Portable class library in visual studio 2013 (wp7/win8) - visual-studio

How to create PCL wp7/win8 in visual studio 2013?
I have already installed windows phone 7 sdk and windows phone 8 sdk, but it does not help.
There is no option for wp 7.1.

Visual Studio does not support Windows Phone 7 development.
This may change in the future but, based on what has happened with previous versions of Visual Studio and separate SDKs, I suspect that is unlikely.
It's only possible to target PCL projects for SDKs that are installed.
You could build your PCL in VS2012 and consume it in a VS2103 project though.
On the other (/plus?) side, there are free versions of VS2012 and VS2013 and the can be installed side by side so you'll be able to build for WP7 for plenty of time to come.

Visual Studio 2013 has removed support for Windows Phone 7.x, Silverlight 4 and Xbox development.
For the entire list of compatibility between Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013, see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh266747(v=vs.120).aspx.

Keep in mind that VS 2013 is still a preview. So maybe it will be available later but for the moment it looks like you can only create a PCL project with support for both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Store apps by using Visual Studio 2012

There is a solution according to
...was wondering why Visual Studio would upgrade the project while the
profile was there on disk. While digging through the xml files for
Profile104 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
which is the profile I was using, I found some xml files in the
SupportedFrameworks subfolder. These xml files defined a
MinimumVisualStudioVersion and a MaximumVisualStudioVersion. For
Profile104, one of the files contained MaximumVisualStudioVersion="11"
which means Visual Studio 2012. Changing all xml files for the profile
to have MaximumVisualStudioVersion="12", which means Visual Studio
2013, made my scenario work after a restart of Visual Studio. I can
now open the PCL in Visual Studio 2013 without it being upgraded. Make
sure you restart VS after this change to make it work.


Windows Phone: this version of Visual Studio does not have the following project types installed or does not support them

I'm exporting a Visual Studio Project file from Unity 4.6 for Windows Phone platform. However, .sln file that created by Unity cannot be open from Visual Studio 2012.
I'm getting following error.
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio does not have the following
project types installed or does not support them. You can still open
these projects in the version of Visual Studio in which they were
originally created.
- xyz, "D:\data\may5\June22nd2ndBuild\xxx\xxx.csproj" No changes required These projects can be opened in this version of Visual Studio
without changing them. They will continue to open in Visual Studio
2010 SP1 and in this version of Visual Studio.
- xyz, "D:\data\may5\June22nd2ndBuild\xxx.sln
You need to install Windows Phone SDK
While not mandatory, it will also prove useful to have Visual Studio Tools for Unity installed

.csproj file unsupported in Visual Studio 2013

So I'm trying to do what I think is a very simple thing: generate a Windows Phone app with PhoneGap and open it in Visual Studio. On a totally fresh Windows installation (via Bootcamp), I've:
Downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows (the very first download button: http://developer.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk)
Created a PhoneGap Windows Phone app per the Getting Started guide.
However, every time I try to open the csproj file, I keep getting this error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- HelloWorld, "C:\BodBot\BodBot-PG\BodBot\platforms\wp8\HelloWorld.csproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- HelloWorld, "C:\BodBot\BodBot-PG\BodBot\platforms\wp8\HelloWorld.sln"
No matter what I do. It works totally fine on Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Phone. I've tried it on VS 2013 for Desktop, and that doesn't work either. No clue what is happening here, and don't know even where to start to figure out what's wrong. I've Googled extensively to no avail; basically all instances of this error seem to have to do with previous version of VS. Pointing in any direction would be very much appreciated.
Turns out Update 2 wasn't getting installed correctly. I ended up installing Visual Studio and the Update 2 separately and Update 2 got installed successfully. Everything works now.
To build Multi device hybrid (Cordova tooling) apps with Visual Studio, you need to have Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 - Professional, Ultimate, or Premium.
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2: Global Apps e Android/iOS App

Windows Phone 7 solution can no longer be opened by Visual Studio 2012 after opening it in Visual Studio 2013

I was developing a solution for Windows Phone 7 on my system using Visual Studio 2012. I installed Visual Studio 2013 and opened the solution with it. I found that Visual Studio 2013 won't let me build a Windows Phone 7 application, so I wanted to re-open the solution in Visual Studio 2012.
Now Visual Studio 2012 shows me the following error message:
This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual Studio
What do I need to do to 'undo' the changes made to my project in the upgrade process so that I can continue working in the older version of Visual Studio to finish my project?
Visual Studio 2013 upgrades the project to the Windows Phone 8 SDK, and that is not compatible with Visual Studio 2012. If you are using a form of Source Control (Visual Studio Online, GitHub) you should roll back to the previous version. If not, Visual Studio (by default) creates a _backup folder under your solution where it will backup any files modified in the conversion process. Use these to return the project to its pre-visualstudio-2013-state.

Will the Blend 4 will work with the Visual Studio Ultimate 2012

Does the ultimate version of the Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 contains windows phone SDK and with Expression Blend 4?
I cannot find info about that even on Microsoft site.
Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend 4 are companion applications, sharing the same SLN and .csproj, vbproj files. Visual Studio 2012 also has a companion version of Blend (Blend for MS Visual Studio 2012).
None of the above IDEs are ready for Phone development. You need to install the SDK before they can create phone projects. During the install process, the SDK adds the appropriate templates to your computer.
If you have Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate it has a placeholder for phone projects. See the screenshot below.
The new version of Blend(Blend for MS Visual Studio 2012) doesn't support phone projects at all.
There is an Beta version of Blend available, with more project types, and the release version is coming soon. See this post for more details.
The ultimate version of Visual Studio 2012 contains Blend for Visual Studio 2012 (effectively "Blend 5"). Not sure why you'd need Blend 4 at that point.

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista
have visual studio 2008 installed and working
wnat to install visual studio 2010 and use with 2008,
some solutions on 08 and some on 10..
any problems possible?
Yes, you can!
Can't add anything else, honestly! :)
Well, I personally have 2005, 2008 and 2010 installed on the same workstation, for various needs and projects. Works without any problem!
No problems at all running both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 side-by-side. My development box is currently set up this way.
Solutions will automatically open in the version of Visual Studio that they were created in. You can manually choose to open them in a newer version, but you will need to update them. A wizard will automatically appear that guides you through the process.
Opening a solution saved with a newer version of VS in an older version is not a supported scenario.
But there is a workaround: simply open the *.sln file in a text editor (like Notepad) and decrement the version number by 1. You'll have to do the same thing for each of the project files.
I had the same problem with converting a Visual Studio 2008 project to 2010, which made the program could not compile at all with every measure i took.. then I installed Visual Studio 2008 again and it turns out they can be installed in the same computer and work, but you need to open visual basic 2008 manually if you want to develop a project there..
You shouldn't have any problems unless you try to develop for Windows Phone 7, which you can't currently, and may never be able to, do in Windows XP.
