Ruby 2.0 throws "[BUG] Stack consistency error" - ruby

I'm following the exercises from Ruby Koans and in about_proxy_object_project.rb there's this bit of code:
class Proxy
def initialize(target_object)
#object = target_object
# This method was added by me
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
#object.send method_name
That gets called like this:
def test_tv_methods_still_perform_their_function
tv = # Television is a class with a :channel attr_accessor and a power method = 10
assert_equal 10,
assert tv.on?
The problem is that the line = 10 is "breaking" the interpreter and throwing:
[BUG] Stack consistency error (sp: 53, bp: 54)
ruby 2.0.0p0
full stack trace follows
I've tried the same code with Ruby 1.9.3 and it's working. I'm using Ruby 2.0.0-p195.
So, is this an error/bug? Or I'm doing something horribly wrong?

Yes. It is a Ruby bug in ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14 revision 40734) [x86_64-linux]. At the end of the stack trace, it says:
You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries.
Bug reports are welcome.
For details:
You should report this to Ruby core. Please do so for the sake of the Ruby community.
As pointed out by matt, it is fixed in Ruby 2.0.0p247.
I don't see you doing anything wrong.


NoMethodError when trying to access a "nested method" (or def) in the same module

The piece of code below gives me a NoMethodError. I'm a little confused why it gives me an error, and why I can't find anything about nesting methods in modules. Could someone please explain why this isn't working? Can I nest "defs" in modules?
module HowToBasic
def say_id_and_say_name(id)
# nested method
def say_id(id)
p id
# errors here with `say_id_and_say_name':
# undefined method `say_id' for HowToBasic:Module (NoMethodError)
# from teststuff.rb:24:in `<main>'
ruby 2.3.1p112
I had a look and couldn't find anything about this:
relates to includes NoMethodError when trying to access method defined in included module
relates to classes
seems weird Access a Ruby module's method within same module
you're missing self keyword in method definition - without it say_id_and_say_name is just an instance method, thus it can't be invoked on Module.
module HowToBasic
def self.say_id(id)
p id
def self.say_id_and_say_name(id)

Upgraded to minitest 5.4.0. Now must* and won't* doesn't work within Minitest::Test subclass, but assert* still works

I have been using the MiniTest that comes with Ruby 2.1 without a problem. I would subclass MiniTest::Unit:TestCase create a couple methods like 'test_simple', and everything just worked. I would use Expectations and Asserts without a problem.
I have upgraded Minitest to 5.4.0 using a gem. Everywhere I use Expectations (musts and wonts) I get a strangle error. Example of the test class.
gem 'minitest'
require "minitest/autorun"
require "rest-client"
require "json"
require "pp"
# require './testcase_addins'
class TestUserKey < Minitest::Test
def test_simple
data = 0
assert( data >= 0 )
data.must_be :>=,0
When I run this, the assert line passes without a problem, but must_be line throws this error:
1) Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `assert_operator' for nil:NilClass
(eval):4:in `must_be'
user_key_testcase.rb:14:in `test_simple'
The strange part is what is the nil:NilClass in the error can't be nil; it's 0. Even I change the Fixnum to a String, I still get the same error.
If I change the test to a spec test, everything works again. So I can't use Expectations with in Unit Tests? IF that is the case, could someone explain why?
The short answer is that with 5.4.0 your test class must inherit from MiniTest::Spec in order to use expectations.
I tested this on a new ubuntu machine with ruby 2.1.2 installed via RVM:
rvm install ruby-2.1.2
This code works with the stock ruby 2.1.2 (no 5.4.0 minitest gem installed, slightly cleaned up from your example code above):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'minitest/unit'
require "minitest/autorun"
class TestUserKey < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
def test_simple
data = 0
assert( data >= 0 )
data.must_be :>=,0
Running this code works fine. To reproduce the error listed above, install minitest 5.4.0:
gem install minitest -v 5.4.0
Now the code fails with "NoMethodError: undefined method `assert_operator' for nil:NilClass". You now have both versions of minitest installed:
~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/minitest/ # stock ruby version of minitest
~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/minitest-5.4.0/ # minitest v5.4.0 installed via rubygems
Now that everything is set up, we can dig into what exactly is happening. The expectations are defined with a call to infect_an_assertion, like this:
infect_an_assertion :assert_operator, :must_be, :reverse
For 5.4.0 that call happens in ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/minitest-5.4.0/lib/minitest/expectations.rb. It's roughly the same in both versions, it just happens in a different place.
infect_an_assertion is also roughly the same for both versions. For :must_be it winds up making this call, which is identical between the two versions of minitest:
MiniTest::Spec.current.#{meth}(args.first, self, *args[1..-1])
They're doing some metaprogramming here, the call at runtime will look more like this since meth is set to assert_operator:
The important part is MiniTest::Spec.current. In 5.4.0 this method returns nil, which results in a NoMethodError exception when it tries to call assert_operator on nil.
In the stock minitest from ruby 2.1.2:
Here MiniTest::Spec inherits from MiniTest::Unit::TestCase. TestCase defines the method current and returns a value that was set in the initialize method. You can see this all happening around line 1303 of ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/minitest/unit.rb:
def initialize name # :nodoc:
#__name__ = name
#__io__ = nil
#passed = nil
##current = self # FIX: make thread local
def self.current # :nodoc:
##current # FIX: make thread local
Therefore, when you inherit from MiniTest::Unit::TestCase in your test class with the stock minitest, current is defined as a method and is guaranteed to return a value when the above call to MiniTest::Spec.current is made. This is why it works in the stock ruby 2.1.2 minitest.
In minitest 5.4.0
In 5.4.0, Minitest::Spec inherits from Minitest::Test, which does not define current (nor do any of its parents). The current method is defined directly on Minitest::Spec. It simply returns Thread.current[:current_spec]:
# line 83 of ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/minitest-5.4.0/lib/minitest/spec.rb
def self.current # :nodoc:
The value of Thread.current[:current_spec] is set in the Minitest::Spec constructor on line 87 of the same file:
def initialize name # :nodoc:
Thread.current[:current_spec] = self
The problem is that when your test class inherits from Minitest::Test, the Minitest::Spec constructor never gets called and Thread.current[:current_spec] is never initialized. That means the call in infect_an_assertion to Minitest::Spec.current returns nil, which results in the NoMethodError you're seeing when it tries to call assert_operator on nil. The solution is to make your test class inherit from Minitest::Spec so that the constructor is called and Thread.current[:current_spec] gets a value.
Here is a slightly modified version of the original code that works with minitest 5.4.0:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
gem 'minitest'
require "minitest/autorun"
class TestUserKey < Minitest::Spec
def test_simple
data = 0
assert( data >= 0 )
data.must_be :>=,0
Hope this helps!
From the minitest readme, it seems like the must style syntax is a part of the spec syntax, which would require you to use methods like describe and it instead of defining your own unit test methods.

