Mac - Showing my service in printers list - macos

I created a Mac app/service that will be shown in menu bar (and not in dock) that will take care of printing through my cloud server.
What I'm looking is to show this as part of printer list. For example, when a user wants to print a word doc from MSWord, click on Command+P which shows the printer UI where user can select the printer. Now I want to show my app/service as part of the printers list so that the doc can be printed directly using my cloud server.
Is it possible to do such thing. Or any other ideas will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

We have to create a device driver. It cannot be achieved using regular application development in Java or Objective C.


Integrate Windows 8 program with windows search

I want to know if it is possible to have data from my Windows 8 program be able to show up in windows search. For instance, the user could search for "myprogramdata1" in windows and then an item would show up that when clicked would open up my program and I'd be able know that "myprogramdata1" was selected.
I know that it is possible for windows 10. For the program DisplayFusion, if I search settings, there is a result for DisplayFusion settings that can be clicked on and will bring me to the settings page for the program. Does anyone know how this is done?
First of see if you say the command that you typed in using cortana and if it opens settings. If yes, You can absolutely do it.
I did it for one of my app too( Well this was not my intention but it works )
UWP Samples-CortanaVoiceCommand
The key here is once Voice Commands are installed, you can type the text in cortana search (instead of actual voice command) and it works the same. You can still use patterns of voice commands and still type in Cortana search and open your app.

How to change 3rd monitor programmatically

When I'm using my laptop, I use 3 displays:
The laptop display
A second monitor (connected through VGA)
A TV (connected through HDMI)
My videocard doesn't support 3 monitors, so I'm constantly switching from 2 to 3: when I'm on the computer, I use the 2nd monitor, and when I want to watch some movies, etc. I use the 3rd.
I currently have to go to Screen Resolution, select the monitor that is not in use, and choose Extend desktop to this display.
Is there a way I can automate it?
Is there any command-line tool, or any Windows API that allows doing it?
Display Changer seems to do what I need, but the problem is that it only detects the working monitors. The 3rd monitor (which isn't currently in use) isn't detected, so I can't attach it.
A bit of RE on DisplaySwitch.exe shows that it calls
SetDisplayConfig(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0x888)
to set it to Extended on my computer.
From there, a little digging around got me to the SetDisplayConfig documentation obviously and also this SO page with some example code that queries your current display state and adds the actual flags to change them if you want to do so.
I answered a similar question with suggestion to try UltraMon or use their SDK, but you can also hit the Win32 API directly with ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. Another user, Sai, gave an reference to an example showing use of the function.

printing from snow leopard to zebra lp 2844 from html page

i am attempting to print labels from our custom CMS for products using EPL2 label printer drivers but having no luck.
the printer spits out about 12 labels (4x1") but no text is visible.
i set up the printer manually and using the CUPS admin interface and get the same results each time.
zebra doesn't make a native driver, but i am finding on the web that this driver should work.
any advice would be much appreciated.
What kind of data are you sending to the device? If you're just doing a File->Print of the web page it should work with the OS drivers, no need to go into the CUPS interface. If you're writing to the spool folder you should be sending raw EPL code - look for the EPL Programming Guide #
Make sure you setup the device correctly as well.
what ended up working was doing a factory reset and using #page along with paper size settings to print in the correct dimensions.
the only printer i could get to actually work the way it was supposed to was Chrome.

is there a way to display text from a file on a network machine on my desktop?

The file I need is textfile.txt on a network share accessible from my machine. Is there any way to display this text on my windows 7 desktop using the least number of additional frameworks installed (assume everyone on the network who will use this app has .Net pre-installed). The contents of the file may change.
Thank you for looking.
Developing a Windows Sidebar Gadget will give you a head start. You won't need any client side frameworks for the task at hand because every action you need to code can be done in JavaScript.

Why does the SearchTask show a prompt?

In my Windows Phone 7 app I'm using a SearchTask to show the results of a web page. But every time I start the task I get the dread "Allow" screen. I can imagine many users being scared to death by this... Why do I need to be allowed to show the results of a web search result? Is there anyway to avoid showing the scary popup screen?
Fwiw, here's my code:
SearchTask task = new SearchTask();
task.SearchQuery = "<my query>";
The prompt for the search app to use location will only be dislayed the first time the search app is used on the phone.
If you are seeing this displayed more than once is it because you are closing and restarting the emulator between uses of the task?
If not can you provide details of how to recreate the behaviour you're seeing.
The prompt is controlled by the search app and it is not possible to change the behaviour of that app. It is also an intent of the phone that apps should not be able to don something without the user knowing. By default the search app tries to use location to provide context when retrieving results. If the user has privcay concerns about their location data being used in this way they can prevent it. Hence this prompt.
