Joomla: How to set unique permalink on K2? - joomla

I have different tags in K2. When I use some of them for an item, I get duplicate content:
URL1: (If I access the item from a tag2 menu filtered by category1)
URL2: (If I access the item from a tag4 menu filtered by category1)
Both URLs load the same content. How can I set a unique URL that can be accessed from the same menus?
Thank you
Solved following these steps:
What I meant by "unique URL" is that an item needs to "have" only one URL (as Wordpress does). Example:
With K2, you can access the same item from different URLs, if you have menus with tags.

Solved following these steps:
What I meant by "unique URL" is that an item needs to "have" only one URL (as Wordpress does). Example:
With K2, you can access the same item from different URLs, if you have menus with tags.


How to add Id attribute to tags in vue-quill

I am trying to set up a table of contents with vue-quill. My idea was to allow the users to create lists with links that link to an ID. This part is fine....
However... I can't seem to work out how to set the ID on selected text / headers.
Once I can set an ID, I can create anchor links to the content from the list of links (table of contents).
Any ideas?
I have been trying to find the documentation that could help with this, nothing found.

Strapi Bundle/Group Collection-Types

Is it possible to bundle up collection-types in Strapi?
What I mean by this:
For example, our website has a Media&Downloads page. This page consists of several categories (Logos, Poster, Press-Releases etc.)
All of these categories are reflected as own collection-type inside Strapi.
Now one request of the editors' is, that they want all these collection-types regarding certain pages bundled up. Inside Strapi, you would then on the collection-type navigation(left side) only have the "Press & Media" type, and when you click on it, it acts like an accordion and all the real collection-types are being displayed.

Why Joomla shows contents with any URL?

I found a bug in my Joomla 3.6.4 site when I searched in google for test purpose.
For example I have a content with ID 34 and alias myalias
Now Unexpectedly all of below URLs load my content:
and so on.
This is not TRUE at all!! The content must be loaded just in my predefined menu item. For example I assign a new Menu Item in Menu Manager like definedmenu witch shows content 34. So below URL should works only:
What is the problem. It's bad for my website SEO...
here is a base url
these are input variables
when we change url to SEO url
"test-test-test" treat as input variable
"mytest" treat as input variable
but each component have some restriction in component route, in content "id-alias" format so "34-myalias" but here id is important it will work it will work
but it will not work
This is why many people turn to SEO components like

Create another URL in Joomla 3 to same address

Is possible create a URL redirection in Joomla3 without extension/component?
For example, I have the URL:
I need to make another URL to redirect to like:
Will I need some component/extension? or I can make it from Joomla3.
A common practice on Joomla for these types of "shortcut" URLs is to create a "Hidden" menu in the Menu Manager and simply create a menu item in that with the alias you desire.
If you decide to do this and you have multiple menu's linking to the same content I would strongly suggest that you decide which one is the canonical path and then make any other menu items of the "Menu Item Alias" type.
You can use the Redirect component.
See for details.

Magento - adding a new field to the product options in admin

I'd like to add a new tab to the 'catalog->manage products->product information' page in the admin. Underneath the 'images' tab, I'd like to add a new tab for video, with a simple text input for adding a video url, which I can then grab for the frontend.
Anyone any ideas where the files are that I need to edit? I've been looking for the last couple hours with no joy. I found the list of current options in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup but can't figure out how to add to them...
Seems it gets some from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs. If I copy one of the tab sections here and change the title to Video, I can get it to display in the tabs on the left. But how do I then add the options for it?
What you are trying to do, from the sounds of it, is to create a custom field and add it to your catalog data. The good news is that you don't need to muck around in the PHP for that.
Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes and create a new attribute for yourself called "Video URL" (or something to that effect). This will probably be a text field, and you may want to hide it from comparison on the frontend of the site (select "No" for all those boxes at the bottom of the form).
Once you've created an attribute, you will need to add it to an attribute set. If all your products are of one "type", and if you didn't create any other attribute sets, this should be only one step. Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets and create a "New Group" called "Video" and drag your new video url attribute into it. Save the attribute set and you should now have your new tab.
The only complication from what I read in your post could be positioning it underneath the images tab. Magento adds several tabs statically (the long way, in the PHP) and doesn't generally obey ordering of the tab groups. Consider the time tradeoff.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
Per your other comments, for the URLs a simple attribute would work but files would tend to be more difficult. To add a custom tab, as you said, you can edit (or in the case of a plugin, override) Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs::_prepareLayout and add your tab. You'll need to add a block or template to display your tab contents.
After that, you'll need to store the data somewhere. Looking in Adminhtml/controllers/ProductController, you should be able to hook into the catalog_product_prepare_save event to get data from $event->getRequest() and push it onto the product or save another entity as necessary.
I'm not sure how well file saving semantics would work on a product, so you may want to do your own data storage in the extension and then provide something like a getVideoForProduct method to retrieve it.
Then the only thing left to do is modify the catalog/product/view.phtml template file to include your thumbs and create a controller in your extension to provide a modal w/ the video (or do it in JS).
I know that's a bit of a general answer, but it's the rough path you would need to take for tabs. Let me know if any specific part of that is unclear.
