How to ignore Icon? in git - macos

While trying to setup a dropbox folder with git, I saw a "Icon\r" file which is not created by me. I try to ignore it in the ~/.gitignore file. But adding Icon\r Icon\r\r Icon? won't work at all.

You can use vim as well.
vim .gitignore
in a new line write Icon, then
press ctrl+v and then press Enter
repeat step 3
save and exit (shortcut: ZZ)
Now you should have Icon^M^M and it's done :)
For a smarter use you could add it to your gitignore global config file in ~/.gitignore_global.

(This improves on the original answer, following a suggestion by robotspacer, according to hidn's explanation.)
The Icon? is the file of OS X folder icon. The "?" is a special character for double carriage return (\r\r).
To tell git to ignore it, open a terminal and navigate to your repository folder. Then type:
printf "Icon\r\r" >> .gitignore
If the file does not exist, it will be created and Icon\r\r will be its one line. If the file does exist, the line Icon\r\r will be appended to it.

"Icon[\r]" is probably a better alternative.
In vim, you just put Icon[^M], which is Icon[ followed by CtrlV, Enter then ].
The problem with "Icon\r\r" is EOL conversion.
The whole line is actually "Icon\r\r\n", counting line ending. Based on your setup, CRLF may be converted to LF on commit, so your repo will actually have "Icon\r\n". Say you sync the changes to another repo. You will get "Icon\r\n" in that working directory, which ignores Icon but not Icon^M. If you further edit .gitignore and commit it there, you will end up with "Icon\n" - completely losing \r.
I encountered this in a project where some develop on OS X while some on Windows. By using brackets to separate \r and the line ending, I don't have to repeat \r twice and I don't worry about EOL conversion.

The best place for this is in your global gitignore configuration file. You can create this file, access it, and then edit per the following steps:
>> git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
>> vim ~/.gitignore_global
press i to enter insert mode
type Icon on a new line
while on the same line, ctrl + v, enter, ctrl + v, enter
press esc, then shift + ; then type wq then hit enter

Regarding Naming (and Quoting) Things: First, more people would benefit by knowing that ANSI-C Quoting can be used to unambiguously match the macOS icon file. Both Icon$'\r' or $'Icon\r' and work in Bash and Zsh and most other modern shells, I hope, such as Fish.
Keep Your .gitignore Editable: While I'm impressed by the byte-level manipulation offered by other answers here, these methods are brittle in practice. Simply put, programmers tend to use text editors, and many of these editors are configured to alter line endings when saving a file. (For example, see this VS Code discussion about line ending normalization.)
Do you want your careful byte editing undone by your editor? Of course not. So perhaps you find it practical and convenient to configure your editor so that it doesn't affect line endings. You might look into (a) editor-specific configuration settings; or (b) cross-editor configuration (i.e. EditorConfig).
But this gets complex and messy. If want a simpler, more flexible way, use this in your .gitignore file:
# .gitignore
Explanation for the patterns:
Use Icon? because the gitignore format does not support \r as an escape code.
Use [iI] because Git can be case sensitive.
Use [_a-zA-Z0-9] to catch many common ASCII characters; you may want to broaden this.
You can test that your gitignore patterns are working as expected with:
git check-ignore -v *
For example, for testing, with these files in a directory:
-rw-r--r--# Icon?
-rw-r--r-- icon8
drwxr-xr-x icons
-rw-r--r-- iconography
... the result of git check-ignore -v * is:
/Users/abc/.gitignore:3:Icon? "Icon\r"
/Users/abc/.gitignore:4:![iI]con[_a-zA-Z0-9] icon_
/Users/abc/.gitignore:4:![iI]con[_a-zA-Z0-9] icons
This is what you want.
Long Term Recommendation This problem would be trivial to fix if Git supported the \r escape in .gitconfig files. One could simply write:
# .gitignore
So I suggest we engage with the Git community and try to make this happen.
(If you do want to wade in and suggest a patch to Git, be sure to read first.)
From the gitignore documentation:
Otherwise, Git treats the pattern as a shell glob: "*" matches anything except "/", "?" matches any one character except "/" and "[]" matches one character in a selected range. See fnmatch(3) and the FNM_PATHNAME flag for a more detailed description.
Please see This article for good examples of the square bracket syntax and negation syntax in .gitignore files.
For those that want to dig deep and see how pattern matching has changed over time in the Git source code, you can run this search for uses of fnmatch in the git repository on GitHub.

