Getting the parent id of a given process in Ruby - ruby

How do you get the parent process id of a process that is not the current process in Ruby?
I've checked Ruby's Process module, but it only seems to provide a means to access the PPID of the current process.
I also checked google for anything on the subject, but the first two pages seemed to only contain links regarding how to use the aforementioned Process module.
I was hoping to do this without having to rely too much on the underlying OS, but whatever works.

Shell out:
1.9.3p429 :001 > `ps -p 7544 -o ppid=`.strip
=> "7540"

Process.ppid returns the parent process id.

You can just remember it in a variable:
parent_pid =
Process.fork do
child_pid =
puts parent_pid, child_pid
# do stuff
# 94791
# 94798
alternatively, if you need the information on the level of the parent process:
parent_pid =
child_pid = Process.fork do
# do stuff
puts parent_pid, child_pid
# 6361
# 6362


Windows Ruby get PID from process name

So I do realize a similar question has been asked Find a process ID by name but the thing is, it really returns all PIDs with their names, including the spawned children of that process. My question is how can I only get the PID of the parent process and not one of it's children?
The sys-proctable gem can do that, here is a minimal example for getting the PID of the ruby.exe process on the system:
require 'sys/proctable'
def get_process_id(name){|p| == name}&.pid
puts get_process_id("ruby.exe")
That doesn't guarantee you will find the parent process tho, you will instead get the process with the lowest PID.
To actually find the "root process", you need to further select processes by checking if their parent process is either non-existent or a different process:
require 'sys/proctable'
def get_parent_process_id(name)
# generate a hash mapping pid -> process info
processes ={|p| [, p]}.to_h
# find the first matching process that has either no parent or a parent
# that doesn't match the process name we're looking for
processes.values.each do |p|
next if != name
if processes[p.ppid].nil? || processes[p.ppid].name != name
puts get_parent_process_id("chrome.exe")

Fork a child process, and capture any stdout and stderr?

My below code example runs a command, e.g., ls <file> and captures stdout and stderr ( as well as the process exit status ).
However, if for example the command were to hang, then the ruby program will be "stuck" waiting for the command to finish, ( this can be seen for example if running sleep).
To avoid that possibility, I think what I need to do is fork a child process, ( so any "stuck" child process will not keep the ruby program "waiting" ).
However, I'm not sure how to capture the stdout and stderr from a forked child process, is this even possible ?
( for reasons I'd also like to be able to do this within the ruby std libs and not have dependency on any extra gem/s.
Also, this is just for ruby, not rails )
edit: To help clarify -
Trying to understand if there is a way to fork a child process, ( so there is no blocking until the child is done ), and still have the ruby program capture the stdout, stderr when the child process exits.
#!/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
require 'logger'
logger ='./test_open3.log')
files = ['file1','file2','file3']
files.each do |f|
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("ls #{f}")
Following the suggestion in the comments to use threads, I found that this gave me what I was looking for:
#!/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
require 'logger'
require 'thread'
logger ='./test_threads_open3.log')
files = ['file1','file2','file3']
threads = []
files.each_with_index do |f, i|
threads <<, i) do
puts "Thread #{i} is running"
stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("ls #{f}")
threads.each { |t| t.join }
This creates an array of threads each with the block of code, and then last line, each thread in the array is run.
It probably requires some extra code to manage and limit the number of threads that can be run at a time, so as to be safer, maybe by using a queue/worker feature.
( This post also touches on the topic of the join method - Thread.join blocks the main thread )

