How to setup C/C++ project safely (file organisation) - include

I have a (large) C/C++ project that consists of both C and C++ languages. At some point it turned out that there are two C functions with identical names. Those functions are defined in two different *.c files in different locations. In general at the highest level, the project is C++. This problem was questioned and answered here
However still a question "how to organize those files safely" remains. How can I group such project so that there are no name conflicts, and I can be sure that proper function is called. Will writing a wrapper for each of those functions help?
That how it looks at the moment:
A.h //first declaration of function F
A.c //first definition of function F
B.h //second declaration of function F
B.c //second definition of function F
trying to make such thing:
extern "C"{
#include "A.h"
#include "B.h"
causes of course name conflict. What can I do to avoid this conflct, and have the robust code? Would such solution help:
A_Wrapper.h: //c++
extern "C"{
#include "A.h"
void WrapF_A(int x)
B_Wrapper.h: //C++
extern "C"{
#include "B.h"
void WrapF_B(int x)
and then in the program:
#include A_Wrapper.h
#include B_Wrapper.h
Modyfing each file in that project would be rather impossible as it cosists of hundreds of files, and i would probably damage some code rather. Is there a way to make an include file seen only in some part of the program?
So I created a simple project illustrating the problem, and tried to apply the hints given by doctorlove. However still multiple definition of F error occurs. What should I change? Project files:
#ifndef A_H_INCLUDED
#define A_H_INCLUDED
int F(int x);
#endif // A_H_INCLUDED
#include "A.h"
int F(int x)
return x*x;
int AF(int x);
#include "AWrapper.h"
extern "C"{
#include "A.h"
int AF(int x)
return F(x);
#ifndef B_H_INCLUDED
#define B_H_INCLUDED
int F(int x);
#endif // B_H_INCLUDED
#include "B.h"
int F(int x)
return -x*x;
int BF(int x);
#include "BWrapper.h"
extern "C"{
#include "B.h"
int BF(int x)
return F(x);

Go with your wrapper idea, but write a facade (see also here) that exposes what you need from A, and what you need from B not all the functions in there.
You will end up with something like
//header Wrap_A.h
//for some input Data left as an exercise for the reader...
double solve_with_A(Data data);
//header Wrap_B.h
//for some input Data...
double solve_with_B(Data data);
Then make two cpp files that include all the conflicting headers files, those from A in A.cpp and those from B in B.cpp, so the conflicts don't happen. The solve_with_A and solve_with_B functions will then call all the things they need without without leaking them to the whole program and causing conflicts.
You might have to give some thought to what Data will actually be. You could define your own types, one for A and one for B. Just avoid exposing the implementation details in your wrapping/facade headers.
If headers are causing you pain, firewall them off in the naughty corner.
Given you have two functions, F, if you put all the sources into one project the linker should and will complain it can see both. Instead, you need to make two static libraries, and just expose the wrapped version to your main project.


Why including cpp makes different result

l learned "include" keyword are just copy & paste.
But including cpp file makes different compile result.
(gcc6~8 + boost1.69)
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
// I'll move next code to why.cpp
#include <boost/archive/iterators/base64_from_binary.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/binary_from_base64.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/transform_width.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/insert_linebreaks.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/remove_whitespace.hpp>
void testFunc()
using namespace boost::archive::iterators;
typedef transform_width<binary_from_base64<remove_whitespace<std::string::const_iterator>>, 8, 6> ItBinaryT;
std::string input;
std::string output(ItBinaryT(input.begin()), ItBinaryT(input.end()));
// -----------------------------
int main()
return 0;
Above code compiled without warning.
But, I replace some code with include cpp..
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "why.cpp" // <----------
int main()
return 0;
// why.cpp - just copy&paste
#include <boost/archive/iterators/base64_from_binary.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/binary_from_base64.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/transform_width.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/insert_linebreaks.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/iterators/remove_whitespace.hpp>
void testFunc()
using namespace boost::archive::iterators;
typedef transform_width<binary_from_base64<remove_whitespace<std::string::const_iterator>>, 8, 6> ItBinaryT;
std::string input;
std::string output(ItBinaryT(input.begin()), ItBinaryT(input.end()));
It makes warning [-Wsubobject-linkage]
~~ has a field ~~ whose type uses the anonymous namespace
~~ has a base ~~ whose type uses the anonymous namespace
Please look at this link :
What makes this difference?
Your compiler treats the main CPP file specially under the assumption that things defined in it are very unlikely to have more than one definition and so some tests for possible violation of the One Definition Rule are not done inside that file. Using #include takes you outside that file.
I would suggest just not using -Wsubobject-linkage since its logic is based on a heuristic that is not applicable to your code.

