Ruby what's the lazy way to get input in loop - ruby

Say I want to get 10 inputs in loop and store it in an array. The input will be either string or line or json string.
I'm aware of Ruby's upto and gets.chomp but I'm looking for a simple and lazy technique like:
arr = []
loop(n) { arr.push getline } #Just an example to share my thought. Will not work

Don't know if this is "simple and lazy" enough:
irb> 3.times.collect { gets.chomp }
# => ["foo", "bar", baz"]{gets.chomp}

(1..3).map {gets.strip!}
This works nice, and is clean for noise before and after the entries.
Valid in 1.9 and 2.0.
>> (1..3).map {gets.strip!}
=> ["Hello", "1", "2"]


Matching groups of words

I would like a regexp that match all groups of words (single words and sub-sentences) in a sentence separated by white space.
Example :
"foo bar bar2".scan(regexp)
I want a regexp that will returns :
['foo', 'bar', 'bar2', 'foo bar', 'bar bar2', 'foo bar bar2']
So far, I tried :
"foo bar bar2".scan(/\S*[\S]/) (ie regexp=/\S*/)
which returns ['foo', 'bar', 'bar2']
"foo bar bar2".scan(/\S* [\S]+/) (ie regexp=/\S* [\S]+/)
which returns ["foo bar", " bar2"]
words = "foo bar bar2".scan(/\S+/)
result = 1.upto(words.length).map do |n|
#⇒ [["foo"], ["bar"], ["bar2"],
# ["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "bar2"],
# ["foo", "bar", "bar2"]] { |e| e.join(' ') }
#⇒ ["foo", "bar", "bar2", "foo bar", "bar bar2", "foo bar bar2"]
Here we used Enumerable#each_cons to get to the result.
Mudasobwa did a nice variation of this answer check here.
I've used combine , builtin method for arrays. The procedure is almost the same:
string = "foo bar bar2"
groups = string.split
objects = []
for i in 1..groups.size
groups = string.split.combination(i).to_a
objects << groups
results = objects.flatten(1).map { |e| e.join('-') }
puts results
Anyway , you can't do it with one regex.(suppose you have 50 words and need to find all the combinations; regex can't do it). You will need to iterate with the objects like Mudasobwa showed.
I would start doing this: the regex, if you want to use one, can be /([^\s]\w+)/m ; for example.
This regex will match words. And by words I mean groups of characters surrounded by white-spaces.
With this you can scan your text or split your string. You can do it many ways and in the end you will have an array with the words you wanna combine.
string = "foo bar bar2"
Then you split it, creating an array and applying to it the combination method.
groups = string.split
=> ["foo", "bar", "bar2"]
combination method takes a number as argument, and that number will be the 'size' of the combination. combination(2) combines the elements in groups of two. 1 - groups of 1 .. 0 groups of zero! (this is why we start combinations with 1).
You need to loop and cover all possible group sizes, saving the results
in a results array. :
objects = []
use the number of elements as parameter to the loop
for i in 1..groups.size
groups = string.split.combination(i).to_a
objects << groups
Now you just have to finish with a loop to flatten the arrays that are inside arrays and to take out the comas and double quotes
results = objects.flatten(1).map { |e| e.join('-') }
Thats it! You can run the code above (example with more words)here
Ps: both question and the mentioned answer are lacking a combination (foo-bar2)

How to get index of value in anonymous array inside of iteration

I would like to be able to take an anonymous array, iterate through it and inside of the iterator block find out what the index is of the current element.
For instance, I am trying to output only every third element.
["foo", "bar", "baz", "bang", "bamph", "foobar", "Hello, Sailor!"].each do |elem|
if index_of(elem) % 3 == 0 then
puts elem
(where index_of is a nonexistent method being used as a placeholder here to demonstrate what I'm trying to do)
In theory the output should be:
Hello, Sailor!
This is pretty straightforward when I'm naming the array. But when it is anonymous, I can't very well refer to the array by name. I've tried using self.find_index(elem) as well as self.index(elem) but both fail with the error: NoMethodError: undefined method '(find_)index' for main:Object
What is the proper way to do this?
Use each_with_index:
arr = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "bang", "bamph", "foobar", "Hello, Sailor!"]
arr.each_with_index do |elem, index|
puts elem if index % 3 == 0
Another way:
arr = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "bang", "bamph", "foobar", "Hello, Sailor!"]
arr.each_slice(3) { |a| puts a.first }
#=> foo
# bang
# Hello, Sailor!

What's the Ruby equivalent of map() for strings?

