What is the difference between "$a" and $a in unix [duplicate] - shell

This question already has answers here:
When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
For example:
while [ "$a" -lt 10 ]
while [ "$b" -ge 0 ] do
echo -n "$b "
b=`expr $b - 1`
a=`expr $a + 1`
The above mentioned script gives the answer in triangle while with out the double quotes, it falls one after the other on diff lines.

After a variable is expanded to its value, word splitting (i.e. separating the value into tokens at whitespace) and filename wildcard expansion takes place unless the variable is inside double quotes.
var='foo bar'
echo No quotes: $var
echo With quotes: "$var"
will output:
No quotes: foo bar
With quotes: foo bar

Here the difference is how the argument is passed to echo function. Effectively " " will preserve whitespaces.
echo -n "$b "
Is translated to:
echo -n "<number><space>"
While this:
echo -n $b<space>
Will ignore the trailing space and will just output the number:
echo -n <number>
Therefore removing all the spaces that are needed for output to look "triangular".

There are errors in your script:
no do after 1st while
no ; before do after 2nd while
why asterisk on done* at the end?
Now to answer your question.
If used as a paramenter:
"$a" is one argument.
$a (without quotes) is possibly multiple arguments:
v='a b'; set $v; echo "\$#=$#, \$1=\"$1\", \$2=\"$2\""
$#=2, $1="a", $2="b"
v='a b'; set "$v"; echo "\$#=$#, \$1=\"$1\", \$2=\"$2\""
$#=1, $1="a b", $2=""


BASH:Why is printf to a var removing spaces? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?
(5 answers)
I just assigned a variable, but echo $variable shows something else
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Why is the output of these two different? I want the spaces to be preserved.
printf "%-12s *" $x
echo " "
y=$(printf "%-12s" $x)
echo $y "*"
Running it gives
foo *
foo *
I want the second line to look like the first.
You'll need to quote the $y:
echo "${y} *"
printf "%-12s *" $x
echo " "
y=$(printf "%-12s" $x)
echo "$y" "*"
➜ ./test.sh
foo *
foo *
More information about when to use double quotes
Ypu can use printf too
printf '%s *\n' "$y"

How to compare a variable to a string in bash? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I compare two string variables in an 'if' statement in Bash? [duplicate]
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
here is how i tried it
while IFS= read line
var=$(cut -d ":" -f 3 $line)
if [ "$var" = "L2" ]
then :here is my action:
done < myfile.txt
What i want to do is read a file line by line, read the third word of each line, and do a special action if the third word = a certaine string, i've tried a lot of syntax but it doesn't work. i've also tried to echo "$var" just to see if my variable get the right value, and it does. i don't know what to do anymore
It is better to use double brackets for if condition & for String comparison double equals (==)
And the line which has "cut" command wouldn't have worked. Please find below the corrected code which is working.
while IFS= read line
echo "Line is $line"
var=`echo $line | cut -d ":" -f 3`
echo $var
if [[ "$var" == "L2" ]]
echo "Some Action"
done < myfile.txt

