setting the normal of a stl loaded model in three.js - three.js

I loaded a stl model in three.js.
The model is a pipe. The problem is I actually see the inside of the pipe because I think the normal is set towards the center of the pipe, I want to set the normal outwards(I think this would make the outside part of the pipe seen).
Could any one plz help me solve the problem. When I load other models it seems to be fine but the loaded pipe internals is seen when the pipe is loaded.

If other stl-loaded models work, then the data from the pipe stl model is maybe wrong?
You can easily fix this by iterating over all face normals of the model's geometry and do a .negate() to all the face normal vectors for this model. I think this should do the trick.
If you have created the pipe from a 3D-package yourself, invert the normals there and export it as stl again.


Original skeleton position (Fbx import)

I was thinking that you need a deformer to read the clusters etc to be able to get the original (usually T pose) position of the skeleton.
Also FBX supports poses etc but never had a file that implemented it.
But my surprise was that importing an fbx file into 3dsmax without any mesh inside if I uncheck "animation" I get the T pose.
Any idea about it?
Thank you in adavnce
FbxCluster has GetTransformMatrix and GetTransformLinkMatrix. The former returns the original transform of the bone (that should be used to initialize the skinning), and the latter the corresponding orientation of the skinned node. Additionally, the skin node can also have "geometric rotation". I don't think there's anything more than that.

3DS Max - How to display bones as floating objects instead of lines beneath a mesh?

So I downloaded a rigged model for 3DS Max and it had something I'd never seen before. Bones as globes and rings floating outside the mesh for easy access and convenience instead of having to constantly access the object hierarchy or switch between layers to make sure everything is animating properly. How do I set up a model like this, or change a model rigged with regular lines between points as bones into a model like this?
Rigged model with bone "helpers?"
I see you are new here, but this website is for purely programming related questions. How to use any particular software is not the focus of this particular website.
I would suggest you take 3dsmax questions to or perhaps as well to autodesk's own support website. Hm... looks like their old website for discussion forums, doesn't work anymore. But I found this link:

Blender MakeHuman to Three.js

I'm trying to integrate a animated 3D character in a Web navigator.
I use MakeHuman 1.02 to create a character which I import in Blender 2.74 in .mhx format.
I retarget to a BVH using the MakeWalk plugin for Blender. It's for the motion.
When I try to export the character in .json format (three.js), the following error appears :
MakeHuman is not a valid mesh object.
A mesh object is an object that we can modify properties or vertices, isn't it ?
I try others format like .dae format (collada) but it seems that the navigators doesn't find the skeleton and the textures of the character (even if they are in the same directory) necessary for the character's motion.
How to get the character like a mesh object ? Or somebody knows another process to success ?
Like Erica pointed out, you need to have a mesh selected to export it. The problem with this is it doesn't seem to work if you have multiple meshes. Only one will export. This is a problem when using MakeHuman because their clothes are separate meshes.
One way to fix this is to select all meshes and combine them into one (I believe that's CTRL + J). However, you'd have to somehow merge all your texture files into one big one and I have no idea how to do that.
What I do is to export the entire scene. Then it doesn't matter what is selected. All meshes get exported. You can load it using either the ColladaLoader, which I would recommend since you're retargeting to a BVH (worked great for me), or the new ObjectLoader.
If you have your own Scene object on the page that you want to use, you can still load the scene created by the exporter, traverse it to get the items you care about, and add those items to your scene that will display on the page.

Some (random) textures rendering upside down in OpenGL?

I'm using GLKit (OpenGL ES2) in Objective-C to make an iPhone game.
I haven't had a lot of experience with this, so it wouldn't surprise me if I was doing something wrong, but I am generating a heap of objects, which are all mostly the same. In fact I am using a class for them, and just making more instances of the class to create more objects, but somehow some of the objects have textures mapped upside down.
I don't see how this is at all possible since it is the same code used for all of the objects, and some of them are correct, and some aren't.
Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Check the [UIImage imageOrientation] property to see if the image is flipped. It could be one of these values:
It turns out this was caused by not re-using the texture over and over again, but regenerating it each time I needed it.
All in all, it's much better practice to only generate the texture once and reuse it anyway, so the solution is simply to do this.

How to import Blender 3D animation to iPhone OpenGL ES?

I am trying to do animations on iPhone using OpenGL ES. I am able to do the animation in Blender 3D software. I can export as a .obj file from Blender to OpenGL and it works on iPhone.
But I am not able to export my animation work from Blender 3D to OpenGL. Can anyone please help me to solve this?
If you have a look at this article by Jeff LaMarche, you'll find a blender script that will output a 3D model to a C header file. There's also a followup article that improves upon the aforementioned script.
After you've run the script, it's as simple as including the header in your source, and passing the array of vertices through your drawing function. Ideally you'd want a method of loading arbitrary model files at runtime, but for prototyping this method is the simplest to implement.
Seeing as you already have a method of importing models (obj) then the above may not apply. However, the advantage of using a blender script is that you can then modify the script to suit your own needs, perhaps also exporting bone information or model keyframes.
Well first off, I wouldn't recommend .obj for this purpose since the obj file format doesn't support animation, only static 3D models. So you'll need to export the animation data as a separate file that you load at the same time as the obj.
Which file format I would recommend depends on what exactly your animations are. I don't remember off the top of my head what file formats Blender supports, but as I recall it does not export Collada files with animation, which would be the most general recommendation. Other options would be md2 for character animations, or 3ds for simple "rigid objects moving around" animations. I think Blender's FBX exporter will work, although that file format may be too complicated for your needs.
That said, and assuming you only need simple rigid object movements, you could use .obj for the 3D model shapes and then write a simple Python script to export a file from Blender that has at the keyframes listed, with the frame, position, and rotation for each keyframe. Then load that data in your code and play back those keyframes on the 3D model.
This is an old question and since then some new iOS frameworks have been released such as GLKit. I recommend relying on them as much as possible when you can, since they take care of many inherent conversions like this, though I haven't researched the specifics. Also, while not on iOS, the new Scene Graph technology for OS X (which will likely arrive on iOS) in the future, take all this quite a bit further and a crafty individual could do some conversions with that tool and then take the output to iOS.
Also have a look at SIO2.
I haven't used recent versions of Blender, but my understanding is that it supports exporting mesh animation as a sequence of .obj files. If you can already display a single .obj in your app, then displaying several of them one after another will achieve what you want.
Now, note that this is not the most efficient form to export this type of animation, since each .obj file will have a lot of duplicated info. If your mesh stays fixed over time (i.e. only the vertices move with the polygon structure, uv coords, etc. all fixed) then you can just import the entire first .obj and from the rest just read the vertex array.
If you wanted to optimize this even more, you could compress the vertex arrays so that you only store the differences from the previous frame of the animation.
Edit: I see that Blender 2.59 has export to COLLADA. According to the Blender manual, you can export object transformations, and you can also export baked animation for rigged objects. The benefit for you in supporting the COLLADA format in your iPhone app is that you are free to switch between animation tools, since most of them export this format.