The Icon? is the file of OSX folder icon. It turn out that \r is actually CRLF. So I use ruby to add the line to .gitignore file. Open terminal and navigate to home folder, then:
> irb
>> f =".gitignore", "a+") #<File:.gitignore>
>> f.write("Icon\r\r") # output a integer
>> f.close
>> exit

For me this worked in TextMate: Icon<CR><CR>. The <CR> is a carriage return character, which is at ctrl-alt-return on the keyboard. You can also find it in the standard Character Viewer app searching for cr. Please note that the <CR> is an invisible character, so it's only visible if the editor is set up to show them.

I'm posting just an update answer because the one above didn't work for me but actually simply adding Icon? in my .gitignore worked. If you look at your name file on your Finder, it is actually how it is displayed.

Icon[\r] did not work for me. I had to use the following in .gitignore...
I also added Icon* to my Settings > Core > Ignored Names in Atom...
.git, .hg, .svn, .DS_Store, ._*, Thumbs.db, desktop.inis, Icon*

Add Icon? to your .gitignore file and save it. It should do the job.

To avoid wasting time on such trivial issues, I recommend using gibo.
gibo dump macOS >> .gitignore
The result:
### Generated by gibo (
# General
# Icon must end with two \r
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items


Merge lines in bash

I would like to write a script that restores a file, but preserving the changes that may be done after the backout file is created.
With more details: at some moment I create a backup of a file (file_orig). Do some changes to the original file as well(file_my_changes). After that, the original file can be changed again (file_additional_changes), but after the restore I want to have the backup file, plus the additional changes (file_orig + file_addtional_changes). In general backing out my changes only.
I am talking about grub.cfg file, so the expected possible changes will be adding or removing parts of a line.
Is it possible this to be done with a bash script?
I have 2 ideas:
Add some comments above the lines I am going to change, and then before the resotore if the line differ from the one from the backed out file, to read the comment, which will tell me what exactly to remove from the line;
If there is a way to display only the part of the line that differs from the file_orig and file_additional_changes, then to replace this line with the line from file_orig + the part that differs. But I am not sure if this is possible to be done at all.
line1: This is line1
line2: This is another line1
Is it possible to display only "another"?
Of course any other ideas are welcome!
Thank you!
Unclear, but perhaps if you're using a bash script you could run a diff on the 2 edited file and the last one and save that output someplace that you want to keep it? That would mean you have a copy of the changes.
Or just use git like everybody else.
One possibility would be to use POSIX commands patch and
Create the backup:
cp operational-file operational-file.001
Edit the operational file.
Create a patch from the differences:
diff -u operational-file.001 operational-file > operational-file.patch001
Copy the operational file again.
cp operational-file operational-file.002
Edit the operational file again.
Create a new patch
diff -u operational-file.002 operational-file > operational-file.patch002
If you need to recover but skip the changes from patch.001, then:
cp operational-file.001 operational-file
patch -i patch.002
This would apply just the second set of changes to the original file, as log as there's no overlap.
Consider using a version control system to keep records of the file changes. Consider using date/time stamps instead of version numbers on the file names.

vim - how to remove netrw?

