How to specify the default error message when extending the Validation class in Laravel 4 - validation

I use made use the extend function to extend and adding custom rules on the Validation Class of Laravel 4.
Validator::extend('foo', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
return $value == 'foo';
When I validate the rule using the newly created custom extension, it returns if the rule fails. Is there a way to define a generic/ default message when extending the validation class in Laravel 4?

The Laravel 4 docs specifically state you need to define an error message for your custom rules.
You have two options;
Option 1:
$messages = array(
'foo' => 'The :attribute field is foo.',
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);
Option 2:
Specify your custom messages in a language file instead of passing them directly to the Validator. To do so, add your messages to custom array in the app/lang/xx/validation.php language file:
'custom' => array(
'foo' => array(
'required' => 'We need to know your foo!',

In case someone is wondering about Laravel 5: just add your message to validation.php right under all the default messages. For example:
return [
// .. lots of Laravel code omitted for brevity ...
"timezone" => "The :attribute must be a valid zone.",
/* your custom global validation messages for your custom validator follow below */
"date_not_in_future" => "Date :attribute may not be in future.",
where date_not_in_future is your custom function validateDateNotInFuture.
Laravel will pick the message each time you use your rule for any field and you won't have to use custom array unless you want to override your global message for specific fields.
Full code to implement the validator follows.
Custom Validator (with a bonus gotcha comments for date_format and date_before localization):
<?php namespace App\Services\Validation;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator as BaseValidator;
* Class for your custom validation functions
class Validator extends BaseValidator {
public function validateDateNotInFuture($attribute, $value, $parameters)
// you could also test if the string is a date at all
// and if it matches your app specific format
// calling $this->validateDateFormat validator with your app's format
// loaded from \Config::get, but be careful -
// Laravel has hard-coded checks for DateFormat rule
// to extract correct format from it if it exists,
// and then use for validateBefore. If you have some unusual format
// and date_format has not been applied to the field,
// then validateBefore will give unpredictable results.
// Your best bet then is to override protected function
// getDateFormat($attribute) to return your app specific format
$tomorrow = date('your app date format here', strtotime("tomorrow"));
$parameters[0] = $tomorrow;
return $this->validateBefore($attribute, $value, $parameters);
ValidatorServiceProvider file:
<?php namespace App\Providers;
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Services\Validation\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class ValidatorServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
public function boot()
\Validator::resolver(function($translator, $data, $rules, $messages)
return new Validator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);
public function register()
And then just add a line to config/app.php:
'App\Providers\ValidatorServiceProvider', // your custom validation

In addition to what TheShiftExchange has said, if you look in that validation.php language file you'll see all of the different rules that you can specify. So for instance, if your validator has entries like this:
class ArticleValidator extends Validator
public static $rules = [
'create' => [
'title' => ['required'],
'slug' => ['required', 'regex:([a-z\0-9\-]*)']
Then your custom validation rules may look like this:
'custom' => array(
'company_article_type_id' => array(
'required' => 'The slug field is really important',
'exists' => 'The slug already exists',
Notice how the 'required' and 'exists' keys in the custom validation rules match those in the validator above.


FormRequest messages() function does not translate all rules [duplicate]

I'm working on a Laravel 5.8 project and trying to show custom validation messages for a validation which uses the requiredIf validation rule.
Here is how I have it set up:
$validation = Validator::make(
'sum' => [
Rule::requiredIf(function() use ($request){
$model = Model::find($request->id);
return $model->is_special; //returns a boolean value
'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',
'sum.numeric' => 'Must use a number here',
Now the validation is working correctly and the custom message for the numeric validation shows as should, but the message I get for the requiredIf() method is Laravel's default error message.
I also tried using 'sum.requiredIf' => '...' but that didn't work either and can't seem to find any documentation or example for this scenario.
I was tinkering with this for a while and noticed that for this to work I needed to define
'sum.required' => 'This cannot be blank'
and not 'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',.
Not sure if this is expected behavior or just a workaround but my deduction is that with the callback Rule::requiredIf(function() use ($request){...}) the parameters :other and :value are not passed so it falls back onto required messaging and I guess this makes sense since required_if and required would not be used on the same :attribute.
Hope this helps anyone who comes across this problem.
First, create a rule name isSpecial or whatever
php artisan make:rule isSpecial
Go to App\Rules\isSpecial.php
private $id;
public function __construct($id) // pass id or what you need
public function passes($attribute, $value) // customize your rules here
return Model::find($request->id)->is_special;
public function message() // here is answer for your question
return 'The validation error message.'; // your message
in your controller
use App\Rules\isSpecial;
\Validator::make($request->all(), [
'sum' => new isSpecial() ,
another idea :
Specifying Custom Messages In Language Files
In most cases, you will probably specify your custom messages in a language file instead of passing them directly to the Validator. To do so, add your messages to custom array in the resources/lang/xx/validation.php language file.
'custom' => [
'email' => [
'required' => 'We need to know your e-mail address!',
Simple notice:
- I suggest using HTTP Requests instead use validation in your controller and function direct
Looks like as of Laravel 8, using required_if works as expected, and alternatively will not fall back on required as mentioned previously:
'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',

