Is there a way to find programmatically the consecutive natural numbers?
On the Internet I found some examples using either factorization or polynomial solving.
Example 1
For n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3) = 840
n = 7, -4, (3+i√111)/2, (3-i√111)/2
Example 2
For n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3) = 1680
n = 8, −5, (3+i√159)/2, (3-i√159)/2
Both of those examples give 4 results (because both are 4th degree equations), but for my use case I'm only interested in the natural value. Also the solution should work for any sequences size of consecutive numbers, in other words, n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)(n−4)...
The solution can be an algorithm or come from any open math library. The parameters passed to the algorithm will be the product and the degree (sequences size), like for those two examples the product is 840 or 1640 and the degree is 4 for both.
Thank you
If you're interested only in natural "n" solution then this reasoning may help:
Let's say n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...(n-k) = A
The solution n=sthen verifies:
remainder of A/s = 0
remainder of A/(s-1) = 0
remainder of A/(s-2) = 0
and so on
Now, we see that s is in the order of t= A^(1/k) : A is similar to s*s*s*s*s... k times. So we can start with v= (t-k) and finish at v= t+1. The solution will be between these two values.
So the algo may be, roughly:
s= 0
t= (int) (A^(1/k)) //this truncation by leave out t= v+1. Fix it in the loop
for (v= t-k to v= t+1, step= +1)
{ i=0
while ( i <= k )
{ if (A % (v - k + i) > 0 ) // % operator to find the reminder
continue at theLoop
i= i+1
// All are valid divisors, solution found
s = v
if (s==0)
not natural solution
Assuming that:
n is an integer, and
n > 0, and
k < n
Then approximately:
n = FLOOR( (product ** (1/(k+1)) + (k+1)/2 )
The only cases I have found where this isn't exactly right is when k is very close to n. You can of course check it by back-calculating the product and see if it matches. If not, it almost certainly is only 1 or 2 in higher than this estimate, so just keep incrementing n until the product matches. (I can write this up in pseudocode if you need it)
I have got one question to print one million prime numbers . I have written a java program for that .. It's currently taking 1.5 mins approx to calculate it .. I think my solution is not that efficient. I have used the below algo:
Adding 1 2 3 to the prime list initially
Calculating the last digit of the number to be checked
Checking if the digit is 0 , 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 then skipping the number
else calculating the square root of the number ..
Trying to Divide the number starting from 2 till the square root of the number
if number is divisible then skipping the number else adding it to the prime list
I have read several other solutions as well , but I didn't find a good answer. Please suggest ideally what should be approx minimum time to calculate this and what changes are required to make the algorithm more efficient.
If you added 1 to your list, your answer is wrong already :)
Anyway, Sieve of Erathosthenes is where you should begin, it's incredibly simple and quite efficient.
Once you're familiar with the idea of sieves and how they work, you can move on to Sieve of Atkin, which is a bit more complicated but obviously more efficient.
Key things:
Skip all even numbers. Start with 5, and just add two at a time.
1 isn't a prime number...
Test a number by finding the mod of all prime numbers till the square root of the number. No need to test anything but primes.
A simple sieve of Eratosthenes runs like the clappers. This calculates the 1,000,000th prime in less than a second on my box:
class PrimeSieve
public List<int> Primes;
private BitArray Sieve;
public PrimeSieve(int max)
Primes = new List<int> { 2, 3 }; // Must include at least 2, 3.
Sieve = new BitArray(max + 1);
foreach (var p in Primes)
for (var i = p * p; i < Sieve.Length; i += p) Sieve[i] = true;
public int Extend()
var p = Primes.Last() + 2; // Skip the even numbers.
while (Sieve[p]) p += 2;
for (var i = p * p; i < Sieve.Length; i += p) Sieve[i] = true;
return p;
EDIT: sieving optimally starts from p^2, not 2p, as Will Ness correctly points out (all compound numbers below p^2 will have been marked in earlier iterations).
You might want to implement Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to find prime numbers from 1 to n and iteratively increase the range while you are doing it if needed to. (i.e. did not find 1,000,000 primes yet)
First, 1 is not a prime number.
Second, the millionth prime is 15,485,863, so you need to be prepared for some large data-handling.
Third, you probably want to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes; here's a simple version:
function sieve(n)
bits := makeArray(0..n, True)
for p from 2 to n step 1
if bits[p]
output p
for i from p*p to n step p
bits[i] := False
That may not work for the size of array that you will need to calculate the first million primes. In that case, you will want to implement a Segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes.
I've done a lot of work with prime numbers at my blog, including an essay that provides an optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes, with implementations in five programming languages.
No matter what you do, with any programming language, you should be able to compute the first million primes in no more than a few seconds.