Separating out .cu and .cpp(using c++11 library)

I am trying to convert a c++ program I have which uses random library which is a C++11 feature. After having read through a couple of similar posts here, I tried by separating out the code into three files. At the outset I would like to say that I am not very conversant at C/C++ and mostly use R at work.
The main file looks as follows.
#include <complex>
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
#include "my_code_header.h"
using namespace std;
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0.0,1.0);
const int rand_mat_length = 24561;
double rand_mat[rand_mat_length];// = {0};
void create_std_norm(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < rand_mat_length ; i++)
::rand_mat[i] = distribution(generator);
int main(void)
return 0;
The header file looks as follows.
#ifndef mykernel_h
#define mykernel_h
void call_global();
void two_d_example(double *a, double *b, double *my_result, size_t length, size_t width);
And the .cu file looks like the following.
#ifndef _MY_KERNEL_
#define _MY_KERNEL_
#include <iostream>
#include "my_code_header.h"
#define TILE_WIDTH 8
using namespace std;
__global__ void two_d_example(double *a, double *b, double *my_result, size_t length, size_t width)
unsigned int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
unsigned int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if ((row>length) || (col>width)) {
void call_global()
const size_t imageLength = 528;
const size_t imageWidth = 528;
const dim3 threadsPerBlock(TILE_WIDTH,TILE_WIDTH);
const dim3 numBlocks(((imageLength) / threadsPerBlock.x), ((imageWidth) / threadsPerBlock.y));
double *d_a, *d_b, *mys ;
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, sizeof(double) * imageLength);
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_b, sizeof(double) * imageWidth);
cudaMalloc((void**)&mys, sizeof(double) * imageLength * imageWidth);
two_d_example<<<numBlocks,threadsPerBlock>>>(d_a, d_b, mys, imageLength, imageWidth);
Please note that the __global__ has been removed from .h since I was getting the following error owing to it being compiled by g++.
In file included from my_code_main.cpp:12:0:
my_code_header.h:5:1: error: ‘__global__’ does not name a type
When I compile the .cu file with nvcc it is all fine and generates a my_code_kernel.o. But since I am using C++11 in my .cpp I am trying to compile it with g++ and I am getting the following error.
/tmp/ccR2rXzf.o: In function `main':
my_code_main.cpp:(.text+0x1c4): undefined reference to `call_global()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I understand that this might not have to do anything with CUDA as such and may just be the wrong use of including the header at both places. Also what is the right way to compile and most importantly link the my_code_kernel.o and my_code_main.o(hopefully)? Sorry if this question is too trivial!
It looks like you are not linking with my_code_kernel.o. You have used -c for your nvcc command (causes it to compile but not link, i.e. generate the .o file), I'm going to guess that you're not using -c with your g++ command, in which case you need to add my_code_kernel.o to the list of inputs as well as the .cpp file.
The separation you are trying to achieve is completely possible, it just looks like your not linking properly. If you still have problems, add the compilation commands to your question.
FYI: You don't need to declare two_d_example() in your header file, it is only used within your .cu file (from call_global()).

