How can I setup video streaming via http on windows? - windows

I'm looking for a module to one of these web servers (apache, nginx, lighthttpd) to create video streaming in webm format. My operating system is Windows.

Why don't you try to use VLC? It's capable of webm http streaming. Try this in your command line:
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC>vlc.exe --sout "#transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=300,scale=1,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=webm,dst=:8080/mountpoint.webm}"
You don't need to use a http server in the middle, except if you want to do some rewrite rules to keep vlc sending webm video to another port (like 8080) and then do some rewrite to make it look like it's coming from port 80.
I hope it helps.


ffmpeg Convert hls to rtsp protocal

Hi everyone,most of time I had seen the method that convert ip camera source(rtsp) to http(hls),but no one try convert hls to rtsp。I have hls test url:,640x360_400,640x360_700,640x360_1000,950x540_1500,.f4v.csmil/master.m3u8
and Use the command to convert hls to rtsp:
ffmpeg -i,640x360_400,640x360_700,640x360_1000,950x540_1500,.f4v.csmil/master.m3u8 -f rtsp rtsp://localhost:8554/test
but not work,can someone help me?Thank you very much!
You need a live streaming server (like Wowza SE) to serve the live stream to other clients (players).
Also when publishing the live stream to the streaming server some authentication parameters are required, like rtsp://user:password#server:[post]/app/stream .
You can check the WordPress - Broadcast Live Video plugin, that handles various protocols, streaming methods and FFmpeg transcoding (if you have the necessary streaming server).

Proxying an RTSP url using an RTSP Proxy Server

I have a use case where I need to restream an RTSP URL.
For all the below cases, Live555 is built locally by cloning the source.
For all the below cases, required ports are opened for RTSP in respective servers.
First I set up a file to be streamed using Live555MediaServer. This is in an AWS instance (AWS1).
./Live555MediaServer ashi.webm gives
I check whether an incoming stream is working or not, by trying to play it in VLC player. This incoming stream is working fine and playing well on VLC.
Now, to restream, I tried Live555ProxyServer. Now incoming stream from AWS1 is restreamed to another URL by running Live555ProxyServer on my Mac.
./Live555ProxyServer rtsp://public_IP_of_instance_one:8554/ashi.web gives,
This URL is also playable in VLC.
Now I setup another AWS instance (AWS2) and run ProxyServer on it, listening to AWS1.
That is,
./Live555ProxyServer rtsp://public_IP_of_instance_one:8554/ashi.web gives,
This URL is not playable.
I tried using -t flag for TCP instead of UDP. I tried checking the incoming RTSP stream with ffprobe and the stream is showing all the required details.
What could be the possible reason? What is the missing piece in this pipeline? Do we've great industry-grade open source RTSP servers?
I don't know what is exactly happened, but using VLC as the client to check the stream was the problem. I moved to ffmpeg and tried to write it to a file using
ffmpeg -i rtsp://public_IP_of_instance_two:8554/proxyStream -acodec copy -vcodec copy abc.webm
So the stream from ProxyServer is fine.
The lead to the change of client was the repeated warning from live555ProxyServer about outdated firmware explained here.
I'm currently using VLC Version 3.0.3 Vetinari (Intel 64bit) in Mac which is the latest version. Maybe VLC is using an old version of Live555 internally.

How do I connect my IP Remote Camera to ZoneMinder?

I am using Ubuntu 16.04, ZoneMinder v1.29.1 with this docker and this camera(hikvision ir panoramic fisheye). I can connect to the camera and I get the camera interface for settings etc. The problem is the live views need a windows dependent plugin, that's why I wanted to use ZoneMinder.
Now I configured everything according to this guide. Basically I had to add a monitor, set the source to remote, set the protocol to rtsp, set the method to rtp/rtsp, set the host name to < user>:< pw>#< correct-ip>, set port to the rtsp port reported by the camera webinterface and set the host path to all possible things: I tried /Streaming/Channels/[1,2,3,4]/ and /live and /Streaming/Channels/[101,102,103]-[401,402,403,404]/ but I never had a live stream. I really don't know what I am doing wrong. Does anybody know the right host path or any other issues that could prevent me from receiving a live feed? According to this site the hikvision products should work with ZoneMinder. Maybe I am just missing something small and stupid, thank you.
I used ONVIF Device Manager to detect my rtsp stream: It is rtsp://< ip>:554/Streaming/Channels/101?transportmode=unicast&profile=Profile_101 and I use exactly those settings in ZoneMinder but it does still give me a 404 error on the video.
Most Hikvision cameras don't work with the "Remote" option, but with the "Ffmpeg" option.
Source should begin with rtsp://"username":"passwd"#"IP-ADDRESS cam":554 and sometimes you have to append things like /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0?tcp
Protocol should be RTP/Unicast

RTSP Proxy for local accessed content archive

I have local access from one computer to RTSP server by my ISP which is delivering IPTV content archive (timeshift). RTSP is avilable only from this computer because it has correctly configured internet access to the server. Because I would like to watch the content of this RTSP server on every device at home, I'd like to create local server which would accept connections and just transfer data from the end server (by ISP) to client.
I already tried to configure Live555 RTSP Proxy, but it's not really the right software which would enable me what I need. Another thing I tried out is Darwin Streaming Server, but I think it wouldn't support the format of IPTV content archive. What do I actually need?
Link to ISP's content archive looks like: rtsp://
I would like to access to the same stream via rtsp://IP-of-my-computer:port/programme_id_channel.ts.
Is there any software which is acting like proxy and it would be possible to set it to my needs? I would really appreciate any answer and help.
P.S.: Type of ISP's stream is MPEG TS.
EDIT: I already tried out node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy and it works good for approximately 10 seconds, then I got some error from avconv about RTSP packet loss and stream stops. I would also need an option to seek video to wanted destination and with current setup (default options of avconv) of node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy. For the start I need something that will successfully stream video from source to destination.

RTSP GStreamer Server for windows

I want to create a basic GStreamer server for some test. Indeed I want to create a RTSP MediaPlayer which reads an IPCAM videostream in RTSP. So for my tests, I want to create a RTSP GStreamer server on windows. I found some tutos but only for Linux. Would you have any ideas ?