Here's an Ocaml program that implements the Trial division sieve (which is sort of the inverse of Eratosthenes as correctly pointed out by Will):
(* Creates a function for streaming integers from x onward *)
let stream x =
let counter = ref (x) in
fun () ->
let _ = counter := !counter + 1 in
(* Filter the given stream of any multiples of x *)
let filter s x = fun () ->
let rec filter' () = match s () with
n when n mod x = 0 ->
filter' ()|
n ->
n in
filter' ();;
(* Get next prime, apply a new filter by that prime to the remainder of the stream *)
let primes count =
let rec primes' count' s = match count' with
0 ->
_ ->
let n = s () in
n :: primes' (count' - 1) (filter s n) in
primes' count (stream 1);;
It works on a stream of integers. Each time a new prime number is discovered, a filter is added to the stream so that the remainder of the stream gets filtered of any multiples of that prime number. This program can be altered to generate prime numbers on-demand as well.
It should be fairly easy to take the same approach in Java.
Hope this helps!
Here's a javascript solution that uses recursion and iteration to reach the millionth prime. It's not as fast as the Sieve of Erathosthenes, but does not require one to know the value of the millionth prime (i.e., size of the required sieve) in advance:
function findPrimes(n, current, primes) {
if (!n || current < 2) return []
var isPrime = true
for (var i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
if (current % primes[i] == 0) {
isPrime = false
if (isPrime) primes.push(current)
if (primes.length < n) return findPrimes(n, current + 1, primes)
else return primes
var primes = [2,3]
for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
primes = findPrimes(i*1000, primes[primes.length - 1]+1, primes)
console.log(i*1000 + 'th prime: ' + primes[primes.length-1])
996000th prime: 15419293
997000th prime: 15435941
998000th prime: 15452873
999000th prime: 15469313
1000000th prime: 15485863
Process finished with exit code 0
As a fresher level I will try this one, so any improvement to make this more efficient and faster is appreciated
public static void main(String ar[]) {
ArrayList primeNumbers = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 2; primeNumbers.size() < 1000000; i++) {//first 1 million prime number
// for(int i = 2; i < 1000000; i++) {//prime numbers from 1 to 1 million
boolean divisible = false;
for(int j=2;j<i/2;j++){
if((i % j) == 0) {
divisible = true;
if(divisible == false) {
// System.out.println(i + " ");
Adding 1 2 3 to the prime list initially
Actually, just 2 is sufficient. Hard-coding 3 might save, at most, a millisecond. There's no need to harp on 1. I am convinced that including it was an honest mistake. You already knew, and working on this program would have helped confirm this.
Calculating the last digit of the number to be checked
The last digit? In what base? Base 10? I think this might be your problem.
Checking if the digit is 0, 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 then skipping the number
else calculating the square root of the number
I think this is where the problem lies. Your program should simply skip even numbers, because, aside from −2 and 2, they're all composite. On the other hand, this won't halve running time because odd numbers like 91 and and 2209 might require more effort to be ruled out as not prime.
Trying to Divide the number starting from 2 till the square root of the number
if number is divisible then skipping the number else adding it to the prime list
Does "2 till the square root of the number" include numbers like 4, 6 and 9? The only potential factors that need to be checked are numbers that have already been proven prime. If n is not divisible by 7, it won't be divisible by 49 either. If you're building up a list, you might as well use it to check potential primes.
Benchmarking Java's a little difficult because you're at the mercy of the runtime system. Still, a minute and a half, while it would have been considered miraculous by Mersenne, is too slow today. Five, ten seconds, that I'd find acceptable.
Maybe this is one of those cases where you should avoid the use of objects in favor of an array of primitives. My first draft took even longer than yours. Eventually I came up with this:
static int[] fillWithPrimes(int quantity) {
int[] primes = new int[quantity];
primes[0] = 2;
int currPi = 1;
int currIndex = 0;
int currNum = 3;
int currPrime;
boolean coPrimeFlag;
double squareRoot;
while (currPi < quantity) {
squareRoot = Math.sqrt(currNum);
do {
currPrime = primes[currIndex];
coPrimeFlag = (currNum % currPrime != 0);
} while (coPrimeFlag && currPrime <= squareRoot);
if (coPrimeFlag) {
primes[currPi] = currNum;
currNum += 2;
currIndex = 0;
return primes;
Then I wrote a main() that notes the time before calling fillWithPrimes() with a quantity parameter of 1,000,000, and reports on the results:
Operation took 2378 milliseconds
10th prime is 29
100th prime is 541
1000th prime is 7919
10000th prime is 104729
100000th prime is 1299709
1000000th prime is 15485863
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
I'm sure it can be optimized further. Me, personally, I'm satisfied with two and a half seconds.