Forming sanitary shell commands or system calls in Ruby

I'm building a daemon that will help me manage my server(s). Webmin works fine, as does just opening a shell to the server, but I'd prefer to be able to control server operations from a UI I design, and also expose some functionality to end users.
The daemon will pick up actions from a queue and execute them. However, since I'll be accepting input from users, I want to make sure they're not permitted to inject something dangerous into a privileged shell command.
Here's a fragment that exemplifies my problem:
def perform
system "usermod -p #{#options['shadow']} #{#options['username']}"
A gist that explains more:
I'm not positive if typical escaping and sanitizing of inputs is enough for this case, and being a designer, I don't have a ton of security-related experience. I know that this is something that should probably be obvious to me, but its not!
How can I ensure that the web application that will create and serialize the actions can't pass dangerous text into the privileged process that receives the actions?
Thanks for the help
It doesn't look like you need a shell for what you're doing. See the documentation for system here:
You should use the second form of system. Your example above would become:
system 'usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username']
A nicer (IMO) way to write this is:
system *%W(usermod -p #{#options['shadow']} #{#options['username']})
The arguments this way are passed directly into the execve call, so you don't have to worry about sneaky shell tricks.
If you need not just the exit status but also the result you probably want to use Open3.popen3:
require 'open3'
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username'])
More information here: Getting output of system() calls in Ruby
I'd suggest looking into the 'shellwords' module. This script:
require 'shellwords'
parts = ['echo', "'hello world'; !%& some stuff", 'and another argument']
command = Shellwords.shelljoin( parts )
puts command
output = `#{ command }`
puts output
outputs the escaped text and the expected output:
echo \'hello\ world\'\;\ \!\%\&\ some\ stuff and\ another\ argument
'hello world'; !%& some stuff and another argument
This is an old question, but since it's pretty much the only real answer you'll find when googling I thought I'd add a caveat. The multi argument version of system seems reasonably safe on Linux, but it is NOT on Windows.
Try system "dir", "&", "echo", "hi!"
on a Windows system. Both dir and echo will be run. Echo could of course just as well be something far less innocuous.
I know this is an old thread, but there is another option that was lightly touched on by Simon Hürlimann.
There is not a lot of information about this topic and I think this might help others in need.
For this example we'll use Open3 which gives you the ability to run commands synchronously or asynchronously, and provides stdout, stderr, exit codes, and PID.
Open3 grants you access to stdout, stderr, exit codes and a thread to wait for the child process when running another program. You can specify various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the program in the same way as for Process.spawn. (Source: Open3 Docs)
I chose to format the output as a CommandStatus object. This contains our stdout, stderr, pid (Of the worker thread) and exitstatus.
class Command
require 'open3'
class CommandStatus
#stdout = nil
#stderr = nil
#pid = nil
#exitstatus = nil
def initialize(stdout, stderr, process)
#stdout = stdout
#stderr = stderr
#pid =
#exitstatus = process.exitstatus
def stdout
def stderr
def exit_status
def pid
def self.execute(command)
command_stdout = nil
command_stderr = nil
process = Open3.popen3(ENV, command + ';') do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thread|
stdout_buffer =
stderr_buffer =
command_stdout = stdout_buffer if stdout_buffer.length > 0
command_stderr = stderr_buffer if stderr_buffer.length > 0
thread.value # Wait for Process::Status object to be returned
return, command_stderr, process)
cmd = Command::execute("echo {1..10}")
puts "STDOUT: #{cmd.stdout}"
puts "STDERR: #{cmd.stderr}"
puts "EXIT: #{cmd.exit_status}"
While reading the STDOUT/ERR buffers, I use command_stdout = stdout_buffer if stdout_buffer.length > 0 to control whether the command_stdout variable is assigned or not. You should pass nil instead of "" when no data is present. It's more clear when handing data later on.
You probably noticed me using command + ';'. The reason for this is based on the documentation from Kernel.exec (Which is what popen3 uses):
If the string from the first form (exec("command")) follows these
simple rules:
no meta characters
no shell reserved word and no special built-in
Ruby invokes the command directly without shell
You can force shell invocation by adding ";" to the string (because
";" is a meta character)
This simply prevents a Ruby from throwing a 'spawn': No such file or directory error if you pass a malformed command. Instead it will pass it straight to the kernel where the error will be resolved gracefully and appear as STDERR instead of an uncaught exception.
Modern, secure and simple solution (popen will escape arguments for you):
IO.popen(['usermod', '-p', #options['shadow'], #options['username']]).read
(#read will close the IO before returning)

Make a Ruby program a daemon?

