Sort options when using NEST API with ElasticSearch - elasticsearch

Implementing a sort in my query, how can I set IgnoreUnmapped(true) when using NEST API?
The default value is false, which means if the field doesn't exist it won't return any results, using NEST how to change the default value?
And is there any option when sorting with NEST to be able to sort with raw query? like FilterRaw()? SortRaw()?

This was blatantly missing in the API I just pushed support and tests for this:
This should make it into the next release (for future googlers next release meaning a release after


Elasticsearch issue types removal

I am trying to run the below code in Python using Elasticsearch Ver 7.1, however the following errors come up:
ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning: [types removal] Using include_type_name in put mapping requests is deprecated. The parameter will be removed in the next major version.
client.indices.put_mapping(index=indexName,doc_type='diseases', body=diseaseMapping, include_type_name=True)
followed by:
ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning: [types removal] Specifying types in document index requests is deprecated, use the typeless endpoints instead (/{index}/_doc/{id}, /{index}/_doc, or /{index}/_create/{id}).
client.index(index=indexName,doc_type=docType, body={"name": disease,"title":currentPage.title,"fulltext":currentPage.content})
How I am supposed to amend my code to make it (see here) work in line with Elasticsearch 7X version? Any kind of help would be much appreciated.
This is just a warning right now, but it will become an error in Elasticsearch 8.
From last few version, Elasticsearch has been planning the removal of index types inside an index
ES5 - Setting index.mapping.single_type: true on an index will enable the single-type-per-index behavior which will be enforced in 6.0.
In ES6 - you can't have more than 1 index type inside 1 index
In ES7 - the concept of types inside an index has been deprecated
In ES8 - it will be removed, and you can't use types for query or while inserting documents
My suggestion would be to design an application and mapping in such a way that it doesn't include type parameter in index
To know the reason why elastic search has done this here is a link:
A common issue (and difficult to spot) for this error message could be misspelling the endpoint, e.g.:
Double check if your endpoint is correct as ElasticSearch may think you are trying to manipulate (add, update, remove) a document and you are giving a type, which is not the case (you are trying to call an endpoint).

Pagination feature in Pivotal GemFire

Is there any built-in API which provides a pagination feature in Pivotal GemFire, such as in the QueryService API or using Functions? We are currently using Pivotal GemFire 9.3.0 running in PCC.
No yet. It is a planned feature for SD Lovelace/Moore release trains. See SGF-524 - Add support for PagingAndSortingRepositories. NOTE: sorting is already supported; paging is a WIP.
There is not. However there is a common pattern for this. Instead of directly querying the matching objects, write your query to return the keys of the matching objects. The client can then implement paging (e.g. page1 is key0-key99, page 2 is key 100-199, etc.). Use the "getAll" method with a list of keys to pull back one page at a time.
BTW, you can query the keys like this: "select key from /person.entries where value.ssn='222-22-2222'"

Resulting all the indices while trying to get only those indices which are associated with specific alias