Isn't everything after 5 ending in a five divisible by 5 as well, so you can skip things who's right(1,numb)<>"5" for example 987,985. I made one in Excel that will test a million numbers for primes and spit them in a column in about 15 seconds but it gets crazy around 15 million
It's an interview question.
Given a number n, find out how many numbers have digit 2 in the range 0...n
For example ,
input = 13 output = 2 (2 and 12)
I gave the usual O(n^2) solution but is there a better approach.
is there any 'trick' formula that will help me to get the answer right away
Count the numbers that do not have the digit 2. Among the numbers less than 10k, there are exactly 9k of them. Then it remains to treat the numbers from 10k to n, where
10^k <= n < 10^(k+1)
which you can do by treating the first digits individually (the cases 2 and others have to be differentiated), and then the first 2 digits etc.
For example, for n = 2345, we find there are 9^3 = 729 numbers without the digit 2 below 1000. There are again 729 such numbers in the range from 1000 to 1999. Then in the range from 2000 to 2345, there are none, for a total of 1458, hence the numbers containing the digit 2 are
2345 - 1458 = 887
argument 'digit' is the one which we want to count and arg 'number' is till where we want to count. For eg: If we want to count occurrences of '1', from 0 to 12, call the function with digit=1, and number=12, and it will return the number of occurrences of '1'.
int countOccurrences(int digit, int number)
int counter = 0;
for(int i=1; i<number; i++)
int j = i;
while(j > 0)
if(j%10 == digit)
j /= 10;
return counter;
Given the number with the digits ABCDEF you can count the number of '2's in the ranges [0,F], [0,E9], [0,D99], [0,C999], [0,B9999] and [0,A99999] and add them.
Then for the range [0, X9999...999], the top number T = X9999...999 can be written as (X+1) * 10<sup>nines</sup> -1.
The number of '2's in that range is:
((X >= 2 ? 1/(X + 1)) : 0) + nines/10 ) * (T + 1);
That is: if X >= 2, the fraction of numbers that have a '2' at the position nines+1 is 1/(X+1), In total there are (T+1)/(X+1) '2's at that position. If X < 2, then no number on [0..T] has a '2' at that position.
For the other digit positions, is easy to see that at every digit position, 1/10 of the numbers have a '2', so there are (T+1)/10 '2's at position 0, (T+1)/10 '2's at position 1, etc. In total, (T+1) * nines / 10.
The complexity of this solution is O(logN).
this is how I would go about coding my first draft (Python code)
def count2(n) :
return [p for p in range(n+1) if '2' in str(p)]
and that will return you a list with the containing number.
In terms of performance it is not that bad, for n=10,000,000 an average iteration takes about 5.5 seconds
Given a set of n numbers (1 <= n <= 100) where each number is an integer between 1 and 450,we need to distribute those set of numbers into two sets A and B, such that the following two cases hold true:
The total numbers in each set differ by at most 1.
The sum of all the numbers in A is as nearly equal as possible to the sum of all the numbers in B i.e. the distribution should be fair.
Can someone please suggest an efficient algorithm for solving the above problem ?
Thank You.
Since the numbers are small it is not NP-complete.
To solve it you can use dynamic programming:
Make a three-dimensional table of booleans
where true at t[s, n, i] means that the sum s can be reached with a subset of n elements below index i.
To compute the value for t[s, n, i] check t[s, n, i-1] and t[s - a[i], n-1, i-1].
Then look through the table at second index n/2 to find the best solution.
Edit: You actually don't need the complete table at once. You can make a two dimensional table t_i[s, n] for each index i and compute the table for i from the table for i-1, so you only need two of these two-dimensional tables, which saves a lot of memory. (Thanks to Martin Hock.)
This is a constrained version of the Number Partioning Problem. Usually the goal is to find any 2 disjoint subsets that minimize the difference of the sums. Your problem is constrained in the sense you only consider 1 possiblity: 2 sets of size N/2 (or 1 set of N/2 and one set of N/2+1 if the total number if uneven). This dramatically reduces the search space, but I can't thnk of a good algorithm at the moment, I'll think about it.
If the numbers are sequential then you just alternate assigning them between A and B.
I suspect they are not, in which case...
Assign the largest unassigned number to the group with the lowest sum unless the difference in size of the the groups is less than or equal to count of unassigned numbers (in which case assign all of the remaining numbers to smaller group).
It won't find the best solution in all cases, but its close and simple.
Never mind, I thought the numbers were sequential. This looks kind of like the Knapsack Problem, which is NP hard.
The numbers are sequential?
Put the largest number in A
Put the next largest number in B
Put the next largest number in B
Put the next largest number in A
Repeat step 1 until all the numbers are assigned.
