Left Join 1 to 1/0 with llblgen? - linq

With EF, if you navigate to a singular related entity within a select projection(such as from the many side of a many-to-one or 1-to-1/0) it would coalesce nulls and give you a left join: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2525950/84206
Since it occurs in a project and not in a join, EF makes a pretty reasonable assumption that a left join is desired.
However, I haven't found a way to accomplish this in LINQ with LLBLGen. The above technique produces an inner join with LLBGen. I can't use techniques that use DefaultIfEmpty because that's only available when navigating into a many relationship.
I am hoping to avoid using WithPath/Prefetch because I'd really like to do the projection in LINQ instead of grabbing a huge object graph into memory and do the projection in memory.
This is LLBLGen 3.5.

If the FK is nullable, the join will be a left join. If the FK isn't nullable, it will be an inner join. This is the only way it's determinable what you want as Linq lacks any other system to specify the join type in this. Your link must use a nullable (optional) FK side as well to get a left join.
If nothing helps, please use queryspec, the query api will allow you to specify the join type in any case.
ps: please next time post on our forums, we don't monitor SO every day, but we do monitor our forums.


Can I perform a one-to-many join query using a QuerydslPredicate?

I see in this guide that providing paths as part of the predicate can generate a join:
get("/users?address.country=Spain") generates:
select user0_.id as id1_1_,
user0_.name as name2_1_
from user user0_
cross join address address1_
where user0_.id=address1_.user_id
and address1_.country='Spain'
In the example above though I see that the relationship is one-to-one.
My question is: is it possible to provide a path that goes from one-to-many in order to create an implicit outer join
e.g. in the above guide example would I be able to provide: /users?address.country=Spain if users had one-to-many relationship with address, and get back something like the following?:
I just answered this question, sort of, at least in terms of joining. I don't know what you mean by "as part of a predicate". I encourage you to research and post what you have tried before asking questions poorly on SO.
JPA Criteria: QuerySyntaxException for left join on treat entity

Run complex SQL Query with spring boot repositories

i have a little complex scenario using spring data and jpa currently.
My data structure is like:
And i like to create a filter: give me all events which belongs to a list of structures, within a given period and is assigned to a list of categories.
I was able to create a sample SQL statement:
select * from event e inner join period p on e.period_id=p.id
inner join category_item_ids ci on e.id=ci.item_ids
inner join category c on ci.category_id=c.id
inner join event_assignment_structure_ids es on es.event_assignment_id=e.id
where p.start between '2020-05-01 12:00:00.000000' and '2020-11-14 12:00:00.000000' and
c.id in (1) and
es.structure_ids in (1,2)
But my objects are currently not wired together by all the JPA annotations.
e.g. the "Same ID" is something i did by convention to make the parts a little more independend.
So using the JPA way is currently no option i guess due to the missing relations.
Introducing them will be also quite a lot of work.
So i was wondering if there is a possiblity to run the sql query directly (i could use native query, but thats also no option, cause the filter values are not always given, so i need 13 native queries)
I used enityManager and query Builder in the past, but thats also no option due to the missing jpa relations.
Any ideas are much welcome :-)

How to make left join on two un-related tables in hibernate query

I am trying to write a left join in hibernate query. I am not able to finish it because the two tables have no relationship.
How to make left join query in hibernate query?
If the tables have no relationship how do you expect to join them? They have to be related somehow.
Basically you need to join ON SOMETHING, if you just want data from both tables then you can query them separately.
Some more information is definitely warranted here.
Anywho, pretending that we have two tables TA and TB, if TA is connected to TB as a TA.tbData where tbData is a #OneToMany relationship, you can do something similar to:
You should have your Root from TA, let's call it here rootTA.
Join<TA, TB> fromTA = rootTA.join('tbData', JoinType.LEFT);
// your business logic here
Either way, this is very generic, without any code information or telling us what you tried, it means next nothing.
You can use DetachedCriteria that performs subquery
an example follows
DetachedCriteria personCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Person.class);
personCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("personLastName", "Smith"));
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Account.class);

OBIEE 10G outer join

I am new to OBIEE 10G.
I have a DimA (dimension), FactA (fact). I mapped foreign key relationship between DimA and FactA on DimA.A = FactA.A in BMM, the relationship is inner and greyed out, so I can't change it to outer join.
So in the answers report, it only shows data of the inner join of the two tables. What I want is to show all items in DimA and related items of FactA or 0 for those not related.
I have posted a similar question here before https://forums.oracle.com/thread/2596618
But I still can't modify the relationship (still greyed out) even if I opened a offline repository.
And what I am thinking is is there an option in answers to dynamically control the join (inner or outer). For example, sometimes I want to show only matched DimA and FactA , sometimes all DimA and related FactA or 0, so that I don't have to modify the BMM in repository every time if the requirement changes.
What's the best practice for this case?
I found in physical diagram, I can't change the type of relationship (complex join or foreign key). But in logical diagram I can change for both.
I found these useful:
If you're in OBIEE 10g, you can use a complex join. in a complex join, you can modify the join type.

When to use JOIN and when not to in LINQ to entities

I am new to Linq and I have seen that if there are multiple entities, some use the multiple FROM syntax like this:
from h in db.Hubs
from ch in h.CityHubs where ch.Cities.CityID == 1
and some use the explicity join syntax.
from h in db.Hubs
join ch in da.CityHubs on h.CityId equals ch.CityId
If I am using Linq to entities, which one should I use? If I were to use Linq to objects, which one should I use?
As a rule, in Entity Framework, if you have a proper model and properly set up navigation properties for foreign keys, you should almost never use join - instead you access your navigational property directly and EF will generate the necessary join in the SQL code for you. I recommend taking a look at #Craig Stuntz's blogpost regarding this issue.
Regarding Linq-to-objects, however, it depends on the particular query you are writing.
