Convert Ruby Hash into YAML - ruby

I need to convert a hash like the one provided below into readable YAML. It looks like I can feed YAML::load a string, but I think I need to convert it first into something like this:
public: 51
private: 10
{"public"=>"51", "private"=>"10"},
{"public"=>"192", "private"=>"12"}
I'm not sure exactly how to do that conversion into that string effectively though.
I looked through the HASH documentation and couldn't find anything for to_yaml. I found it by searching for to_yaml which becomes available when you require yaml. I also tried to use the Enumerable method collect but got confused when I needed to iterate through the value (another hash).
I'm trying to use "Converting hash to string in Ruby" as a reference. My thought was then to feed that into YAML::load and that would generate the YAML I wanted.

Here's how I'd do it:
require 'yaml'
""=> {"public"=>"51", "private"=>"10"},
""=> {"public"=>"192", "private"=>"12"}
{""=> {"public"=>"51", "private"=>"10"}},
{""=> {"public"=>"192", "private"=>"12"}}
puts HASH_OF_HASHES.to_yaml
puts ARRAY_OF_HASHES.to_yaml
Which outputs:
public: '51'
private: '10'
public: '192'
private: '12'
public: '51'
private: '10'
public: '192'
private: '12'
The Object class has a to_yaml method. I used that and it generated the YAML file correctly.
No, it doesn't.
This is from a freshly opened IRB session:
=> []
require 'yaml'
=> true
=> [:psych_to_yaml, :to_yaml, :to_yaml_properties]

You can use the to_yaml method on a hash for this I believe after you require yaml

You can use YAML.dump:
YAML.dump(a: 2, b: 1)
=> "---\n:a: 2\n:b: 1\n
One advantage of YAML.dump over to_yaml is that it's easier to infer what the code is doing because most people read from left to right.


Create a Ruby Hash out of an xml string with the 'ox' gem

I am currently trying to create a hash out of an xml documen, with the help of the ox gem
Input xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
with the following ruby/ox code:
doc = Ox.parse(xml)
plist = doc.root.nodes
I get the following output:
=> [#<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d985a668 #value="payee", #attributes={}, #nodes=["starbucks"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9839198 #value="amount", #attributes={}, #nodes=["5.75"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9028788 #value="date", #attributes={}, #nodes=["2017-06-10"]>]
The output I want is a hash in the format:
{'payee' => 'Starbucks',
'amount' => 5.75,
'date' => '2017-06-10'}
to save in my sqllite database. How can I transform the objects array into a hash like above.
Any help is highly appreciated.
The docs suggest you can use the following:
require 'ox'
xml = %{
<top name="sample">
<middle name="second">
<bottom name="third">Rock bottom</bottom>
puts Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash)
puts Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash_no_attrs)
#{:top=>[{:name=>"sample"}, {:middle=>[{:name=>"second"}, {:bottom=>[{:name=>"third"}, "Rock bottom"]}]}]}
#{:top=>{:middle=>{:bottom=>"Rock bottom"}}}
I'm not sure that's exactly what you're looking for though.
Otherwise, it really depends on the methods available on the Ox::Element instances in the array.
From the docs, it looks like there are two handy methods here: you can use [] and text.
Therefore, I'd use reduce to coerce the array into the hash format you're looking for, using something like the following:
ox_nodes = [#<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d985a668 #value="payee", #attributes={}, #nodes=["starbucks"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9839198 #value="amount", #attributes={}, #nodes=["5.75"]>, #<Ox::Element:0x00007f80d9028788 #value="date", #attributes={}, #nodes=["2017-06-10"]>]
ox_nodes.reduce({}) do |hash, node|
hash[node['#value']] = node.text
I'm not sure whether node['#value'] will work, so you might need to experiment with that - otherwise perhaps node.instance_variable_get('#value') would do it.
node.text does the following, which sounds about right:
Returns the first String in the elements nodes array or nil if there is no String node.
N.B. I prefer to tidy the reduce block a little using tap, something like the following:
ox_nodes.reduce({}) do |hash, node|
hash.tap { |h| h[node['#value']] = node.text }
Hope that helps - let me know how you get on!
I found the answer to the question in my last comment by myself:
def create_xml(expense)
Ox.default_options=({:with_xml => false})
doc = => '1.0')
expense.each do |key, value|
e =
e << value
doc << e
The next question would be how can i transform the value of the amount key from a string to an integer befopre saving it to the database