I was testing and unfortunately it did install a lot of things I do not want.
For example, right now (with empty .vimrc) when I open vim I get
" ============================================================================
" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v149)
" /Users/user/.vim/bundle
" Sorted by name
" Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:exec
" ============================================================================
thing. I am in the beginning of my journey with VIM so I don't know what is new and right now I don't want to use it.
I am on OSX Mavericks with home-brew installed. Still, I cannot find where is this coming from and how to remove it.
Look at the first few lines of $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim:
" Load Once: {{{1
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
If you want to disable it, just add
let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
to your vimrc file.
You can remove the commented section by adding let g:netrw_banner=0 to your .vimrc
Since netrw's pages recommend removing older versions of netrw before updating it, I wound up finding a different way from the answers posted here. This might be especially useful for those of you looking to remove netrw (that is, uninstall netrw) before upgrading:
Download, which can also be found under the netrw heading at
Open vim and do :so netrwclean.vba.gz, giving the full path to wherever you saved the file if necessary.
:NetrwClean to remove user-local copies or :NetrwClean! to remove both user-local and centrally-installed copies of netrw. Note of course that you'll need the right system-privileges to touch the files that will be removed, so you may wish to start vim as root.
(Optional) download the new version of the netrw vimball and :so netrw.vba.gz to update.
I don’t think that this installed Netrw — it comes bundled with Vim. You can learn more about Netrw on its page at
What you’re getting now is (as it says) Netrw’s directory listing, which enables you to navigate within a directory from inside Vim.
Just remove these files (from your vim installation e.g. /usr/share/vim/vim74) and it will be gone

Vim running slow with LaTeX files

I'm using Vim with a bunch of plugins (pathogen, ctags, snipmate, supertab, ...), and everything works fine for all kinds of file extensions.
However, when I'm try to edit .tex files it presents two problems which seem related. First, Vim starts to work really slow, and second, when I press "any letter + Tab", it tries to auto-complete with words previously written in the text.
One way which I tried to solve those issues, is by removing the supertab plugin from my bundle folder, but it's a not satisfactory solution.
The problem is due to the relativenumber option, when I turned it off the latex edit speed come back to normal.
The following relativenumber, cursorline and MatchParen can slow vim down a lot, especially when dealing with large latex files. When I turn them off then vim becomes much more responsive when dealing with large latex files.
To turn off relative number, type the following in editor mode:
:set nornu
To turn off cursorline, type the following in editor mode:
:set nocursorline
To turn off MatchParen, type the following in editor mode:
If you still want regular line numbering then you can have
:set number
For a more permanent solution, you can also set latex specific settings in your ~/.vimrc file:
" Latex specification
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex
\ set nocursorline |
\ set nornu |
\ set number |
\ let g:loaded_matchparen=1 |
The \ and the | are there to allow you add the latex commands over multiple lines.
The other two possible problems are the following being active
So to make your LᴬTᴇX editing experience much better, you can do something like the following in your ~/.vimrc
au FileType tex setlocal nocursorline
au FileType tex :NoMatchParen
After doing this my Vim is as fast with .tex files as it is with .cpp ones.
I know this is an old issue, but, to anyone seeing this now, it is better to use the ftplugin/ folder in your .vim directory to instruct Vim to enable certain options on a specific file type. Create a file ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim with the following options:
set nocursorline
set nornu
let g:loaded_matchparen=1
This makes Vim load these options only on TeX files (*.tex and related) without resorting to an :autocommand like gloriphobia’s answer does.
Folding is another common source of slowdown. It is normally disabled by default, but perhaps you have enabled it. You can just disable it again:
" (1) if you use the builtin TeX support:
" comment the line in your vimrc that looks like this:
"let g:tex_fold_enabled = ...
" OR, just to be sure, do:
unlet! g:tex_fold_enabled
" (2) if you rather use VimTeX:
" comment the line in your vimrc that looks like this:
"let g:vimtex_fold_enabled = 1
" OR, just to be sure, do:
let g:vimtex_fold_enabled = 0
Note that folding must be enabled/disabled before TeX syntax is loaded in the buffer. Also, Vim option 'foldenable' (toggled by the normal-mode command zi) does not actually clear folding, it just hides it but it’s still there).
However, if you don’t want to give up on folding altogether, I found a single bottleneck in the builtin TeX folding that was responsible for most of the slowdown in my case: the document environment. Simple test: typing stuff just before \begin{document} is reasonably fast, but typing right after it is amazingly laggy. I guess it happens because that environment commonly spans hundreds of lines.
If you use the builtin TeX folding, you can prevent the folding of just the document environment by disabling the texDocZone matchgroup¹. Anyway, why would you want to fold the toplevel contents?
" put this in your vimrc :
au FileType tex :syntax clear texDocZone
" OR put this in ~/.vim/after/syntax/tex.vim :
syntax clear texDocZone
Alternatively, if you have VimTeX, you can replace the builtin TeX folding with the VimTeX’ one. I find it generally better, and it carefully avoids folding the document environment.
" put this in your vimrc :
unlet! g:tex_fold_enabled " just to be sure
let g:vimtex_fold_enabled = 1
VimTeX’ folding is nicely customizable, see :help vimtex-folding.
¹ As of version 121 (April 2022) of the builtin TeX syntax.

