Send params to Joomla module - joomla

I write custom module, for example, when module called with parametr 1, module return 1, when called with 2, return 2 e.t.c.
But I cant find any documentation, how to send parametrs from page to module. Its how I call module now:
jimport( 'joomla.application.module.helper' );
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules('NAME_OF_CUSTOM_POSITION');
$count_array = count($modules);
if ($count_array >0)
$attribs['style'] = 'xhtml';
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule( $modules[0], $attribs );
But I don't know how to send params nor how to recieve them in my module.

I have used below code in one of my custom component.And it worked for me.
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$params = array('style'=>'xhtml');
$contents = '';
foreach (JModuleHelper::getModules('NAME_OF_CUSTOM_POSITION') as $mod) {
$registry = new JRegistry();
$mod->params = (string)$registry;
$contents .= $renderer->render($mod, $params);
echo $contents;


force_download not working in codeigniter after writing

tried to auto download file after file created but its not working. file creating and appending data perfectly but download functionality not working
public function getexportfile(){
// $this->load->database('DB_utility','dbutil');
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postdata);
## Condition Start
$sWhere = " where condition"; // where conditon
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$filename = 'app/logs/othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv';
$data = $this->PMP->export($sWhere); // calling model
$result = $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($data);
write_file($filename,$result); // file creating write data perfectly
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
//$path = file_get_contents(base_url().$filename);
//$name = "othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv";
//force_download($nme, $pth);
anything i missed?
From docs:
// Contents of photo.jpg will be automatically read
force_download('/path/to/photo.jpg', NULL);
//$data = file_get_contents($filename);
//$path = file_get_contents(base_url().$filename);
//$name = "othermarketplace_'.$date.'.csv";
//force_download($nme, $pth);
if (!is_file($filename)) {
exit('No file found.');
force_download($filename, NULL);
These lines might be doing something weird. Perhaps remove them as they aren't being used:
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postdata);

joomla - router change url when getting the name of product

I have build my own component in joomla and client wants now a friendly urls f.e{product-id}-{product-name}. So i Build my own router like this.
function componentBuildRoute(&$query)
$segments = [];
if (isset($query['view'])) {
$segments[] = "szkolenie";
if (isset($query['product_id'])) {
$productName = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe(strtolower(getProductName($query['product_id'])));
$newName = $query['product_id'] . '-' . $productName;
$segments[] = $newName;
return $segments;
and parse route function
function componentParseRoute($segments)
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $app->getMenu();
$item =& $menu->getActive();
$count = count($segments);
switch ($item->query['view']) {
case 'catalogue' : {
$view = 'training';
$id = $segments[1];
$data = [
'view' => $view,
'product_id' => $id
return $data;
While on the end of buildroute function segments are ok I have exactly what I want that on the beginning of parse route I have something like <-- I dont know wtf is this krakow( I know it is city i Poland) but still where is it get from ? The getProductName function implementation is
function getProductName($productId)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select(' as id, #__component_product' . name)
->where('#__s4edu_product.product_id = ' . $productId)
->leftJoin('#__component_product ON
$training = $db->loadObject();
return trim($training->name);
So taking all this into consideration I think that something is happening between the buildRoute and parseRoute, something what filters the $segment[1] variable, but how to disable that and why is it happening ?
Please do not send me to
I already know all the tutorials on joomla website which contains anything with sef.
It is built on joomla 3.7.0
You do not have a product named "krakow" ?
If not you can try to remove the $productName from the build function, just to check if this "krakow" is added automaticaly or it's from the getProductName() function.
Also i noticed that you have an error i guess in the function getProductName()
->where('#__s4edu_product.product_id = ' . $productId)
It's should be
->where('#__component_product.product_id = ' . $productId)

Render module in joomla

How do we render module in joomla with the title. Because now, I am able to render the module based on the position but it does not include the module title.
Here's how I render the module.
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules('position-3');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module->title);
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
Many Thanks.
Try this,
Using this method you can pass parameters to the module .
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$Module = JModuleHelper::getModule('mod_fmDataGrid');
$Params = "param1=bruno\n\rparam2=chris"; //This is the way of passing params values
$Module->params = $Params;
echo $renderer->render($Module);
Hope it helps..
Try using the following:
foreach ($modules as $module)
echo $module->title;
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
You can also use the following, however you will have to manually enter the module title. This is only assuming you don't want it to be dynamic. You will also need to change mainmenu
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule( 'mainmenu', 'Module Title Goes Here' );
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule( $module );
Try this.
Hope this will work for you.
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$contents = '';
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__modules` WHERE id = 'your module id'");
$modules = $db->loadObjectList();
$module = $modules[0];
$contents = $renderer->render($module);

JModuleHelper::getModules returns an empty array when SEF enabled only

I am using joomla 1.5. in this i have to include a module so i am using the code
$modules =& JModuleHelper::getModules('left1');
foreach ($modules as $module)
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
It returns an array value when SEF is disabled. but returns an empty array when SEF is enabled.I am totally confusing with this. Could anyone help me ?
If you would like to render modules loaded at position left1 use below code
$position = 'left1';
jimport( 'joomla.application.module.helper' );
if(JModuleHelper::getModules($position)) {
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('modules');
$options = array('style' => 'xhtml');
return $renderer->render($position, $options, null);

Render a Joomla 2.5 Menu Module with some PHP

Trying to use this code to render a menu module on a custom template
jimport( 'joomla.application.module.helper' );
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule( 'menu' );
$attribs = array('style' => 'mainnav');
$module->params = "menutype=" .$mainmenu ."\nshowAllChildren=1";
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module, $attribs);
The menu only works if I have another menu module published, so I am sure this only needs a line of code to make it work without having to publish a menu module.
The menu exists, the module for this menu does not exist, I am trying to create it with this code.
Please help.
The code works fine I just had a small correction to make:
jimport( 'joomla.application.module.helper' );
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule( 'mod_menu' );
$attribs = array('style' => 'mainnav');
$module->params = "menutype=" .$mainmenu ."\nshowAllChildren=1";
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module, $attribs);
on the second line, the call should be to "mod_menu" and not just "menu", and this makes the code to work perfect :)
Why don't just use the include module?
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="mainnav" style="mainnav" />
This will allow you to publish whatever module you wan't in that position.
Otherwise the getModule function works like this:
JModuleHelper::getModule( 'position', 'title' );
According to the Joomla! API so you need to pass both parameters.
i use this code to render other module by id
$mod_id = $params->get('mod_id');
if ($type == 'logout' && $mod_id != ''){
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('module');
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
if ($jVersion=='1.5') {
$query = 'SELECT id, title, module, position, params'
. ' FROM #__modules AS m'
. ' WHERE id='.intval($mod_id);
} else {
$query = 'SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params'
. ' FROM #__modules AS m'
. ' WHERE = '.intval($mod_id);
$db->setQuery( $query );
if ($mod = $db->loadObject()){
$file = $mod->module;
$custom = substr( $file, 0, 4 ) == 'mod_' ? 0 : 1;
$modu->user = $custom;
// CHECK: custom module name is given by the title field, otherwise it's just 'om' ??
$mod->name = $custom ? $mod->title : substr( $file, 4 );
$mod->style = null;
$mod->position = strtolower($mod->position);
echo $renderer->render($mod, array());
use this, 100%, render modules at this position.
$document = &JFactory::getDocument();
$renderer = $document->loadRenderer('modules');
$options = array('style' => 'xhtml');
$position = 'article-banners';
echo $renderer->render($position, $options, null);
$position refer to module position, may be more than one...
$style - none, rounded, xhtml...