Steps to make a loadable DLL of some tcl methods in Visual Studio

I want to create a loadable DLL of some of my tcl methods. But I am not getting how to do this. For that I have taken a simple example of tcl api which adds two numbers and prints the sum. Now I want to create a loadable DLL for this to export this tcl functionality.
But I am not understanding how to do it in Visual Studio. I have written a C code which can call this tcl api and get the sum of two integers, but again I don't want it to do this way. I want to create a DLL file to use this tcl functionality. How can I create this DLL on Visual Studio 2010.
Below is my sample tcl program that I am using:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh8.5
proc add_two_nos { } {
set a 10
set b 20
set c [expr { $a + $b } ]
puts " c is $c ......."
And here is the C code which can use this tcl functionality :
#include <tcl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Tcl_Interp *interp;
int code;
char *result;
interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
code = Tcl_Eval(interp, "source myscript.tcl; add_two_nos");
/* Retrieve the result... */
result = Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp));
/* Check for error! If an error, message is result. */
if (code == TCL_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in script: %s\n", result);
/* Print (normal) result if non-empty; we'll skip handling encodings for now */
if (strlen(result)) {
printf("%s\n", result);
/* Clean up */
I have successfully compiled this code with the below command
gcc simple_addition_wrapper_new.c -I/usr/include/tcl8.5/ -ltcl8.5 -o simple_addition_op
The above code is working with the expected output.
What steps do I need to take to create a loadable dll for this in Visual Studio 2010?
If you look at the answers to this question: here it gives the basic outline of the process you need to go through. There are links from my answer to some Microsoft MSDN articles on creating DLLs.
To go into this in a little more detail for a C++ dll that has Tcl embedded in it.
The first step is to create a new visual studio project with the correct type, one that is going to build a dll that exports symbols. My example project is called TclEmbeddedInDll and that name appears in code in symbols such as TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API that are generated by Visual Studio.
The dllmain.cpp look like this:
// dllmain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
allocInterp() ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
destroyInterp() ;
return TRUE;
The allocInterp() and destroyInterp() functions are defined in the TclEmbeddedInDll.h, the reason for using functions here rather than creating the Tcl_Interp directly is that it keeps the details about Tcl away from the DLL interface. If you create the interp here then you have to include tcl.h and then things get complicated when you try and use the DLL in another program.
The TclEmbeddedInDll.h and .cpp are shown next, the function fnTclEmbeddedInDll() is the one that is exported from the DLL - I'm using C linkage for this rather than C++ as it makes it easier to call the function from other languages IMHO.
// The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting
// from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_EXPORTS
// symbol defined on the command line. This symbol should not be defined on any project
// that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see
// TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
// defined with this macro as being exported.
#define TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
extern "C" {
TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API void fnTclEmbeddedInDll(void);
void allocInterp() ;
void destroyInterp() ;
// TclEmbeddedInDll.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
extern "C" {
static Tcl_Interp *interp ;
// This is an example of an exported function.
TCLEMBEDDEDINDLL_API void fnTclEmbeddedInDll(void)
int code;
const char *result;
code = Tcl_Eval(interp, "source simple_addition.tcl; add_two_nos");
result = Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp));
void allocInterp()
interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
void destroyInterp()
The implementation of allocInterp() and destroyInterp() is very naive, no error checking is done.
Finally for the Dll the stdafx.h file ties it all together like this:
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#pragma once
#include "targetver.h"
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
#include <tcl.h>
#include "TclEmbeddedInDll.h"

Can someone help me replace "lock_kernel" on a block device driver?

