RESTful API with CMS Made Simple - ajax

I have a client with a content-heavy site built in CMS Made Simple. The redesign requires a mostly AJAX interface, and I think a frontend framework like Backbone or Angular would be the way to go.
I want to avoid moving off CMS Made Simple, though (client is used to that interface, it will be annoying to migrate all the data).
I think if I could find or create a RESTful api for CMS Made Simple, I'd solve my problem. But after searching around online, I only found CGSocialApp module, which seems to provide a limited API for things like user management. I've also looked into other AJAX solutions for CMS Made Simple, and there don't seem to be good modules for it.
If there is no ready-made solution for me, how complex would building a RESTful API module be? I haven't built a RESTFUL api in a PHP framework before.
Thanks for any guidance!

So, there is no easy answer for this question, as the CMSMS doesn't have a build-in RESTful API.
I would go for one of the two solutions:
1. Output the content as hand made json.
In CMSMS, you really have a lot of control on the templates. You could change the default templates to output json content instead of HTML content. The only issue is that the CMSMS will still send an http content-type header, that you can try to ignore in the JS part.
To access the menu, just remove it from the main template and create an empty page who output the {menu}with a custom template that also build json content.
That's the quick and dirty solution, but it should be very accessible in terms of doing it.
2. Create a dedicated module.
As far as I know, there are no modules that expose the CMSMS in RESTFul format, but a module is really very easy to build. Well, you can try to build it yourself, with the help of the community. It don't really solve the current problem, but it's a hint.
I hope it shed some light on the problem.


Clarification on instructions for backend Code in Wix

I'm trying to integrate backend code into a Wix site. Im not too picky about how I want to do this, or what language to write in (ideally, I have a locally-hosted Java code that I'd love to simply call). I wouldn't mind re-writing it in JavaScript though, or another language. But before I decide that I'm confused about my options. I can code but I'm new to the concepts like modules, APIs, & servers.
According to my research, back-end code with Wix is supposed to be easy (or at least do-able and not THAT complicated)....
From this webpage,
"Web modules are exclusive to Corvid and enable you to write functions that run server-side in the backend, and easily call them in your client-side code. With web modules you can import functions from backend into files or scripts in public, knowing they will run server-side. Corvid handles all the client-server communication required to enable this access."
And from this:
"It’s serverless: All this added functionality comes in a serverless environment that lets you get your work done without any of the normal full-stack development headaches.
Just code and go: Wix Code has a built-in, online IDE and backend so you can just add the code you need to your page or your site, publish, and you’re live."
So, I thought they have a backend IDE where I can write backend code directly, or I could call my Java program. But, as I tried doing this and finding tutorials, it seems I can really only do this by calling a public API from the backend...?
But ive also read (and someone who supposedly has done it before told me this) that Wix integrates with node.js, which is a backend version of JavaScript.
Can I use a Wix domain for a NodeJS app?
But, when I go into my Wix site I cannot find any option for using Node JS, and doing research on that gives me no useful results.
So, I'm thoroughly confused on what the capabilities are here. Can someone help me make sense of this?
Why are there no tutorials showing explicit code in the Corvid backend module? What's stopping me from simply writing my Java program there in a module? Do I really need an API endpoint to call and pass to the front end?
Is Node JS supported or not - has anyone done this before?
Also, in one link above they said everything is "serverless". But if I have to set up my own API endpoint won't I need to set up my own server??
There are basically two ways to go about this, which you seem to have already discovered.
Write your backend code in your Wix site. Indeed, the backend is built on Node.js as you can see here. Using this approach you will have to use JavaScript. As you seem to have found, you write this code in the Backend section of your site in a Web Module. Pros: you don't need to worry about managing a server and all your code is in one place.
Expose your already existing Java code as an API that your Wix site can call using the wix-fetch API. Pros: you don't need to rewrite your code.