Create nested object from YAML to access attributes via method calls in Ruby

I am completely new to ruby.
I have to parse a YAML file to construct an object
- name: Project1
- name: Dev1
- name: cert1
- name: Dev2
- name: cert2
- name: Project2
- name: Dev1
- name: cert3
- name: Dev2
- name: cert4
I want to create an object from this YAML for which I wrote the following code in Ruby
require 'yaml'
object = YAML.load('./file.yaml'))
I can successfully access the attributes of this object with []
For e.g.
puts object[projects].first[developers].last[certifications].first[name]
# prints ABC
However, I want to access the attributes via method calls
For e.g.
# should print ABC
Is there any way to construct such an object whose attributes can be accessed in the (dots) way mentioned above?
I have read about OpenStruct and hashugar.
I also want to avoid usage of third party gems
Nice answer from Xavier, but it can be shorter, just require yaml, json and ostruct and parse your YAML, convert it to JSON, parse it in an Openstruct (a Struct would also be possible) like this
object = JSON.parse(YAML.load(yaml).to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)
To load your YAML from a file it's
object = JSON.parse(YAML::load_file("./test.yaml").to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)
This gives
=>#<OpenStruct projects=[#<OpenStruct name="Project1", developers=[#<OpenStruct name="Dev1", certifications=[#<OpenStruct name="cert1">]>, #<OpenStruct name="Dev2", certifications=[#<OpenStruct name="cert2">]>]>, #<OpenStruct name="Project2", developers=[#<OpenStruct name="Dev1", certifications=[#<OpenStruct name="cert3">]>, #<OpenStruct name="Dev2", certifications=[#<OpenStruct name="cert4">]>]>]>
I use this for loading configurations from file, a Yaml is easily to maintain and in your code it's easier to use than a configuration in Hash.
Don't do this for repetitive tasks.
If you are just experimenting, there is a quick and dirty way to do this:
class Hash
def method_missing(name, *args)
send(:[], name.to_s, *args)
I wouldn't use that in production code though, since both method_missing and monkey-patching are usually recipes for trouble down the road.
A better solution is to recursively traverse the data-structure and replace hashes with openstructs.
require 'ostruct'
def to_ostruct(object)
case object
when Hash[ {|k, v| [k, to_ostruct(v)] }])
when Array {|x| to_ostruct(x) }
puts to_ostruct(object)
Note that there are potentially performance issues with either approach if you are doing them a lot - if your application is time-sensitive make sure you benchmark them! This probably isn't relevant to you though.

Can I manipulate yaml files and write them out again

I have a map of values, the key is a filename and the value is an array strings.
I have the corresponding files
how would I load the file and create a fixed yaml value which contains the value of the array whether or not the value already exists
YAML (file.yaml)
{"file.yaml" => ["extra","intra","lateral"]}
The YAML documentation doesn't cover its methods very well, but does say
The underlying implementation is the libyaml wrapper Psych.
The Psych documentation, which underlies YAML, covers reading, parsing, and emitting YAML.
Here's the basic process:
require 'yaml'
foo = {"file.yaml" => ["extra","intra","lateral"]}
bar = foo.to_yaml
# => "---\nfile.yaml:\n- extra\n- intra\n- lateral\n"
And here's what the generated, serialized bar variable looks like if written:
puts bar
# >> ---
# >> file.yaml:
# >> - extra
# >> - intra
# >> - lateral
That's the format a YAML parser needs:
baz = YAML.load(bar)
# => {"file.yaml"=>["extra", "intra", "lateral"]}
At this point the hash has gone round-trip, from a Ruby hash, to a YAML-serialized string, back to a Ruby hash.
Writing YAML to a file is easy using Ruby's File.write method:
File.write(foo.keys.first, foo.values.first.to_yaml)
foo.each do |k, v|
File.write(k, v.to_yaml)
Which results in a file named "file.yaml", which contains:
- extra
- intra
- lateral
To read and parse a file, use YAML's load_file method.
foo = YAML.load_file('file.yaml')
# => ["extra", "intra", "lateral"]
"How do I parse a YAML file?" might be of use, as well as the other "Related" links on the right side of this page.

In Ruby, how to be warned of duplicate keys in hashes when loading a YAML document?

