I prepared a small web application do display crystal report documents with CrystalReportViewer (v. 13.0.6.x).
Everything works fine except the presentation of CrystalReportViewer it self. A big grey panel appears on the left side of report and I have no idea where it comes from. I deactivated the ToolPanelView and also GroupTree- and ParameterPanelButtons, but the result is still the same.
(I would like to post a screenshot of this problem but do not have enough reputation points and all image hoster are blocked by company firewall)
This problem appears on IE8 and IE9. Google Chrome and Firefox seems to be ok.
I think it has something to do with security settings of IE or WebServer. When I open the site on the web server and use http:\localhost... as my url, everything is ok. When I use the IP-address of the server instead of 'localhost' I get this problem.
Any idea?
I think I got it. My HTML style regarding position of CrystalReportViewer control seems to affect the presentation of it in the IE. I changed my previous definition and now it seems to work.
Old code:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td align="center" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer" runat="server"
ToolPanelView="None" HasDrilldownTabs="False" />
New code:
<div style="width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer" runat="server"
ToolPanelView="None" />
Hope this will help others.
please set property BestFitPage="False" in crystal report viewer and section 3 hight reduce.
Sample Javascript code to replace iFrame embedded web application with AJAX (NO jQuery please)
Hi, I have a simple 'parent' html page with a 'child' iframe that loads another external web application from a different domain.
Here is the parent html page: https://shared-testing.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Example-iFrame-Web-App.html
The Problem: This simple page works fine on desktop browsers like chrome/Safari. But When I open the same link on my iphone safari/chrome, the web-app shows login screen. So basically what worked in desktop browser is not working in mobile Safari/Chrome.
(I don't understand iframes more than the simple syntax, but it seems there is some issue with how 3rd party cookies are handled in the mobile browsers... but how come it works on desktop browser and not on mobile browsers???... I am pretty confused about this point and I may be wrong about this thesis.)
From what I learned so far, iframes are less desirable (as per some experts, and I am not), I am inclining towards replacing the iFrame with a simple that our AJAX code will replace with the external web-app and show the application as before in my parent html page.
I am sure this is not the first time this has come up but after searching a lot, I was not able to find some example code that will help me do this without jQuery. I want to use plain Javascript for this and avoid jQuery.
So if you can help with either one of the following, I'd greatly appreciate it:
Why is the current html parent behaving differently in desktop
browsers versus the mobile browsers? Any ideas to make it work
consistently in all size browsers?
Sample code to replace the iframe with pure javascript AJAX approach to load the web-application.
Thanks a lot.
Copying the simple html parent file below:
<title>Sample Web-App Embedded in iFrame </title>
width: 100%;
padding: 30px;
margin: 0 auto;
display: block;
<body >
<div class="example-container">
<h3> This a test web page for embedding an interactive flowchart using iframe.</h3>
<iframe class="example-iframe" height="600px" width="550px" src="https://www.decizone.com/47/qZPlK2ezwIK8x3bO/How-to-Measure-Shipment-Delivery-Success-KPI/Ship-Delvry-KPI/id/5AKwBABWqJgLs1IUfqrEh1ARDstiBMcy ">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
<p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>: Try opening this page on desktop as well as mobile browsers to test.</p>
I do not know Joomla, but I had one task in exsiting site, to change the link of social button, linkedin.
I thought it was simple task, but I wasted 2 days for it, looking in files and interface. Can you help me please, or just give me ideas where these social links can be placed.
version of Joomla is 2.5.14
<div class="custom">
<p style="text-align: right;">
Site Map
<img src="/images/siteImages/lnicon.png" border="0" alt="">
Thanks in advance)
you are my last chance :)
found the links in Module Custom HTML module, in administration panel.
how to get all #ReqpuestMapping
i have a header page and some other pages
my header page has sidebar menus, i want to display my menu into all pages
If following is what you are trying to do, Apache Tiles is well suited for you requirement.
Apache Tiles™ is a templating framework built to simplify the
development of web application user interfaces.
Tiles allows authors to define page fragments which can be assembled
into a complete page at runtime. These fragments, or tiles, can be
used as simple includes in order to reduce the duplication of common
page elements or embedded within other tiles to develop a series of
reusable templates. These templates streamline the development of a
consistent look and feel across an entire application.
It also integrates well with spring. You can start looking at the Spring reference to integrate with Apache tiles. A simple tutorial here.
If you are using some Layout Frameworks like Tiles, etc then you can configure your layout in xml configuration files.
or if you are not using any Layout Framework, and you are using plain jsp pages then create separate pages like header.jsp, footer.jsp, menu.jsp and include these pages in all your other pages, wherever required.
<jsp:include page="menu.jsp"/>
Actual page code will go here
<jsp:include page="footer.jsp"/>
I'm having some weird iframe problems with firefox. I'm using 4.0.1.
I'm embedding a gcal. Here's the code
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?showTitle=0&showNav=0&showDate=0&showPrint=0&showTabs=0&showCalendars=0&showTz=0&mode=AGENDA&height=400&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&src=oliversong%40comcast.net&color=%23182C57&ctz=America%2FNew_York" style=" border-width:0 " width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
And this gcal works perfectly in chrome and opera, just doesn't display at all in firefox. The html isn't called at all, and it just displays an empty iframe with empty and elements.
Funny thing is if I put two of the same iframe consecutively, the second iframe will appear correctly.
I tried doing
<iframe style="display:none"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?showTitle=0&showNav=0&showDate=0&showPrint=0&showTabs=0&showCalendars=0&showTz=0&mode=AGENDA&height=400&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&src=oliversong%40comcast.net&color=%23182C57&ctz=America%2FNew_York" style=" border-width:0 " width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
and to my utter suprise this does what I want it to.
This is super juke-y though and I don't want to leave it at that.
Another thing: the iframe appears correctly on the google page, where they provide you with the code to embed.
That leads me to believe that my own site is the problem, but I have no idea why that would be the case, because I have no css or javascript targeting iframes or the div containing it. It also doesn't explain why it only happens in firefox. I also tried flushing the cache and clearing cookies and everything.
You need to escape your ampersands (&). Leave them unescaped could mean the URL is being misread.
I have an issue that I need help with. I have a video on my webpage that is done using HTML5 tag. For some reason it is not wanting to load the video. The spelling of the URL and file is correct. It was working but when I added more videos to the site (meaning I uploaded them to the server) and put up another page with the same video it is no longer wanting to load. I have tried to use the preload attribute but that doesn't seem to help. I also took the other page down and the videos worked again. Any suggestions?
Video HTML:
<table class="contentpaneopen">
<td class="contentheading" width="100%">Smart Strip on TV</td>
<table class="contentpaneopen">
<video style="border: 1px solid #000000;" preload="preload" controls="controls" width="218px" height="138px">
<source src="Video URL" type="video/mp4"></source>
<source src="Video URL" type="video/ogg"></source>
<source src="Video URL" type="video/webm"></source> Your Browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.</video>
<p>Even Oprah knows the benefits of using a Smart Strip!</p>
This only seems to happen in FF 3.6.13. the website is http://www.bitsltd.net if you would like to test it and see for your self.
Try putting the OGG source before the MP4 one.
The video on that site worked fine for me on FF 3.6.13.