Demandware MVC concept

I am new guy to Demandware and I am switching from Magento to Demandware.
Demandware is not opensource I am not getting proper tutorials, stuff to understand the concepts of it.
I am from Magento so I know the Magento MVC structure.
But in Demandware we have different concepts like pipelines, pipelets, ISML scripts, ECMA script, DW scripts etc.
I want to know the MVC pattern of Demandware.
How it works and what are the basic concept I need to concentrate?
I would suggest to request a Demandware XChange account as soon as possible for you, so that you get access to the Demandware community portal and also to the API documentation.
In short:
Models are Demandware Forms and Demandware API objects
Controllers are Demandware Pipelines (there are JavaScript Controllers that are recently released, you may find these easier to understand if you have Node.js experience). These can call DW Scripts (DemandwareScript is based on ECMAScript standard 5.0 for JavaScript with some extensions like E4X and optional types)
Views are the isml templates. You should avoid including a lot of logic in them, either with isml tags like isif, isloop, etc. or with isscript.
Any further questions - let me know.
Hope this helps,
I hope you'll be able to avoid pipelines and dwscript. Those are a bit older. The most recent version works with plain old JavaScript, with pipelines being replaced by controllers.
Be aware that the underlying JavaScript engine is Rhino, which isn't really modern.
The Demandware documentation is open source now anyone can access to without having an exchange account it has the latest SFRA(javascript) based concepts as well
here is the link for the docs
Demadware Documentation
Demandware is very much designed around the MVC concept (in theory). The pipelines are basically your controllers and each pipeline filename (the xml file) is the first part of the URL and the start nodes inside the pipeline are the second part of the URL that basically represent the controller (eg Cart.xml has a start node called Show, so the url is Cart-Show). At the end of the pipeline flow chart is, usually, an interaction node to that links to an ISML file, those are basically the View and are HTML with some minor Demandware-specific markup.
Typically in the MVC world you try to prevent putting business logic in the views, however if you use SiteGenesis as your starting point you'll find that not to be the case on most of the pages. If you switch to using Javascript Controllers instead of Pipelines, then it'll be closer to the Magento style of MVC (but using NodeJS-like syntax).

Front End Frameworks for RESTful backend

I am developing a RESTful backend using Spring framework. All the services are accessible through HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Could you please tell me what can the best combination of frameworks for front end?
Is it best to use SpringMVC or some other framework like Backbone is good enough?
If I am using SpringMVC for REST backend and also SpringMVC for front end then won't it be extra work doing same things again first for backend then for front end?
And most important I am confused about how can do the session management using front end?
Any help will be appreciated!
If you are looking into to make a SPA (Single Page App) make sure that you take a look at AmpersandJS ->
Since you said "server-side" GUI, maybe you are thinking more along the lines of a template engine for creating HTML? This isn't really restful, but can be MVC like if you are forwarding from your Controller classes.
But PLEASE keep in mind that it would be a very BAD idea to try and generate XML or JSON data for consumption by RESTful clients (ajax) with either of these. Just say no to JSON creation from a template engine!
JSP is pretty much the standard for Java EE at the moment, or is most widely used. All you need is a compliant server, such as Tomcat/Jetty.
Thymeleaf It looks a lot cleaner than JSP, and has the added benefit of not allowing all the pitfalls that can happen with a JSP (and there are a lot).
When you say you are creating a RESTful backend, most people would make the conclusion (and rightfully so) that you are trying to develop a JavaScript MVVM client/GUI.
Kendo UI has a complete set of GUI widgets and MVVM framework that is specifically designed to work with a RESTful backend. But it's a paid for API.
YUI3 (Yahoo User Interface) has a variety of widgets as well, and I've seen a lot of jobs requesting this. It has the advantage of being free/OSS as well. Older version are deprecated.
knockout.js has been my favorite for MVVM engines that I've actually had experience working with. And it's simple to learn, in my opinion.
Angular.js Also free/oss, and works well with other GUI APIs.
I would suggest you to consioder Sencha Ext JS for front-end, it is one of the best framework and will work with RestFul back-end.
this is a good question, but I don't think there is a server-side framework out there specifically built to use a REST server backend. I think you could use Spring-MVC / Spring-Boot to get a good headstart, but you might also want to look into Rails or other Ruby any other modern web framework technology.