After every multiple of 4 numbers has been assigned, A and B both contain the same number of items, and the sum of the items in each group are the same because
(n) + (n - 3) == (n - 1) + (n - 2)
In the last iteration we are at Step 1 above and we have either 0, 1 1, 2 [1,2], or 3 [1,2,3] numbers remaining.
In case 0, we are done and the groups are equal in count and weight.
In case 1, we assign the number 1 to group A. Group A has one more item and one more weight. This is as fair as we can get in this situation.
In case 2, we assign the number 2 to group A and the number 1 to group B. Now the groups have the same number of items and group A has one extra weight. Again, this is as fair as we can get.
In case 3, assign the number 3 to group A, and assign numbers 2 and 1 to group B. Now the groups have the same weight (3 == 2 + 1) and group B has one extra item.
First, find a solution to the problem without the first constraint (i.e. - making sums as close as possible). This problem can be solved using DP approach (you can read more about DP here, and the first problem - about coins - is very similar to yours).
Once you can solve it, you can add one more state to your DP - the number of persons selected to the subset already. This gives you a N^3 algorithm.
I have an algorithm for you. It is using a lot of recursive and iterative concepts.
Assuming you have n number Xn with 1 <= n <= 100 and 1 <= Xn <= 450.
If n < 3 then distribute numbers and stop algorithm,
If n > 2 then sort your list of number in ascending order,
Compute the total sum S of all numbers,
Then divide the previous total S by (n - n%2)/2 and obtain the A value,
Now we will create couple of numbers which addition will be as near as possible as A. Get the first number and find a second number in order to obtain a sum S1 as near as possible than A. Put S1 in a new list of number and keep in memory how the sum was computed in order to have the base numbers later.
Execute 5. until numbers in the list is < 2. Then put the remaining numbers to the sum list and restart algorithm to point 1. with new list.
Assuming: n = 7 and numbers are 10, 75, 30, 45, 25, 15, 20
Pass 1:
Since n > 2 so sort the list : 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 75
Sum S = 220
A = 220 / ((7-1)/2) = 73
10 & 75 => 85
15 & 45 => 60
20 & 30 => 50
Remaining numbers are < 2 so add 25 in the sum list : 85(10,75), 60(15,45), 50(20,30), 25(25)
Pass 2:
n = 4 and numbers are 85, 60, 50, 25
List count is > 2 so sort list : 25(25), 50(20,30), 60(15,45), 85(10,75)
Sum S is still the same (S=220) but A must be recompute : A = 220 / ((4-0)/2) = 110
25 & 85 => 110
50 & 60 => 110
The Sum list is : 110(25(25),85(10,75)), 110(50(20,30),60(15,45))
Pass 3:
n = 2 and numbers are 110, 110
n < 3 so distribute numbers:
A = 25, 10, 75
B = 20, 30, 15, 45
This works on each scenario I have tested.
your requirement in #2 needs clarification, because:
"The sum of all the numbers in A is as nearly equal as possible to the sum of all the numbers in B" is clear, but then your statement "the distribution should be fair" makes everything unclear. What does 'fair' exactly mean? Does the process need a random element in it?
#ShreevatsaR notes that the algorithm below is known as the greedy algorithm. It does not do very well with certain inputs (I tried 10 different sets of randomly generated sets of inputs of size 100 and in all cases, the sums were very close which led me to think sorting the input was enough for the success of this algorithm).
See also "The Easiest Hard Problem", American Scientist, March-April 2002, recommended by ShreevatsaR.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( sum );
my #numbers = generate_list();
print "#numbers\n\n";
my (#A, #B);
my $N = #numbers;
while ( #numbers ) {
my $n = pop #numbers;
printf "Step: %d\n", $N - #numbers;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( sum(#A) < sum(#B) ) {
push #A, $n;
else {
push #B, $n;
printf "A: %s\n\tsum: %d\n\tnum elements: %d\n",
"#A", sum(#A), scalar #A;
printf "B: %s\n\tsum: %d\n\tnum elements: %d\n\n",
"#B", sum(#B), scalar #B;
sub generate_list { grep { rand > 0.8 } 1 .. 450 }
Note that generate_list returns a list in ascending order.
I assume the numbers are not sequential, and you can't re-balance?
Because of constraint 1, you're going to need to switch buckets every other insertion, always. So every time you're not forced to pick a bucket, pick a logical bucket (where adding the number would make the sum closer to the other bucket). If this bucket isn't the same one as your previous bucket, you get another turn where you're not forced.
Any dual knapsack algorithm will do (regardless of distribution of numbers).
Simulated Annealing can quite quickly find better and better answers. You could keep 1. true while improving the nearness of 2.
