Unable to get the number of columns and rows of a Mat - visual-studio-2010

I am facing to a very weird situation where I am unable to get the number of cols() and rows() of a Mat. Following is my code:
current = new Mat();
int cols = current->cols();
int rows = current->rows();
The current is a pointer and declared in the header file. It is necessary to keep it as a pointer.
Whenever the code reaches the place where I try to get cols() and rows() I get the following error twice, one per each method
term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
I tried different ways like (*current).cols() but they did not help because that was another error.
How can I solve this?

cols and rows are properties, not methods, therefore you can just use:
int cols = current->cols;
int rows = current->rows;


Office Script - Split strings in vector & use dynamic cell address - Run an excel script from Power Automate

I'm completely new on Office Script (with only old experience on Python and C++) and I'm trying to run a rather "simple" Office Script on excel from power automate. The goal is to fill specific cells (always the same, their position shouldn't change) on the excel file.
The power Automate part is working, the problem is managing to use the information sent to Excel, in excel.
The script take three variables from Power automate (all three strings) and should fill specific cells based on these. CMQ_Name: string to use as is.
Version: string to use as is.
PT_Name: String with names separated by a ";". The goal is to split it in as much string as needed (I'm stocking them in an Array) and write each name in cells on top of each other, always starting on the same position (cell A2).
I'm able to use CMQ_Names & Version and put them in the cell they're supposed to go in, I've already make it works.
However, I cannot make the last part (in bold above, part 2 in the code below) work.
Learning on this has been pretty frustrating as some elements seems to sometime works and sometimes not. Newbie me is probably having syntax issues more than anyting...  
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook,
CMQ_Name: string,
Version: string,
PT_Name: string )
// create reference for each sheet in the excel document
let NAMES = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_NAMES");
let TERMS = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_TERMS");
//------Part 1: Update entries in sheet CMQ_NAMES
//Update entries in sheet CMQ_TERMS
//-------Part 2: work with PT_Name
//Split PT_Name
let ARRAY1: string[] = PT_Name.split(";");
let CELL: string;
let B: string = "B"
for (var i = 0; i < ARRAY1.length; i++) {
CELL = B.concat(i.toString());
  I have several problems:
Some parts (basically anything with red are detected as a problem and I have no idea why. Some research indicated it could be false positive, other not. It's not the biggest problem either as it seems the code sometimes works despite these warnings.
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type '(string | number | boolean)[ ][ ]'.
I couldn't find a way to use a variable as address to select a specific cell to write in, which is preventing the for loop at the end from working.  I've been bashing my head against this for a week now without solving it.
Could you kindly take a look?
Thank you!!
I tried several workarounds and other syntaxes without much success. Writing the first two strings in cells work, working with the third string doesn't.
EDIT: Thanks to the below comment, I managed to make it work:
function main(
workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook,
CMQ_Name: string,
Version: string,
PT_Name: string )
// create reference for each table
let NAMES = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_NAMES");
let TERMS = workbook.getWorksheet("CMQ_TERMS");
//------Part 0: clear previous info
//------Part 1: Update entries in sheet CMQ_NAMES
//Update entries in sheet CMQ_TERMS
//-------Part 2: work with PT_Name
//Split PT_Name
let ARRAY1: string[] = PT_Name.split(";");
let CELL: string;
let B: string = "B"
for (var i = 2; i < ARRAY1.length + 2; i++) {
CELL = B.concat(i.toString());
//console.log(CELL); //debugging
TERMS.getRange(CELL).setValue(ARRAY1[i - 2]);
You're using setValues() (plural) which accepts a 2 dimensional array of values that contains the data for the given rows and columns.
You need to look at using setValue() instead as that takes a single argument of type any.
As for using a variable to retrieve a single cell (or set of cells for that matter), you really just need to use the getRange() method to do that, this is a basic example ...
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
let cellAddress: string = "A4";
let range: ExcelScript.Range = workbook.getWorksheet("Data").getRange(cellAddress);
If you want to specify multiple ranges, just change cellAddress to something like this ... A4:C10
That method also accepts named ranges.

If Statement error: Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns

I'm new in Power BI and I'm more used to work with Excel. I try to translate following Excel formula:
=IF(A2="UPL";0;IF(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1)=" ";"1";(MID(D2;FIND("OTP";D2)+3;1))))
in Power Bi as follows:
Algo =
VAR FindIT = FIND("OTP",Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],1,0)
IF(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Type] = "UPL", 0,
IF(FindIT = BLANK(), 1, MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1))
Unfortunately I receive following error message:
Expressions that yield variant data-type cannot be used to define calculated columns.
My values are as follows:
Thank you so much for your help!
You cant mix Two datatypes in your output; In one part of if, you return an INT (literally 0/1), and is second you return a STRING
MID(Fixed_onTop_Data[Delivery Date],FindIT+3,1)
You must unify your output datatype -> everything to string or everything to INT
Your code must be returning BLANK in some cells therefore PowerBI isn't able to choose a data type for the column, wrap your code inside CONVERT(,INTEGER).

