Rspec Ruby Mocking - ruby

I would like to achieve 100% coverage on a module. My problem is that there is a variable (called data) within a method which I am trying to inject data in to test my exception handling. Can this be done with mocking? If not how can i fully test my exception handling?
module CSV
module Extractor
class ConversionError < RuntimeError; end
class MalformedCSVError < RuntimeError; end
class GenericParseError < RuntimeError; end
class DemoModeError < RuntimeError; end
data = `.\\csv2text.exe #{path} -f xml --xml_output_styles 2>&1`
case data
when /Error: Wrong input filename or path:/
raise MalformedCSVError, "the CSV path with filename '#{path}' is malformed"
when /Error: A valid password is required to open/
raise ConversionError, "Wrong password: '#{path}'"
when /CSVTron CSV2Text: This page is skipped when running in the demo mode./
raise DemoModeError, "CSV2TEXT.exe in demo mode"
when /Error:/
raise GenericParseError, "Generic Error Catch while reading input file"
csvObj =
csvObj = nil
return csvObj
Let me know what you think! Thanks
===================== EDIT ========================
I have modified my methods to the design pattern you suggested. This method-"open(path)" is responsible for trapping and raising errors, get_data(path) just returns data, That's it! But unfortunately in the rspec I am getting "exception was expected to be raise but nothing was raised." I thought maybe we have to call the open method from your stub too?
This is what I tried doing but still no error was raised..
it 'should catch wrong path mode' do
obj = double(CSV::Extractor)
obj.stub!(:get_data).and_return("Error: Wrong input filename or path:")
expect {"some fake path")}.to raise_error CSV::Extractor::MalformedCSVError

Extract the code that returns the data to a separate method. Then when you test open you can stub out that method to return various strings that will exercise the different branches of the case statement. Roughly like this for the setup:
def self.get_data(path)
`.\\csv2text.exe #{path} -f xml --xml_output_styles 2>&1`
data = get_data(path)
And I assume you know how to stub methods in rspec, but the general idea is like this:
foo = ...
foo.stub(:get_data).and_return("Error: Wrong input filename or path:")
expect { foo.get_data() }.to raise_error MalformedCSVError
Also see the Rspec documentation on testing for exceptions.

Problem with testing your module lies in the way you have designed your code. Think about splitting extractor into two classes (or modules, it's matter of taste -- I'd go with classes as they are a bit easier to test), of which one would read data from external system call, and second would expect this data to be passed as an argument.
This way you can easily mock what you currently have in data variable, as this would be simply passed as an argument (no need to think about implementation details here!).
For easier usage you can later provide some wrapper call, that would create both objects and pass one as argument to another. Please note, that this behavior can also be easily tested.


How do you test custom Bugsnag meta_data in Ruby?

How do you test custom Bugsnag meta_data (in Ruby, with Rspec)?
The code that I want to test:
def do_something
rescue => e
Bugsnag.notify(e) do |r|
r.meta_data = { my_extra_data: "useful info" }
The test I want to write:
context "when there's an error" do
it "calls Bugsnag with my special metadata" do
expect(Bugsnag).to receive(:notify) # TODO test meta_data values contain "my useful info"
expect do
do_something() # exception is thrown and rescued and sent to Bugsnag
end.not_to raise_error
I am using:
Ruby 2.6.6
Rspec 3.9.0
Bugsnag 6.17.0
The data inside of the meta_data variable is considerably more complicated than in this tiny example, which is why I want to test it. In a beautiful world, I would extract that logic to a helper and test the helper, but right now it is urgent and useful to test in situ.
I've been looking at the inside of the Bugsnag gem to figure this out (plus some Rspec-fu to capture various internal state and returned data) but at some point it's a good idea to ask the internet.
Since the metadata is complicated, I'd suggest simplifying it:
def do_something
rescue => e
Bugsnag.notify(e) do |r|
r.meta_data = error_metadata(e, self, 'foo')
# I assumed that you'd like to pass exception and all the context
def error_metadata(e, object, *rest), object, *rest).metadata
So now you can have a separate test for BugsnagMetadataComposer where you have full control (without mocking) over how you initialize it, and test for metadata output.
Now you only have to test that BugsnagMetadataComposer is instantiated with the objects you want, metadata is called and it returns dummy hash:
let(:my_exception) { }
let(:mock_metadata) { }
before do
# ensure thing_that_could_error throws `my_exception`
.to receive(new)
.with(my_exception, subject, anything)
And the hard part, ensure that metadata is assigned. To do that you can cheat a little and see how Bugsnag gem is doing it
Apparently there's something called breadcrumbs:
let(:breadcrumbs) { Bugsnag.configuration.breadcrumbs }
Which I guess has all the Bugsnag requests, last one on top, so you can do something similar to
specify do
expect(breadcrumbs.last.metadata).to eq(expected_metadata)
And for clarity, the whole spec would look a bit like this:
let(:my_exception) { }
let(:mock_metadata) { }
before do
# ensure thing_that_could_error throws `my_exception`
.to receive(new)
.with(my_exception, subject, anything)
specify do
expect(breadcrumbs.last.metadata).to eq(expected_metadata)