If you need the perfect answer then you have to generate and loop through all of the possible sets of answers. If a pretty good answer is all you need then a technique like simulated annealing is the way to go. Heres some C code that uses a very primitive cooling schedule to find an answer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXPAR 50
#define MAXTRIES 10000000
int data1[] = {192,130,446,328,40,174,218,31,59,234,26,365,253,11,198,98,
} ;
int data2[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 } ;
// What does the set sum to
int sumSet ( int data[], int len )
int result = 0 ;
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
result += data[i] ;
return result ;
// Print out a set
void printSet ( int data[], int len )
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
printf ( "%d ", data[i] ) ;
printf ( " Sums to %d\n", sumSet ( data,len ) ) ;
// Partition the values using simulated annealing
void partition ( int data[], size_t len )
int set1[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 1
int set2[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 2
int set1Pos, set2Pos, dataPos, set1Len, set2Len ; // Data about the partitions
int minDiff ; // The best solution found so far
int sum1, sum2, diff ;
int tries = MAXTRIES ; // Don't loop for ever
set1Len = set2Len = -1 ;
dataPos = 0 ;
// Initialize the two partitions
while ( dataPos < len )
set1[++set1Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
if ( dataPos < len )
set2[++set2Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
// Very primitive simulated annealing solution
sum1 = sumSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
sum2 = sumSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
diff = sum1 - sum2 ; // The initial difference - we want to minimize this
minDiff = sum1 + sum2 ;
printf ( "Initial diff is %d\n", diff ) ;
// Loop until a solution is found or all are tries are exhausted
while ( diff != 0 && tries > 0 )
// Look for swaps that improves the difference
int newDiff, newSum1, newSum2 ;
set1Pos = rand() % set1Len ;
set2Pos = rand() % set2Len ;
newSum1 = sum1 - set1[set1Pos] + set2[set2Pos] ;
newSum2 = sum2 + set1[set1Pos] - set2[set2Pos] ;
newDiff = newSum1 - newSum2 ;
if ( abs ( newDiff ) < abs ( diff ) || // Is this a better solution?
tries/100 > rand() % MAXTRIES ) // Or shall we just swap anyway - chance of swap decreases as tries reduces
int tmp = set1[set1Pos] ;
set1[set1Pos] = set2[set2Pos] ;
set2[set2Pos] = tmp ;
diff = newDiff ;
sum1 = newSum1 ;
sum2 = newSum2 ;
// Print it out if its the best we have seen so far
if ( abs ( diff ) < abs ( minDiff ) )
minDiff = diff ;
printSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
printSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
printf ( "diff of %d\n\n", abs ( diff ) ) ;
--tries ;
printf ( "done\n" ) ;
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
// Change this to init rand from the clock say if you don't want the same
// results repoduced evert time!
srand ( 12345 ) ;
partition ( data1, 31 ) ;
partition ( data2, 9 ) ;
return 0;
I would give genetic algorithms a try, as this seems a very nice problem to apply them.
The codification is just a binary string of length N, meaning 0 being in the first group and 1 in the second group. Give a negative fitness when the number of elements in each group differs, and a positive fitness when the sums are similar... Something like:
fitness(gen) = (sum(gen)-n/2))^2 + (sum(values[i]*(-1)**gen[i] for i in 0..n))^2
(And minimize the fitness)
Of course this can give you a sub-optimal answer, but for large real world problems it's usually enough.
What would be the most optimal algorithm (performance-wise) to calculate the number of divisors of a given number?
It'll be great if you could provide pseudocode or a link to some example.
EDIT: All the answers have been very helpful, thank you. I'm implementing the Sieve of Atkin and then I'm going to use something similar to what Jonathan Leffler indicated. The link posted by Justin Bozonier has further information on what I wanted.
Dmitriy is right that you'll want the Sieve of Atkin to generate the prime list but I don't believe that takes care of the whole issue. Now that you have a list of primes you'll need to see how many of those primes act as a divisor (and how often).
Here's some python for the algo Look here and search for "Subject: math - need divisors algorithm". Just count the number of items in the list instead of returning them however.
Here's a Dr. Math that explains what exactly it is you need to do mathematically.
Essentially it boils down to if your number n is:
n = a^x * b^y * c^z
(where a, b, and c are n's prime divisors and x, y, and z are the number of times that divisor is repeated)
then the total count for all of the divisors is:
(x + 1) * (y + 1) * (z + 1).
Edit: BTW, to find a,b,c,etc you'll want to do what amounts to a greedy algo if I'm understanding this correctly. Start with your largest prime divisor and multiply it by itself until a further multiplication would exceed the number n. Then move to the next lowest factor and times the previous prime ^ number of times it was multiplied by the current prime and keep multiplying by the prime until the next will exceed n... etc. Keep track of the number of times you multiply the divisors together and apply those numbers into the formula above.
Not 100% sure about my algo description but if that isn't it it's something similar .
