GrizzlyWebServer Replacement in Grizzly 2 - grizzly

What is the replacement for GrizzlyWebServer in Grizzly 2? I need something compatible with Jersey 2.0.



writing spring RESTful end point using java 1.4

Is there any way to develop spring based restful end point using jdk1.4(non annotation base approach because java 1.4 won't support) ?
I have oc4j server(oracle application server) version 10.1.3 which supports j2sdk 1.4 and servlet 2.4. I believe I won't be able to deploy a springboot restful web service in my oc4j server because of jdk1.4(minimum java version required for springboot is 1.6)
Yes I agree Spring Boot is not possible for my scenario. I am asking if it is possible to develop spring web-mvc using jdk 1.4 and servlet 2.4 version ?
You may need to use the XML based configurations for initializing spring context. A RESTful application can be built even without using Spring using Jersey or some other JAX-RS implementations, if you are not going to use any Spring capabilities.

What is a substitute for ResourceFilter in Jersey 2.0

I'm just wondering what is used in 2.0 instead of ResourceFilter found in Jersey 1.0
I have code to upgrade from 1.0 to 2.0. and can't find any replacement.
DynamicFeature (directly in JAX-RS 2.0) allows you to assign providers to resource methods in the similar way ResourceFilter does in Jersey 1.
See this article that explains the concepts.

Does Websphere Liberty Profile support full Java EE 7 OR Servlet 3.1 Specification?

I am interested in using the Non-Blocking I/O features of Servlet Specification 3.1 like here
I can't find a definitive answer on IBM dev site whether JSR-340 is supported.
Does WAS LibertyProfile support Servlet Specification 3.1 ?
A slide deck from Impact2013 said that WAS 8.5.5 is at servlet 3.0. The recent notes didn't mention anything about updating that.
This page from Oracle shows the certified servers:
If you care to look at any other servers, apart from glassfish the wildfly beta is reported to support servlet 3.1 (and Jave EE 7 in general) but I have no idea when to expect the release.
New update.. WAS Liberty (March 2015) supports several Java EE7 technologies (for production use) including Servlet 3.1 and Websocket 1.1. Announced today is the full Java EE7 stack for Liberty which will be available on 26th June.
The version supports Servlets 3.1 and WebSockets 1.0 and some other Java EE 7 specs, but not yet all. For latest information check this page New Liberty features and tools
No, it only supports Servlet 3.0. See the Programming model support page in the 8.5 InfoCenter.
update, they have a beta out
it has some java ee 7 but no servlet 3.1 yet

Using Felix within a Servlet 3.0 server (like Tomcat 7)

I'm converting an application to an OSGi environment.
This application uses asynchronous servlets (so Servlet 3.0.0+) to detach the incoming requests from their thread, and queue the requests.
As far as I can see, all servlet bridged Felix packages use servlet 2.x, so I can not use servlet 3.0 specific stuff.
Is that true? Is there any way to use asynchronous servlets in Felix? If not, is it
I've tried both Felix and Equinox.
Felix turned out to be pretty easy, it's mostly a matter of injecting the Servlet 3.0 package to the framework, from then on there aren't any servlet 2.0 dependencies.
Note that the examples on the felix site aren't completely up to date.
Anyway: I've shared an example on github, maybe it's useful for somebody:
As an alternative to a servlet bridge it might be worth looking at Eclipse Virgo. The latest release of that currently includes Tomcat 7 and I believe the 3.5 release will use Jetty 8, so that would give you your servlet 3.0 support in an OSGi environment.

What are the Disadvantages/problems when using IceFaces with Spring framework?

i intend to use IceFaces with spring framework
and i was wondering about the disadvantages/problems of this approach, if there's any ?
please advise
Spring has had decent support for JSF based applications for some time (I used it in a JSF 1.1 application without issue) so you shouldn't have any complications introduced into your application by using Spring.
