How to parse a more complicated JSON object in Ruby on Sinatra - ruby

I'm a Java guy, new to Ruby. I've been playing with it just to see what it can do, and I'm running into an issue that I can't solve.
I decided to try out Sinatra, again, just to see what it can do, and decided to play with the ESPN API and see if I can pull the venue of a team via the API.
I'm able to make the call and get the data back, but I am having trouble parsing it:
{"sports"=>[{"name"=>"baseball", "id"=>1, "uid"=>"s:1", "leagues"=>[{"name"=>"Major League Baseball", "abbreviation"=>"mlb", "id"=>10, "uid"=>"s:1~l:10", "groupId"=>9, "shortName"=>"MLB", "teams"=>[{"id"=>17, "uid"=>"s:1~l:10~t:17", "location"=>"Cincinnati", "name"=>"Reds", "abbreviation"=>"CIN", "color"=>"D60042", "venues"=>[{"id"=>83, "name"=>"Great American Ball Park", "city"=>"Cincinnati", "state"=>"Ohio", "country"=>"", "capacity"=>0}], "links"=>{"api"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}, "news"=>{"href"=>""}, "notes"=>{"href"=>""}}, "web"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}}, "mobile"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}}}}]}]}], "resultsOffset"=>0, "resultsLimit"=>50, "resultsCount"=>1, "timestamp"=>"2013-08-04T14:47:13Z", "status"=>"success"}
I want to pull the venues part of the object, specifically the name value. Every time I try to parse it I end up getting an error along the lines of "cannot change from nil to string" and then also I've gotten an integer to string error.
Here's what i have so far:
get '/venue/:team' do
id = ids[params[:team]]
url = '' + id + '?enable=venues&apikey=' + $key
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
data = resp.body
parsed = JSON.parse(resp.body)
#venueData = parsed["sports"]
"Looking for the venue of the #{params[:team]}, which has id " + id + ", and here's the data returned: " + venueData.to_s
When I do parsed["sports"} I get:
[{"name"=>"baseball", "id"=>1, "uid"=>"s:1", "leagues"=>[{"name"=>"Major League Baseball", "abbreviation"=>"mlb", "id"=>10, "uid"=>"s:1~l:10", "groupId"=>9, "shortName"=>"MLB", "teams"=>[{"id"=>17, "uid"=>"s:1~l:10~t:17", "location"=>"Cincinnati", "name"=>"Reds", "abbreviation"=>"CIN", "color"=>"D60042", "venues"=>[{"id"=>83, "name"=>"Great American Ball Park", "city"=>"Cincinnati", "state"=>"Ohio", "country"=>"", "capacity"=>0}], "links"=>{"api"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}, "news"=>{"href"=>""}, "notes"=>{"href"=>""}}, "web"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}}, "mobile"=>{"teams"=>{"href"=>""}}}}]}]}]
But nothing else parses. Please help!
Like I said, I'm not trying to do anything fancy, just figure out Ruby a little for fun, but I have been stuck on this issue for days now. Any help would be appreciated!
JSON straight from the API:
{"sports" :[{"name" :"baseball","id" :1,"uid" :"s:1","leagues" :[{"name" :"Major League Baseball","abbreviation" :"mlb","id" :10,"uid" :"s:1~l:10","groupId" :9,"shortName" :"MLB","teams" :[{"id" :17,"uid" :"s:1~l:10~t:17","location" :"Cincinnati","name" :"Reds","abbreviation" :"CIN","color" :"D60042","venues" :[{"id" :83,"name" :"Great American Ball Park","city" :"Cincinnati","state" :"Ohio","country" :"","capacity" :0}],"links" :{"api" :{"teams" :{"href" :""},"news" :{"href" :""},"notes" :{"href" :""}},"web" :{"teams" :{"href" :""}},"mobile" :{"teams" :{"href" :""}}}}]}]}],"resultsOffset" :0,"resultsLimit" :50,"resultsCount" :1,"timestamp" :"2013-08-05T19:44:32Z","status" :"success"}
The result of data.inspect:
"{\"sports\" :[{\"name\" :\"baseball\",\"id\" :1,\"uid\" :\"s:1\",\"leagues\" :[{\"name\" :\"Major League Baseball\",\"abbreviation\" :\"mlb\",\"id\" :10,\"uid\" :\"s:1~l:10\",\"groupId\" :9,\"shortName\" :\"MLB\",\"teams\" :[{\"id\" :17,\"uid\" :\"s:1~l:10~t:17\",\"location\" :\"Cincinnati\",\"name\" :\"Reds\",\"abbreviation\" :\"CIN\",\"color\" :\"D60042\",\"venues\" :[{\"id\" :83,\"name\" :\"Great American Ball Park\",\"city\" :\"Cincinnati\",\"state\" :\"Ohio\",\"country\" :\"\",\"capacity\" :0}],\"links\" :{\"api\" :{\"teams\" :{\"href\" :\"\"},\"news\" :{\"href\" :\"\"},\"notes\" :{\"href\" :\"\"}},\"web\" :{\"teams\" :{\"href\" :\"\"}},\"mobile\" :{\"teams\" :{\"href\" :\"\"}}}}]}]}],\"resultsOffset\" :0,\"resultsLimit\" :50,\"resultsCount\" :1,\"timestamp\" :\"2013-08-05T19:44:24Z\",\"status\" :\"success\"}"

