Laravel Installation error - laravel

I have downloaded laravel from github. I also have composer installed. My problem is when i type in
composer install
I got the following error. I can't fix it.

Have a look at the free laracasts series, this will guide you through the install - without any hiccups!


How to update laravel 8 to 9?

Here is my composer.json file. Whats line need to be updated ?
thank you for help me
Upgrading Laravel requires a bit more steps then just updating composer, however they aren't too complicated. Here is the guide along with all the steps:
To answer the question, for composer you would make the following changes (from the documentation):
You should update the following dependencies in your application's composer.jsonfile:
laravel/framework to ^9.0
nunomaduro/collision to ^6.1
In addition, please replace facade/ignition with "spatie/laravel-ignition": "^1.0" in your application's composer.json file.
Furthermore, the following first-party packages have received new major releases to support Laravel 9.x. If applicable, you should read their individual upgrade guides before upgrading:
Vonage Notification Channel (v3.0) (Replaces Nexmo)
Finally, examine any other third-party packages consumed by your application and verify you are using the proper version for Laravel 9 support.
Note: this will only upgrade composer, there are more changes that you should review in the documentation provided above so that you can fully upgrade to Laravel 9 correctly.
You may download the latest version of composer from then uninstall the current installed composer and make sure to remove all caches. then install the latest version.
Go to your folder where you want to create your laravel project using any command-line tool and type composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app or refer to
for more help on laravel installation or upgrade.
The point is to update Composer itself by downloading a fresh copy from the website and making sure to remove all caches.
This is what worked for me.

Laravel Installation On Windows by using Composer

I am trying to setup Laravel using Composer through my command prompt but I am getting some errors.
I have already installed Composer and Xampp(php/mysql/apache) but I am still unable to install it. I have followed the exact instructions provide by the Laravel and followed other resources but I am still getting error.

Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable

I'm doing exactly like what is suggested in the official documentation.
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework
However, I'm getting this error instead:
Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable.
I fully understand it is not stable yet but I'd like to try and develop a simple app for learning purpose since I've been using CI3 all this while. What should I do? This is the closest possible answer to this question but it was left hanging.
You may install develop branch by:
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework:dev-develop
Codeigniter 4 Moved to Production and also updated documentation in Feb 24,2020 you should try this code in composer
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter project-root
Check the latest documentation
Codeigniter4 Documentation
It looks like your PHP version is older than required in codeigniter4. please check whether your PHP version is 7.2(or higher) or not. if you're running below 7.2 version of PHP you'll not be able to use codeigniter4.
Check the php version you have installed globally,
using command php -v in cmd,
if it is below 7.2,
edit the php version in environmental variables.
example: D:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12
this solved the issue I was facing while installing ci4 using composer,
have a good day.

Cannot install Laravel correctly

I followed all the instruction by installing composer and then Laravel. Also I did everything what was shown in laracast series for installing Laravel and composer.
BUT I have some problems and I cannot solve them:
I don't have Vendor folder in my Laravel app folder
I cannot launch command 'composer artisan' as it says that
Command "artisan" is not defined"
"php artisan" also doesn't work
All the answer in the web I have already tried to resolve my problems but nothing worked for me
Please, tell me, how can I install Laravel correctly and use it without errors
Run composer install or composer update. This will create the vendor folder and download all the dependent modules as mentioned in the composer.json
I want to add some more details which are asked but not clearly answered.
You did not install the composer dependencies. Try composer install.
It is not composer artisan. If you execute that command, you say hey composer! run your artisan command. And it says "Command "artisan" is not defined."
It is php artisan. But if you don't run composer install, php artisan will not work either. Because you are missing Symfony Console Component in your project (not the one used by composer) as well as a complete Laravel installation. Both will also be installed by the composer install command.
Well. I've solved my problem. As I mentioned before I had tried all the answer in the web but nothing had helped me. So then I just deleted my laravel project and ran this command
sudo apt-get upgrade
After some time packages were upgraded and I created new Laravel project. And Laravel started working perfectly! So in any incomprehensible situation do apt-get upgrade :))

I get an error when installing laravel or when I try updating composer. How do I resolve it?

I get this error
"require(/var/www/html/data_security/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/data_security/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17"
when installing laravel or when I try updating composer. How do I resolve it?
For fresh installation you will need to run composer install instead of composer update. I faced similar issue and composer install did the trick for me.