If you wanted to split a space-separated list of words, you would use
def words(text)
return{|word| word.downcase}
similarly to Python's list comprehension:
words("get out of here")
which returns ["get", "out", "of", "here"]. How can I apply a block to every character in a string?
Use String#chars:
irb> "asdf" { |ch| ch.upcase }
=> ["A", "S", "D", "F"]
Are you looking for something like this?
class String
def map
size.times.with_object('') {|i,s| s << yield(self[i])}
"ABC".map {|c| c.downcase} #=> "abc"
"ABC".map(&:downcase) #=> "abc"
"abcdef".map {|c| (c.ord+1).chr} #=> "bcdefg"
"abcdef".map {|c| c*3} #=> "aaabbbcccdddeeefff"
I think the short answer to your question is "no, there's nothing like map for strings that operates a character at a time." Previous answerer had the cleanest solution in my book; simply create one by adding a function definition to the class.
BTW, there's also String#each_char which is an iterator across each character of a string. In this case String#chars gets you the same result because it returns an Array which also responds to each (or map), but I guess there may be cases where the distinction would be important.

Is there a quick and easy way to create a checksum from Ruby's basic data structures?

I have a data structure (Hash) that looks something like this:
foo: "Test string",
bar: [475934759, 5619827847]
I'm trying to create a checksum from that Hash to check for equality in the future. I tried using the hash method of the Hash, which resulted in a satisfyingly nice-looking hash, but it turns out that the same Hash will produce a different hash after the interpreter has been restarted.
I really just want to be able to create a ~128 bit checksum from a Hash, String or Array instance.
Is this possible?
You could calculate your own hash based on the object's Marshal dump or JSON representation.
This calculates the MD5 hash of a Marshal dump:
require 'digest/md5'
hash = {
foo: "Test string",
bar: [475934759, 5619827847]
#=> "\x04\b{\a:\bfooI\"\x10Test string\x06:\x06ET:\bbar[\ai\x04'0^\x1Cl+\b\x87\xC4\xF7N\x01\x00"
#=> "1b6308abdd8f5f6290e2825a078a1a02"
You can implement your own strategy, although I would not recommend to change core functionality:
class Hash
def _dump(depth)
# this doesn't cause a recursion because sort returns an array
Marshal::dump(self.sort, depth)
def self._load(marshaled_hash)
Marshal::dump({foo:1, bar:2})
#=> "\x04\bu:\tHash\e\x04\b[\a[\a:\bbari\a[\a:\bfooi\x06"
Marshal::dump({bar:2, foo:1})
#=> "\x04\bu:\tHash\e\x04\b[\a[\a:\bbari\a[\a:\bfooi\x06"
Marshal::load(Marshal::dump({foo:1, bar:2}))
#=> {:bar=>2, :foo=>1}
To build on #Stefan's answer above, if order of the hash is important, sort the output before pushing it through Mashall.
require 'digest/md5'
hash = {
'foo'=> "Test string",
'bar'=> [475934759, 5619827847]
puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Marshal::dump(hash.collect{|k,v| [k,v]}.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}))
# 8509c564c0ae8dcb6c2b9b564ba6a03f
hash = {
'bar'=> [475934759, 5619827847],
'foo'=> "Test string"
puts Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Marshal::dump(hash.collect{|k,v| [k,v]}.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}))
# 8509c564c0ae8dcb6c2b9b564ba6a03f
If you need to generate the checksum for the content of the hash, whatever the order of the data, using Marshal or sort or other techniques won't work.
The only solid way I found so far is the following:
require 'digest/md5'
hash1 = { "a" => 1, "b" => "2", c: { d: "3" } }
hash2 = { c: { d: "3" }, "a" => 1, "b" => "2" }
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Marshal.dump(hash1)) # => "5def3b2cbdddd3aa6730b6d0527c2d79"
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Marshal.dump(hash2)) # => "8155698ccfb05b8db01490e9b9634fd9"
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hash1.to_s.chars.sort.join) # => "812bb65d65380fc1e620a9596806cc35"
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hash2.to_s.chars.sort.join) # => "812bb65d65380fc1e620a9596806cc35"

Strip in collect on splitted array in Ruby

The following code:
str = "1, hello,2"
puts str
arr = str.split(",")
puts arr.inspect
arr.collect { |x| x.strip! }
puts arr.inspect
produces the following result:
1, hello,2
["1", " hello", "2"]
["1", "hello", "2"]
This is as expected. The following code:
str = "1, hello,2"
puts str
arr = (str.split(",")).collect { |x| x.strip! }
puts arr.inspect
Does however produce the following output:
1, hello,2
[nil, "hello", nil]
Why do I get these "nil"? Why can't I do the .collect immediately on the splitted-array?
Thanks for the help!
The #collect method will return an array of the values returned by each block's call. In your first example, you're modifying the actual array contents with #strip! and use those, while you neglect the return value of #collect.
In the second case, you use the #collect result. Your problem is that #strip! will either return a string or nil, depending on its result – especially, it'll return nil if the string wasn't modified.
Therefore, use #strip (without the exclamation mark):
1.9.3-p194 :005 > (str.split(",")).collect { |x| x.strip }
=> ["1", "hello", "2"]
Because #strip! returns nil if the string was not altered.
In your early examples you were not using the result of #collect, just modifying the strings with #strip!. Using #each in that case would have made the non-functional imperative loop a bit more clear. One normally uses #map / #collect only when using the resulting new array.
You last approach looks good, you wrote a functional map but you left the #strip! in ... just take out the !.
