Including two repositories in single settings.xml file? - maven

i have below settings.xml. I have two pom files. one is specific to my internal project and another is specific to
external tool. Both points to separate repositories. I want to use single settings.xml so that dependecies are looked
into both repositories. Issue is when i run build on external tool pom, it sill looks into myProjectSpecificRepository but not inside http://URL2/nexus/content/groups/public. ( it only considering url given under mirror tag. I also tried giving second mirror tag with url as http://URL2/nexus/content/groups/public but no help)
I am not sure whats the issue?
<id>My Id</id>
<id>project Specific profile</id>
<id>External profile</id>
<id>External releases</id>
<name>External profile name</name>
<id>External profile plugin </id>
<name>External profile description</name>
<activeProfile>My Id</activeProfile>
<activeProfile>External profile</activeProfile>


Not retrieving jars from maven nexus setup specific to project

Got 2 Nexus maven repo - one serving or holding common jars - mostly from maven central & some others. And other - project specific maven nexus, where it holds 2 thirdparty jars which are needed for compilation of current project of interest.
Below is updates which is added to refer to local nexus maven setup & corresponding dependencies..
pom.xml snippet :
<!-- download plugins from this *proj specific* repo -->
<!-- And other dependency to fetch jars from common nexus (which is working fine) -->
Added below to settings.xml (highlighted in bold text) - one covering Url to retrieve proj specific jars & other part of authenticating to proj specific Nexus
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
<!--**Added this one** -->
<activeProfile>zzz-maven</activeProfile> <!--**activated** additional one here -->
<username>userNameForZZZ</username> <!--**Specified** explicit password needed for proj specific maven nexus here -->
But still throws out Warning & then the error for mvn install or mvn compile like :
[WARNING] The POM for zzz.zzz-report:zzz-report:jar:1.2 is missing, no dependency information available
Would like to know what is missing - so that it will download proj specific jars from proj specific maven nexus?
Tried with both <repositories> & <pluginRepositories> option in pom to consider for download
Expect it to connect to proj specific maven nexus & download dependency jar defined in pom
You have defined
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
which means that all requests (due to mirrorOf having the value *) are redirected to that particular repository, no matter what other repositories are defined in the POM or the settings.xml.

Configuring Maven repositories?

I’m trying to configure Maven to be used inside my company. However, i reach the phase in which I must configure the repositories to be used.
The common configuration for all user is set in the setting.xml file
A user’s configuration is set in the setting.xml file under
A project’s special configuration is set in the pom.xml
In my case, the second type of configuration should be used (A configuration for each user). However, a mismatch occurs while having a look at the Maven documentation. There is 2 cases either to use a <mirrors> or <repositories> under a default profile.
What is the recommended and in case the 2 are set what's the one it will be taken by Maven engine http://repository.poo/ or ?
<id> </id>
<mirrorOf>* </mirrorOf>
<name> </name>
<url> </url>
<id> </id>
You will almost certainly need the <repositories> if you have your own company repository and you want something other than the maven default.
You may need a mirror if you want to override something, for instance you may want to cache maven central artifacts in a local Nexus.
Take a look at
If in doubt leave the mirror.

Is there such a thing as a local remote Maven repository?

I have a build box on which is installed:
I have configured Bamboo to grab my Maven project from a remote Git source and then build it with the goals 'clean install'.
I have configured Archiva with two repos:
mirror - a mirror of central
dev - repo for my artifacts
I have made the following changes to Maven settings.xml:
# Define local repo - this is the same location as i have set up for the Archiva 'dev' repo.
# Define the Archiva mirror i set up
When I execute the build Maven grabs everything external via the mirror and then adds the built artifact to dev, along with the other jars it grabbed from mirror. So i now have some duplicate jars...
My question is, is the correct approach? Really I want to keep 'dev' with just my artifacts and mirror with everything from central - i don't want duplicates.
Should I be using the LocalRepository config in settings.xml or should I be using 'mvn deploy' to put the artifact in my Archiva repository by a different method?
Could someone clarify the different use cases for a local and remote repository?
Finally, how should I be defining my POM? Currently, I have just defined
Should i be adding in my mirror?
To put artifacts in your repository manager you should use the default which is maven-deploy-plugin which can be controlled by distributionManagement. The target where to put those things is controlled by defining the distributionManagement.
<project xmlns=""
The repositories which are used to consume artifacts from is defined in the settings.xml
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
On Bamboo you should be able to control which settings.xml is used to have an local repository per build which makes build independent from each other.

Issue pulling SNAPSHOT dependencies from Archiva snapshot repository

I've been setting up an Apache Archiva instance as both a proxy to Maven Central and to capture our development snapshots. I've managed to setup the proxy and I can deploy artifacts to the Archiva snapshot repository however I cannot pull artifacts from the snapshot repositories to use in other projects.
Relevant parts of pom.xml (dependant project)
<!-- Excluded detail -->
<!-- Excluded detail -->
<name>Snapshot Repository</name>
<!-- Excluded detail -->
My ~/.m2/settings.xml
<name>Archiva Managed Internal Repository</name>
<name>Archiva Managed Internal Repository</name>
When I build the dependant project I cannot reference classes (public access).
Just to note that I can browse the snapshots repository and I know the war file is there.
Any ideas?
It turns out that you cannot use the "war" dependency type and expect to be able to reference the contained classes. You can however create an additional jar (create both war and jar) containing the classes:
You can the use the type "jar" when pulling in the dependency... in my case:
I think therefore the question is a bit misleading... the dependency was being pulled from Archiva but was not of an accessible type.
You are probably not activating the profile correctly
before the profile in settings.xml put something like
Remember this about activeByDefault
This profile will automatically be active for all builds unless
another profile in the same POM is activated using one of the
previously described methods. All profiles that are active by default
are automatically deactivated when a profile in the POM is activated
on the command line or through its activation config.
if you want to confirm if this is the issue, look at the active profiles by running help:active-profiles

Order Maven Versions Plugin to use specific repositories only

Maybe this is too granular, but I would like to order Maven Versions Plugin to use only specific repositories to check for (new versions). The reason for this is: I want the plugin to check only internal company dependencies (from local Nexus) and there is no reason why we should check external repos. (Takes some times and it's also a security issue in a way). I have the following setup in the parent ("config") POM:
The config above works fine in terms of not updating "external" dependencies, but "com.mycompany" artifacts are still queried from all other repositories. As you can see, I tried to use <serverId>, but that was just a guess, and it doesn't seem to do any "filtering" (I guess this is just a way to use specific credentials)
Any ideas if this is feasible or not?
You have to change your settings.xml instead and not the versions plugin configuration like this:
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
By using the above settings you will limit the access to the above group and furthermore you can search within the repository group instead of any external repository.