There are a lot more techniques to factoring than the sieve of Atkin. For example suppose we want to factor 5893. Well its sqrt is 76.76... Now we'll try to write 5893 as a product of squares. Well (77*77 - 5893) = 36 which is 6 squared, so 5893 = 77*77 - 6*6 = (77 + 6)(77-6) = 83*71. If that hadn't worked we'd have looked at whether 78*78 - 5893 was a perfect square. And so on. With this technique you can quickly test for factors near the square root of n much faster than by testing individual primes. If you combine this technique for ruling out large primes with a sieve, you will have a much better factoring method than with the sieve alone.
And this is just one of a large number of techniques that have been developed. This is a fairly simple one. It would take you a long time to learn, say, enough number theory to understand the factoring techniques based on elliptic curves. (I know they exist. I don't understand them.)
Therefore unless you are dealing with small integers, I wouldn't try to solve that problem myself. Instead I'd try to find a way to use something like the PARI library that already has a highly efficient solution implemented. With that I can factor a random 40 digit number like 124321342332143213122323434312213424231341 in about .05 seconds. (Its factorization, in case you wondered, is 29*439*1321*157907*284749*33843676813*4857795469949. I am quite confident that it didn't figure this out using the sieve of Atkin...)
Your divisors function has a bug in that it does not work correctly for perfect squares.
int divisors(int x) {
int limit = x;
int numberOfDivisors = 0;
if (x == 1) return 1;
for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
if (x % i == 0) {
limit = x / i;
if (limit != i) {
return numberOfDivisors;
I disagree that the sieve of Atkin is the way to go, because it could easily take longer to check every number in [1,n] for primality than it would to reduce the number by divisions.
Here's some code that, although slightly hackier, is generally much faster:
import operator
# A slightly efficient superset of primes.
def PrimesPlus():
yield 2
yield 3
i = 5
while True:
yield i
if i % 6 == 1:
i += 2
i += 2
# Returns a dict d with n = product p ^ d[p]
def GetPrimeDecomp(n):
d = {}
primes = PrimesPlus()
for p in primes:
while n % p == 0:
n /= p
d[p] = d.setdefault(p, 0) + 1
if n == 1:
return d
def NumberOfDivisors(n):
d = GetPrimeDecomp(n)
powers_plus = map(lambda x: x+1, d.values())
return reduce(operator.mul, powers_plus, 1)
ps That's working python code to solve this problem.
Here is a straight forward O(sqrt(n)) algorithm. I used this to solve project euler
def divisors(n):
count = 2 # accounts for 'n' and '1'
i = 2
while i ** 2 < n:
if n % i == 0:
count += 2
i += 1
if i ** 2 == n:
count += 1
return count
This interesting question is much harder than it looks, and it has not been answered. The question can be factored into 2 very different questions.
1 given N, find the list L of N's prime factors
2 given L, calculate number of unique combinations
All answers I see so far refer to #1 and fail to mention it is not tractable for enormous numbers. For moderately sized N, even 64-bit numbers, it is easy; for enormous N, the factoring problem can take "forever". Public key encryption depends on this.
Question #2 needs more discussion. If L contains only unique numbers, it is a simple calculation using the combination formula for choosing k objects from n items. Actually, you need to sum the results from applying the formula while varying k from 1 to sizeof(L). However, L will usually contain multiple occurrences of multiple primes. For example, L = {2,2,2,3,3,5} is the factorization of N = 360. Now this problem is quite difficult!
Restating #2, given collection C containing k items, such that item a has a' duplicates, and item b has b' duplicates, etc. how many unique combinations of 1 to k-1 items are there? For example, {2}, {2,2}, {2,2,2}, {2,3}, {2,2,3,3} must each occur once and only once if L = {2,2,2,3,3,5}. Each such unique sub-collection is a unique divisor of N by multiplying the items in the sub-collection.
An answer to your question depends greatly on the size of the integer. Methods for small numbers, e.g. less then 100 bit, and for numbers ~1000 bit (such as used in cryptography) are completely different.
general overview:
values for small n and some useful references: A000005: d(n) (also called tau(n) or sigma_0(n)), the number of divisors of n.
real-world example: factorization of integers
JUST one line
I have thought very carefuly about your question and I have tried to write a highly efficient and performant piece of code
To print all divisors of a given number on screen we need just one line of code!
