_id');
Then you can use $profile = User::find(user_id)->profile.
$data = array(
'id' => $profile->id,
'url' => "/profile/".$profile->city_slug."/".profile->slug
And then finally
return Repsonse::json($data,200);


Testing BelongsToMany relationship with pivot table

I'm trying to figure out how to create all the data based on this relationship testing in Laravel.
Company Model
class Company
public function stores()
return $this->hasMany(Store::class, 'company_id');
public function employers()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'employers',
'company_id', 'user_id');
Store Model
class Store
public function company()
return $this->belongsTo(Company::class, 'company_id');
public function employers()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'employers',
'store_id', 'user_id');
User Model
class User
public function company()
return $this->belongsToMany(Company::class, 'employers',
'user_id', 'company_id');
public function store()
return $this->belongsToMany(Store::class, 'employers',
'user_id', 'store_id');
$company = Company::factory()->hasStores(
dd($company) // App\Models\Company {#2470... Ok!
$store = $company->store()->first();
dd($store) // App\Models\Store {#2479... Ok!
$user = $store->employers()->first();
dd($user) // null (T-T)
Background: this is an application that allows a proprietor to own several companies. For that reason, I got many relationships, and even so, employees sometimes can only belong to a single company or store.
$store = $company->store->first();
$user = $store->employers->first();
Try something like this with DB Facade
private $employ;
public function setUp(): void
$this->employ = Employ::factory()->create([
'id' => 14,
'name' => 'Name Employ'
public function test_pivote_table()
$user = User::factory()->create([
'name' => 'User test'
//here :)
'user_id' => $user->id,
'employ_id' => $this->employ->id
Credits to Fguzman :)

How to set global variable laravel

I tried to make a global variable in laravel, in my code when the json return response, the data appears, but the other method is why it is null,
there is my code
class VendorController extends Controller
private $vendor_id;
public function index(){
if($cek =='available')
$this->vendor_id = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'vendor_id' => $this->vendor_id
public function cek(){
when in function cek $this->vendor_id result is null, but in index function return->response()->json() there data is 13
Because that's different controller's instance. So you set the vendor_id in your index action, it will not display in show action,
Try to use session or redis to store the vendor_id:
public function index(){
$vendor_id = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();
$request->session()->put('vendor_id', $vendor_id);
public function show () {
$vendor_id = $request->session()->get('vendor_id'); // get your vendor_id
PS: You need to install redis in your server.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
public function index(){
$vendor_id = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();
Redis::set('vendor_id', $vendor_id);
public function show () {
$vendor_id = Redis::get('vendor_id');
This is right way:-> Please Follow this
class VendorController extends Controller
private $vendor_id;
public function __construct(){
public function show(){

Laravel API ResourceCollection WhenLoaded

I try to include a relationship in my resource array if it has been eager loaded, but don't get it working.
Anyone has an idea, how I can check the relationships in the ResourceCollection?
Database schema looks like this:
Here is my Post Model
class Post extends Model
function categories() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Category');
Here is my Category Model
class Category extends Model
function posts() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Post');
Here is my Post Controller
Class PostController extends Controller
public function index()
return new PostResourceCollection(Post::with("categories")->get());
Here is my Post ResourceCollection
class PostResourceCollection extends ResourceCollection
public function toArray($request)
return [
'data' => $this->collection->transform(function($page){
return [
'type' => 'posts',
'id' => $page->id,
'attributes' => [
'name' => $page->title,
//'includes' => ($this->whenLoaded('categories')) ? 'true' : 'false',
//'includes' => ($this->relationLoaded('categories')) ? 'true' : 'false',
Maybe too late, below solution is a workaround for this case:
return [
'includes' => $this->whenLoaded('categories', true),
Loading custom attribute:
return [
'includes' => $this->whenLoaded('categories', fn() => $this->categories->name),
You relationship is wrong, a post belongs to many categories while a category has many posts so change:
class Category extends Model
function posts() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Post', 'category_post');
class Category extends Model
function posts() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Post', 'category_post');
Now when you load the post you can load the categories also:
$posts = Post::with('categories')->get();
got it.. That was the missing piece. if anyone has a better solution for this it would be much appreciated.
foreach ($this->collection as $item) {
if ($item->relationLoaded('categories')) {
$included = true;

