.fmx Oracle Form automatization - windows

I have a requirement and I dont know how to start?
My client has an Oracle Form (.fmx), when you open the .fmx file a dialog asking for username and password is open.
After inserting the username and password and pressing the Enter key a new form is open with an input asking for a specific ID.
What I need to do is to set up the username and password and hit enter automatically (using a script or something else)
how can I make that posible?
Note: what to do ? type username and pass hit enter, next windows loads,set focus to the id input and type the id value

It sounds like you want something to automatically fill in the fields and press a button. You can do this by using the Windows SendKeys API. There are various ways to do it with VBScript/PowerShell/AutoHotKey/AutoIt. Pick your poison.
I would probably do it in AutoHotKey because you can have it compile the script as an EXE to hide the username and password it enters.
You can have it search for the Window and focus it:
Then send keystrokes and button clicks to it:
You can navigate the form by sending they Alt + hotkey of the form field. The hotkeys are normally underlined when you press the alt key on a form. So use this technique to focus the first field, and then either use it again or send the tab key to change focus to other fields. I would suggest avoiding use of tab and use the Alt + hotkey approach to select send input to all fields and to focus the form submission button.


How to create shortcuts to call forms from an existing form in oracle forms 12c

I want to create user defined shortcut keys (e.g shift A) to call another form in my oracle weblogic application. The shortcut keys are user defined and stored in a table through another form.
The main menu itself is a form actually.
Basically im just asking how to call a form from an already open form when the user presses a certain key.
Is it necessary to create a custom javascript trigger?
What does the KEY-OTHERS trigger do?
edit : well Alt by default opens this menu so I cant use Alt
What you described, sounds like an access key - if this "main menu" form uses buttons to navigate to other forms.
If that's so, then
open button's Property Palette (left part of the screenshot)
go to its "Access Key" property
put a letter in there
for example, in a screenshot I posted, letter "A" is a "natural" choice as that button's label begins with that letter
when you run the form (middle part of the screenshot), access key is underlined
for more info, press the F1 keyboard key while in Property Palette's "Access Key" property
Also, you might be interested in reading about keyboard shortcuts.

Laravel Livewire text input with 2 submit buttons

I have a small problem that I cannot resolve because im new to Livewire
I have a form with a text input with a search button.
The user types a word, press enter and the search button finds the result on database... and with that result I enable the save button.
when the user press enter again I save that word on a table.
the problem later is when the user change that word. I press the enter key again and it tries to save and not to search the word...
how can I reset or something when the text input change? without executing it on every key press?
thanks !!
I have found my answer.. it was not on hydrate or dehydrate.. it was on updated function of the property, where I reset all inputs.
thanks for you and me

How to get many values into and out of a dialog box using PyQt

I have a portable app with a complex dialog box that shows the user tabs with many (over 50) different settings values that can be changed. The user can set the values and then either press OK or Cancel.
If the user presses OK, I want the app to store the changes in the model, but if the user presses Cancel, I want the app to forget any changes that were made.
What's the best strategy for getting values into and out of the dialog?
I know how to use QDataWidgetMapper to map the model directly to widgets, but then I have an issue if the user clicks Cancel - I would have to undo all the changes made. On the other hand, if I create a dialog-specific object that stores values separately from the model, I then have to copy all the values from the model into the object and then copy them out again if the user presses OK. Any ideas?
QDataWidgetMapper is ideal for this situation and it has two submit policies. AutoSubmit and ManualSubmit. In your case, you can use the ManualSubmit and explicitly call submit() when the user presses OK or not submit at all when the user presses Cancel.

Oracle Apex submit when 'enter' pressed

I have an text field in an oracle apex form. A user can type in a search query and hit the "Search" button to submit the page. I also want to allow the user to just be able to hit the enter key to search.
On the text field I have the option "Submit when Enter Pressed" set to Yes. However this is not working. I think it is because I have other processes attached to other buttons on the page that are used to also submit the form for other purposes.
My question is, is there anyway to define specifically what process gets called when enter is pressed from a specific text field?
When you submit a page by pressing Enter in an item with "Submit when Enter pressed" set to Yes, the page is submitted with the Request value set to the name of the item. You can therefore make the process conditional on the value of Request being the item name.

Add ... to show users that a non modal dialog follows?

I have a simple question.
I have a lot of menuitems and buttons in my application. I try to remember to add ... in the caption to indicate that a modal dialog is followed.
But should I also add those dots for a non modal dialog. I try to search in Google but cannot find any clear answer. I use Win32 and Delphi.
The ... implies that some further input is required to complete the action of the menu item.
So, "Save" means that the menu item will cause the document to save, whereas "Save..." implies that the user will need to enter the name, or choose a file format or something before the file will be saved.
Typically the further input is entered in a popup modal dialog, but (a) not every modal dialog is a prompt for further information, and (b) hypothetically some other input mechanism could be used.
The '...' implies that the user will be given the opportunity to back-out of the operation.
This was in a user interface guideline book I read back in 1995, I can't seem to find a definitive confirmation online anymore.
I'd say that this depends strongly on your personal taste. I add ... whenever any new window is opened, be it modal or non-modal, to indicate to the user that he has to expect some other window to appear.
My guess is that there should be some Microsoft UI Guidelines document about that, but neither have I ever looked for something like that nor do I know of one.
