How to keep a floating window from staying in front of screen - visual-studio

So I'm using double monitors to code in Visual Studio 2012, and I've been putting files on both windows.
So there will be the main window, where I have my Tools and Toolbars, and on my secondary monitor I have a floating window with only a view of some other files in my solution.
Whenever I click on my main window, it will force my floating window to the front of the screen.
This is a hassle if I am trying do research and apply it to my main window, if I try to click on my main window to make changes, it will force my floating window on my secondary monitor to come to the front and block out whatever page I was researching
Is there a setting I can change in visual studio to keep the floating window from coming to the front whenever I click on my main window?

Not possible as far as I found :(


Visual Studio 2013 opens function's deceleration in the wrong menu

While debugging, for time to time, i use the F12 button to view function's definition / declaration. Usually, VS opens the needed file as a secondary tab in the main menu. Recently, not sure what i've done, it started opening the code in the lower menu, making the debugging process difficult to perform.
I think you've previously docked one or other window in an unintended position on screen. The visual up/down/left/right indicators shown when docking windows have different options for the down position and I suspect leads to this behaviour. Play around with the docking, or try the Reset Window Layout menu item under the Windows menu.

How can I add back server explorer and data sources and toolbox (especially toolbox) to the far left menu, in Visual Studio?

I am having difficulty docking toolbox with server explorer and data sources, in visual studio
If I do window..reset window layout, I get the toolbox where I want it. The reset position. With server explorer and data sources
But when I click toolbox on the far left, and it appears, and I drag it a bit, the toolbox option disappears from the far left and I can't get it back without doing window..reset
And I have the same problem with server explorer and data sources.
If I click them and drag the window, I can't the option back, and in fact I completely lose the menu on the far left
I have tried dragging toolbox around and different places appear for it to rest, but I can't make it go somewhere such that an option appears in the far left again, without having to do window..reset window layout.
To elaborate..
I can drag the toolbox and so that the far left arrow gets highlighted, and then release, but then it still doesn't appear as text in the far left
^^ See in the above pictures I don't get
toolbox appearing
or to show a fuller view
Drag that window to the left or right side you will get the mark where you want to place it. than leave that window your window will be docked there.
Windows should be Dockable and after placing the window at your position you can unpin that window so, it can be collapsed when the mouse leave.

Show/hide a particular monitor in Visual Studio

Is it possible to quickly hide what's on a particular monitor in Visual Studio? Similar to Norton Commander where you could easily hide left or right panel, I want to quickly hide all panels on one of the monitors to see behind them. Is it possible, maybe with a plugin?
Yes, you can.
For that, you need Visual Studio Professional and Productivity Power Tools extension. (You can install it with VS2010 Extension Manager)
PPT allows Floating Tab Wells: You can dock floating document windows on a separate monitor just like tool windows. There’s also an option now which allows you to open documents as floating by default.
Every Tab group has a minimize button. You can minimize the main window without minimize the tab floating panel, and vice-versa.
In my case, I have my main window at left and floating tab at right. If I want to see behind my right monitor, I just minimize the tab group only. With that I see the code at main window and whatever has behind the tab at right side.
For more information:
Hope this helps.

Running console applications on other monitor

I am using Visual Studio. I have a solution which contains 2 console application projects. When I pressed run they are appearing on the same screen with Visual Studio. But I need to see console outputs on the other screen which doesn't have Visual Studio.
Start the solution, click in the top left corner of the console window, Choose Properties , go to the Layout tab, un-check "Let System position window", push ok. Move the window to the other screen where you want it to start up. Close the application gracefully.
Sometimes if it doesn't work the first time I find going back to the layout tab after putting it where you want and then just adjusting the pixel values for the co-ordinates up and down by 1 pixel once makes it "take"

Customizing dockable windows in Visual Studio

When developing on a system with dual monitors, I like to make the most of the extra space by stretching Visual Studio across both. It is fantastic to be able to see the Output, Breakpoints, Error List, Object Browser, and ReSharper windows at the same time without having to make them tiny and dock them in the main window, which leaves less space for code.
I place the main VS window on one monitor with the tabbed document and Solution Explorer windows. Any other windows I want to display are placed on the second monitor and docked together. The only problem I encounter with this method is that the main tabbed document window with the VS menu bar is the only window that can be maximized. The additional windows such as Solution Explorer, Breakpoints and Error List can only be stretched, docked or closed. I often go through the tedious work of selecting and laying out secondary windows only to have that layout be erased when I close VS.
Does anyone know of a VS add-in that gives you a window that (1) is maximizable, and (2) other windows can be docked in (ReSharper only does 2) ? Barring that, does anyone know of a good resource to learn how to develop VS add-ins? I am keen to do so myself if necessary.
I don't know of either of your suggestions, although I would also love to see better multiple-monitor support in VS. What I have done, though, is saved various window layouts (Tools > Import and Export Settings, and check only Window Layout) so that I can switch easily when I feel like it.