parsed["sports"] does not exist, parse your input and inspect it/ dump it

With the data you've provided in the question, you can get to the venues information like this:
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse data
# => [{"id"=>83, "name"=>"Great American Ball Park", "city"=>"Cincinnati", "state"=>"Ohio", "country"=>"", "capacity"=>0}]
By replacing each of the first calls with an iterator, you can search through without knowing where the data is:
venues = h["venues"].map{|h| h["name"]}.join(", ")
puts %Q!name: #{h["location"]} #{h["name"]} venues: #{venues}!
This outputs:
name: Cincinnati Reds venues: Great American Ball Park
Depending on how stable the response data is you may be able to cut out several of the iterators:
venues = h["venues"].map{|h| h["name"] }.join(", ")
puts %Q!name: #{h["location"]} #{h["name"]} venues: #{venues}!
and you'll most likely want to save the data, so something like each_with_object is helpful:
team_and_venues = json["sports"].first["leagues"]
venues = h["venues"].map{|h| h["name"]}.join(", ")
xs << %Q!name: #{h["location"]} #{h["name"]} venues: #{venues}!
# => ["name: Cincinnati Reds venues: Great American Ball Park"]
# => ["name: Cincinnati Reds venues: Great American Ball Park"]
Notice that when an iterator declares variables, even if there is a variable with the same name outside the block, the scope of the block is respected and the block's variables remain local.
That's some pretty ugly code if you ask me, but it's a place to start.


`*': negative argument (ArgumentError)

I'm trying to sort in descending order an array of photo objects from Flickr API based on the number of comments(count_comments) of each photo. I'm using the following code.
def rank_photos(photos)
photos.sort_by { |photo| photo.count_comments * -1 }
However I get the following error message.
*': negative argument (ArgumentError)
Here is what the Array looks like
[{"id"=>"38280904752", "owner"=>"131718287#N07",
"secret"=>"abe0b93180", "server"=>"4583", "farm"=>5,
"title"=>"IMG_3640", "ispublic"=>1, "isfriend"=>0, "isfamily"=>0,
"count_comments"=>"0", "tags"=>"washington post dc web women codeher17
dctech tech technology",
"url_m"=>"", "height_m"=>"333", "width_m"=>"500"}, {"id"=>"38312540901",
"owner"=>"131718287#N07", "secret"=>"7b6e6805d4", "server"=>"4568",
"farm"=>5, "title"=>"IMG_3458", "ispublic"=>1, "isfriend"=>0,
"isfamily"=>0, "count_comments"=>"0", "tags"=>"washington post dc web
women codeher17 dctech tech technology",
"url_m"=>"", "height_m"=>"500", "width_m"=>"333"}, {"id"=>"38281453252",
"owner"=>"131718287#N07", "secret"=>"438293cffd", "server"=>"4539",
"farm"=>5, "title"=>"IMG_3460", "ispublic"=>1, "isfriend"=>0,
"isfamily"=>0, "count_comments"=>"0", "tags"=>"washington post dc web
women codeher17 dctech tech technology",
"url_m"=>"", "height_m"=>"333", "width_m"=>"500"}
Why is throwing this error?
count_comments is a string, so you should convert it to a number first. In the process you can also eliminate the multiplication altogether.
def rank_photos(photos)
photos.sort_by { |photo| -photo.count_comments.to_i }