I have recently upgraded application from Elastic search 5.3.1 to 6.0.
My requirement was to get all the indices which were associated with specific alias.
I used below mentioned snippet to fetch all indices associated with specific alias . This snippet is working fine in 5.3.1 and giving only those indices which are associated with that specific alias.
GetAliasesResponse r = client.admin().indices().getAliases(new
But after ES 6.0 , the same snippet giving all the indices which are created in system .
Ideally it should only return those indices which are associated with given alias .Not others. This was working in Elastic search 5.3.1.
TL;DR: It is an intended breaking change in the Java API of Elasticsearch (though it is not explicitly mentioned in the "Breaking changes in 6.0 ยป Java API changes" page).
The following is the story of discovering this fact. (Note: the original answer was heavily edited, hence comments might be out of date.)
Breaking changes in the REST API in 6.0
First I noticed that this part of the REST API changed in Elasticsearch 6.0. There are two reported breaking changes concerning aliases:
GET /_aliases,_mappings syntax was removed in favor of GET /_aliases/GET /_mappings
Indices aliases api resolves indices expressions only against indices
Though there isn't mentioned anything concerning OP's case.
From what I have seen doing queries, this query works in Elasticsearch 5:
GET /alias1/_aliases
And does not work in Elasticsearch 6, giving the following error:
"error": "Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/alias1/_aliases] and method [GET], allowed: [PUT]",
"status": 405
Interestingly, GET /alias1/_alias works in both versions and returns same result.
Moreover, I didn't manage to find an example of GET /alias1/_aliases in the documentation of nor 5.6, neither 6.0.
Reproducing the bug
After having realised that OP is actually using the Java API, I managed to reproduce the exact same behavior.
The following code:
GetAliasesResponse alias1 = client.admin().indices()
.getAliases(new GetAliasesRequest("alias1")).actionGet();
In ES 5 produces this in the IntelliJ debugger:
And for ES 6 I've got the following:
As you can see, there are extra keys in the second output, which have empty values.
Diving into the source code
Quick search over the elasticsearch codebase gave me the final explanation. In ES 5 there was a test testIndicesGetAliases which was checking that list of indices returned for a test alias has exactly one element ("--> getting alias1");
GetAliasesResponse getResponse = admin().indices().prepareGetAliases("alias1").get();
assertThat(getResponse, notNullValue());
assertThat(getResponse.getAliases().size(), equalTo(1));
And in 6.0 it checks that the size is 5! ("--> getting alias1");
GetAliasesResponse getResponse = admin().indices().prepareGetAliases("alias1").get();
assertThat(getResponse, notNullValue());
assertThat(getResponse.getAliases().size(), equalTo(5));
This change was introduced in this commit, which is related to these issues:
Remove comma-separated feature parsing for GetIndicesAction #24723
_alias API no longer accepts index wildcards #25090
This is actually interesting, because one of the reported REST API breaking changes that we have see above also broke compatibility of some Java API calls.
What you can do
In short term, you need just to filter out those keys with empty values.
In longer term I think it makes sense to migrate to Java High Level REST Client since Elastic plan to deprecate the TransportClient in version 7.0:
We plan on deprecating the TransportClient in Elasticsearch 7.0 and
removing it completely in 8.0. Instead, you should be using the Java
High Level REST Client, which executes HTTP requests rather than
serialized Java requests.
In general, Elasticsearch breaks compatibility quite often, so it's better to stay away from the dark corners of it like Java API.
Thanks for reading.
Hope that helps!

lock individual documents in elastic search using nest

I am looking for a good example to lock a document in elastic search. The below link explain how to do this in elasticsearch.
How can i achieve this using NEST. can someone suggest an approach to start with.
To start with, read the NEST Quick Start article. In particular, note the following:
NEST is a high level elasticsearch client that still maps very closely to the original elasticsearch API. Requests and Responses have been mapped to CLR objects and NEST also comes with a powerful strongly typed query dsl.
Consider also, that you may not require the added level of abstraction that NEST provides, and may prefer to directly utilise Elasticsearch.NET. Read also, it's own Quick Start article.
With that in mind, implementing the steps in the Solving concurrency issues article using NEST / Elasticsearch.NET is simply a matter of identifying the .NET methods that correspond to the necessary Elasticsearch API methods. The first one for example:
PUT /fs/lock/global/_create
In NEST would look something like:
var createGlobalLockResponse = esClient.Index<object>(new object(), f => f
Regarding the check of whether "this create request fails with a conflict exception", check the properties on the createGlobalLockResponse object. In particular, Created and if you're intending to get a bit more specific in the handling, ServerError.

Fulltext-index in Neo4J in 2.0

Is there a way to
create a fulltext-index with a given lucene-analyzer on a certain node-Type (and certain fields only)
to get this index updated automatically when a node of the given type is created / deleted
query this index over the Cypher- oder the REST-API
I am using the Cypher/REST-Interface (and of course the shell, etc.) of the server not the embedded version.
If this is not available (which I guess): Is something like this on the roadmap?
Thank you in advance!
Short answer: no
Little bit longer answer:
You can write a KernelExtension adding a TransactionEventHandler that amends the fields to be fulltext indexed to a manual index (aka legacy index).
The code should be wrapped into an unmanaged extension and deployed to the server.
There something similar implemented within
The contents of the legacy index can be accessed using start n=node:myindex('lucene query string') in Cypher