type casting in laravel json response in relationships eager loading

This is my post model.
class Post extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'posts';
protected $fillable = ['title','featuring_image', 'brief', 'body', 'seen_count'];
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);
public function someComments()
return $this->comments()->limit(Constants::COMMENTS_COUNT_LIMIT);
public function commentsCount()
return $this->comments()
->selectRaw('post_id, count(*) as count')
public function likes()
return $this->hasMany(Like::class);
public function isLiked()
return $this->likes()->where('user_id', auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->id : 0);
public function likesCount()
return $this->likes()
->selectRaw('post_id, count(*) as count')
I executed this query on this model.
$post = Post::with(['categories', 'user', 'commentsCount', 'likesCount', 'isLiked'])->find($post->id);
Because of the relation between this table and like and comment table, The output of this query for 'commentsCount', 'likesCount', 'isLiked' is an array. But I need to receive numbers for 'commentsCount' and 'likesCount', and a boolean for 'isliked' as an output, in laravel josn response.
You might find it easier to use the withCount() the comes with Eloquent instead.
Then for is_liked you could use a scope to get the value and the cast it to a boolean:
public function scopeIsLiked($query)
if (is_null($query->getQuery()->columns)) {
$query->select([$query->getQuery()->from . '.*']);
$relation = Relation::noConstraints(function () {
return $this->likes();
$q = $this->likes()->getRelationExistenceCountQuery(
$relation->getRelated()->where('user_id', auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->id : 0)->newQuery(), $query
$query->selectSub($q->toBase(), 'is_liked');
Please note you will need to add the use statement for Relation to the top of the class:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation;
You model could then look like:
class Post extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'posts';
protected $fillable = ['title', 'featuring_image', 'brief', 'body', 'seen_count'];
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);
public function someComments()
return $this->comments()->limit(Constants::COMMENTS_COUNT_LIMIT);
public function likes()
return $this->hasMany(Like::class);
* Scope to add the "is_liked" flag.
* #param $query
public function scopeIsLiked($query)
if (is_null($query->getQuery()->columns)) {
$query->select([$query->getQuery()->from . '.*']);
$relation = Relation::noConstraints(function () {
return $this->likes();
$q = $this->likes()->getRelationExistenceCountQuery(
$relation->getRelated()->where('user_id', auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->id : 0)->newQuery(), $query
$query->selectSub($q->toBase(), 'is_liked');
And your query would look something like:
$post = Post::with('categories', 'user')
->withCount('likes', 'comments')
Hope this helps!
You can use Laravel casts:
Inside the each model you can add the following to cast a value, per example:
protected $casts = [
'isLiked' => 'boolean',
Rwd's answer gives a nice solution using scopes, but for laravel 5.4+ you could get away with aliasing the withCount() result and then casting it to boolean with a $cast variable on the model or an accessor (with accessor, you can only get snake case is_liked). This way we don't need to write complex scopes.
The model would be
class Post extends Model
// rest of model
protected $casts = ['isLiked'=>'boolean'];
public function likes()
return $this->hasMany(Like::class);
Then in your controller
$post = Post::with('categories', 'user')
'likes as likesCount', 'comments as commentsCount',
'likes as isLiked' =>function($query){
$query->where('user_id', auth()->check() ? auth()->user()->id : 0);
And now you get likesCount (int), commentsCount (int) and isLiked (boolean)

Laravel hasManyThrough relationship with League/Fractal

I'm struggling to get my head around a Laravel hasManyThrough and League/Fractal Transformers.
I have three tables:
-id (int)
-other fields ...
-id (int)
-country_id (int)
-other fields ...
-id (int)
-city_id (string)
-some other ...
I'm trying to access Users relation from Country via Cities table relation, which is working using following Eloquent query:
$countryUsers = Country::with('users')->where('id', $id)->get();
But when I am trying to user $fractal to transform this relation, I'm getting Segmentation fault (core dumped) error.
In Country Controller I have:
class CountryController extends ApiController
protected $manager;
function __construct(Manager $manager) {
$this->manager = $manager;
public function show(CountryTransformer $countryTransformer, $id) {
$country = Country::find($id);
return $this->respondItem($country, $countryTransformer);
public function respondItem($item, $transformer)
$this->manager->setSerializer(new CustomArraySerializer());
$resource = new Item($item, $transformer);
$data = $this->manager->createData($resource)->toArray();
return $this->respond($data);
In my country model I have:
public function users() {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\User', 'App\Models\City');
public function cities() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Model\City');
City Model:
public function country() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country');
User Model:
public function city()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\City');
and Fractal country transformer:
<?php namespace App\Transformers;
use App\Models\Country;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class CountryTransformer extends TransformerAbstract {
protected $defaultIncludes = [
public function transform(Country $country)
return [
'id' => $country->id,
'name' => $country->name,
'code' => $country->code,
'time_zone' => $country->time_zone,
'active' => $country->active,
'status' => $country->status,
'params' => $country->params
public function includeUsers(Country $country)
$users = $country->users;
if ($users) {
return $this->collection($users, new UserTransformer());
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
