I am looking for a solution to accelerate the performances of my program with a lot of matrix multiplications. So I hace replaced the CLAPACK f2c libraries with the MKL. Unfortunately, the performances results was not the expected ones.
After investigation, I faced to a block triangular matrix which gives bad performances principaly when i try to multiply it with its transpose.
In order to simplify the problem I did my tests with an identity matrix of 5000 elements ( I found the same comportment )
Matrix [Size,Size]
CLAPACK f2c(second)
Multiplication of an identity matrix by itself
Multiplication of dense matrix by its transpose
We can see that the CLAPACK f2c multiplication of an identity matrix is faster ( x14) than the MKL.
We can note an acceleration multipliy by 84 between the MKL and CLAPACK f2c dense matrix multiplication.
Moreover, the difference of the time consumption during the muliplication of a dense*denseT and an identity matrix is very slim.
So I tried to found in CLAPACK f2c DGEMM where is the optimization for the multiplication of a parse matrix, and I found a condition on null values.
/* Form C := alpha*A*B + beta*C. */
i__1 = *n;
for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
if (*beta == 0.) {
i__2 = *m;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
c__[i__ + j * c_dim1] = 0.;
/* L50: */
} else if (*beta != 1.) {
i__2 = *m;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
c__[i__ + j * c_dim1] = *beta * c__[i__ + j * c_dim1];
/* L60: */
i__2 = *k;
for (l = 1; l <= i__2; ++l) {
if (b[l + j * b_dim1] != 0.) { // HERE THE CONDITION
temp = *alpha * b[l + j * b_dim1];
i__3 = *m;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
c__[i__ + j * c_dim1] += temp * a[i__ + l *
/* L70: */
} // ENF of condition
When I removed this condition I got this kind of results :
Matrix [Size,Size]
CLAPACK f2c (second)
Multiplication of an identity matrix by itself
Multiplication of dense matrix by its transpose
Here we note that the multiplication of a dense and an identity is
very clause in term of performances, and now the MKL shows the best
The MKL multiplication seems to be faster than CLAPACK f2c but only with
the same number of non-null elements.
I have two ideas on this results :
The 0 optimization is not activated by default in the MKL
The MKL cannot see the 0 (double) values inside my sparse matrices .
May you tell me why the MKL shows performance issues ?
Do you have any tips in order to bypass the multiplication on null elements with dgemm ?
I did a conservion in CSR and it shows better performances but in is case why lapacke_dgemm is worst than f2c_dgemmm.
Thank you for your help :)
MKL_VERBOSE Intel(R) MKL 2021.0 Update 1 Product build 20201104 for Intel(R) 64 architecture Intel(R) Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel(R) AVX2) enabled processors, Lnx 3.50GHz lp64 gnu_thread
This is a bit of a turn around.
Usually one is attempting to use shifts to perform multiplication and not the other way around.
On the Hitachi/Motorola 6309 there is no shift by n bits. There is only shift by 1 bit.
However there is a 16 bit x 16 bit signed multiply (provides a 32 bit signed result).
(EDIT) Using this is no problem for a 16 bit shift (left) however I'm trying to use 2 x 16x16 signed mults to do a 32 bit shift. The high order word of the result for the low order word shift is the problem. (Does that make sence?)
Some pseudo code might help:
result.highword = low word of (val.highword * shiftmulttable[shift])
temp = val.lowword * shiftmulttable[shift]
result.lowword = temp.lowword
result.highword = or (result.highword, temp.highword)
(with some magic on temp.highword to consider signed values)
I have been exercising my logic in an attempt to use this instruction to perform the shifts but so far I have failed.
I can easily achieve any positive value shifts by 0 to 14 but when it comes to shifting by 15 bits (mult by 0x8000) or shifting any negative values certain combinations of values require either:
complementing the result by 1
complementing the result by 2
adding 1 to the result
doing nothing to the result
And I just can't see any pattern to these values.
Any ideas appreciated!
Best I can tell from the problem description, implementing the 32-bit shift would work as desired by using an unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply. This can easily be synthesized from a signed 16x16->32 multiply instruction by exploiting the two's complement integer representation. If the two factors are a and b, adding b to the high-order 16 bits of the signed product when a is negative, and adding a to the high-order 16 bits of the signed product when b is negative will give us the unsigned multiplication result.