Custom error message for `requiredIf` validation in laravel

I'm working on a Laravel 5.8 project and trying to show custom validation messages for a validation which uses the requiredIf validation rule.
Here is how I have it set up:
$validation = Validator::make(
'sum' => [
Rule::requiredIf(function() use ($request){
$model = Model::find($request->id);
return $model->is_special; //returns a boolean value
'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',
'sum.numeric' => 'Must use a number here',
Now the validation is working correctly and the custom message for the numeric validation shows as should, but the message I get for the requiredIf() method is Laravel's default error message.
I also tried using 'sum.requiredIf' => '...' but that didn't work either and can't seem to find any documentation or example for this scenario.
I was tinkering with this for a while and noticed that for this to work I needed to define
'sum.required' => 'This cannot be blank'
and not 'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',.
Not sure if this is expected behavior or just a workaround but my deduction is that with the callback Rule::requiredIf(function() use ($request){...}) the parameters :other and :value are not passed so it falls back onto required messaging and I guess this makes sense since required_if and required would not be used on the same :attribute.
Hope this helps anyone who comes across this problem.
First, create a rule name isSpecial or whatever
php artisan make:rule isSpecial
Go to App\Rules\isSpecial.php
private $id;
public function __construct($id) // pass id or what you need
public function passes($attribute, $value) // customize your rules here
return Model::find($request->id)->is_special;
public function message() // here is answer for your question
return 'The validation error message.'; // your message
in your controller
use App\Rules\isSpecial;
\Validator::make($request->all(), [
'sum' => new isSpecial() ,
another idea :
Specifying Custom Messages In Language Files
In most cases, you will probably specify your custom messages in a language file instead of passing them directly to the Validator. To do so, add your messages to custom array in the resources/lang/xx/validation.php language file.
'custom' => [
'email' => [
'required' => 'We need to know your e-mail address!',
Simple notice:
- I suggest using HTTP Requests instead use validation in your controller and function direct
Looks like as of Laravel 8, using required_if works as expected, and alternatively will not fall back on required as mentioned previously:
'sum.required_if' => 'This cannot be blank',

Laravel Custom Message

Hi I am working with custom validation with laravel I am new in this right now my controller code is mention this is how I am validating the upload file.
Everything is working but I have issue displaying custom message on view page
it shows the default message not my custom message Please have a look and let me know if I am doing something wrong.
$request, [
'project_file.*' => 'required|size:2048',
'project_file.required' => 'Upload File Field Is Required',
'project_file.max' => 'Upload File Field Must Be 2MB',
$messages = [
'required' => 'The File should not be more then 2Mb',
'size' => 'The must be exactly Mb.',
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);
if($validator->fails()) {
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator);
My View code to display error is:
#if ($errors->any())
<div class="alert alert-danger">
<strong>{!! implode('', $errors->all('<div>:message</div>')) !!}</strong>
I feel the issue might be because you have not passed the field name placeholder in the messages array.
You can add custom error messages for your validations. You can pass a third parameter Validator::make method.
$messages = [ 'required' => 'The :field should not be more then 2Mb' ];
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);
The :field place-holder will be replaced by the field name
Adding custom error messages only for a specific field using dot operation
$messages = [
'file.required' => 'The image should not be more then 2Mb',
Hope this helps.
It's better approach not to write validation logic in the controller because it results fat controller and quite messy controller so you can use separate request class to do in better way.
At first, use following command in console to create custom validation request class like this,
php artisan make:request PostRequest
Now, a file named PostRequest.php will be created at the app/Http/Requests/ in that file you should make validation like following.
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class PostRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
'project_file.*' => 'required|max:2048',
public function messages()
return [
'required' => 'Upload File Field Is Required',
'max' => 'The File should not be more then 2Mb',
Now, function in which form request is passed you have to change Request to PostRequest like this so that validation is performed automatically.
public function post(PostRequest $request){