How to change comment syntax in Geany

In Geany, editing PHP scripts, when you select lines and press control-e, the selected lines are commented by being wrapped in "/* ... */". Is there a way to change this behaviour so that it instead puts a "//" in front of each line?
All the other IDEs that I've used make use of "//" (Eclipse, Netbeans, Textmate, etc).
Settings like comment characters are controlled by filetype definition files. Assuming your scripts end in .php, you should find the default system-wide filetype definition file filetypes.php, and copy it to your filedefs directory in your user configuration directory. Then you can modify it as necessary.
This is all explained in detail in the manual (link above).

How can I make Textmate always ignore the /log folder in the "Find in Project" search?

How can I make Textmate always ignore the /log folder in the "Find in Project" search?
Add the log folder to the excludeInFolderSearch option in your ~/.tm_properties file, e.g.:
excludeInFolderSearch = "{$excludeInFolderSearch,$extraExcludes,log}"
I found a easier way to do it.
Go to Settings > Advanced > Folder References
And add |log| to the pattern.
valid for TextMate 1
Other answers did not work for me on TextMate 2.0-beta.12. After many frustrating attempts, this line was able to exclude the log, vendor, tmp and .git directories from fuzzy searching.
excludeInFileChooser = "{$excludeInFileChooser,log,vendor,tmp,.git}"
I added this line to a .tm_properties file in my project directory. I verified that this also works if you decide to put the .tm_properties in the home directory.
Use excludeInFileChooser for modifying search paths in Textmate's "Go To File" navigation feature, which is activated by ⌘T.
Use excludeInFolderSearch for modifying paths when searching for text within the files of a directory, which is activated by either ⌘F or ⌘↑F
None of these worked for me. What worked was adding the following in a .tm_properties file (project root)
excludeDirectories = "{node_modules,}"
No $exclude variable. Add trailing comma.
For Textmate 2:
Click on the top menu Textmate, then Preferences.
Navigate to the second tab, called Projects.
On the "Exclude files matching" just add 'log' to the end of the list, for example:
This should do it, the log folder should no longer be searched, or used as match when opening a file.
Use AckMate, and read hot to change the normal Find in Project Shift+Cmd+F here
Alternatively you could explicitly tell Mate to look at a specific subset of folders.
~/project/mate app db models
Project find will be restricted to those folders.
Or to just remove the log dir you could add an alias to ~/.profile:
alias m="ls | grep -v 'log' | xargs mate"
Just remove reference to log folder from project tree.
Also you may right click on *.log files and mark then as binary (they will not be searched).
For TextMate2 it should be: excludeDirectories = "{$excludeDirectories,log}"