The following C code implements this approach and tests it exhaustively:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* signed 16x16->32 bit multiply. Hardware instruction */
int32_t mul16_wide (int16_t a, int16_t b)
return (int32_t)a * (int32_t)b;
/* unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply (synthetic) */
int32_t umul16_wide (int16_t a, int16_t b)
int32_t p = mul16_wide (a, b); // signed 16x16->32 bit multiply
if (a < 0) p = p + (b << 16); // add 'b' to upper 16 bits of product
if (b < 0) p = p + (a << 16); // add 'a' to upper 16 bits of product
return p;
/* unsigned 16x16->32 bit multiply (reference) */
uint32_t umul16_wide_ref (uint16_t a, uint16_t b)
return (uint32_t)a * (uint32_t)b;
/* test synthetic unsigned multiply exhaustively */
int main (void)
int16_t a, b;
int32_t res, ref;
uint64_t count = 0;
a = -32768;
do {
b = -32768;
do {
res = umul16_wide (a, b);
ref = umul16_wide_ref (a, b);
if (res != ref) {
printf ("!!!! a=%d b=%d res=%d ref=%d\n", a, b, res, ref);
if (b == 32767) break;
b = b + 1;
} while (1);
if (a == 32767) break;
a = a + 1;
} while (1);
printf ("test cases passed: %llx\n", count);
I am not familiar with the Hitachi/Motorola 6309 architecture. I assume it uses a special 32-bit register to hold the result of a wide multiply, from which high and low half can be extracted into 16-bit general-purpose registers, and the conditional corrections can then be applied to the register holding the upper 16 bits.
Are you using fixed-point multiplicative inverses to use the high half result for a right shift?
If you're just left-shifting, multiply by 0x8000 should work. The low half of an NxN => 2N-bit multiply is the same whether inputs are treated as signed or unsigned. Or do you need a 32-bit shift result from your 16-bit input?
Is the multiply instruction actually faster than a few 1-bit shifts for small shift counts? (I wouldn't be surprised if compile-time-constant counts of 2 or 3 would be faster with just a chain of 2 or 3 add same,same or left-shift instructions.)
Anyway, for a compile-time-constant shift count of 15, maybe just multiply by 1<<14 and then do the last count with a 1-bit shift (add same,same).
Or if your ISA has rotates, rotate right by 1 and mask away the low bits, skipping the multiply. Or zero a register, right-shift the low bit into the carry flag, then rotate-through-carry into the top of the zeroed register.
(The latter might be useful on an ISA that doesn't have large immediates and couldn't "mask away all the low bits" in one instruction. Or an ISA that only has RCR not ROR. I don't know 6309 at all)
If you're using a runtime count to look up a multiplier from a table, maybe branch for that case, or adjust your LUT so every entry needs an extra 1-bit shift, so you can do mul(lut[count]) and an unconditional extra shift.
(Only works if you don't need to support a shift-count of zero.)
Not that there would be many interested people who would want to see the 6309 code, but here it is:
Compliant with OS9 C ABI.
Pointer to result and arguments pushed on stack right to left.
0 2 4 8 10
* 10,s pointer to long result
* 4,s 4 byte value
* 8,s 2 byte shift
* x = pointer to result
pshs u
ldx 10,s * load pointer to result
ldd 8,s * load shift
* if shift amount is greater than 31 then
* just return zero. OS9 C standard.
cmpd #32
blt _10x
ldq #0
stq 4,s
bra _13x
* if shift amount is greater than 16 than
* move bottom word of value into top word
* and clear bottom word
cmpb #16
blt _1x
ldu 6,s
stu 4,s
clr 6,s
clr 7,s
* setup pointer u and offset e into mult table _2x
leau _2x,pc
andb #15
* if there is no shift value just return value
beq _13x
aslb * need to double shift to use as word table offset
stb 8,s * save double shft
tfr b,e
* shift top word q = val.word.high * multtab[shft]
ldd 4,s
muld e,u
stw ,x * result.word.high = low word of mult
* shift bottom word q = val.word.low * multtab[shft]
lde 8,s * reload double shft
ldd 6,s
muld e,u
stw 2,x * result.word.low = low word of mult
* The high word or mult needs to be corrected for sign
* if val is negative then muld will return negated results
* and need to un negate it
lde 8,s * reload double shift
tst 4,s * test top byte of val for negative
bge _11x
addd e,u * add the multtab[shft] again to top word
* if multtab[shft] is negative (shft is 15 or shft<<1 is 30)
* also need to un negate result
cmpe #30
bne _12x
addd 6,s * add val.word.low to top word
* combine top and bottom and save bottom half of result
ord ,x
std ,x
bra _14x
* this is only reached if the result is in value (let result = value)
ldq 4,s * load value
stq ,x * result = value
puls u,pc
_2x fdb $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$0100,$0200,$0400,$0800
fdb $1000,$2000,$4000,$8000
I have problem how to solve this one, Iam thinking about return
int product = 3 * n;
return (!n || product/n == 3);
however, I cant use those operators.
