Single quote string interpolation to access a file in linux - ruby

How do I make the parameter file of the method sound become the file name of the .fifo >extension using single quotes? I've searched up and down, and tried many different >approaches, but I think I need a new set of eyes on this one.
def sound(file)
Alright so I finally got it working, might not be the correct way but this seemed to do the trick. First thing, there may have been some white space interfering with my file parameter. Then I used the File.join option that I saw posted here by a few different people.
I used a bit of each of the answers really, and this is how it came out:
def sound(file)
file = file.strip
file = File.join('audio/',"#{file}.fifo")
#cli.stream_audio(file) if File.exist? file
Works like a charm! :D

Ruby interpolation requires that you use double quotes.
Is there a reason you need to use single quotes?
def sound(FILE)
As Charles Caldwell stated in his comment, the best way to get cross-platform file paths to work correctly would be to use File.join. Using that, your method would look like this:
def sound(FILE)
#cli.stream_audio(File.join("audio", "#{FILE}.fifo"))

Your problem is with your usage of file path separators. You are using a \. Whereas this may not seem like a big deal, it actually is when used in Ruby strings.
When you use \ in a single quoted string, nothing happens. It is evaluated as-is:
puts 'Hello\tWorld' #=> Hello\tWorld
Notice what happens when we use double quotes:
puts "Hello\tWorld" #=> "Hello World"
The \t got interpreted as a tab. That's because, much like how Ruby will interpolate #{} code in a double quote, it will also interpret \n or \t into a new line or tab. So when it sees "audio\file.fifo" it is actually seeing "audio" with a \f and "ile.fifo". It then determines that \f means 'form feed' and adds it to your string. Here is a list of escape sequences. It is for C++ but it works across most languages.
As #sawa pointed out, if your escape sequence does not exist (for instance \y) then it will just remove the \ and leave the 'y'.
"audio\yourfile.fifo" #=> audioyourfile.fifo
There are three possible solutions:
Use a forward slash:
The forward slash will be interpreted as a file path separator when passed to the system. I do most my work on Windows which uses \ but using / in my code is perfectly fine.
Use \\:
Using a double \\ escapes the \ and causes it to be read as you intended it.
Use File.join:
File.join("audio", "#{file}.fifo")
This will output the parameters with whatever file separator is setup as in the File::SEPARATOR constant.


How to obtain basename in ruby from the given file path in unix or windows format?

I need to parse a basename in ruby a from file path which I get as input. Unix format works fine on Linux.
return "text.txt".
However, when I get input in windows format:
"C:Usersjohn\note.txt" is the output (note that \n is a new line there), but I didn't get "note.txt".
Is there some nice solution in ruby/rails?
=> "note.txt"
=> "note.txt"
If the Linux file name doesn't contain \, it will work.
Try pathname:
require 'pathname''C:\Users\john\note.txt').basename
# => #<Pathname:note.txt>
Pathname docs
Ref How to get filename without extension from file path in Ruby
I'm not convinced that you have a problem with your code. I think you have a problem with your test.
Ruby also uses the backslash character for escape sequences in strings, so when you type the String literal "C:\Users\john\note.txt", Ruby sees the first two backslashes as invalid escape sequences, and so ignores the escape character. \n refers to a newline. So, to Ruby, this literal is the same as "C:Usersjohn\note.txt". There aren't any file separators in that sequence, since \n is a newline, not a backslash followed by the letter n, so File.basename just returns it as it receives it.
If you ask for user input in either a graphical user interface (GUI) or command line interface (CLI), the user entering input needn't worry about Ruby String escape sequences; those only matter for String literals directly in the code. Try it! Type gets into IRB or Pry, and type or copy a file path, and press Enter, and see how Ruby displays it as a String literal.
On Windows, Ruby accepts paths given using both "/" (File::SEPARATOR) and "\\" (File::ALT_SEPARATOR), so you don't need to worry about conversion unless you are displaying it to the user.
Backslashes, while how Windows expresses things, are just a giant nuisance. Within a double-quoted string they have special meaning so you either need to do:
Or use single quotes that avoid the issue:
Or use regular slashes which aren't impacted:
Where Ruby does the mapping for you to the platform-specific path separator.

Ruby not creating file

I'm trying to create and write to a new file using
#logFile ="C:\Users\---\Desktop\mylog.log", "w+")
And nothing happens. My program uses
#logFile.write ("Hello")
And this line seems to be running ok (no crashes or anything)
But i can't see any newly created file.
What am i missing out here?
Your backslashes are escaped, in a string enclosed with double quotes you need to double them, or just use the Unix notation.
So "C:\\Users\\---\\Desktop\\mylog.log"
or "C:/Users/---/Desktop/mylog.log"
or 'C:\Users\---\Desktop\mylog.log'
Paths in Ruby are safest in Unix notation, so even when you use backslashes for ease of copying you are better to convert them to Unix formatting.
like this 'C:\Users\---\Desktop\mylog.log'.gsub('\\','/')
The double backslash is also needed here, the ' and \ need to be escaped using single quotes.
Another tip not relevant tot the question but very handy: use the block method to open a file so that it is clear when the file is closed, see this example, 'w') do |file|
file.puts "Hello"
The file is closed after the end.
For logging though, take a look at logger, once you used it you won't stop using it.
You should always use path = File.join("C:","Program Files","Blah")
To ensure it works on any architecture.