In the following Ruby example, is there a mode to have YAML NOT silently ignore the duplicate key 'one'?
irb(main):001:0> require 'yaml'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> str = '{ one: 1, one: 2 }'
=> "{ one: 1, one: 2 }"
irb(main):003:0> YAML.load(str)
=> {"one"=>2}
Using Psych, you can traverse the AST tree to find duplicate keys. I'm using the following helper method in my test suite to validate that there are no duplicate keys in my i18n translations:
def duplicate_keys(file_or_content)
yaml = file_or_content.is_a?(File) ? : file_or_content
duplicate_keys = []
validator = ->(node, parent_path) do
if node.is_a?(Psych::Nodes::Mapping)
children = node.children.each_slice(2) # In a Mapping, every other child is the key node, the other is the value node.
duplicates = { |key_node, _value_node| key_node }.group_by(&:value).select { |_value, nodes| nodes.size > 1 }
duplicates.each do |key, nodes|
duplicate_key = {
file: (file_or_content.path if file_or_content.is_a?(File)),
key: parent_path + [key],
occurrences: { |occurrence| "line: #{occurrence.start_line + 1}" },
duplicate_keys << duplicate_key
children.each { |key_node, value_node|, parent_path + [key_node.try(:value)].compact) }
node.children.to_a.each { |child|, parent_path) }
ast = Psych.parse_stream(yaml), [])
There is a solution involving a linter, but I'm not sure it will be relevant to
you since it's not a 100% Ruby solution. I'll post it anyway since I don't know
any way to do this in Ruby:
You can use the yamllint command-line tool:
sudo pip install yamllint
Specifically, it has a rule key-duplicates that detects duplicated keys:
$ cat test.yml
{ one: 1, one: 2 }
$ yamllint test.yml
1:11 error duplication of key "one" in mapping (key-duplicates)
One of the things I do to help maintain the YAML files I use, is write code to initially generate it from a known structure in Ruby. That gets me started.
Then, I'll write a little snippet that loads it and outputs what it parsed using either PrettyPrint or Awesome Print so I can compare that to the file.
I also sort the fields as necessary to make it easy to look for duplicates.
No. You'd have to decide how to rename the keys since hash keys have to be unique - I'd go for some workaround like manually looking for keys that are the same and renaming them before you do a YAML::load.

Parsing a .cfg file using Ruby?

I have a .cfg file with the following data:
*.*.key_val = {
key1= "value1";
key2 = "value2";
key3 = "value3";
I want to read this file and store the key value pairs in a hash #var[key][val].
How it can be done?
THIS cfg you may parse in such way:
read file using File#read
convert text into 2-dimentional array using String#scan and regex
convert array into hash using Hash[]
text ='your.cfg')
# => "*.*.key_val = {\n key1= \"value1\";\n key2 = \"value2\";\n key3 = \"value3\";\n};"
data = text.scan(/(\S+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)/)
# => [["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"], ["key3", "value3"]]
#var = Hash[data]
# => {"key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2", "key3"=>"value3"}
Or just:
#var = Hash['your.cfg').scan(/(\S+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)/)]
I'd strongly recommend transferring the configuration to something like YAML. It's made to be easy to understand, flexible, universally implemented, well documented, both as a standard and as a part of the core library, and easy to understand. (Yes, I said it twice on purpose.)
My YAML files load into Ruby as a Hash when I do something like:
require 'yaml'
config = YAML.load_file('/path/to/config/file')
I'll create the initial template for the configuration file in Ruby, as a Hash, then serialize it and write it to disk. That way I know what's on the disk is exactly the way YAML wants it to be and helps me avoid that "it won't load because either the data is wrong or the code is wrong" quandary.
# A simple round-trip (load and dump) of an object.
require 'yaml'
test_obj = {
'foo' => 'bar',
'one_two_three' => [1, 2, 3],
'hash' => {'another' => 'hash'}
} #=> {"foo"=>"bar", "one_two_three"=>[1, 2, 3], "hash"=>{"another"=>"hash"}}'./config.yaml', 'w') { |fo| fo.puts YAML::dump( test_obj ) } #=> nil
ruby_obj = YAML::load_file( './config.yaml' ) #=> {"foo"=>"bar", "one_two_three"=>[1, 2, 3], "hash"=>{"another"=>"hash"}}
ruby_obj == test_obj #=> true
require 'pp'
pp ruby_obj
{"foo"=>"bar", "one_two_three"=>[1, 2, 3], "hash"=>{"another"=>"hash"}}
pp test_obj
{"foo"=>"bar", "one_two_three"=>[1, 2, 3], "hash"=>{"another"=>"hash"}}
You should try out the 'parseconfig' gem:
gem install parseconfig
Here's a sample how to use this gem:
require 'rubygems'
require 'parseconfig'
my_config ='your_file.cfg')
puts my_config.get_value('key_val')
Good luck and have fun learning Ruby. :)
As Glenux said this is only for simple configuration files. I'll check if I can find anything else.
I can't find a gem or something to parse a cfg file like in your example. I guess your only option is to write a parser yourself (like Nakilon did) or use something like YAML instead. Good luck anyway. :)
The parseconfig class is only intended for simple configuration files !
It accepts files of the format "param = value" (cf ) but it will not parse the *.*.key_val = { and } thing.
Is the configuration file yours or generated/used by a third-party software? If it is yours, it may be wiser to use an other configuration file format (JSON, Ini, YAML, etc).
Wanted to mention this ruby library that can help you transfer configuration between JSON, YAML or Windows Ini file formats:
The use case is to move the configuration to YAML, but be able to generate whatever the format is needed by the software – in the case of this gem – it's supervisord's INI file format.