* Overflow detection of 3*n
* Input is positive
* Example: overflow( 10 ) = 0
* Example: overlfow( 1<<30 ) = 1
* Legal ops: & | >> << ~
* Max ops: 10
* Number of X86 instructions:
int overflow_3( int n ) {
return 2;
The condition is equivalent to checking whether x is larger than MAX_INT / 3, that is, x > 0x2aaaaaaa. Since x is known to be nonnegative, we know that the top bit is zero and thus we can check the condition as follows:
unsigned overflow(unsigned x) {
return (x + 0x55555555) >> 31;
There are two possible options for a number to overflow when multiplied by 3.
Let's look at X3 multiplication. There are two actions:
1. Shift left by 1 leaves the leftmost bit set. This could only happen if the near leftmost (i.e the 30) bit is set
2. Shift left by 1 leaves the leftmost bit unset. However the following addition of the original number results in having the bits set. This could only happen if the 29 bit is set (since it is the only one that will become the 30 after the shift) and if either the 28 or the 27 bit is set (since they can overflow to the 30 bit). However the 27 but by itself being set is not enough (since we need the 26 bit to be set, or the 25th and 24th) and etc.
So basically you need a loop here. However since loops are not allowed I would use recursion. So:
int overflow_3(int n){
return n >> 30 || (n >> 29 && overflow_3( (n & ( (1 << 29) - 1)) << 2 ) );
I am trying to create random lines and select some of them, which are really rare. My code is rather simple, but to get something that I can use I need to create very large vectors(i.e.: <100000000 x 1, tracks variable in my code). Is there any way to be able to creater larger vectors and to reduce the time needed for all those calculations?
My code is
%Initial line values
tracks=input('Give me the number of muon tracks: ');
for i=1:tracks
if ((Xend(i,1)<width/2 && Xend(i,1)>-width/2)||(b(i,1)<height && b(i,1)>0))
plot(X(:, i),Y(:, i),'r');%the chosen ones!
hold all
%plot(X(:, i),Y(:, i),'b');%the rest of them
%hold all
I am also using and calling a Laplace distribution generator made my Elvis Chen which can be found here
function y = laprnd(m, n, mu, sigma)
%LAPRND generate i.i.d. laplacian random number drawn from laplacian distribution
% with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
% mu : mean
% sigma : standard deviation
% [m, n] : the dimension of y.
% Default mu = 0, sigma = 1.
% For more information, refer to
% Author : Elvis Chen (
% Date : 01/19/07
%Check inputs
if nargin < 2
error('At least two inputs are required');
if nargin == 2
mu = 0; sigma = 1;
if nargin == 3
sigma = 1;
% Generate Laplacian noise
u = rand(m, n)-0.5;
b = sigma / sqrt(2);
y = mu - b * sign(u).* log(1- 2* abs(u));
The result plot is
As you indicate, your problem is two-fold. On the one hand, you have memory issues because you need to do so many trials. On the other hand, you have performance issues, because you have to process all those trials.
Solutions to each issue often have a negative impact on the other issue. IMHO, the best approach would be to find a compromise.
More trials are only possible of you get rid of those gargantuan arrays that are required for vectorization, and use a different strategy to do the loop. I will give priority to the possibility of using more trials, possibly at the cost of optimal performance.
When I execute your code as-is in the Matlab profiler, it immediately shows that the initial memory allocation for all your variables takes a lot of time. It also shows that the plot and hold all commands are the most time-consuming lines of them all. Some more trial-and-error shows that there is a disappointingly low maximum value for the trials you can do before OUT OF MEMORY errors start appearing.
The loop can be accelerated tremendously if you know a few things about its limitations in Matlab. In older versions of Matlab, it used to be true that loops should be avoided completely in favor of 'vectorized' code. In recent versions (I believe R2008a and up), the Mathworks introduced a piece of technology called the JIT accelerator (Just-in-Time compiler) which translates M-code into machine language on the fly during execution. Simply put, the JIT accelerator allows your code to bypass Matlab's interpreter and talk much more directly with the underlying hardware, which can save a lot of time.