Thank you for looking at this post. I am trying to patch up a network block device driver. If you need to see the sources they are at http : / /
I noticed that lock_kernel() seems deprecated as of linux 2.6.37. I read "The new way of ioctl()" and found that device drivers now should perform a specific lock before operating.
So I would like some advice replacing this if possible.
I have found two sections in the current code that I think are related, in the block folder section.
I put snippets from each for your consideration.
io.c contains one call to lock_kernel:
NDAS_SAL_API xbool sal_file_get_size(sal_file file, xuint64* size)
definitions and declarations etc..
if (filp->f_op->unlocked_ioctl) {
some small statements
error = filp->f_op->unlocked_ioctl(filp, BLKGETSIZE64, (unsigned long)size);
actions if error or not etc.
return ret;
And ctrldev.c contains the main io function:
#include <linux/spinlock.h> // spinklock_t
#include <linux/semaphore.h> // struct semaphore
#include <asm/atomic.h> // atomic
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/ide.h>
#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
#include <linux/time.h>
int ndas_ctrldev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
lots of operations and functions.
return result;
Later ndas_ctrldev_ioctl function is set as the former .ioctl.
static struct file_operations ndasctrl_fops = {
.write = ndas_ctrldev_write,
.read = ndas_ctrldev_read,
.open = ndas_ctrldev_open,
.release = ndas_ctrldev_release,
.ioctl = ndas_ctrldev_ioctl,
Now I want to convert this to avoid using lock_kernel();
According to my understanding I will modified the former sections as below:
NDAS_SAL_API xbool sal_file_get_size(sal_file file, xuint64* size)
definitions and declarations etc..
if (filp->f_op->unlocked_ioctl) {
some small statements
error = filp->f_op->unlocked_ioctl(filp, BLKGETSIZE64, (unsigned long)size);
actions if error or not etc.
return ret;
long ndas_ctrldev_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
int ndas_ctrldev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
! add some sort of lock here !
lots of operations and functions.
! add unlock statement here !
return result;
static struct file_operations ndasctrl_fops = {
.write = ndas_ctrldev_write,
.read = ndas_ctrldev_read,
.open = ndas_ctrldev_open,
.release = ndas_ctrldev_release,
.unlocked_ioctl = ndas_ctrldev_ioctl,
.ioctl = ndas_ctrldev_ioctl,
So, I would ask the following advice.
Does this look like the right
Do I understand correct to move the
lock into the io function?
Based on the includes in crtrldev.c, can you
recommend any lock off the top of
your head? (I tried to research some
other drivers dealing with filp and
lock_kernel, but I am too much a
noob to find the answer right away.)
The Big Kernel Lock (BKL) is more than deprecated - as of 2.6.39, it does not exist anymore.
The way the lock_kernel() conversion was done was to replace it by per-driver mutexes. If the driver is simple enough, you can simply create a mutex for the driver, and replace all uses of lock_kernel() and unlock_kernel() by the mutex lock/unlock calls. Note, however, that some functions used to be called with the BKL (the lock lock_kernel() used to lock) held; you will have to add lock/unlock calls to these functions too.
This will not work if the driver could acquire the BKL recursively; if that is the case, you would have to track it yourself to avoid deadlocks (this was done in the conversion of reiserfs, which depended somewhat heavily both in the recursive BKL behavior and in the fact that it was dropped when sleeping).
The next step after the conversion to a per-driver mutex would be to change it to use a per-device mutex instead of a per-driver mutex.
Here is the solution.
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
This only shows replacing the lock call. The other parts worked out as I guessed in the question part above concerning unlocked_ioctl. Thanks for checking and for helping.

