ASP.NET_SessionId not being refreshed after Session.RemoveAll() -

I'm trying to persist the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie value (for auditing purposes) and find that the same value is being used across sessions. For example, while in development, when I hit 'F5', I've started a new session, right? But I'm seeing the same value being displayed.
Another (more real world) example, I'm logged in; make and note of the cookie value; and then log out (fires the code below) but still see the same cookie value.
public ActionResult LogOut()
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");


Changing back the url to original if exception thrown and return back to form

I have a thymeleaf signup form, which if we submit then a controller at "/signup_do" is called which validates and saves the user to database:
<form action="/signup_do" method="post">
The controller at "/signup_do" passes the request to the accountRegistration service method, which does the validation:
public String register(Account account, HttpSession session) {
session.setAttribute("accountToRegister", account);
return "Success";
The account registration method can throw an exception SignupFormException, which is handled by the #ExceptionHandler defined in that controller class:
public String handle(HttpSession session, Model response) {
Account returnDataToForm = (Account) session.getAttribute("accountToRegister");
response.addAttribute("name", returnDataToForm.getFirstName());
return "signup";
Now the problem is that when exception occurs, the inputs entered in the form is passed back to the signup form, and the entered data remains intact, but the url still remains as /signup_do.
I have tried using return "redirect:/signup" instead, which does change the url, but it ends up making a get request to the /signup url like
but my /signup controller is not designed to handle a get request, it just knows to display the form, so the information is lost.
public String signupPage() {return "signup";}
I also tried using forward:/signup, but that just ended up throwing 405 error.
I figured out a clean workaround a few hours after asking this question.
What I did is change the name of the controller that handles the signup process to ("/signup") as well. Since the controller that displays the page is a #GetMapping("/signup") and the one that handles the signup process is a #PostMapping("/signup") there is no clash.
Now even if the controller changes, the url remains the same, since both of them are signup...
public String signupPage() {return "signup";}
public String register(Account account, HttpSession session) {
session.setAttribute("accountToRegister", account);
return "success";
And this works just like I wanted!!
Redirecting will make a get request to the controller looking for the view to display, which in your situation means losing your data for the reasons you give. I can think of two workarounds:
Don't do the redirect and change the URL manually with javascript everytime you enter this view. If you dislike having a "wrong" URL in a view, editing it manually looks the most reasonable and direct approach. You can see how to do this here, including it in a script that executes everytime the page loads/the submit button is pressed.
Do the redirect and avoid losing your info by storing it in the session for a while longer, accessing it in thymeleaf in this way, instead of getting it from a model attribute. This would mean you would have to be careful to remove this session attributes later. It's also not very "clean" that your get request for the form view includes the user info, so I wouldn't go with this solution if avoidable.

Session value get deleted on page refresh in ci

I have a login function. When I login, the session gets saved. But when I refresh the page or redirect to another function, then the session (userdata) is shown blank. I have loaded the session library in autoload, but the userdata is deleted after every page refresh.
Here is my code.
public function index () {
$user = $this->input->post('user');
// after successful user checking
$this->session->set_userdata('user', $user);
// when I print session here,
// session user gets print
But when I redirect to a function (suppose 'test'), then no any session is shown.
public function test() {
When you read the post value with $this->input->post('user'); and there isn't any post the function returns null and save this in the user value.
You have to check before setting.
if ($this->input->post('user')) {
$this->session->set_userdata('username', $this->input->post('user'));
I solved the problem. Actually, accidentally I had destroyed the session at the beginning of the code. So, my session was all destroyed. I removed the code and it's working fine.

MVC 3 Cookies not working

I am using forms authentication for an MVC website and I am having a problem adding Cookies, I am using an Encrypted Forms Authentication Ticket and adding it to the Cookies but when inspecting my cookies it is there (by name "AuthCookie") but the value is always null and the Expires date is always set to "01/01/0001 00:00"... here is my Login controller code:
public ActionResult Index(Login login, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
User user = UserManager.Login(login.Username, login.Password);
string serialUser = Serialize.SerializeToString(user);
string ticket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(
new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, login.Username, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20.0), login.RemeberMe, serialUser));
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, ticket) { Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20) };
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return Redirect(returnUrl);
catch (LoginFailedException)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Login failed: Invalid Username or Password.");
return View(login);
return View(login);
At first I assumed the encrypted string was not working due to the length but I have tested this by creating a simple test cooke and I am getting the same result.
Can anyone help
When you call Redirect() or RedirectToAction(), you're terminating the response so the cookies aren't sent to the client. Some solutions:
Use TempData to persist the information across the direct, writing the Cookie in the action you redirect to.
Take a look at the way Forms Authentication cookie information is written in the NerdDinner code on CodePlex.
As mentioned in the comments, you can persist role information in Session. The recommendation to store the role information in Session and retrieve from Roles if not found would work, but I'd start by using the membership system as-is and performance tuning later if you see that it's a problem, rather than assuming it will be.