(use option -std=c99 while compiling via gcc)
for(int i=1,n=9;((!(n%i)) && printf("%d is a divisor of %d\n",i,n)) || i<=(n/2);i++);//n is your number
for finding numbers of divisors you can use the following very very fast function(work correctly for all integer number except 1 and 2)
int number_of_divisors(int n)
int counter,i;
for(counter=0,i=1;(!(n%i) && (counter++)) || i<=(n/2);i++);
return counter;
or if you treat given number as a divisor(work correctly for all integer number except 1 and 2)
int number_of_divisors(int n)
int counter,i;
for(counter=0,i=1;(!(n%i) && (counter++)) || i<=(n/2);i++);
return ++counter;
NOTE:two above functions works correctly for all positive integer number except number 1 and 2
so it is functional for all numbers that are greater than 2
but if you Need to cover 1 and 2 , you can use one of the following functions( a little slower)
int number_of_divisors(int n)
int counter,i;
for(counter=0,i=1;(!(n%i) && (counter++)) || i<=(n/2);i++);
if (n==2 || n==1)
return counter;
return ++counter;
int number_of_divisors(int n)
int counter,i;
for(counter=0,i=1;(!(i==n) && !(n%i) && (counter++)) || i<=(n/2);i++);
return ++counter;
small is beautiful :)
The sieve of Atkin is an optimized version of the sieve of Eratosthenes which gives all prime numbers up to a given integer. You should be able to google this for more detail.
Once you have that list, it's a simple matter to divide your number by each prime to see if it's an exact divisor (i.e., remainder is zero).
The basic steps calculating the divisors for a number (n) are [this is pseudocode converted from real code so I hope I haven't introduced errors]:
for z in 1..n:
prime[z] = false
prime[2] = true;
prime[3] = true;
for x in 1..sqrt(n):
xx = x * x
for y in 1..sqrt(n):
yy = y * y
z = 4*xx+yy
if (z <= n) and ((z mod 12 == 1) or (z mod 12 == 5)):
prime[z] = not prime[z]
z = z-xx
if (z <= n) and (z mod 12 == 7):
prime[z] = not prime[z]
z = z-yy-yy
if (z <= n) and (x > y) and (z mod 12 == 11):
prime[z] = not prime[z]
for z in 5..sqrt(n):
if prime[z]:
zz = z*z
x = zz
while x <= limit:
prime[x] = false
x = x + zz
for z in 2,3,5..n:
if prime[z]:
if n modulo z == 0 then print z
You might try this one. It's a bit hackish, but it's reasonably fast.
def factors(n):
for x in xrange(2,n):
if n%x == 0:
return (x,) + factors(n/x)
return (n,1)
Once you have the prime factorization, there is a way to find the number of divisors. Add one to each of the exponents on each individual factor and then multiply the exponents together.
For example:
Prime Factorization: 2^2*3^2
Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
Number of Divisors: 9
Add one to each exponent 2^3*3^3
Multiply exponents: 3*3 = 9
Before you commit to a solution consider that the Sieve approach might not be a good answer in the typical case.
A while back there was a prime question and I did a time test--for 32-bit integers at least determining if it was prime was slower than brute force. There are two factors going on:
1) While a human takes a while to do a division they are very quick on the computer--similar to the cost of looking up the answer.
2) If you do not have a prime table you can make a loop that runs entirely in the L1 cache. This makes it faster.
This is an efficient solution:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int num = 20;
int numberOfDivisors = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= num; i++)
int exponent = 0;
while (num % i == 0) {
num /= i;
numberOfDivisors *= (exponent+1);
std::cout << numberOfDivisors << std::endl;
return 0;
Divisors do something spectacular: they divide completely. If you want to check the number of divisors for a number, n, it clearly is redundant to span the whole spectrum, 1...n. I have not done any in-depth research for this but I solved Project Euler's problem 12 on Triangular Numbers. My solution for the greater then 500 divisors test ran for 309504 microseconds (~0.3s). I wrote this divisor function for the solution.
int divisors (int x) {
int limit = x;
int numberOfDivisors = 1;
for (int i(0); i < limit; ++i) {
if (x % i == 0) {
limit = x / i;
return numberOfDivisors * 2;
To every algorithm, there is a weak point. I thought this was weak against prime numbers. But since triangular numbers are not print, it served its purpose flawlessly. From my profiling, I think it did pretty well.
Happy Holidays.
You want the Sieve of Atkin, described here:
Number theory textbooks call the divisor-counting function tau. The first interesting fact is that it's multiplicative, ie. τ(ab) = τ(a)τ(b) , when a and b have no common factor. (Proof: each pair of divisors of a and b gives a distinct divisor of ab).
Now note that for p a prime, τ(p**k) = k+1 (the powers of p). Thus you can easily compute τ(n) from its factorisation.
