How to debug magento files using Xdebug in eclipse - magento

I am new to xdebug using with magento. When I place break point at first line, it breaks at index.php and continues fine. But when I want to test the login function or menu navigation , I am placing the breaking points at "class Mage_Page_Block_Html_Topmenu extends Mage_Core_Block_Template", But it didnt stops here and continues. So exactly where I have to keep break points?? Do I need to place points in .phtml files? I am not sure where I have to place. So can anyone help me on debugging with magento.

I am sorry for this answer if you simply just want to use xdebug!
You won´t have much success with xdebug, because from my point of view its to slow to work with. I would recommend to use
Mage::log($var) or Mage::logException($var)
and just do a
tail -f on var/log/system.log or tail -f on var/log/exception.log.
On Varien_Object classes you can use something like Mage::log($product->debug()) to give reduced log output. As you might know the position in code where you want to debug this is maybe best practice.
Please make sure you have debug output enabled in Magento.


Where should I place a language dictionary for module-checkout for magento 2?

I am trying to translate the "Go to Checkout" of Magento 2. If I place the file in /vendor/magento/module-checkout/i18n/de_DE.csv it works. Content of de_DE.csv:
"Go to Checkout","Zur Kasse"
But this seems as a bad idea as adding/changing stuff in /vendor is bad practice at least.
I have tried to place it practically everywhere, but no luck...
You can achieve the same by overriding it in your custom theme like given in below example. More over doing the changes in the vendor/magento is not advisable.
Once all the translations are set save the file and run the below given command in the terminal.
Clear cache (bin/magento cache:clean) and check your changes.
Hope this will make your day!.
You can add your csv file in app/i18n/vendorname/modulename, it will get translated everywhere the site., In your case you are saying that tried with place the translated file in vendor..So you can just override that in your custom theme too..Like path app/design/frontend/VendorName/CustomModuleName/Magento_Checkout/i18n/.csv,
And run the commands like upgrade deploy compile if it is necessary..
And clean cache too..
Hope this will help.

Joomla cannot unset mod_languages/css/template.css

Joomla 3.x
The following code is not working
thank you
The code is correct and I tested it, it's working fine.
Possibly you are running it in a plugin event after the head is rendered, or you have cached the page and the code is not really running.
In either case, try to put it at the component level, clear cache, and it should work
to identify the component: turn SEF off, and look at the URL it shows as option=com_componentname;
to identify the module, simply rename the modules folder, and update the site; if it works, it's a module.
For plugins, rename the plugins/system and plugins/content first, then drill down until you spot it.
Alternatively, but much slower, you can turn modules and plugins on and off from the backend, until you find the culprit.
A variation which I've used with success in the past:
Here's an alternate method using a module override which should work for you.
if it doesn't already exist, create a new directory titled html in your template's folder, ie: /templates/your-template/html/
inside this, create an new mod_languages folder, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/
copy the file from joomla-site-root/modules/mod_languages/tmp/default.php to the folder above, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/default.php
open this file with a text editor and around line 12 look for the line where JHtml is loading the mod_languages CSS, and comment it out.
// JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'mod_languages/template.css', array(), true);
That's it, hopefully, this will do the trick for you.
Overriding Joomla core output using this method is safe and you won't loose your work with future Joomla updates.
More info about Joomla overrides:!_core
Good luck!

docpad: getting info on what exactly did got wrong

Docpad is throwing warnings at me all the time:
warning: Something went wrong while rendering: ...
I would love to know some more about what exactly went wrong. Are there any settings that I can tweak to make the output more helpful? In this particular case, the template is an ecofile.
I have tried the -d option, but can't see that it helps.
I would love a special debug mode, where each layout, document, partial etc are rendered inside a border with the name of the file rendered. If the variables available inside the file could be serialized and shown in a popup or something, I would be thrilled. :-)
That special mode sounds a lot like what TraceGL will soon be able to offer. TraceGL seems amazing, but I can't seem to get it to work with DocPad yet.
For the meantime, do the debugging instructions on the DocPad Website help at all?

My website is entirely blank, tips to diagnose?

I have an ecommerce site built on OpenCart (1.5.0 i believe), which after inserting tracking code from and a block of code for redirecting to another site went entirely blank. Initially it worked, so I felt it was safe to save over my backups. But after refreshing the pages it was blank, and the 'view source' option in all my browsers (firefox, chrome, safari) revealed that there was no code reaching them. I then began to follow a series of debugging steps:
As my text editor was still open I undid all changes and reuploaded with no changes
I scanned the documents to be sure there were no issues in the text, with no discoveries
I ran it through W3C validation, with 2 warnings which are 1- no character encoding and 2- unable to determine parse mode.
contacted host for a server side restore though their earliest backup was a day after the problem began (it took 3 days of arguing to get them to initiate a restore)
In regards to these validation warnings, I am not sure what encoding should be used for OpenCart, ASCII or UTF-8 (which the validator resorted to) or what, in addition I am not sure if the template used with OpenCart would conflict with it if I were to declare encoding. In addition, I find it hard to believe that such a widely distributed product would have something this simple causing such a huge mistake because then all users would have this issue.
In regards to parse mode, the index page does declare parse mode (in the included header file).
In addition to all this, the validator is also claiming that it is not receiving code at all, which disables any chance of determining problems through that route.
The header and footer were both edited for these additions but are relatively long to include in this. The code used to edit were, for alexa <!-- tracking code here --> inserted into the head section of the header file, and the code for the footer was:
<span style="display:inline-block;width:160px;height:30px;text-align:center;border:#000 1px dotted;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:11px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"><strong style="display:block;padding:0px;margin:0px;">Reputation Management</strong>Submit Express</span>
If anymore code is needed to help then please let me know, I am not looking for someone to fix my problem but to give me relevant tips to help figure it out myself or if they do provide a fix to educate me as how they managed it so I may be able to use the same debugging method. Thanks!
EDIT: The issue, as discovered thanks to Jay, is "PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_HOST in **/public_html/ on line 40" and a google search has not revealed any effective results. This, to my untrained mind is jibberish, clarification would be greatly appreciated as line 40 is in fact a blank line, where as the text around it I can not post for some reason but will be viewable at
Open Cart uses UTF-8 throughout, so its definitely best to use that which your theme should set for the browser in the
The first thing I would ask is have you got error reporting set up (NOT OPEN CARTS ONE) that logs php errors?
If not, then you need to do something like
php_flag log_errors on
php_value error_log /path/to/custom/error.log
in your .htaccess file, so that you can log all your php errors to a file. this will need to be somewhere you can get the file, so change the path accordingly so you can view it.
Once you have that, you'll have a good base for working out the problem. I find it hard to believe that opencart has stopped because you added code. The most likely cause is a file missing, blanked or half written accidentally when saving or you've got some extra php code somewhere you shouldn't
echo '<pre>' . print_r($_SERVER, true) . '</pre>';

Tracing a WSoD in Joomla

How do I find out which code section an error occurs in, if the site done on Joomla gives me a White Screen of Death?
I even know which module fails, and under what condition (it is a slideshow module, and it fails when one of the items to display are of video type), but I would like to check what place in the code it fails in, in the hope of perhaps correcting the problem myself (I am not the original developer, and I am not fluent in PHP yet).
You need to enable error reporting in your environment. It is disabled by default due to security concerns. I think the easiest way would be to put the following lines of code in the beginning of your joomla installation's index.php file:
After you are done debugging do not forget to remove or comment out those two lines.