Random number between to values in google-sheets script not honoring max/min values

Just started learning app script/java and i want to get a random number between to values defined in 2 rows in a google sheet (see picture for clarification and debug info) I have the min/max value in two arrays for this purpose. max[x] and min[x]
So when i run this function from the script and outputs the values to my sheet it don't honor the max/min, (var pris = randomnumber(max,min)) but when i run the function from a cell with the same inputs it works as it should (=randomnumber(A1,A2)
The values in max/min are correct in the script as far as i can see in Logger and debug.
max, min have been declared as arrays earlier in the script and contains all the correct numbers, also pris.
So can anyone figure out what is wrong here? This is making me nuts!!!
And i do need the script to write the numbers, not using the function from the cells.
Within a loop
m = max[i];
l = min[i];
Within a loop
function randomnumber(ma, mi) {
// If i uncomment those two lines it works from the scrip, even if the value parameters are the same.
// var mi = 80;
// var ma = 120;
var randomNumber = Math.floor((Math.random() * (ma - mi)) + mi);
return randomNumber;

update aTable set a,b,c = func(x,y,z,…)

I need a quick advice how-to. I mention that the following scenario is based on the use of c_api available already to my monetdblite compilation on 64bit, intention is to use it with some adhoc C written functions.
Short: how can I achieve or simulate the following scenario:
update aTable set a,b,c = func(x,y,z,…)
Long. Many algorithms are returning more than one variable as, for instance, multiple regression.
bool m_regression(IN const double **data, IN const int cols, IN const int rows, OUT double *fit_values, OUT double *residuals, OUT double *std_residuals, OUT double &p_value);
In order to minimize the transfer of data between monetdb and heavy computational function, all those results are generated in one step. Question is how can I transfer them back at once, minimizing computational time and memory traffic between monetdb and external C/C++(/R/Python) function?
My first thought to solve this is something like this:
1. update aTable set dummy = func_compute(x,y,z,…)
where dummy is a temporary __int64 field and func_compute will compute all the necessary outputs and store the result into a dummy pointer. To make sure is no issue with constant estimation, first returned value in the array will be the real dummy pointer, the rest just an incremented value of dummy + i;
2. update aTable set a = func_ret(dummy, 1), b= func_ret (dummy, 2), c= func_ret (dummy, 3) [, dummy=func_free(dummy)];
Assuming the func_ret will get the dummy in the same order that it was returned on first call, I would just copy the prepared result into provided storage; In case the order is not preserved, I will need an extra step to get the minimum (real dummy pointer), then to use the offset of current value to lookup in my array.
__int64 real_dummy = __inputs[0][0];
double *my_pointer_data = (double *) (real_dummy + __inputs[1][0] * sizeof(double)* row_count);
memcpy(__outputs[0], my_pointer_data, sizeof(double)* row_count);
// or ============================
__int64 real_dummy = minimum(__inputs[0]);
double *my_pointer_data = (double *) (real_dummy + __inputs[0][1] * sizeof(double)* row_count);
for (int i=0;i<row_count;i++)
__outputs[0][i] = my_pointer_data[__inputs[0][i] - real_dummy];
It is less relevant how am I going to free the temporary memory, can be in the last statement in update or in a new fake update statement using func_free.
Problem is that it doesn’t look to me that, even if I save some computational (big) time, the passing of the dummy is still done 3 times (any chance that memory is actually not copied?).
Is it any other better way of achieving this?
I am not aware of a good way of doing this, sorry. You could retrieve the table, add your columns as BATs in whichever way you like and write it back.

How would I convert a txt file containing a lot of symbols into a array?

so I just have a quick question. The program is supposed to create a character array, and get the content from a text file, containing a lot of random symbols like &,?,!,letters, and numbers. I am not allowed to create seperate arrays, and put them into the 2d array instead. How would I go about doing so? I already know the number of rows and columns because it tells me at the top of the file before actually having all the symbols and stuff. Heres what I have so far:
char [][]charArray=new char[a][b];
for(int z=0;z<charArray.length;z++)
for(int y=0;y<charArray[y].length;y++)
So A is the number of rows, and B is the number of columns to read from. When I run the program, it says that it is expecting a char []charArray, and it found a string, and the error is called an incompatible type error.
ALso ps: fileReader is my scanner to read from a file. THanks!
First of all, you need to use more descriptive names for your variables. For example, why name the variable a when a really represents the number of rows in the file? Instead, use numRows (and likewise for b, use numCols). Also, you really should name your scanner scanner. There is a FileReader class and your fileReader variable name is misleading---it makes everyone think you're using a FileReader instead of a Scanner. Finally, the brackets used to declare an array type in Java are normally placed adjacent to the type name, as in char[][] instead of char [][]. This does not change the way the code executes, but it conforms better to common convention.
Now, to your problem. You stated that the number of rows/columns are declared at the beginning of the file. This solution assumes the file does in fact contain numRows rows and numCols columns. Basically, next returns a String. You can use String.toCharArray to convert the String to a char[]. Then you simply copy the characters to the appropriate position in your charArray.
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(theFile);
char[][] charArray=new char[numRows][numCols];
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
final char[] aLine = scanner.next().toCharArray();
for(int j = 0; j < aLine.length;j++){
charArray[i][j] = aLine[j];