I want to create a new local variable from the sum of two others in Ruby but I'm stuck

I am trying to change one example to take a user input rather than using hard coded values then use those local variables to work out items needed.
So far my code looks like this:
print "Number of cars available today."
cars = gets.chomp()
print "Number of available seats in the car."
space_in_a_car = gets.chomp()
print "Number of drivers available."
drivers = gets.chomp()
print "Number of passagers that need transport."
passangers = gets.chomp
cars_not_driven = #{cars} - #{drivers}
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = #{cars_driven} * #{space_in_a_car}
average_passanger_per_car = #{passangers} / #{drivers}
print "The number of cars being driven today is #{cars_driven}.\n"
print "The number of cars not being driven today is #{cars_not_driven}.\n"
print "We have #{carpool_capacity} cars available.\n"
print "So we need to carry #{average_passanger_per_car} passangers per car to make sure we can transport everyone.\n"
The code will run without throwing any errors but of course because I am not getting the correct commands in:
cars_not_driven = #{cars} - #{drivers}
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = #{cars_driven} * #{space_in_a_car}
average_passanger_per_car = #{passangers} / #{drivers}
the only value I am getting in the return is:
print "The number of cars being driven today is #{cars_driven}.\n"
How should I be writing:
cars_not_driven = #{cars} - #{drivers} etc
to get the number of cars_not_driven?
I don't understand very well why you use this #{var} and <br>. If I am right that you want to use plain ruby, this should be the solution:
print "Number of cars available today."
cars = gets.chomp().to_i
print "Number of available seats in the car."
space_in_a_car = gets.chomp().to_i
print "Number of drivers available."
drivers = gets.chomp().to_i
print "Number of passagers that need transport."
passangers = gets.chomp.to_i
cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
average_passanger_per_car = passangers / drivers
print "The number of cars being driven today is #{cars_driven}.\n"
print "The number of cars not being driven today is #{cars_not_driven}.\n"
print "We have #{carpool_capacity} cars available.\n"
print "So we need to carry #{average_passanger_per_car} passangers per car to make sure we can transport everyone.\n"
When you use gets Ruby is expecting and returning a String. So variables car, drivers etc are all String.
In order to do integer operation over them, you need to convert them to integers. In Ruby you can do this using .to_i.
Now with that information, try:
cars_not_driven = cars.to_i - drivers.to_i
cars_driven = drivers.to_i
carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car.to_i
average_passanger_per_car = passangers.to_i / drivers.to_i
You can check the class of a variable using .class. Here:
cars = gets.chomp()
# => "10"
# => String
drivers = gets.chomp()
# => "20"
# => String
Now lets add them:
cars + drivers
# => "1020"
Since they are string, + operator is adding two strings to one. Not something you intended. Now try this:
cars.to_i + drivers.to_i
# => 30