How to list files given path with poorly escaped Windows separator

I'm attempting to do this:
but that is failing. I understand why, but I seem to lack the Ruby prowess to work around it.
I am given the path in a variable and otherwise have no control over it. Nor do I know the contents ahead of time.
Is there a way to make Dir function with double quoted strings that are poorly escaped? Alternatively, how does one take a variable with the apparent contents
and convert it into
This problem at the core seems to be how to potentially escape a string that should have been escaped but now is not.
The end result is I am not able to use the given string to do this as conceptually simple as puts() or Dir[].
If given 'c:\temp\*.*' then I have no problem. I can fix that:
foo = 'c:\temp\*.*'.gsub('\\', '/')
If given "c:\\\\temp\\\\*.*" then I have no problem. I can fix that:
foo = "c:\\temp\\*.*".gsub("\\", "/")
However, I am passed neither of those, but rather "c:\\temp\\*.*". This string contains a TAB and a second undefined escape. It is this that I can't fix in a general way.
Even if I knew the contents ahead of time I am stumped on how to properly escape and transform this. I should add that I am not a ruby programmer at the moment so maybe there is some simple method to deal with this that I am not aware of.
I tried a bunch of stuff like:
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub("\t", "/t")
which gets me part of the way, but since the actual contents of the string are not known to me ahead of time this is a little wonky. Further, if the escape character is not valid as in \\* then I am also in a jam. So this also fails:
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub("\t", "/t").gsub("\*", "/*")
Is there a way to make Dir function with double quoted strings that are poorly escaped?
Garbage in, garbage out. There is no Rumpelstiltskin routine that returns gold when given trash.
Ruby auto-converts forward-slashes in filenames/paths to reverse-slashes when running on Windows. Simply make it a habit of using forward, *nix-style, slashes and you'll be fine.
From the IO documentation:
Ruby will convert pathnames between different operating system conventions if possible. For instance, on a Windows system the filename "/gumby/ruby/test.rb" will be opened as "\gumby\ruby\test.rb". When specifying a Windows-style filename in a Ruby string, remember to escape the backslashes:
I don't have "c:\temp" I have "c:\temp" as input
In a properly defined Windows path you should see:
'c:' + '\temp' + '\*.*' # => "c:\\temp\\*.*"
Note that the single-quotes are treating "\t" as an escaped-escape + "t". Your source for the variable is creating the string improperly by using double-quotes:
'c:' + "\temp" + "\*.*" # => "c:\temp*.*"
If you have "\t", you have a TAB character. It's possible to change it to an escaped-T using:
"c:\temp" # => "c:\temp"
"c:\temp"[2] # => "\t"
"c:\temp"[2].ord # => 9
'\t' # => "\\t"
"c:\temp".sub("\t", '\t') # => "c:\\temp"
The next problem is what to do when you have a String containing "*" to convert it to "\*". There's no way to search for "\*" because that's the same as "*" as seen above:
"\*.*" # => "*.*"
But, since "*.*" is a fairly specific "anything" wildcard, maybe simply searching for and replacing that pattern would work:
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub('*.*', '\\*.*') # => "c:\temp\\*.*"
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub('*.*', '/*.*') # => "c:\temp/*.*"
Back to dealing with "\t" and putting it all together... I'd start with:
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub("\t", '\t').gsub('*.*', '/*.*') # => "c:\\temp/*.*"
"c:\temp\*.*".gsub("\t", '/t').gsub('*.*', '/*.*') # => "c:/temp/*.*"
You'll have to figure out what to do if you have something like:
where they mean they want all files starting with file. Since you're seeing ambiguous inputs it seems the input routine needs to be more rigorous to not allow reversed-slashes.

sed / Batch / Windows: Prevent changig Backslash to slash

I have a variable with a path, like this:
SET "somevar=D:\tree\path\nonsens\oink.txt"
And I have a file, where somethink like this is written
Now I want to replace the word morenonsense to D:\tree\path\nonsens\oink.txt. This should be the result
For this, I am using the tool sed for windows. But using sed in windows gives me the following:
VAR=D: ree/path/nonsens/oink.txt
The spaces between the colon and ree is a tab. I thought, I could fix it with the following line before calling sed:
SET "somevar=%somevar:\\=\\\\%"
But no, this line is not working. So I have some questions:
Is there a possibility, to prevent sed from changing \t to a tab and prevent changing two backslashed \ to a slash /?
Is there another easy way to replace a string with another string within a file with BATCH?
Does someone has another idea how to resolve this problem?
You should not \-escape the \ instances in the variable expansion; use the following:
SET "somevar=%somevar:\=\\%"
I don't know whether that solves all your problems, but SET "somevar=%somevar:\\=\\\\%" definitely does not work as intended, because it'll only match two consecutive \ chars in the input, resulting in a no-op with your input.

How can I run a unix command without using a space character so that I can execute a remote command?

I've been learning about remote/arbitrary command execution. In doing so, I came across some Ruby I thought would be fun to try and exploit.
I've been somewhat successful as I managed to get it to run the 'ls' command, but I can't work out how to add space characters into my commands. If I add a space in, the parse method that URI calls throws an exception.
Here's the code I was trying to exploit:
injection = "';ls;#"
require 'uri'
puts `curl '#{injection}'`
So your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to run an 'ls -l' command instead of 'ls' by only changing the injection string. You may not change anything but the first line.
Things I've tried:
ls%2f-l - # Doesn't raise an exception but unix doesn't unescape CGI encodings.
ls\x20-l - # Raises an exception because Ruby parses the UTF-8.
# Other various escape combinations (\\x20, etc)
Maybe it's not possible?
You can use the Internal Field Separator (<space><tab><newline>). Since this is what the shell separates with anyway, it will accept it as a separator.
injection = "';ls$IFS-l;#"
(BTW, thanks for a nice Saturday night puzzle.)
Is - it's possible. Just put your string in quotes:
1) from a command prompt:
two strings # No quote: the shell sees two strings
"one string" # with single (') or double quotes (") the shell sees only one string
2) from a string literal
mystring = "\"this will be interpreted as one string\"";