Using a php variable for validation in Laravel 4.2

I have this code that gets an object in a session and i put it in a certain variable. Then i wanted to use it in the laravel 4.2 'same' validation. So far here is the code i have
$getsCapt = $_SESSION["captcha"];
$rules = array(
'st' => 'required',
'capt' => 'required|numeric|same:$getsCapt'
It is not doing anything. What i wanted to have is i'll compare the value i get from the session with the value i get from the textbox in my view named 'capt' but so far its not doing anything. any ideas to do this properly?
First of all, You are using same validator incorrectly.
same expects a form field name
Where, the given field must match the field under validation.
You could register and use a Custom Validation Rule
Validator::extend('captcha', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$captcha = \Session::get('captcha');
return $value == $captcha;
So later you can do:
//session_start(); - Please no need for this in Laravel
//$getsCapt = $_SESSION["captcha"]; - Also remove this not necessary
$rules = array(
'st' => 'required',
'capt' => 'required|numeric|captcha'
Use Session::put to save something to session e.g \Session::put('something');
There is also Session::get for retrieving value from session e.g \Session::get('something');
Please avoid using $_SESSION not Laravel way of doing things
[Edited] Where to Register Custom Validation Rule?
There are basically two ways you can register a custom validation rule in Laravel.
1. Resolving from a closure:
If you are resolving through closure you can add it to : app/start/global.php
Validator::extend('captcha', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$captcha = \Session::get('captcha');
return $value == $captcha;
2. Resolving from a class
This is the best and preferred way of extending custom validation rule as its more organised and easier to maintain.
i. Create your own validation class, CustomValidator.php, maybe in app/validation folder
<?php namespace App\Validation;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
use Session;
class CustomValidator extends Validator{
public function validateCaptcha($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$captcha = Session::get('captcha');
return $value == $captcha;
NB: Notice the prefix validate used in the method name, validateCaptcha
ii. Create a Service Provider that will resolve custom validator extension in app/validation folder
<?php namespace App\Validation;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CustomValidationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register(){}
public function boot()
$this->app->validator->resolver(function($translator, $data, $rules, $messages){
return new CustomValidator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);
iii. Then add CustomValidationServiceProvider under app/config/app.php providers array:
'providers' => array(
<!-- ... -->
iv. And add the custom error message in app/lang/en/validation.php
return array(
"captcha" => "Invalid :attribute entered.",
Change single quotes to double quotes
$rules = array(
'st' => 'required',
'capt' => "required|numeric|same:$getsCapt"
Or simply concatenate the value
$rules = array(
'st' => 'required',
'capt' => 'required|numeric|same:' . $getsCapt

Using form request specific custom validation attributes

Using Laravel's localization ( I have created some custom validation attributes to provide friendlier validation errors (for instance, 'First Name' instead of first name etc).
I am using form requests ( in order to validate user submissions and there are scenarios where I would like to provide store-specific custom validation attributes (for instance, I may have a 'name' field that is Brand Name in one context, and Product Name in another).
The messages() method allows me to specify validation rule specific message overrides, but that isn't ideal as it's not the validation message as such we need to override, just the attribute name (for example, if we have 5 validation rules for 'email', we have to provide 5 overrides here, rather than one override for, let's say, Customer Email).
Is there a solution to this? I note references to formatValidationErrors() and formatErrors() in the Laravel documentation, but there is not really any information on how to correctly override these, and I've not had much luck in trying.
You can override the attribute names, which is defaulting to whatever the field name is.
With form request
In your form request class override the attributes() method:
public function attributes()
return [
'this_is_my_field' => 'Custom Field'
With controller or custom validation
You can use the 4th argument to override the field names:
$this->validate($request, $rules, $messages, $customAttributes);
Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages, $customAttributes);
Simple working example
Route::get('/', function () {
// The data to validate
$data = [
'this_is_my_field' => null
// Rules for the validator
$rules = [
'this_is_my_field' => 'required',
// Custom error messages
$messages = [
'required' => 'The message for :attribute is overwritten'
// Custom field names
$customAttributes = [
'this_is_my_field' => 'Custom Field'
$validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages, $customAttributes);
if ($validator->fails()) {
dd('Validation passed!');
As detailed in my question, I was looking for a way to provide specific form request stores ( with custom attribute names.
The Laravel documentation only covers two methods for Requests in this context - rules() and authorize(). I was aware there is a messages() method to provide validation specific custom error messages, but it also appears there is an attributes() method, which fits my requirements exactly:
public function attributes()
return [
'name' => 'Product Name'
This overrides the attribute name in the context of my store.
