Joomla 3 - Add image to page - joomla

I would like to add different images to different pages. For example, there exists a menubar with items
and three different images
Now I would like to add image1 and image2 to "Home", image2 and image3 to "About" and image1 and image2 to "Contact".
The thing is that there is a standard banner-module in Joomla, but I have to create three different banner modules; one banner module for each page. And I would like to have one module and assign the images directly to the different pages. For example, I want an option where I can tick that image1 should be assigned to "Home" and "Contact". That would be ideal.
Is that somehow possible? I've searched the net but couldn't find any suitable solution.
EDIT: I added one page where I want to achieve this. On the right side, there is some kind of bar and there are images which are arranged one below the other. The number and kind of images should be freely chosen by the user in the backend depending on the page.

If I understand your question right Yes, you will have to edit the banner module which is not acceptable because it a core module. What I would suggest you to do is take a copy of it and install it as a new module. Please be sure to make the changes before you install it as a new module.
What you have to do with the Joomla module is depending on the selected menu show the picture. If you search on google you can get more info on how to get the selected menu item in Joomla. It's really easy. You don't have to go with multiple modules.


Thumbnail different from actual image

Here is a scenerio, on my products page I want to add an image of the product dimensions but for this image I want to use thumbnail which is different from the actual image which will say Dimensions. This will be applied to all the products across the store. So there will be one thumnail image for all the products that will be associated with it’s dimensional image. I want to show it on the gallery page as last image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you just want every product to have a thumbnail that can be set to be one of several images.
You will need to create a custom attribute for your products, and then programmatically set your current inventory to your defaults. (Or manually change them) There is a knowledgebase article that will assist you with custom options (if applicable), or another article I found via Google to assist in custom attributes.
It's likely not the best way of doing it, but an example of the JavaScript method I was talking about is simply to add the following into a JS file on your server.
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$$('.catalog-product-view .image-thumb:last img').each(function(item){item.src = ''});

How to create featured article listing with an featured image in joomla?

I am pretty new to joomla. The effect I am trying to achieve is this. Notice, there is an featured image for each articles.
Can you tell me how to do this?
Just include the image before the page break.
There are a number of components that will allow you to resize the photo easily (or create tumbnails 'on the fly') which would work great for something like that.
However if you just have small images you want to use - simply include the image into the article before the pagebreak and use CSS to control how it lays out on the front page.
You can decide if you want the intro text to show in the main article or not, if you do - then you won't have to include the image again (it will show by default) but if you do not want the intro text to show, just be aware that the image you choose for the front page won't display in the article when clicked on.
Hope that helps.

Have To Render Image Before Title Of Section,Category Article

How can I display a separate image before the title of each section, category and article (image be different)?
I.e. is there a way through admin plugin or some way so that I could render it easily?
I am using Joomla 1.5
Depends on the image. If you mean an icon or small image in front of the saction/category/title then you could do that with CSS and the page class suffix to determine which image displays on which page.
If you mean more like a header image, then you would probably need to do it in a module and assign the module to the page you want to place it in. You'd need a module per image doing it this way.
You could also add the image to the section or category description, then use a template override to place the image where you want it.
On one site we built we have a unique header image on every page. We did it with a module and K2. Again, it depends on what you are trying to do. You would need to give more details to get a specific answer.

Unifying image management (ImageField vs. TinyMCE) in Plone

Does there exist anything akin "UberSelectionWidget for images?" I'd like to get rid of direct-upload image fields and make all images to be managed through an image bank folder.
1) In all use cases upload image to image-bank folder first
2) Pick image from the folder by using some sort of image friendly selection widget (both Archetypes, Dexterity)
This way adding images would be unified within TinyMCE editor and news content items.
The problem, however, is that I cannot find any examples for reference picker for images solution.
Please see also Making TinyMCE image pick dialog point to a default folder on Plone
I am willing to replace News Item with my own content type just to get around this problem.
This product helped me in a Plone 3 project:
I had to customize it a little but I think it's a good base to start with.
No Dexterity support IIRC.
Use ReferenceField instead of ImageField in your content types, it make the job done.
You can extend 'News Item' type by using schemaextender.
But asking for people to first add image before adding a news is weird. As widget you must use uploadreference widgets for archetypes as mentionned by marcosfromero . It works and let you add an images without going away of your addform.
I'm not sure but there is no z3cform widget at the moment to achieve this (upload & create ref), may be someone can create it or get me wrong ?

Drupal gallery with thumbnail made of first picture

I have drupal6,cck,views,imagecache.
category_type gallery contain a CCK node reference to a category_type images
and In this Images there is a cck file (image) field.
I know how to create a view which will display a list of galleries.
BUT question is .. HOW can I display a list of galleries with a THUMBNAIL that is made of first image available inside that gallery.
And I don't want to add a extra field for gallery (in category_type) like "preview pic"
Just want then to be displayed by reference.
If I create a gallery with one picture inside... I want this picture to be my gallery thumbnail.
If I create a gallery without image, there will be no thumbnail ... or default "notavailable" picture.
IF I create a galleyr with many images / remove them /etc.. wanna make sure that first available picture in gallery is gonna be it's thumbnail.
please help ;)
You might be able to do this in a view, but if you want even your basic gallery node to show an image from one of the child nodes you could do something like this in a file called node-gallery.tpl.php where gallery is the content type machine name:
// load the node reference
if ($child = node_load($node->field_nr_child[0]['nid'])):
// ... and just print the image from that child node
print $child->field_image[0]['view'];
You could also randomize which child you show or show only the most recent child with some foreach fun. You might want to override where the content is displayed so you have more control over formatting but this should get you started.
You can also check out this great screencast I just found looking for something else. I think it does exactly what you want without the custom code:
In CCK image field you must set Default Image ("notavailable" picture).
After this you can:
1. theme node as Jeremy Heslop sayd - node theming;
2. if you make views of Gallery by row style="Fields', then click link on Theme:Information, select appropriate theming file, add it to theme folder, and theme one field (for example, Title) changing it to thumbnailed and linked image (taked from referenced "Images");
3. In Views add Relationships, that will connect "Gallery" with "Images", and show 1 image in field.