Ruby - URL to Markdown

TOTAL rookie here.
I'm working on customizing a script made by Brett Terpstra -
Mine is a different use: I'd like to save my pinboard bookmarks with a specific tag to a file in dropbox in Markdown.
I feed it a text file such as:
Title: Yesterday is over.
Tags: 2md, 2wcx, 2pdf
Date: June 20, 2013 at 06:20PM
Image: notused
Excerpt: You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
And it outputs the markdown file.
Everything works great except when the 'excerpt' (see above) is more than one line. Sometimes it's a couple of paragraphs. When that happens, it stops working. When I hit enter from the command line, it's still waiting for more input.
Here's an example of a file that it doesn't work on:
Title: Talking ’bout my Generation.
Tags: 2md, 2wcx, 2pdf
Date: June 28, 2013 at 09:46PM
Image: notused
Excerpt: Contrast two men from the 19th century: Max Jukes and Jonathan Edwards.
Max Jukes lived in New York. He did not believe in Christ or in raising his children in the way of the Lord. He refused to take his children to church, even when they asked to go. Of his 1,026 descendants:
•300 were sent to prison for an average term of 13 years
•190 were prostitutes
•680 were admitted alcoholics
His family, thus far, has cost the state in excess of $420,000 and has made no contribution to society.
Jonathan Edwards also lived in New York, at the same time as Jukes. He was known to have studied 13 hours a day and, in spite of his busy schedule of writing, teaching, and pastoring, he made it a habit to come home and spend an hour each day with his children. He also saw to it that his children were in church every Sunday. Of his 929 descendants:
•430 were ministers
•86 became university professors
•13 became university presidents
•75 authored good books
•7 were elected to the United States Congress
•1 was Vice President of the United States
Edwards’ family never cost the state one cent.
We tend to think that our decisions only affect ourselves, but they have ramifications for generations to come.
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like after I run the command:
I'm hoping it's something easy. Any ideas?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Works with IFTTT recipe
# Set Hazel to watch the folder you specify in the recipe.
# Make sure nvALT is set to store its notes as individual files.
# Edit the $target_folder variable below to point to your nvALT
# ntoes folder.
require 'date'
require 'open-uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'fileutils'
require 'cgi'
$target_folder = "~/Dropbox/messx/urls2md"
def url_to_markdown(url)
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(""),{'u'=>url,'read'=>'1'})
if res.code.to_i == 200
file = ARGV[0]
input ='utf-8')
headers = {}
input.each_line {|line|
key, value = line.split(/: /)
headers[key] = value.strip || ""
outfile = File.join(File.expand_path($target_folder), headers['Title'].gsub(/["!*?'|]/,'') + ".txt")
date ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
date_added = Date.parse(headers['Date']).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
content = "Title: #{headers['Title']}\nDate: #{date}\nDate Added: #{date_added}\nSource: #{headers['URL']}\n"
tags = false
if headers['Tags'].length > 0
tag_arr = header s['Tags'].split(", ")! {|tag|
tags = tag_arr.join(" ")
content += "Keywords: #{tags}\n"
markdown = url_to_markdown(headers['URL']).force_encoding('utf-8')
if markdown
content += headers['Image'].length > 0 ? "\n\n> #{headers['Excerpt']}\n\n---#{markdown}\n" : "\n\n"+markdown
content += headers['Image'].length > 0 ? "\n\n![](#{headers['Image']})\n\n#{headers['Excerpt']}\n" : "\n\n"+headers['Excerpt']
end,'w') {|f|
f.puts content
if tags && File.exists?("/usr/local/bin/openmeta")
%x{/usr/local/bin/openmeta -a #{tags} -p "#{outfile}"}
# FileUtils.rm(file)
rescue Exception => e
puts e
How about this? Modify your input.each_line area accordingly:
headers = {}
key = nil
input.each_line do |line|
match = /^(?<key>\w+)\s*:\s*(?<value>.*)/.match(line)
value = line
if match
key = match[:key].strip
headers[key] = match[:value].strip
headers[key] += line
First, splitting on just ":" is dangerous since that can be in content. Instead, a (simplified from code) regex of /^\w+:.*/ will match "Word: Content". Since the lines after the "Excerpt:" aren't prefixed, you need to hang on to the last seen key, and just append if there's no key for this line. You may need to add a newline in there, depending on what you're doing with that header information, but it seems to work.

