I trying to zoom an image using Prototype.
till now i have tried using prototypes zoomer, but dint succeeded.
is any one have able to zoom image using prototype than please let me know the method.
I'm new to Spark AR and I'm having issues creating a UI that sticks to the screen rather than moving with the 3D object (I'm using plane tracking). Does anyone have a tutorial you followed or could tell me how to do it?
My end game is to have the user be able to switch between 3D models by touching two buttons.
Have you tried using a canvas object?
See here:
I have been searching for a way to draw a custom image (.png) on screen.
When I started to look it up, I noticed everyone went for the UI way.
I've already asked how I could do this using one of FiveM's natives and I got the answer of drawSprite()
But now I have a new question; How can I create a custom sprite for the drawSprite() native to call upon?
And when I have this custom sprite, how do I use it in the drawSprite() native?
Thanks in advance!
I'm currently trying to implement a virtual desktop (browser) viewer for my phone using chrome's API where captureVisibleTab() is used with mutationObservers to listen to changes in the DOM, and these changes are then transmitted via websockets. To display this, I'm attempting to create a simple rectangle and with the browser feed displayed through textures, however, I'm struggling to find documentation within three.js that will dynamically interpret and display new pictures as textures, and I realize that needsUpdate flag will need to be set to true. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to approach this? Do I need to perhaps use loaders?
Could you assign the image data to a canvas and use that as a texture?
Something like Is it possible to use a 2d canvas as a texture for a cube?
I have a squared formed image. I need to add perspective view to it and then make an animation that will restore image back to square view. This actions must work at least in all newest versions of browsers and without Flash.
I have tried to do this as follows:
Using RaphaelJS I can only clip image (create path and set fill to image url), not add perspective.
Canvas works as svg and vml in RaphaelJS... I can't add perspective with it's help.
CSS3 3D animation method rotateX adds perspective, but it is supported only by Chrome and Safary.
There is no way to add perspective to image using built in tools.
The only possible solution, I have found is using SVG add clip path to image - it doesn't add perspective view, but it's the best possible solution.
As I understand - we can use Canvas to add perspective, but you must write your own javascript algorithm to transform plain image to perspective view.
I'm setting up an experimental html5 website using canvas.
I am drawing 3 circles all next to each other and all I want to know is how to be able to select them.
I'd like them to become links, in a way. Not tags, since everything's gonna be created using javascript.
Something like kinetic JS : http://www.kineticjs.com/, but without the extra library.
I have found some scripts that are using ghost canvas and contexts, but the examples are for dragging and stuff. I only want to be able to select my shape and execute some code.
Thank you!
I am thinking you might want to look into the IsPointInPath() method. It will help you figure out whether or not the mouse clicked on your canvas object.
See Detect mouseover of certain points within an HTML canvas?
if you are talented in xml i suggest you to use canvas + SVG (http://www.w3schools.com/svg/)
And follow this simple example.
regarding to SVG and Canvas , the differences are obvious, as you can load bitmaps in SVG, and you can draw lines using the canvas API. However, creating the image may be easier using one technology over the other, depending on whether your graphic is mainly line-based or more image-like.