I want to write a Ruby program that will always be running in the background (a daemon) on my Mac.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how this would be done?
Ruby 1.9.x has now the following:
Put it in your code and that's it.
Taken from "Daemon Processes in Ruby."
Use Daemonize.rb
require 'daemons'
Very simple sample:
How to install daemons gem:
gem install daemons
Ah, Google to the rescue! Check out
wherein a helpful blogger provides an example of writing a launchd plist to launch a ruby Web application server.
This is a module to daemonize your code. Here's an offshoot that wraps an existing script.
Essentially it boils down to this (from Travis Whitton's Daemonize.rb, the first link above, modified for some program I wrote ages ago):
# This method causes the current running process to become a daemon
# If closefd is true, all existing file descriptors are closed
def daemonize(pathStdErr, oldmode=0, closefd=false)
srand # Split rand streams between spawning and daemonized process
safefork and exit# Fork and exit from the parent
# Detach from the controlling terminal
unless sess_id = Process.setsid
raise 'Cannot detach from controlled terminal'
# Prevent the possibility of acquiring a controlling terminal
exit if pid = safefork
Dir.chdir "/" # Release old working directory
File.umask 0000 # Insure sensible umask
if closefd
# Make sure all file descriptors are closed
ObjectSpace.each_object(IO) do |io|
unless [STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].include?(io)
io.close rescue nil
STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" # Free file descriptors and
STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null" # point them somewhere sensible
STDERR.reopen pathStdErr, "w" # STDOUT/STDERR should go to a logfile
return oldmode ? sess_id : 0 # Return value is mostly irrelevant
# Try to fork if at all possible retrying every 5 sec if the
# maximum process limit for the system has been reached
def safefork
tryagain = true
while tryagain
tryagain = false
if pid = fork
return pid
rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
sleep 5
tryagain = true
Need to see the daemons-rails gem for Rails 3 (based on rails_generator):
Possible to generate daemon stub like this:
rails generate daemon <name>
individual control script per daemon
rake:daemon command per daemon
capistrano friendly
app-wide control script
monitoring API
possible multiple daemon sets

How do you spawn a child process in Ruby?

I want to offload a block of code in my main process to child process to make it run concurrently. I also want to have the PID of the spawned child process so I can monitor and kill it if necessary.
In addition to Chris' great answer, remember to call Process.wait from your master in order to reap your child process, else you'll leave zombies behind.
Example as requested in comments:
pid = Process.fork do
puts "child, pid #{} sleeping..."
sleep 5
puts "child exiting"
puts "parent, pid #{}, waiting on child pid #{pid}"
puts "parent exiting"
You can use the fork kernel method. Here is an example:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "This is the master process."
child_pid = fork do
puts "This is the child process"
puts "The PID of the child process is #{child_pid}"
The fork method returns the PID of the process it forks and executes any code in the block passed. Like regular Ruby blocks it keeps the bindings of the parent process.
It is a good idea to make your forked process exit.
In 1.9 you can use Process.spawn command.
See also
If you are happy to use Threads, rather than Processes, then something like this may be a bit more scaleable to more-than-one fork:
def doit(x)
puts "Done... #{x}"
thingstodo = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"]
tasklist = []
# Set the threads going
thingstodo.each { |thing|
task = { |this| doit(this) }
tasklist << task
# Wait for the threads to finish
tasklist.each { |task|
Please see John Topley's excellent comments and reference, below, regarding the Ruby execution model and its restrictions.
Just edited to correct a glaring error (no assignment to task), and to follow #(Jason King)'s advice.
