Blade template not executing #else clause - laravel

I have a Blade template that loads a list of users and displays their various details.
If a user has no mobile number I want to display the message "No Mobile Number" (I've tried single and double quotes), this never gets displayed:
#if ($person->Mobile >= "")
{{ $person->Mobile }}
'No Mobile Number'
I tried substituting the "No Mobile" message with {{ $person->EMail }} (which I'm displaying elsewhere, so I know everyone has an email address), but still go nothing, as far as I can tell the logic isn't going into the #else block.
Any ideas?

This should work
#if (!empty($person->Mobile))
{{{ $person->Mobile }}}
'No Mobile Number'

I use this approach:
#if( isset($error_message) )
<strong>Holly molly! </strong><em>{{ $error_message }} :(</em>
I have a section content and inside content have another section error_message so if error_message variable is set, show that content section and inside print my error_message.
PD: I haven't my original code to hand... Im currently using Twig as primary template engine in Laravel4. Twig beats Blade in simplycity and is very usefull


Laravel - Attempt to read property "id" on null

Hope you can help me. I'm trying a simple loop in a Laravel blade view and trying to access some data through a relationship.
The DD below outputs 1 as expected, but the echo in the h5 produces the error in the title. I'm stumped!
#forelse($user_adverts as $user_advert)
{{ dd($user_advert->advertLogs->first()->id) }}
<h5 class="card-title">£ {{ $user_advert->advertLogs->first()->id }}</h5>
<p>No adverts yet :(</p>
If I {{ dd($user_advert->advertLogs->first()) }} I see the model: App\Models\AdvertLog
I'm just confused why I can't output a single column without a null error? Usually that means there is no relationship I thought? I know this is going to be a simple one - your help is appreciated!
You can get rid of the error by changing the card title like this
{{ $user_advert->advertLogs->first()?->id }}
The id will be displayed if you have one, and nothing if there is no advertLogs.
Not sure if this is want you intented to do though.

How do I write an #if in Laravel that uses data from my database?

I'm new to Laravel and am using Laravel 6. One of my views is going to contain the values in a row of my MySQL table. The table column is a boolean so it contains either 0 or 1. Rather than displaying 0 or 1 in the view, I want to display YES or NO. An #if seems the logical way to do this but I can't get my #if to work.
#if ({{ $sleepDiaryEntry->outdoorLight }} == 1 )
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? YES</p>
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? NO</p>
I've tried several variations of the #if but every variation gives me a syntax error on the first line of the #if.
Unfortunately, the Laravel manual is very skimpy on details of exactly what arguments can and cannot appear in an #if. They tend to give an example or two and think they've anticipated every possible situation and question.
How I can accomplish what I want to do, either with or without #if?
remove {{}} in #if, like followings
#if ($sleepDiaryEntry->outdoorLight == 1 )
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? YES</p>
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? NO</p>
because {{}} for show the variable
I am not sure about what you want but by using {{}} you are trying to print data.
Try :
#if ($sleepDiaryEntry->outdoorLight == 1 )
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? YES</p>
<p>Two hours of outdoor light? NO</p>
If it doesn't work:
Are you giving $sleepDiaryEntry to the view in your controller method ?
Try to {{ dd($sleepDiaryEntry) }} see what you have in your view.
#if ({{ $sleepDiaryEntry->outdoorLight }} == 1 ) just gets rendered down to:
<?php if ({{ $sleepDiaryEntry->outdoorLight }} == 1 ) { ?>
in the final Blade template, which will cause a syntax error. You don't need the {{ }} tags in the conditional (not just "don't need": they won't be parsed at all here); it takes plain old PHP code in the ().

I don’t understand how #if statements work in Laravel Blade

I started learn Laravel and ran into an #if statements problem. How must I write a condition for empty places of code so that it is correct?
#if( !Request::is('coming-soon') )
#elseif( !Request::is('error') )
I don't need this view in 'coming-soon' and 'error' pages.
You are doing it opposite:
I hope this is what you are looking for
#if( !Request::is('coming-soon') && !Request::is('error') )
This will include the page if the requested url is not "coming-soon" or "error".

how to pass dynamic value in #include as blade name in laravel5.4

This is my code in laravel blade
#foreach($modules as $module) // {{ mod.$module['module_name'] }}
giving me right value
#include("mod.$module['module_name']") // mod is my folder name and
$module['module_name'] value is
coming from database
{{ mod.$module['module_name'] }} is giving me correct value but when i pass it to #include it gives me error. Please help me !!!
I think it has to do with the way the blade template translates the #include directive into compiled PHP. Including the snippet from the compiled PHP file would help, but try this:
#include( 'mod.' . $module['module_name'] )
Looking at some of my past code, you can definitely use a variable in an include. In my case I simply built the desired filename in the controller and passed it along to the view, so my include statement was simply:
#include( $filename )

Laravel 4 Carbon Format with if statement

Does anyone know how I could get this to work.
My database has some null dates, so I would like to return as empty space.
I currently have this.
{{ Carbon::parse($chauffeur->roadTestCert)->format('m/d/Y') }}
and from what I read about the blade template is that you can use "or 'message'" after it.
I did this.
{{ Carbon::parse($chauffeur->roadTestCert)->format('m/d/Y') or '' }}
in hopes to just show empty space but I get a "1" instead.
Anyone know why and/or how to get around this?
Well, you should rather do it using simple condition:
#if ($chauffeur->roadTestCert !== null)
{{ Carbon::parse($chauffeur->roadTestCert)->format('m/d/Y') }}