ruby 2.0 undefined method ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations

tried this on ruby 2.0.0 / 247 or head:
require 'objspace'
ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations -> undefined method `trace_object_allocations'
for ObjectSpace:Module
Docs say it should work any idea what I'm missing ?
For higher ruby versions you still may get errors like:
undefined method `memsize_of' for ObjectSpace:Module
To solve this issue -> You need to require 'objspace'. According to
Only available when installing ruby-head aka ruby 2.1
From the output of puts ObjectSpace.methods.sort after requiring objspace, it looks like that method doesn't exist.
irb(main):005:0> puts ObjectSpace.methods.sort
=> nil
irb(main):009:0> ObjectSpace.methods.include? :trace_object_allocations
=> false
You can see that it contains the ::reachable_objects_from method, which is mentioned in the docs, but not the one you're looking for, unfortunately.

ruby 1.8 undefined method `instance_variable_defined?'

I have been working on my Ruby. When trying to execute this simple example from the Ruby Object documentation, I get this error:
undefined method `instance_variable_defined?'
This is my code:
class Fred
def initialize(p1, p2)
#a, #b = p1, p2
fred ='cat', 99)
fred.instance_variable_defined?(:#a) #=> true
fred.instance_variable_defined?("#b") #=> true
fred.instance_variable_defined?("#c") #=> false
What have I done wrong? I tested this on another machine with Ubuntu 10.04 and it works fine. I'm using Centos 5.5 by the way.
Does anyone knows how to fix this?
The only thing I can think of is that you're using an ancient version of Ruby (1.8.5 or earlier), as Object#instance_variable_defined? has been in Ruby since 1.8.6.

What is ths error in Ruby Watir (WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method `document')?

I have this code in Ruby waitr ..
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..') if $0 == __FILE__
require 'test/unit'
require 'Watir'
require 'Watir/contrib/enabled_popup'
class TC_Dialog_Test<Test::Unit::TestCase
$myDir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
def setup
$ie.goto "file://#{$myDir}/aa.html"
def test_confirm_OK
$ie.button(:id, 'btnConfirm').click_no_wait
$hwnd = $ie.enable_popup(5)
if ($hwnd)
# $popup.clickWindowsButton($hwnd,"OK")
puts "you pressed Comfirm-ok"
when runnung this code get this error results ...
WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method `document'
HRESULT error code:0x800706b5
The interface is unknown.
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/ie.rb:417:in `method_missing'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/ie.rb:417:in `document'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/container.rb:767:in `ole_inner_elements'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/container.rb:838:in `locate_input_element'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/input_elements.rb:10:in `locate'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/element.rb:47:in `assert_exists'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/element.rb:278:in `enabled?'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/element.rb:53:in `assert_enabled'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.3/./watir/element.rb:214:in `click_no_wait'
Mo.rb:16:in `test_confirm_OK'
You are using Watir 1.5.3, but the current stable is 1.8.1. I suggest you to update your gem to the latest and try again. There is a good chance that the WIN32OLE object for IE has changed it's behavior and old gem is conflicting with it. (Have you updated IE or smth since last successful run?)
I got the same error using Watir 1.8.1. I don't know if there is anything wrong with your code, but in my case the tests ran fine on other machines.
I am running my tests in RubyMine 3.1.x. Running RubyMine as Administrator allowed Ruby to have the rights to interact with IE properly and the problem went away.
Found the forum post which originally helped me solve the problem.