Persisting model data on form post when redisplaying the view for an invalid ModelState

Simplified example:
public ActionResult Report(DateTime? date)
if (!date.HasValue)
date = DateTime.Now;
// Clear the ModelState so that the date is displayed in the correct format as specified by the DisplayFormat attribute on the model
// Expensive call to database to retrieve the report data
ReportModel model = DataAdapter.Convert(this.reportService.GetReport((DateTime)date));
// Store in TempData in case validation fails on HttpPost
TempData["ReportModel"] = model;
return View(model);
public ActionResult Report(ReportModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Report", new { date = model.Date });
// Load the report from TempData, and restore again in case of another validation failure
model = TempData["ReportModel"] as ReportModel;
TempData["ReportModel"] = model;
// Redisplay the view, the user inputted value for date will be loaded from ModelState
return View(model);
My question is, am I going about this the right way by storing the report data in TempData? The code seems a little strange especially reading from and then writing back to TempData in the HttpPost action method to ensure it persists the next request.
Other options I can think of are:
(1) Make another call to the service layer from the HttpPost action (I'd rather not make another database call because of a validation failure just to redisplay the form as it seems inefficient). I guess I could implement caching at the service layer to avoid the database round trip...
(2) Use hidden inputs in the form (yuk!).
(3) Store the most recently viewed report in session permanently.
How is everyone else doing this sort of thing? What's the recommended practice?
My question is, am I going about this the right way by storing the report data in TempData?
No, absolutely not. Store something into TempData if and only if you redirect immediately afterwards as TempData survivces only a single redirect. If you store something into TempData in your GET action and then render a view, an AJAX request for example from this view would kill the TempData and you won't get the values back on your POST request.
The correct pattern is the following (no TempData whatsoever):
public ActionResult Report(DateTime? date)
if (!date.HasValue)
date = DateTime.Now;
// Clear the ModelState so that the date is displayed in the correct format as specified by the DisplayFormat attribute on the model
// Expensive call to database to retrieve the report data
ReportModel model = DataAdapter.Convert(this.reportService.GetReport((DateTime)date));
return View(model);
public ActionResult Report(ReportModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Report", new { date = model.Date });
// Redisplay the view, the user inputted value for date will be loaded from ModelState
// TODO: query the database/cache to refetch any fields that weren't present
// in the form and that you need when redisplaying the view
return View(model);
(1) Make another call to the service layer from the HttpPost action
(I'd rather not make another database call because of a validation
failure just to redisplay the form as it seems inefficient). I guess I
could implement caching at the service layer to avoid the database
round trip...
That's exactly what you should do. And if you have problems with optimizing those queries or concerns of hitting your or something on each POST request cache those results. Databases are hyper optimized nowadays and are designed to do exactly this (don't abuse of course, define your indexes on proper columns and performance should be good). But of course caching is the best way to avoid hitting the database if you have a very demanding web site with lots of requests and users.
(2) Use hidden inputs in the form (yuk!).
Yuk, I agree but could work in situations where you don't have lots of them.
(3) Store the most recently viewed report in session permanently.
No, avoid Session. Session is the enemy of scalable and stateless applications.

MVC 3 FormsAuthentication and disabled user accounts

I have noticed that if a user is still logged in or has a persistent cookie, even if he gets "banned", or disabled in the database (Users Table flags), the user can still access everything until that cookie goes away or the user logs out of the site. Great security right.
So I am putting together a ActionFilterAttribute that checks for this, the disturbing thing for me is I have to hit the database for every controller that his ActionFilterAttribute is applied to. There has to be a better way of doing this but I have not found one yet.
Any ideas would be awesome..
There has to be a better way of doing this but I have not found one yet.
No there isn't. Sorry. If the notion of disabled/banned user exists only in your database there is no other way but hitting your database. ASP.NET only verifies the validity of the authentication cookie which is sent on each request. It doesn't even know what a disabled user means so you cannot expect it do more than it already does.
There are a few options:
1) You can validate whether the user authentication is valid by hooking session start. This way if the user has a persistent cookie, you can validate the username and expire the cookie if needed.
2) You can use a time based mechanism to check the user auth status every few requests (every 5mins or whatever). You could store the lastChecked timestamp value in the user session or in the auth cookie itself using the UserData field. This allows you recheck if the user auth cookie needs to be expired more frequently, but keeps database calls to a minimum.
MyThis is the solution I came up with:
In the User Account Membership service add a function to return whether the user's account is still active.
public class UserAccountMembershipService : IMembershipService
public bool UserIsActive(Guid userId)
if (userId == new Guid()) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty.", "userName");
MembershipUser user = _provider.GetUser(userId, true);
return user.IsApproved;
Override the AuthorizeAttribute as follows:
public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IMembershipService membershipService = new UserAccountMembershipService();
//Check to see if the user's account is still active
bool isActive = false;
if (httpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Guid userId = (Guid)Membership.GetUser(httpContext.User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey;
isActive = membershipService.UserIsActive(userId);
if (!isActive)
//If the user's account is no longer active log him/her out
IFormsAuthenticationService FormsService = new FormsAuthenticationService();
//Call the base AuthorizationCore method
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) && isActive;
