Child Window Z-Order - winapi

I see in MSDN, it says:
If the created window is a child window, its default position is at the bottom of the Z-order. If the created window is a top-level window, its default position is at the top of the Z-order (but beneath all topmost windows unless the created window is itself topmost).
However, another documentation says:
When an application creates a window, the system puts it at the top of the z-order for windows of the same type
I tested it like this:
, 10, 10, 50, 30, hWnd, (HMENU)51, hInst, NULL);
btn2 = ::CreateWindow(L"button", L"Cancel", WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD|BS_PUSHBUTTON|WS_VISIBLE
, 20, 20, 70, 30, hWnd, (HMENU)52, hInst, NULL);
I created two buttons in a window and they overlapped, I can see that the button created later is covering the first button created.
Is the first statement in MSDN contradictory to my testing?

The documentation is accurate. You are being tripped up by another problem, you allow the child windows to draw themselves across other child windows. So now the painting order matters.
You fix that by adding the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style flag to your CreateWindowEx call. You'll now see that the OK button is on top. Fix:
btn1 = ::CreateWindow(L"button", L"OK",
10, 10, 50, 30, hWnd, (HMENU)51, hInst, NULL);
// etc, use it as well on other child windows

You should not rely to much on the how the child windows are displayed and which one is drawn last. If I run your sample code I get an OK button which is overlapped by the Cancel button. If I move the mouse over the buttons then the OK button comes into foreground and draws over the Cancel button.
I once had similar trouble with overlapping child controls. Then I found out that Microsoft says Overlapping Controls Are Not Supported by Windows.
BTW, if you really want to see the Z-order, then use GetTopWindow and GetNextWindow. Or the simpler way: run Microsoft Spy++.


How can I set the control's tab index?

Does winapi supports something like Control.TabIndex? if not, how is this usually implemented? Do I have to process the key tab press from a WM_KEYDOWN message and set focus on the control accordingly or is there something native to do that? I have no code to show yet because I'm trying to figure out how begun to do that.
Tab order is based o z-order (order in which children are painted). Initially z-order is based on creation order, so controls are painted and tabbed in same order as creation order.
When creating controls this could be changed by reordering creation sequence (in code or *.rc file).
After creation use SetWindowPos( hwnd, other_hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); to rearrange controls in z-order.

How to clear an HWND so that it will show everything underneath?

I'm trying to make an application which will grey out all the windows except for ones that have focus. I've seen one out there but it expects that the one with focus is above all the rest, which is not the case (using focus follows mouse mode).
So, I'm thinking that this would be straight forward, and I can brush up on some of my old WinAPI skills. I create a standard Windows Desktop Application in VS2017, and modify the InitInstance() function
Creating the window:
BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow)
HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx(
, szWindowClass, szTitle
, NULL // no style
, 0, 0, 640, 480 // initial window rect
, NULL // parent window (desktop)
, NULL // no menu
, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
Remove title bar, grips and such:
SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, 0);
I want it to be opaque, but with alpha blended transparency:
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA);
So, now I get a white window popup. It has no titlebar or menu and sits above all my other windows and is ignored when I click on it, allowing access to the windows underneath. If I set the opacity to something lower than 255, I can see through the window.
However, I can't seem to keep it from being white. I just want to have it blank so that when I draw on it, it will show what I draw, with the appropriate alpha blended attributes.
Looking around, I found How to "Clear" a WinAPI Transparent Window, but that is for controls on a window, not the window itself. So I don't think it really applies. Also, I don't really want to do the work of iterating over all the windows and bliting the contents onto a memory DC and then bliting that onto my window DC. That seems silly. There must be some way of clearing the DC, but how?
Other things I've tried is:
In the MyRegisterClass() function, I've set WNDCLASSEXW::hbrBackground to (HBRUSH)NULL_BRUSH.
In the WM_PAINT message handler, I've set the PAINTSTRUCT::fErase to TRUE before calling EndPaint().
Neither of these helped.

Remove border from win32 button

I have a button which is created in the WM_CREATE function of a Win32 Application with the following code:
hChangeWorldButton = CreateWindowEx(NULL,
SendMessage(hChangeWorldButton, BM_SETIMAGE, (WPARAM)IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)worldBmp);
I would like the button to show only the image. Not the background and border.
How can I do this? I have tried many different button styles from MSDN but nothing seems to fit my needs. I was thinking of using BS_OWNERDRAW but it seems a bit overkill. Or is it the only solution?
Finally, how can I change the cursor to be a hand when it's hovering over the button?
No button style is available that results in the visual representation you are after. You would have to go with BS_OWNERDRAW here.
As an alternative you could use a Static Control with the SS_NOTIFY style instead. A static control allows you to get the visual representation you want, and the SS_NOTIFY styles allows you to respond to mouse input. However, you will not be able to implement a keyboard interface.
While I have not tried this myself, it may also be possible to get the desired effect by using a Command Link (BS_COMMANDLINK), and setting the caption to an empty string.
To eliminate the button's background and border simply make the button smaller than the bitmap.

WinAPI FindWindow

I am building a win32 application in visual studio 2012. I have 4 disabled buttons created with the following code:
HWND hWndButton=CreateWindowEx(NULL,
What I want to do is to enable the buttons as the application runs. I tried to use findwindow to find and enable the first button but it doesn't find it. My code is:
HWND hwB1 = FindWindow(L"BUTTON",L"APP1");
if (hwB1 !=0) MessageBox(NULL,L"FOUND",L"Button Found",MB_OK);
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance.
FindWindow() finds top-level windows, not child windows.
If you really do want to look up a child window by name, you can use the FindWindowEx() function, but using the ID is usually more efficient.
The function that does this is GetDlgItem(). This looks up child windows by their ID, which you provide when you create them.
HWND hwB1 = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_BUTTON1);
hWnd is the parent window, and IDC_BUTTON1 is the ID.
Another alternative is to simply store the window handle that's returned when you create the child window - hWndButton in your code example - and then you don't need to look it up at all.
Use FindWindowEx(),
HWND hwB1=FindWindowEx(hWnd/*Parent window*/,
hWndButton/*Child window*/,
"BUTTON"/*Class of the child window*/,
"APP1"/*Title of the child window*/);
This is a better method when the control ID is unknown.

Using CreateWindow and adding buttons and such to it? How?

I have realised after so long of coding DirectX/OpenGL applications I don't have the faintest of ideas how to create windows with basic form objects like text boxes, labels, command buttons etc.
I can create a window using the CreateWindow function just fine, how can I add buttons, command prompts and other form objects to it?
Look at Create Window Help. Once you create your main window you can create child windows by providing the parent HWND to the function. For standard controls you use one of the class names defined at the button, like EDIT for an edit box and BUTTON for a button.
As an example: CreateWindow(L"BUTTON", L"Button", BS_TEXT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 40, 40, 100, 40, hMainWnd, (HMENU)ID_MYBUTTON, hInstance, NULL);
Or you could just create a dialog box instead and edit it with Visual Studio's resource editor (if you have full VS that is).
