Bash script to wait for gnome-terminal to finish before continuing script, only works for first instance of script - bash

I have a bash script that opens a new gnome terminal with two tabs that runs more scripts. After the scripts in the two tabs finishes, the main script in the parent terminal continues to run.
When I run multiple instances of this bash script, it no longer waits for the additional gnome-terminals to finish before continuing the parent terminal script.
How do I fix it so that the additional instances of the script runs just like the first one?
Here is the bash script that I'm running. I run additional instances of this by typing sh in a new terminal.
gnome-terminal --tab --command="expect launchneuron.exp" --tab --command="expect launchmpj.exp"
echo "Simulation Complete"
echo "Plotting Results"
expect -c "
set timeout -1
spawn ssh $username#server
expect \"password\"
send \"$password\r\"
expect \"$ \"
send \"qsub -I -q abc -A lc_tb -l nodes=1 -l walltime=24:00:00 -d .\r\"
expect \"$ \"
send \"sh\r\"
expect \"$ \"
send \"exit\r\"

bash -c "sleep 7" &
bash -c "sleep 5" &
As you can see while running this script, both sleep commands will run in parallel, but main thread stalls, while they are running.
Sat. Jule 27 01:11:49 2013
Sat. Jule 27 01:11:56 2013
Replace sleep 7 with expect launchneuron.exp
and sleep 5 with expect launchmpj.exp
and add your plot commands after calling "wait":
echo "Simulation Complete"
...(your code to plot results)


How to run two separate bash commands at the same time, not in the same line but together Parallelly [duplicate]

how to run shell script in background in unix?
My script
while [ true ]
ps -fu $USER>>/home/axway/trace.log 2>&1
sleep 10
running above script ( in background by nohup command on promt
nohup ./ &
having below isuue:
$ nohup ./ &
[3] 19520
$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
Its warning to say like the output of the script will be written in file 'nohup.out'. In order to remove this warning, you can try
nohup ./ >/tmp/output.txt &
nohup ./ >/dev/null &
Just a thought, you could make it connect or create a screen instance at the start.
screen -S bashscript
my bash script

Using [ nohup ksh ] to run a script cannot see the sleep process

I am using CentOS 7.6 and bash shell inside VirtualBox .
I came across a script named MotherScript in my site having this statement :
nohup ksh MyScript &
Both MotherScript and MyScript have a shebang line
After login, I just fire the MotherScript.
In my previous companies, usually, I used this statement :
nohup MyScript &
Is there any functional/strange/usage difference between these 2 statements ?
Inside MyScript, there is a sleep command to sleep 1 hour repeatedly in a while loop for 7 days.
However, very strange, I cannot see this sleep process using :
ps -ef | grep sleep
Therefore, I cannot kill the sleep process.
Does this nohup ksh play the trick ?
Anyone know the reason behind ?
nohup ksh MyScript &
This will run the script using ksh(korn) shell.
nohup MyScript &
This will pick your default shell which you can check using below command
echo $SHELL
you can also change default shell using chsh Utility

shell script not terminating child process after termination of parent process

I have a shell script ( that runs two commands (jmeter scripts) in parallel. If I terminate the shell script it is not killing the parallel process that got initiated, and they are running in background.
Can I make a shell script that would work in both Windows and Linux and will terminate all the process if Ctrl+C is pressed in the terminal that is executing
$JmeterFolder/bin/jmeter.bat -n -t one.jmx -j oneLog.log &
$JmeterFolder/bin/jmeter.bat -n -t two.jmx -j twoLog.log &
This is my code.
I have tried:
trap 'stop' 2
kill -9 $pid1 $pid2
$JmeterFolder/bin/jmeter.bat -n -t one.jmx -j oneLog.log &
pid1=$! &
$JmeterFolder/bin/jmeter.bat -n -t two.jmx -j twoLog.log &
pid2=$! &
but this is not working when I execute it in Windows PowerShell, and don't think this is a right approach.
Wrote an infinite loop to simulate your jemter:
while true
date -R
sleep 1
Main script to start the substask and sleep 100 seconds to wait for Ctrl-C:
trap 'kill $subpid; exit' SIGINT
./ &
sleep 100
$ ./
Mon, 06 May 2019 02:03:32 -0700
Mon, 06 May 2019 02:03:33 -0700
When I press Ctrl-C "^C", it stopped after printing two lines.
If the main shell has been ended, the subtask's parent process ID will become 1, so it cannot pass signal to background process anymore..
I think the workaround can only be record the subtask PID in a file, and kill pid when you want to end them..

shell script was not terminating

I am executing one shell script from another shell script. The included shell script is not terminating after execution. But when I run it separately, it works fine and terminates normally.
Script 1
#! /bin/bash
#----------Check for Web Application Status
if curl --max-time 5 --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$localWebAppURL"; then
exec ./ &
echo "WebApp Status|\"WebApp\":\"$WebApp\""
In above script I am calling another script called
#! /bin/bash
for (( i=1; i <= $max; ++i ))
if curl --max-time 5 --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "http://localhost:8082/"; then
echo "Status|\"WebApp\":\"$WebApp\""
sleep 10
echo "Status|\"WebApp\":\"$WebApp\""
echo "finished"
exec ./ &
You don't need exec. If you want to run the script and wait for it to complete then just write:
Or if you want to run it in the background and have the first script continue, write:
./ &
When you use & the launched process will be launched in the background and will run in the background while other commands from the foreground script run or you interact with the shell. It's doing what you told it. If you press Enter you will see any queued-up stderr output, and if you type fg it will bring the process to the foreground if it is still running.
You probably don't want to use & in this case, though.

run xterm -e without terminating

I want to run xterm -e without terminating.
In the file, I'm sending commands to the background and when the script is done, they are still not finished.
What I'm doing currently is:
(cd /myfolder; /xterm -ls -geometry 115x65 -sb -sl 1000)
and then after the window pops up
What I want to do is something like:
(cd /myfolder; /xterm -ls -geometry 115x65 -sb -sl 1000 -e sh
without terminating and wait until the commands in the background finish.
Anyone know how to do that?
Use hold option:
xterm -hold -e
-hold Turn on the hold resource, i.e., xterm will not immediately destroy its window when the shell command completes. It will wait
until you use the window manager to destroy/kill the window, or if you
use the menu entries that send a signal, e.g., HUP or KILL.
I tried -hold, and it leaves xterm in an unresponsive state that requires closing through non-standard means (the window manager, a kill command). If you would rather have an open shell from which you can exit, try adding that shell to the end of your command:
xterm -e "cd /etc; bash"
I came across the answer on Super User.
Use the wait built-in in you shell script. It'll wait until all the background jobs are finished.
Working Example:
# Script to show usage of wait
sleep 20 &
sleep 20 &
sleep 20 &
sleep 20 &
sleep 20 &
The output
sgulati#maverick:~$ bash
[1] Done sleep 20
[2] Done sleep 20
[3] Done sleep 20
[4]- Done sleep 20
[5]+ Done sleep 20
Building on a previoius answer, if you specify $SHELL instead of bash, it will use the users preferred shell.
xterm -e "cd /etc; $SHELL"
With respect to creating the separate shell, you'll probably want to run it in the background so that you can continue to execute more commands in the current shell - independent of the separate one. In which case, just add the & operator:
xterm -e "cd /etc; bash" &
<"do stuff while xterm is still running">
wait $PID
The wait command at the end will prevent your primary shell from exiting until the xterm shell does. Without the wait, your xterm shell will still continue to run even after the primary shell exits.