Amazon API and hardcover versus paperback

When searching Amazon using their API is there a way to separate out hardcover, paperback, kindle and preorderable books?
I'm using Ruby and Amazon Product gem and have been searching through their documentation looking for info on this and haven't managed to find anything yet.
I have come across some starting points that I am working through. There seems to a way to get this information via RrelatedItems ResponseGroup as described here. The KindleStore hierarchy seems relevant.
update II:
Binding is possibly the field I need to somehow look at and amazon's API provides an way of getting to AlternateVersions of an ASIN using the AlternativeVersion ResponseGroup type for books.
I will assume you know how to set up the Amazon Product gem request object correctly. from there, you can do...
search = 'Ender\'s Game' )
search.each('Item') do |item|
asin = item["ASIN"]
title = item['ItemAttributes']['Title']
hash = {
:response_group => ['ItemAttributes']
items = req.find( asin, hash )
items.each('Item') do |ia|
puts "[#{asin}]: #{title} => [#{ia['ItemAttributes']['Binding']}]"
which produces output like
[0812550706]: Ender's Game (Ender, Book 1) => [Mass Market Paperback]
[0765362430]: The Ender Quartet Box Set: Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind => [Mass Market Paperback]
[0812550757]: Speaker for the Dead (Ender, Book 2) => [Mass Market Paperback]
[0765342405]: Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) => [Paperback]
[B003G4W49C]: Ender's Game => [Kindle Edition]
[0785135820]: Ender's Game: Command School => [Hardcover]
[0785135804]: Ender's Game: Battle School (Ender's Game Gn) => [Hardcover]
[0765362449]: The Ender's Shadow Series Box Set: Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant => [Paperback]
[0785136096]: Ender's Game: Formic Wars: Burning Earth => [Hardcover]
[0812565959]: Shadow of the Hegemon (Ender, Book 6) => [Mass Market Paperback]
You could try looking at the BrowseNodes. For example if you see the kindle store BrowseNode you know it's a kindle book.

Working with nested hashes in Rails 3

I'm working with the Koala gem and the Facebook Graph API, and I want to break down the results I get for a users feed into separate variables for inserting into a mySQL database, probably using Active Record. Here is the code I have so far:
#token = Service.where(:provider => 'facebook', :user_id => session[:user_id]).first.token
#graph =
#feeds = params[:page] ? #graph.get_page(params[:page]) : #graph.get_connections("me", "home")
And here is what #feeds looks like:
[{"id"=>"1519989351_1799856285747", "from"=>{"name"=>"April Daggett Swayne", "id"=>"1519989351"},
"link"=>"", "name"=>"Mobile Uploads",
"icon"=>"", "type"=>"photo", "object_id"=>"1799856805760", "application"=>{"name"=>"Facebook for Android",
"id"=>"350685531728"}, "created_time"=>"2011-07-03T03:14:04+0000", "updated_time"=>"2011-07-03T03:14:04+0000"}, {"id"=>"2733058_10100271380562998", "from"=>{"name"=>"Joshua Ramirez",
"id"=>"2733058"}, "message"=>"Just posted a photo",
"link"=>"", "name"=>"jtrainexpress's photo", "caption"=>"",
"icon"=>"", "actions"=>[{"name"=>"Comment",
"link"=>""}, {"name"=>"Like", "link"=>""}], "type"=>"link",
"application"=>{"name"=>"Instagram", "id"=>"124024574287414"}, "created_time"=>"2011-07-03T02:07:37+0000", "updated_time"=>"2011-07-03T02:07:37+0000"},
{"id"=>"588368718_10150230423643719", "from"=>{"name"=>"Eric Bailey", "id"=>"588368718"}, "link"=>"", "name"=>"Martis Camp",
"caption"=>"Eric checked in at Martis Camp.", "description"=>"Rockin the pool", "icon"=>"", "actions"=>[{"name"=>"Comment",
"link"=>""}, {"name"=>"Like", "link"=>""}],
"place"=>{"id"=>"105474549513998", "name"=>"Martis Camp", "location"=>{"city"=>"Truckee", "state"=>"CA", "country"=>"United States", "latitude"=>39.282813917575,
"longitude"=>-120.16736760768}}, "type"=>"checkin", "application"=>{"name"=>"Facebook for iPhone", "id"=>"6628568379"}, "created_time"=>"2011-07-03T01:58:32+0000",
"updated_time"=>"2011-07-03T01:58:32+0000", "likes"=>{"data"=>[{"name"=>"Mike Janes", "id"=>"725535294"}], "count"=>1}}]
I have looked around for clues on this, and haven't found it yet (but I'm still working on my stackoverflow-foo). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That isn't a Ruby Hash, that's a fragment of a JSON string. First you need to decode into a Ruby data structure:
# If your JSON string is in json...
h = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json) # Or your favorite JSON decoder.
Now you'll have a Hash in h so you can access it like any other Hash:
array = h['data']
puts array[0]['id']
# prints out 1111111111_0000000000000
puts array[0]['from']['name']
# prints Jane Done