rspec to stub several File.exists? calls

I have a function with several File.exists? calls:
def create(one_filename, other_filename)
raise Error, "One error" if File.exists?(one_filename)
raise Error, "Other error" unless File.exist?(other_filename)
But I don't know the way to stub the second error. The spec is something as:
it "should not create an existing file" do
expect {
}.to raise_error("One error")
it "should has to exists the other filename" do
expect {
}.to raise_error("Other error")
For the second spec (it "should has to exists the other filename") the File exists? stub raises the first check.
What is the best way to spec the two raises?
To return multiple values for multiple calls, simply do:
File.stub(:exists?).and_return(false, true)
Or, preferably, use the new syntax:
Allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false, true)
Another option would be to stub the method according to its input variables:
Allow(File).to receive(:exists?).with(one_filename).and_return(false)
Allow(File).to receive(:exists?).with(other_filename).and_return(true)
This has the added value of actually testing the behavior rather than the implementation.
Mocking calls to FileUtils or File means tightly coupling tests with the implementation.
Just calling the following code before your stub should be enough.
allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original

RSpec -- test if method called its block parameter

I have a method that takes block of code as an argument. The problem is: how to test using RSpec if this method called the block?
The block may be evaluated in any scope the method needs, not necessarily using a yield or It be passed to another class, or evaluated it in an anonymous class object or somewhere else. For the test to pass it is enough to evaluate the block somewhere as a result of the method call.
Is there a way to test something like this using RSpec?
See also this for more complex case with lets and mocks.
I like using throw instead of raise for this sort of problem, because it can't be rescued be an arbitrary rescue handler. So it might look like this:
my_proc = proc { throw :my_proc_was_called }
expect {
}.to throw_symbol :my_proc_was_called
I usually do something like
a = 1
b.go { a = 2}
a.should == 2
Thanks to Dave Newton's suggestion in the comment above I did something like this:
it "should run block defining the node" do
message="This message is raised if block is properly evaluated."
expect do
node do
raise message
end raise_error message
In case of error this prints message:
Failure/Error: expect do
expected Exception with "This message is raised if block is properly evaluated." but nothing was raised
Which I find informative enough.
Thanks again for help!

Ruby Double (RR) How do I set up expectations for a block of method calls passed to block argument method?

In my code I have code similar to the following contrived example.
class Excel
def self.do_tasks
with_excel do |excel|
def with_excel
excel = WIN32OLE.connect('Excel.Application')
yield excel
Now, I want to write a test for the 'do_tasks' method, where I set up expectations for the method calls and see if those expectations are fulfilled.
I tried the following approach (with shoulda-context and test-unit). However,the expectations fail for the three last mocks (the mocks do not get called).
class ExcelTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
should "call the expected methods" do
Any pointers on how to test this sort of code would be much appreciated!
An older question, but I've just been doing some work on some similar code with rr and thought I'd throw in an answer.
The following test will do what you asked (using RR and TestUnit):
describe Excel do
describe '.do_tasks' do
let(:excel_ole) { mock!.close.subject }
before do
stub(WIN32OLE).connect('Excel.Application') { excel_ole }
it 'calls the expected methods' do
assert_received(Excel) { |subject| subject.delete_old_exports }
It uses RR's "spy" doubles - see
However, in the case of the sample code you provided, the fact that the methods you want to test are inside a block is an implementation detail and shouldn't be implicitly tested (this can lead to brittle tests). The test above shows this, the with_excel method is not mocked (incidentally, this should be defined as self.with_excel for the code to work). The implementation could be refactored so that the WIN32OLE initialisation and teardown happens inline in the .do_tasks method and the test would still pass.
On another note, it may be a side effect of the contrived example, but in general it's a bad idea to test non-public methods. The methods delete_old_exports, export_images and export_documents look like they should perhaps be factored out to collaborators.

Is there a way to mock/stub "puts" in Rails

I am printing some custom messages in my application using the puts command. However, I do not want these to be appearing in my Test Output. So, I tried a way to stub puts as shown below. But it still outputs my messages. What am I doing wrong ?
stubs(:puts).returns("") #Did not work out
Object.stubs(:puts).returns("") #Did not work out either
puts.stubs.returns "" #Not working as well
Kernel.stubs(:puts).returns "" #No luck
I am using Test::Unit
You probably need to stub it on the actual instance that calls puts. E.g. if you're calling puts in an instance method of a User class, try:
user =
This similarly applies to when you're trying to test puts in the top-level execution scope:
What I would do is define a custom log method (that essentially calls puts for now) which you can mock or silence in test quite easily.
This also gives you the option later to do more with it, like log to a file.
edit: Or if you really want to stub puts, and you are calling it inside an instance method for example, you can just stub puts on the instance of that class.
Using Rails 5 + Mocha: $stdout.stubs(puts: '')
So the comments to the original post point to the answer:
Kernel.send(:define_method, :puts) { |*args| "" }
Instead of silencing all output, I would only silence output from the the particular objects that are putsing during your tests.
class TestClass
def some_method
puts "something"
it "should do something expected" do
TestClass.send(:define_method, :puts) { |*args| "" }
test_class.some_method.should == "abc123"