The advice you'll hear a lot that loops should be avoided in Matlab, is no longer generally true. While vectorization still has its value, any procedure of sizable complexity that is implemented using only vectorized code is often illegible, hard to understand, hard to change and hard to upkeep. An implementation of the same procedure that uses loops, often has none of these drawbacks, and moreover, it will quite often be faster and require less memory.
Unfortunately, the JIT accelerator has a few nasty (and IMHO, unnecessary) limitations that you'll have to learn about.
One such thing is plot; it's generally a better idea to let a loop do nothing other than collect and manipulate data, and delay any plotting commands etc. until after the loop.
Another such thing is hold; the hold function is not a Matlab built-in function, meaning, it is implemented in M-language. Matlab's JIT accelerator is not able to accelerate non-builtin functions when used in a loop, meaning, your entire loop will run at Matlab's interpretation speed, rather than machine-language speed! Therefore, also delay this command until after the loop :)
Now, in case you're wondering, this last step can make a HUGE difference -- I know of one case where copy-pasting a function body into the upper-level loop caused a 1200x performance improvement. Days of execution time had been reduced to minutes!).
There is actually another minor issue in your loop (which is really small, and rather inconvenient, I will immediately agree with) -- the name of the loop variable should not be i. The name i is the name of the imaginary unit in Matlab, and the name resolution will also unnecessarily consume time on each iteration. It's small, but non-negligible.
Now, considering all this, I've come to the following implementation:
function [hot, cold, h] = MuonTracks(tracks)
% NOTE: no variables larger than 1x1 are initialized
width = 1e-4;
height = 2e-4;
% constant used for Laplacian noise distribution
bL = 15 / sqrt(2);
% Loop through all tracks
X = [];
hot = 0;
ii = 0;
while ii <= tracks
ii = ii + 1;
% Note that I've inlined (== copy-pasted) the original laprnd()
% function call. This was necessary to work around limitations
% in loops in Matlab, and prevent the nececessity of those HUGE
% variables.
% Of course, you can still easily generalize all of this:
% the new data
u = rand-0.5;
Ystart = 15;
Xstart = 800*rand-400;
Xend = Xstart - bL*sign(u)*log(1-2*abs(u));
b = (Ystart*Xend)/(Xend-Xstart);
% the test
if ((b < height && b > 0)) ||...
(Xend < width/2 && Xend > -width/2)
hot = hot+1;
% growing an array is perfectly fine when the chances of it
% happening are so slim
X = [X [Xstart; Xend]]; %#ok
% This is trivial to do here, and prevents an 'else' in the loop
cold = tracks - hot;
% Now plot the chosen ones
h = figure;
hold all
Y = repmat([15;0], 1, size(X,2));
plot(X, Y, 'r');
With this implementation, I can do this:
>> tic, MuonTracks(1e8); toc
Elapsed time is 24.738725 seconds.
with a completely negligible memory footprint.
The profiler now also shows a nice and even distribution of effort along the code; no lines that really stand out because of their memory use or performance.
It's possibly not the fastest possible implementation (if anyone sees obvious improvements, please, feel free to edit them in). But, if you're willing to wait, you'll be able to do MuonTracks(1e23) (or higher :)
I've also done an implementation in C, which can be compiled into a Matlab MEX file:
/* DoMuonCounting.c */
#include <math.h>
#include <matrix.h>
#include <mex.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void CountMuons(
unsigned long long tracks,
unsigned long long *hot, unsigned long long *cold, double *Xout);
/* simple little helper functions */
double sign(double x) { return (x>0)-(x<0); }
double rand_double() { return (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; }
/* the gateway function */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
dims[] = {1,1};
const mxArray
/* Output arguments */
*hot_out = plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dims, mxUINT64_CLASS,0),
*cold_out = plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dims, mxUINT64_CLASS,0),
