Entity Framework 6 Free Oracle Data Provider [closed] - oracle

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do you know if there out there a free Oracle Data Provider for entity framework 6?
I could only get the Devart one, but it has a paid license.
I need this, since we are working with an Oracle db with boolean properties map as char(1) and EF5 does not support this kind of feature.
Thanks in advance

I don't think there currently there an Oracle provider for EF6 from Oracle but DevArt has shipped an EF6 compliant provider. See this blog post for more details. Make sure to download the latest version (the post is dated a bit). I tried their EF6 provider for MySQL and it worked so I assume the Oracle one will work too.


Web-based RDF triplestore editor? (like phpMyAdmin for RDBs) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing a RDF database to be stored in a triple store. Visually editing the ontology is done with Protégé. However I need non-developers to be able to add records to the database.
I looked around but didn't have something that is as user-friendly as phpMyAdmin for a normal MySQL DB as an example.
Do I need to develop a visual interface for SPARQL? Or did I miss something that would allow a non-CS person to modify the records (individuals/instances not the ontology) in a graphical manner?
The best solution I found so far is to use a Semantic Media Wiki (http://semantic-mediawiki.org/) with Karima Rafes' awesome extension (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LinkedWiki). With this, you can have users that don't know anything about RDF/Semantic Web modify data through wiki Templates and then export to RDF.
But I'm sure there is something more suitable, still looking for it.
I finally found the perfect tool: OntoWiki (http://aksw.org/Projects/OntoWiki.html), it matches all the criteria listed in the question. It is supposed to be back-end (triplestore) independent, but installation guidelines are given for either Virtuoso or Mysql.

Where can I find oracle lab files? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When I was a student we studied Oracle Database 10g: SQL and PL/SQL textbooks. At that time I asked the lecturer if I can take lab files. And he told me that they are freely available at Oracle website. But now I can't find them. I mean a filled database. At that time it contained data about King, Kochar, De Haan etc and about their departments.
Any Oracle version would suit. 10g would be fine. And newer filed would be ok as well.
Thank you in advance.
you can install the sample schemas when you initially create the database or you can install them afterwards if the database already exists.
First you can try looking in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/. The sample schema install scripts should be in there.
If you need to download them from Oracle, head to their website under the Downloads section for Oracle Database, and select the version and platform you are using currently. The example schemas are in the Oracle Database Examples zip file.
There should be similar instructions for each version, but the link to 11g is below.
Oracle® Database Sample Schemas 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Local DBMS for wince (which works with lazarus) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to start a pocket application. I have choose Lazarus for developing it, coz it is pascal based and free.
But in dbms stage, i have limits with it.
anyway. Firebird server doesnt work on locally at wince.
at now im using dbf iii+ but it has no sql command support. do you have any idea ? Do you know a good component for connect mssql compact edition on wince ?
See the Lazarus forum. There are some threads about using sqlite on Wince , with links to third party builds (even older WinCEs with armv4's) e.g:
Another option is the TDBF component that comes with FPC/Lazarus.

Any Free Alternative for Oracle SQL Developer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm having a little hard time using the SQL Developer, like when doing lengthy scripts and there's an error somewhere, I have to go at most line by line searching the error. I recently shifted from Toad since it is not a free software anymore. Do we have have any open sourced free alternative to SQL Developer?
All of these tools rely on Oracle for information on the location of an error. If you don't get that information in SQL Developer then you're not going to get it from another.
Well, if you only need a software that will check your query for errors, and that the error will be pointed out by line, personally I'm using this site. I have been using it to check the errors line by line.

Client tools for Oracle? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a new project working with an existing oracle database. I've always been a SQLServer guy, so first time with Oracle.
Any recommendations for a SQLServer Management Studio type app for Oracle?
I would start with Oracle SQL Developer. It's a client app so you can see your tables, run queries, etc. It's free, fast and will get you started.
(It's not as good as toad, of course)
You can also use pl/sql developer: http://www.allroundautomations.com/plsqldev.html?gclid=CJLCqNrIz5kCFYQ-3godM3Pmug
I personally like Toad the best but I know many people who prefer SQL Developer. Definite pros and cons to both but like a lot of things it comes down to what you are used to. I haven't used the freeware version of Toad much but I've heard it's somewhat lacking. In my opinion, if you have money to spend go with Toad, if you are looking for something for free go with SQL Developer.