However factorising large numbers can be slow (the security of RSA crytopraphy depends on the product of two large primes being hard to factorise). That suggests this optimised algorithm
Test if the number is prime (fast)
If so, return 2
Otherwise, factorise the number (slow if multiple large prime factors)
Compute τ(n) from the factorisation
This is the most basic way of computing the number divissors:
class PrintDivisors
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Enter the number");
// Create Scanner object for taking input
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
// Read an int
int n=s.nextInt();
// Loop from 1 to 'n'
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
// If remainder is 0 when 'n' is divided by 'i',
System.out.print(i+", ");
// Print [not necessary]
System.out.print("are divisors of "+n);
the prime number method is very clear here .
P[] is a list of prime number less than or equal the sq = sqrt(n) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < size && P[i]<=sq ; i++){
nd = 1;
if (n==1)break;
if (n!=1)count*=2;//the confusing line :D :P .
i will lift the understanding for the reader .
i now look forward to a method more optimized .
The following is a C program to find the number of divisors of a given number.
The complexity of the above algorithm is O(sqrt(n)).
This algorithm will work correctly for the number which are perfect square as well as the numbers which are not perfect square.
Note that the upperlimit of the loop is set to the square-root of number to have the algorithm most efficient.
Note that storing the upperlimit in a separate variable also saves the time, you should not call the sqrt function in the condition section of the for loop, this also saves your computational time.
int main()
int i,n,limit,numberOfDivisors=1;
printf("Enter the number : ");
return 0;
Instead of the above for loop you can also use the following loop which is even more efficient as this removes the need to find the square-root of the number.
Here is a function that I wrote. it's worst time complexity is O(sqrt(n)),best time on the other hand is O(log(n)). It gives you all the prime divisors along with the number of its occurence.
public static List<Integer> divisors(n) {
ArrayList<Integer> aList = new ArrayList();
int top_count = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(n));
int new_n = n;
for (int i = 2; i <= top_count; i++) {
if (new_n == (new_n / i) * i) {
new_n = new_n / i;
top_count = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(new_n));
i = 1;
return aList;
I tested your code and made some improvements, now it is even faster.
I also tested with #هومن جاویدپور code, this is also faster than his code.
long long int FindDivisors(long long int n) {
long long int count = 0;
long long int i, m = (long long int)sqrt(n);
for(i = 1;i <= m;i++) {
if(n % i == 0)
count += 2;
if(n / m == m && n % m == 0)
return count;
Isn't this just a question of factoring the number - determining all the factors of the number? You can then decide whether you need all combinations of one or more factors.
So, one possible algorithm would be:
divisor = first_prime
list_of_factors = { 1 }
while (N > 1)
while (N % divisor == 0)
add divisor to list_of_factors
N /= divisor
divisor = next_prime
return list_of_factors
It is then up to you to combine the factors to determine the rest of the answer.
I think this is what you are looking for.I does exactly what you asked for.
Copy and Paste it in Notepad.Save as *.bat.Run.Enter Number.Multiply the process by 2 and thats the number of divisors.I made that on purpose so the it determine the divisors faster:
Pls note that a CMD varriable cant support values over 999999999
#echo off
modecon:cols=100 lines=100
title Enter the Number to Determine
echo Determine a number as a product of 2 numbers
echo Ex1 : C = A * B
echo Ex2 : 8 = 4 * 2
echo Max Number length is 9
echo If there is only 1 proces done it
echo means the number is a prime number
echo Prime numbers take time to determine
echo Number not prime are determined fast
set /p number=Enter Number :
if %number% GTR 999999999 goto start
set proces=0
set mindet=0
set procent=0
set B=%Number%
set /a mindet=%mindet%+1
if %mindet% GTR %B% goto Results
set /a solution=%number% %%% %mindet%
if %solution% NEQ 0 goto Determining
if %solution% EQU 0 set /a proces=%proces%+1
set /a B=%number% / %mindet%
set /a procent=%mindet%*100/%B%
if %procent% EQU 100 set procent=%procent:~0,3%
if %procent% LSS 100 set procent=%procent:~0,2%
if %procent% LSS 10 set procent=%procent:~0,1%
title Progress : %procent% %%%
if %solution% EQU 0 echo %proces%. %mindet% * %B% = %number%
goto Determining
title %proces% Results Found
goto start
i guess this one will be handy as well as precise
>>>factors=[ x for x in range (1,n+1) if n%x==0]
print len(factors)
Try something along these lines:
int divisors(int myNum) {
int limit = myNum;
int divisorCount = 0;
if (x == 1)
return 1;
for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
if (myNum % i == 0) {
limit = myNum / i;
if (limit != i)
return divisorCount;
I don't know the MOST efficient method, but I'd do the following:
Create a table of primes to find all primes less than or equal to the square root of the number (Personally, I'd use the Sieve of Atkin)
Count all primes less than or equal to the square root of the number and multiply that by two. If the square root of the number is an integer, then subtract one from the count variable.
Should work \o/
If you need, I can code something up tomorrow in C to demonstrate.