*X_out = plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(2,10000, mxREAL);
const unsigned long long
tracks = (const unsigned long long)mxGetPr(prhs[0])[0];
unsigned long long
*hot = (unsigned long long*)mxGetPr(hot_out),
*cold = (unsigned long long*)mxGetPr(cold_out);
*Xout = mxGetPr(X_out);
/* call the actual function, and return */
CountMuons(tracks, hot,cold, Xout);
// The actual muon counting
void CountMuons(
unsigned long long tracks,
unsigned long long *hot, unsigned long long *cold, double *Xout)
const double
width = 1.0e-4,
height = 2.0e-4,
bL = 15.0/sqrt(2.0),
Ystart = 15.0;
unsigned long long
i = 0ul;
*hot = 0ul;
*cold = tracks;
/* seed the RNG */
/* aaaand start! */
while (i++ < tracks)
u = rand_double() - 0.5;
Xstart = 800.0*rand_double() - 400.0;
Xend = Xstart - bL*sign(u)*log(1.0-2.0*fabs(u));
b = (Ystart*Xend)/(Xend-Xstart);
if ((b < height && b > 0.0) || (Xend < width/2.0 && Xend > -width/2.0))
Xout[0 + *hot*2] = Xstart;
Xout[1 + *hot*2] = Xend;
compile in Matlab with
mex DoMuonCounting.c
(after having run mex setup :) and then use it in conjunction with a small M-wrapper like this:
function [hot,cold, h] = MuonTrack2(tracks)
% call the MEX function
[hot,cold, Xtmp] = DoMuonCounting(tracks);
% process outputs, and generate plots
hot = uint32(hot); % circumvents limitations in 32-bit matlab
X = Xtmp(:,1:hot);
clear Xtmp
h = NaN;
if ~isempty(X)
h = figure;
hold all
Y = repmat([15;0], 1, hot);
plot(X, Y, 'r');
which allows me to do
>> tic, MuonTrack2(1e8); toc
Elapsed time is 14.496355 seconds.
Note that the memory footprint of the MEX version is slightly larger, but I think that's nothing to worry about.
The only flaw I see is the fixed maximum number of Muon counts (hard-coded as 10000 as the initial array size of Xout; needed because there are no dynamically growing arrays in standard C)...if you're worried this limit could be broken, simply increase it, change it to be equal to a fraction of tracks, or do some smarter (but more painful) dynamic array-growing tricks.
In Matlab, it is sometimes faster to vectorize rather than use a for loop. For example, this expression:
(Xend(i,1) < width/2 && Xend(i,1) > -width/2) || (b(i,1) < height && b(i,1) > 0)
which is defined for each value of i, can be rewritten in a vectorised manner like this:
isChosen = (Xend(:,1) < width/2 & Xend(:,1) > -width/2) | (b(:,1) < height & b(:,1)>0)
Expessions like Xend(:,1) will give you a column vector, so Xend(:,1) < width/2 will give you a column vector of boolean values. Note then that I have used & rather than && - this is because & performs an element-wise logical AND, unlike && which only works on scalar values. In this way you can build the entire expression, such that the variable isChosen holds a column vector of boolean values, one for each row of your Xend/b vectors.
Getting counts is now as simple as this:
hot = sum(isChosen);
since true is represented by 1. And:
cold = sum(~isChosen);
Finally, you can get the data points by using the boolean vector to select rows:
plot(X(:, isChosen),Y(:, isChosen),'r'); % Plot chosen values
hold all;
plot(X(:, ~isChosen),Y(:, ~isChosen),'b'); % Plot unchosen values
EDIT: The code should look like this:
isChosen = (Xend(:,1) < width/2 & Xend(:,1) > -width/2) | (b(:,1) < height & b(:,1)>0);
hot = sum(isChosen);
cold = sum(~isChosen);
plot(X(:, isChosen),Y(:, isChosen),'r'); % Plot chosen values
I have to implement asin, acos and atan in environment where I have only following math tools:
elementary fixed point arithmetic (floating point numbers are not available)
I also already have reasonably good square root function.
Can I use those to implement reasonably efficient inverse trigonometric functions?
I don't need too big precision (the floating point numbers have very limited precision anyways), basic approximation will do.
I'm already half decided to go with table lookup, but I would like to know if there is some neater option (that doesn't need several hundred lines of code just to implement basic math).
To clear things up: I need to run the function hundreds of times per frame at 35 frames per second.