Ajax architecture in Django application

I am trying to find the optimal architecture for an ajax-heavy Django application I'm currently building. I'd like to keep a consistent way of doing forms, validation, fetching data, JSON message format but find it exceedingly hard to find a solution that can be used consistently.
Can someone point me in the right direction or share their view on best practice?
I make everything as normal views which display normally in the browser. That includes all the replies to AJAX requests (sub pages).
When I want to make bits of the site more dynamic I then use jQuery to do the AJAX, or in this case AJAH and just load the contents of one of the divs in the sub page into the requesting page.
This technique works really well - it is very easy to debug the sub pages as they are just normal pages, and jQuery makes your life very easy using these as part of an AJA[XH]ed page.
For all the answers to this, I can't believe no one's mentioned django-piston yet. It's mainly promoted for use in building REST APIs, but it can output JSON (which jQuery, among others, can consume) and works just like views in that you can do anything with a request, making it a great option for implementing AJAX interactions (or AJAJ [JSON], AJAH, etc whatever). It also supports form validation.
I can't think of any standard way to insert ajax into a Django application, but you can have a look to this tutorial.
You will also find more details on django's page about Ajax
Two weeks ago I made a write up how I implement sub-templates to use them in "normal" and "ajax" request (for Django it is the same). Maybe it is helpful for you.
+1 to Nick for pages displaying normally in the browser. That seems to be the best starting point.
The problem with the simplest AJAX approaches, such as Nick and vikingosegundo propose, is that you'll have to rely on the innerHTML property in your Javascript. This is the only way to dump the new HTML sent in the JSON. Some would consider this a Bad Thing.
Unfortunately I'm not aware of a standard way to replicate the display of forms using Javascript that matches the Django rendering. My approach (that I'm still working on) is to subclass the Django Form class so it outputs bits of Javascript along with the HTML from as_p() etc. These then replicate the form my manipulating the DOM.
From experience I know that managing an application where you generate the HTML on the server side and just "insert" it into your pages, becomes a nightmare. It is also impossible to test using the Django test framework. If you're using Selenium or a similar tool, it's ok, but you need to wait for the ajax request to go return so you need tons of sleeps in your test script, which may slow down your test suite.
If the purpose of using the Ajax technique is to create a good user interface, I would recommend going all in, like the GMail interface, and doing everything in the browser with JavaScript. I have written several apps like this using nothing but jQuery, state machines for managing UI state and JSON with ReST on the backend. Django, IMHO, is a perfect match for the backend in this case. There are even third party software for generating a ReST-interface to your models, which I've never used myself, but as far as I know they are great at the simple things, but you of course still need to do your own business logic.
With this approach, you do run into the problem of duplicating code in the JS and in your backend, such as form handling, validation, etc. I have been thinking about solving this with generating structured information about the forms and validation logic which I can use in JS. This could be compiled at deploy-time and be loaded as any other JS file.
Also, avoid XML. The browsers are slow at parsing it, it is a pain to generate and a pain to work with in the browser. Use JSON.
Im currently testing:
jQuery & backbone.js client-side
django-piston (intermediate layer)
Will write later my findings on my blog

How is AJAX implemented, and how does it help web dev?

From, I get a fairly good grasp of what AJAX is. However, it looks like in order to learn it, I'd have to delve into multiple technologies at the same time to get any benefit out of it. So two questions:
What are resources that can help me understand/use AJAX?
What sort of website would benefit from AJAX?
If you aren't interested in the nitty gritty, you could use a higher-level library like JQuery or Prototype to create the underlying Javascript for you. The main benefit is a vastly more responsive user interface for web-based applications.
There are many libraries out there that can help you get benefit out of AJAX without learning about implementing callbacks, etc.
Are you using .NET? Look at If you're not, then take a look at tools like qcodo for PHP, and learn about prototype.js, jquery, etc.
As far as websites that would benefit: Every web application ever. :) Anything you interact with by exchanging information, not just by clicking a link and reading an article.
Every website can benefit from AJAX, but in my opinion the biggest benefit to AJAX comes in data entry sections - forms basically. I have done entire sites where the front end - the part the user sees had almost no AJAX functionality in it. All the AJAX stuff was in the administration control panel for assisting in (correct!) data entry.
There is nothing worse than submitting a form and getting back an error, using AJAX you can pretty much prevent this for everything but file uploads.
I find it easiest to just stay away from all the frameworks and other helpers and just do basic Javascript. This not only lets you understand what's going on under the covers, it also lets you do it in the simplest way possible. There's really not much to it. User the JS XML DOM objects to create an xml document client side. Sent it to the server with XMLHTTPRequest, and then process the result, again using the JS XML DOM objects. Start with something simple. Just try sending one piece of information to the server, and getting a small piece of information back.
The Mozilla documentation is good. Sites that benefit from it the most are ones that behave almost like a desktop application and need high interactivity. You can usually improve usability on almost any site by using it, however.
Ajax should be thought of as a means to alter some content on a page without reloading the entire page.
So when do you need to do this? Really only when you have some user interactions or form information that you want to keep intact while you change some content on the page.
