VS2010 - Zip and upload to FTP - visual-studio-2010

Is it possible to have Visual Studio Zip up certain files and upload them to a ftp server whenever I have a successful build? What would be the best way to go about doing it?

Of course you can. Set up a post build script to copy the various files to your FTP server. That depends on your network configuration (may be a simple copy if it is a shared drive).
Alternatively use Jenkins and have an autobuild.


How to download full file from FTP using talend openstudio

I am currently using talend open studio to download files from ftp to local machine. This is a scheduled task. Some times I am not able to download full files from FTP since at the same time files are being uploading to ftp.
Is there any way to check file fully uploaded to FTP and download using talend ?
In similar situation we check last modified time before downloading, let say donwload only 5mn old files. This can be done using tFTPFileProperties.

save files locally and remotely

I searched for an answer but my files don't seem to save locally and remotely. I imported a project from my pc (local) and I set up an ftp connection (remotely) to my site. I was able to download and upload files to the server but they did not save locally? I did select sync in both directories.
Basically what I'd like to do is develop WordPress sites both locally (using XAMP) and remotely - uploading saved files. Is this possible?
There is a functionality within editors to save files locally as well as on remote location through ftp. What about your editor?

Publish ClickOnce app to local machine and then upload?

I'm publishing my app with ClickOnce to a web server, with the install from a web page option. But I usually have to try it like 5 times before it works because I'm using a not very good server, and it is a lot of files that are being uploaded. Also maybe since there is no bandwidth limit on the server that's the way they say "hey, easy with the bandwidth". Whatever.
But now I've been trying to publish for like 2 days already and I always get an error, always something with the server. So is it possible to publish to my own PC as if it were a server and then upload my files manually, without having to manually create a manifest and stuff like that?
Yes. Set the publishing file location to a local directory, like C:\MyApp. Then set the installation URL to the URL the users will use to access it on the webserver. Publish it.
It will publish the files to the local folder.
Copy or FTP the new versioned folder up to the server first. This is under "Application Files", and will be something like yourappname_1_2_3_4 where is the version number (for example).
Next, copy setup.exe, publish.htm (if you're using it), and yourappname.application to the root of your deployment folders on the server, overwriting the ones that are already there.
The version the user runs is determined by that deployment manifest (.application file) in the root of the deployment folder, so the versioned folder will not be accessed until you put the new deployment manifest in place. That's why you want to do the versioned folder first. Obviously if you put in the new deployment manifest and the folder it wants to use is not there, you'll have a problem.

Automatic transfer to ftp after any file is modified

Is there a Windows option, FileZilla option, other FTP program or some other program I can use that will copy any file I modify in a directory to a directory in an FTP Server?
Situation: I'm doing my development in my machine with my own server, but since it can't be broadcast, I have it serving from another domain. I'm in the beginning stages so code is changed every minute, but it is tiresome to copy the modified files to the FTP every time and also remember the ones that need to be copied.
So, I want a program that will check my directory and upload any modified files to the FTP.
Netbeans has its own "Project from a Remote Server". And it will auto sync any changed file!
Tested and worked.
Thanks to Mikecito for the suggestion.

Visual Studio - Publish to multiple locations?

Is there a way to automatically publish a website to multiple locations at once?
Our website is load balanced across multiple servers, so when I want to publish I have to do it to each server individually.
Perhaps with some build scripts, such as MSBuild? Or perhaps you could create a script (PowerShell, VBScript, whatever), which copies all contents of a directory, and invoke it in the post build event (configurable in Visual Studio), so that once your solution (or the last project, actually) is built the script will run and copy the output files to wherever you need them.
You could
Publish the content to a UNC and have all of the web servers work off of that UNC
Push the content from your staging/QA server to production using a tool like MSDeploy
Use FRS to replicate the files from a "master" webserver to everyone else.
MSDeploy is setup to handle this using multiple Configurations for each location. Scott Hanselman presented on this at Mix '10
or just use multiple publish commands. one for each location.