In a fixed-point environment (S15.16) I successfully used the CORDIC algorithm (see Wikipedia for a general description) to compute atan2(y,x), then derived asin() and acos() from that using well-known functional identities that involve the square root:
asin(x) = atan2 (x, sqrt ((1.0 + x) * (1.0 - x)))
acos(x) = atan2 (sqrt ((1.0 + x) * (1.0 - x)), x)
It turns out that finding a useful description of the CORDIC iteration for atan2() on the double is harder than I thought. The following website appears to contain a sufficiently detailed description, and also discusses two alternative approaches, polynomial approximation and lookup tables:
Do you need a large precision for arcsin(x) function? If no you may calculate arcsin in N nodes, and keep values in memory. I suggest using line aproximation. if x = A*x_(N) + (1-A)*x_(N+1) then x = A*arcsin(x_(N)) + (1-A)*arcsin(x_(N+1)) where arcsin(x_(N)) is known.
you might want to use approximation: use an infinite series until the solution is close enough for you.
for example:
arcsin(z) = Sigma((2n!)/((2^2n)*(n!)^2)*((z^(2n+1))/(2n+1))) where n in [0,infinity)
You could do that integration numerically with your square root function, approximating with an infinite series:
Submitting here my answer from this other similar question.
nVidia has some great resources I've used for my own uses, few examples: acos asin atan2 etc etc...
These algorithms produce precise enough results. Here's a straight up Python example with their code copy pasted in:
import math
def nVidia_acos(x):
negate = float(x<0)
ret = -0.0187293
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 0.0742610
ret = ret * x
ret = ret - 0.2121144
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 1.5707288
ret = ret * math.sqrt(1.0-x)
ret = ret - 2 * negate * ret
return negate * 3.14159265358979 + ret
And here are the results for comparison:
nVidia_acos(0.5) result: 1.0471513828611643
math.acos(0.5) result: 1.0471975511965976
That's pretty close! Multiply by 57.29577951 to get results in degrees, which is also from their "degrees" formula.
It should be easy to addapt the following code to fixed point. It employs a rational approximation to calculate the arctangent normalized to the [0 1) interval (you can multiply it by Pi/2 to get the real arctangent). Then, you can use well known identities to get the arcsin/arccos from the arctangent.
normalized_atan(x) ~ (b x + x^2) / (1 + 2 b x + x^2)
where b = 0.596227
The maximum error is 0.1620º
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
// Approximates atan(x) normalized to the [-1,1] range
// with a maximum error of 0.1620 degrees.
float norm_atan( float x )
static const uint32_t sign_mask = 0x80000000;
static const float b = 0.596227f;
// Extract the sign bit
uint32_t ux_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)x;
// Calculate the arctangent in the first quadrant
float bx_a = ::fabs( b * x );
float num = bx_a + x * x;
float atan_1q = num / ( 1.f + bx_a + num );
// Restore the sign bit
uint32_t atan_2q = ux_s | (uint32_t &)atan_1q;
return (float &)atan_2q;
// Approximates atan2(y, x) normalized to the [0,4) range
// with a maximum error of 0.1620 degrees
float norm_atan2( float y, float x )
static const uint32_t sign_mask = 0x80000000;
static const float b = 0.596227f;
// Extract the sign bits
uint32_t ux_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)x;
uint32_t uy_s = sign_mask & (uint32_t &)y;
// Determine the quadrant offset
float q = (float)( ( ~ux_s & uy_s ) >> 29 | ux_s >> 30 );
// Calculate the arctangent in the first quadrant
float bxy_a = ::fabs( b * x * y );
float num = bxy_a + y * y;
float atan_1q = num / ( x * x + bxy_a + num );
// Translate it to the proper quadrant
uint32_t uatan_2q = (ux_s ^ uy_s) | (uint32_t &)atan_1q;
return q + (float &)uatan_2q;
In case you need more precision, there is a 3rd order rational function:
normalized_atan(x) ~ ( c x + x^2 + x^3) / ( 1 + (c + 1) x + (c + 1) x^2 + x^3)
where c = (1 + sqrt(17)) / 8
which has a maximum approximation error of 0.00811º
Maybe some kind of intelligent brute force like newton rapson.
So for solving asin() you go with steepest descent on sin()
Use a polynomial approximation. Least-squares fit is easiest (Microsoft Excel has it) and Chebyshev approximation is more accurate.
This question has been covered before: How do Trigonometric functions work?
Only continous functions are approximable by polynomials. And arcsin(x) is discontinous in point x=1.same arccos(x).But a range reduction to interval 1,sqrt(1/2) in that case avoid this situation. We have arcsin(x)=pi/2- arccos(x),arccos(x)=pi/2-arcsin(x).you can use matlab for minimax approximation.Aproximate only in range [0,sqrt(1/2)](if angle for that arcsin is request is bigger that sqrt(1/2) find cos(x).arctangent function only for x<1.arctan(x)=pi/2-arctan(1/x).