Iterate over a list of quoted strings

I'm trying to run a for loop over a list of strings where some of them are quoted and others are not like so:
STRING='foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space"'
for item in $STRING; do
echo "$item"
Expected result:
baz with space
Actual result:
I can achieve the expected result by running the following command:
bash -c 'for item in '"$STRING"'; do echo "$item"; done;'
I would like to do this without spawning a new bash process or using eval because I do not want to take the risk of having random commands executed.
Please note that I do not control the definition of the STRING variable, I receive it through an environment variable. So I can't write something like:
array=(foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space")
for item in "${array[#]}"; do
echo "$item"
If it helps, what I am actually trying to do is split the string as a list of arguments that I can pass to another command.
I have:
STRING='foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space"'
And I want to run:
my-command --arg foo --arg "bar_no_space" --arg "baz with space"
Use an array instead of a normal variable.
arr=(foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space")
To print the values:
print '%s\n' "${arr[#]}"
And to call your command:
my-command --arg "${arr[0]}" --arg "${arr[1]}" --arg "{$arr[2]}"
Can you try something like this:
sh-4.4$ echo $string
foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space"
sh-4.4$ echo $string|awk 'BEGIN{FS="\""}{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)print $i}'|sed '/^ $/d'
baz with space
Solved: xargs + subshell
A few years late to the party, but...
Malicious Input:
SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND='echo "hello world" foo '"'"'bar'"'"'; sudo ls -lah /; say -v Ting-Ting "evil cackle"'
Note: I originally had an rm -rf in there, but then I realized that would be a recipe for disaster when testing variations of the script.
Converted perfectly into safe args:
# DO NOT put IFS= on its own line
IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' args=($(echo "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" \
| xargs bash -c 'for arg in "$#"; do echo "$arg"; done'))
echo "${args[#]}"
See that you can indeed pass these arguments just like $#:
for arg in "${args[#]}"
echo "$arg"
hello world
evil cackle
I'm too embarrassed to say how much time I spent researching this to figure it out, but once you get the itch... y'know?
Defeating xargs
It is possible to fool xargs by providing escaped quotes:
SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND='\"hello world\"'
This can make a literal quote part of the output:
Or it can cause an error:
SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND='\"hello world"'
xargs: unmatched double quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
In either case, it doesn't enable arbitrary execution of code - the parameters are still escaped.
Pure bash parser
Here's a quoted-string parser written in pure bash (what terrible fun)!
Caveat: just like the xargs example above, this errors in the case of an escaped quoted.
MY_ARGS="foo 'bar baz' qux * "'$(dangerous)'" sudo ls -lah"
# Create array from multi-line string
IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' args=($(parseargs "$MY_ARGS"))
# Show each of the arguments array
for arg in "${args[#]}"; do
echo "$arg"
$#: foo bar baz qux *
bar baz
Parse Argument Function
Literally going character-by-character and adding to the current string, or adding to the array.
set -u
set -e
# ParseArgs will parse a string that contains quoted strings the same as bash does
# (same as most other *nix shells do). This is secure in the sense that it doesn't do any
# executing or interpreting. However, it also doesn't do any escaping, so you shouldn't pass
# these strings to shells without escaping them.
parseargs() {
declare -a args=()
# Strip leading space, then trailing space, then end with space.
str="${str## }"
str="${str%% }"
str+=" "
n=$(( ${#str} - 1 ))
for ((i=0;i<=$n;i+=1)); do
# If we're ending a quote, break out and skip this character
if [ "$c" == "$last_quote" ]; then
# If we're in a quote, count this character
if [ "$last_quote" != "$notquote" ]; then
# If we encounter a quote, enter it and skip this character
if [ "$c" == "'" ] || [ "$c" == '"' ]; then
# If it's a space, store the string
re="[[:space:]]+" # must be used as a var, not a literal
if [[ $c =~ $re ]]; then
if [ "0" == "$i" ] || [ -n "$is_space" ]; then
echo continue $i $is_space
if [ "$last_quote" != "$notquote" ]; then
>&2 echo "error: quote not terminated"
return 1
for arg in "${args[#]}"; do
echo "$arg"
return 0
I may or may not keep this updated at:
Seems like a rather stupid thing to do... but I had the itch... oh well.
Here is a way without an array of strings or other difficulties (but with bash calling and eval):
STRING='foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space"'
eval "bash -c 'while [ -n \"\$1\" ]; do echo \$1; shift; done' -- $STRING"
baz with space
If You want to do with the strings something more difficult then just echo You can split Your script:
while [ -n "$1" ]
echo "$1"
Another part with more difficult processing (capitalizing of a characters for example):
STRING='foo "bar_no_space" "baz with space"'
eval "split_qstrings.sh $STRING" | while read line
echo "$line" | sed 's/a/A/g'
bAz with spAce