Preventing recursive C #include

I roughly understand the rules with what #include does with the C preprocessor, but I don't understand it completely. Right now, I have two header files, Move.h and Board.h that both typedef their respective type (Move and Board). In both header files, I need to reference the type defined in the other header file.
Right now I have #include "Move.h" in Board.h and #include "Board.h" in Move.h. When I compile though, gcc flips out and gives me a long (what looks like infinite recursive) error message flipping between Move.h and Board.h.
How do I include these files so that I'm not recursively including indefinitely?
You need to look into forward declarations, you have created an infinite loops of includes, forward declarations are the proper solution.
Here's an example:
#ifndef MOVE_H_
#define MOVE_H_
struct board; /* forward declaration */
struct move {
struct board *m_board; /* note it's a pointer so the compiler doesn't
* need the full definition of struct board yet...
* make sure you set it to something!*/
#ifndef BOARD_H_
#define BOARD_H_
#include "Move.h"
struct board {
struct move m_move; /* one of the two can be a full definition */
#include "Board.h"
int main() { ... }
Note: whenever you create a "Board", you will need to do something like this (there are a few ways, here's an example):
struct board *b = malloc(sizeof(struct board));
b->m_move.m_board = b; /* make the move's board point
* to the board it's associated with */
Include guards would be part of the solution to this issue.
Example from wikipedia:
struct foo {
int member;
The other part as noted by several others is forward referencing. (
You can partially declare one of the structures above the other one like so:
struct bar;
struct foo {
int member;
Like so:
#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H
strunct move_t; //forward declaration
typedef struct move_t Move;
#endif //BOARD_H
#ifndef MOVE_H
#define MOVE_H
#include "Move.h"
typedef struct board_t Board;
#endif //MOVE_H
This way Board.h can be compiled without dependency on move.h and you can include board.h from move.h to make its content available there.
First, you seem to lack include guards in your .h files, so you're including them recursively. That is bad.
Second, you can do a forward declaration. In Move.h:
/* Include guard to make sure your header files are idempotent */
#ifndef H_MOVE_
#define H_MOVE_
#include "Board.h"
/* Now you can use struct Board */
struct Move { struct Board *board; };
In Board.h:
#ifndef H_BOARD_
#define H_BOARD_
struct Move; /* Forward declaration. YOu can use a pointer to
struct Move from now on, but the type itself is incomplete,
so you can't declare an object of the type itself. */
struct Board { struct Move *move; }; /* OK: since move is a pointer */
Note that if you need to declare struct Move and struct Board objects (rather than pointer to one of them) in both the files, this method won't work. This is because one of the types is an incomplete type at the time of parsing of one of the files (struct Move in the above example).
So, if you need to use the types in both the files, you will have to separate out the type definitions: have header files that define struct Move and struct Board, and nothing else (something like my example above), and then use another header file that references both struct Move and struct Board.
Of course, you can't have struct Move contain a struct Board and struct Board contain a struct Move at the same time—that will be infinite recursion, and the struct sizes will be infinite as well!
You need to have one of them first. Make a forward decl in one of them and have that one for for example
#ifndef move
struct move;
could be part of the board.h file.
#ifndef board
struct board;
could be part of the move.h file
then you could add them in either order.
As was pointed out in the comments... I was assuming the use of the typedef construct as follows for the board struct
typedef struct {…} board;
since I've never seen anyone using structs in C without a typedef I made this assumption... maybe things have changed since the last time I coded in C (yikies.... it was like 15 years ago)
Circular dependencies are a pain in the ass and should be eliminated wherever feasible. In addition to the forward declaration suggestions given so far (Alok's is the best example), I'd like to throw another suggestion into the works: break the mutual dependency between Board and Move by introducing a third type (call it BoardMoveAssoc for illustration; I'm sure you can come up with a less sucky name):
#include "Move.h"
#include "Board.h"
struct BoardMoveAssoc {
Move m;
Board b;
Under this scheme, Board and Move don't have to know anything about each other; any associations between the two are managed by the BoardMoveAssoc type. The exact structure will depend on how Move and Board are supposed to be related; e.g., if multiple moves are mapped to a single board, the structure may look more like
struct BoardMoveAssoc {
Move m[NUM_MOVES] // or Move *m;
Board b;
This way, you don't have to worry about forward declarations or incomplete types. You are introducing a third type into the mix, but I believe this will be easier to understand and maintain.
From K&R The C Programming Language (p 91 "Conditional Inclusion" in my copy), with some tweaks for you:
#if !defined (BOARD_H)
#define BOARD_H
/* contents of board.h go here */
and the same for Move.h
In this way, once a header has been included once, it will not be included again, as the 'BOARD_H' name has already been defined for the preprocessor.