multiplicator operation bash issue

from stdin I read string and if it's like this:
"numberOne * numberTwo"
I have to execute the multiplicator between numberOne and numberTwo.
This is my code:
read string
regex2="^[1-9]+ \*{1,1} [1-9]+$"
if [[ $string =~ $regex2 ]]; then
val1=`echo $string|cut -d " " -f 1`
val2=`echo $string|cut -d " " -f 3`
echo $val
but I get two errors:
1) on the line where calculate the operation ((val=$val1*$val2)), it says syntax error : arithmetic operator invalid
2) where , by shell , I insert the input string, for example 3 * 2 on shell it prints a list of files, then I thought it was for jolly character "*", and for this reason I substuited the input string with this:
3 \* 2
but the result doesn't change
Always, always quote your expansions.
echo $string, when $string contains a * surrounded by whitespace, treats that * as a glob, replacing it with a list of filenames in the current directory. Your filenames are not likely to be part of a legitimate math operation.
Use echo "$string" instead, if you must use echo at all; printf '%s\n' "$string" is the alternative that works in corner cases where echo fails (and/or behaves in ways unspecified by POSIX).
That said, there's no legitimate reason to use cut here at all; your regex will split your string into pieces perfectly well on its own.
regex2='^([1-9][0-9]*) [*] ([1-9][0-9]*)$'
read -r string
if [[ $string =~ $regex2 ]]; then
val=$(( ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} * ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} ))
echo "$val"
...and even if you couldn't do that, it would be a better practice to use read:
read val1 _ val2 <<<"$string"
echo "$(( val1 * val2 ))"

number of tokens in bash variable

how can I know the number of tokens in a bash variable (whitespace-separated tokens) - or at least, wether it is one or there are more.
The $# expansion will tell you the number of elements in a variable / array. If you're working with a bash version greater than 2.05 or so you can:
VAR='some string with words'
VAR=( $VAR )
echo ${#VAR[#]}
This effectively splits the string into an array along whitespace (which is the default delimiter), and then counts the members of the array.
Of course, this recasts the variable as an array. If you don't want that, use a different variable name or recast the variable back into a string:
I can't understand why people are using those overcomplicated bashisms all the time. There's almost always a straight-forward, no-bashism solution.
howmany() { echo $#; }
myvar="I am your var"
howmany $myvar
This uses the tokenizer built-in to the shell, so there's no discrepancy.
Here's one related gotcha:
echo $myvar
echo "$myvar"
set -f
echo $myvar
echo "$myvar"
Note that the solution from #guns using bash array has the same gotcha.
The following is a (supposedly) super-robust version to work around the gotcha:
howmany() ( set -f; set -- $1; echo $# )
If we want to avoid the subshell, things start to get ugly
howmany() {
case $- in *f*) set -- $1;; *) set -f; set -- $1; set +f;; esac
echo $#
These two must be used WITH quotes, e.g. howmany "one two three" returns 3
set VAR='hello world'
echo $VAR | wc -w
here is how you can check.
if [ `echo $VAR | wc -w` -gt 1 ]
echo "Hello"
Simple method:
$ VAR="a b c d"
$ set $VAR
$ echo $#
To count:
sentence="This is a sentence, please count the words in me."
words="${sentence//[^\ ]} "
echo ${#words}
To check:
sentence1="Two words"
[[ "$sentence1" =~ [\ ] ]] && echo "sentence1 has more than one word"
[[ "$sentence2" =~ [\ ] ]] && echo "sentence2 has more than one word"
For a robust, portable sh solution, see #JoSo's functions using set -f.
(Simple bash-only solution for answering (only) the "Is there at least 1 whitespace?" question; note: will also match leading and trailing whitespace, unlike the awk solution below:
[[ $v =~ [[:space:]] ]] && echo "\$v has at least 1 whitespace char."
Here's a robust awk-based bash solution (less efficient due to invocation of an external utility, but probably won't matter in many real-world scenarios):
# Functions - pass in a quoted variable reference as the only argument.
# Takes advantage of `awk` splitting each input line into individual tokens by
# whitespace; `NF` represents the number of tokens.
# `-v RS=$'\3'` ensures that even multiline input is treated as a single input
# string.
countTokens() { awk -v RS=$'\3' '{print NF}' <<<"$1"; }
hasMultipleTokens() { awk -v RS=$'\3' '{if(NF>1) ec=0; else ec=1; exit ec}' <<<"$1"; }
# Example: Note the use of glob `*` to demonstrate that it is not
# accidentally expanded.
v='I am *'
echo "\$v has $(countTokens "$v") token(s)."
if hasMultipleTokens "$v"; then
echo "\$v has multiple tokens."
echo "\$v has just 1 token."
Not sure if this is exactly what you meant but:
$# = Number of arguments passed to the bash script
Otherwise you might be looking for something like man wc
